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Social Banjo-Kazooie Social Thread - Project Dream Come True!


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I've talked with Duckmeat before, he was one of the more reputable members of discords I'm a part of.

Mr. Stagg

Ay ugly! Gimme back my friggen sister!
Oct 3, 2008
When this is looking more and more real.

Just a glimpse of what I'll do to the haters that mocked us for months.
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Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Ok this is not my best work. But I had to throw it together real quick.

This is going to age real well I just know it lol
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2015
Deep in Bowsette's lair.
Wow, the Google theory got some shots in the arm today.
Anyone here a Dark Souls fan? Is Artorias really a realistic contender? From what I can tell, he's just a boss, not a main character or anything.

If this really ends up being the DLC character list, I'm more than satisfied. But pretty much only because of Banjo & Kazooie. They're all I'd ever need to rate a DLC roster 10/10.

I have a lot of respect for Dark Souls and Ryu's, (oh God, there'd be three of them) games but I can't really say that I'd be excited to see any characters from said series in Smash. I guess their movesets could spark some interest in me though. (Ryu would probably give me the ninja moveset I've always wanted)
But Doomguy is a complete miss for me. I've never had the slightest bit of interest in gritty FPS games.

It seems people like me who are rooting for both Banjo and Erdrick are a rare breed indeed...
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Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2018
Even so could they be adds for not just characters but also mii costumes ? see if the persona & tail/knuckes mii costumes also bring up an add for smash ultimate DLC

they could be DLC characters or DLC Mii costumes ???

just good to make sure could some one in the UK was it ? check this theory out Plz thanks <3View attachment 219075 Strange to think these are the DLC Characters ?
Joker: Was cool
the other 3 never played there games could absolutly care less ! Rather have sora, crash, spyro & the like other then BK this would be dissapointing DLC to as a Nintendo & Smash fan

like even during the Smash WiiU time I never played FF7 but was hyped for cloud B/C the smash community actually wanted that character for YEARS ! Ryu & doomguy only recently got "popular" for smash due to "rumors" otherwise I NEVER really heard anyone talking about them Come on sakurai you had the ballot votes, but if it means banjo kazooie I am all for it despite the dissapointment for other character :D *IF ITS TRUE*
I mean as long as I get Banjo & Kazooie I could care less who the other DLC are. It could be a bunch of Fire Emblem characters and as long as Banjo & Kazooie was the outlier, I'd be satisfied. I mean sure I'd be kind of disappointed that only one cartoony platformer mascot character got in while everyone else is a hardcore humanoid human warrior of some sort, especially since want a diverse plethora of styles and characters, but if it had to be only one, I'd rather it be the one freaking pair of characters I've been wanting for a life time now. I'll take what I can get!

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
That is very, and i mean very, interesting, I gotta admit. But could that feature be something anyone could do? Push might not have done it (he just made a bare bones ad to prove that anyone can do it) , but maybe if someone put in a little bit more effort in setting up an advertisement the changing description could be replicated. I dont know if anyone csn try and replicate this, but I think it would be best to try it before we declare this an epic victory royale (and an epic victory royale it would be. I would **** a brick if Banjo and Doomguy both got in, so I can only be cautiously optimistic)


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
That is very, and i mean very, interesting, I gotta admit. But could that feature be something anyone could do? Push might not have done it (he just made a bare bones ad to prove that anyone can do it) , but maybe if someone put in a little bit more effort in setting up an advertisement the changing description could be replicated. I dont know if anyone csn try and replicate this, but I think it would be best to try it before we declare this an epic victory royale (and an epic victory royale it would be. I would **** a brick if Banjo and Doomguy both got in, so I can only be cautiously optimistic)
I imagine both Banjo and Doomguy directly next to each other on the character select screen like in your signature. Western Bros.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2014
Artorias is an EXTREMELY popular boss in the dark souls community and has interesting lore behind him. Its a bit unfortunate that he mostly uses sword swing but if they'd take a bit of creative liberty and have him use dark magic he could be unique.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
I'm trying to stay cautious with this theory, i know it might have evidence to be true but i don't want to be fooled again as well as you guys, if this theory does turn out to be real then Banjo & Kazooie are in smash but if it turns out to be false then they could still be in, i'm still worry about the possibly of the duo not being in the game as Fighters.

As for my thoughts on the characters from this, Doomslayer and Hayabusa i'm fine with(though the former i'm starting to feel interest in),Artorias is peeking my interest and i'd like to see how he fairs out.

Mr. Stagg

Ay ugly! Gimme back my friggen sister!
Oct 3, 2008
Artorias is an EXTREMELY popular boss in the dark souls community and has interesting lore behind him. Its a bit unfortunate that he mostly uses sword swing but if they'd take a bit of creative liberty and have him use dark magic he could be unique.
Looking at his lore I can confidently see him being "Brave". This dude was a badass of a hero. I fully support Artorias here.


Smash Lord
Oct 29, 2015
Honestly, even with Banjo-Kazooie, that would be kind of an underwhelming DLC roster; I have no idea/don't really care about any of the other guys on their own, so I wouldn't have that big a reaction based on them alone, especially since that'd be only two out of the five characters that I'd actually be excited for.

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
Honestly, even with Banjo-Kazooie, that would be kind of an underwhelming DLC roster; I have no idea/don't really care about any of the other guys on their own, so I wouldn't have that big a reaction based on them alone, especially since that'd be only two out of the five characters that I'd actually be excited for.
Well, realistically you weren't going to get more than 1 or 2 characters that appeal to you personally. That's just how it goes when it comes to limited DLC selection where they try to appeal to multiple different groups.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2018
United Kingdom
Interesting theory, I feel like in other threads people have been very quick to dismiss it. I'm not fully sold yet but it does also seem like a possible DLC roster.

I just tried it on an incognito tab (I'm European) and it worked, yet I couldn't get it working for **** like "Rayman" or "Steve".

To be honest, only Banjo of the 4 would excite me but the rest are very deserving so who knows.

Edit: I can get it to work for all of them except Ryu Hayabusa for some reason. Even Artorias...
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Smash Lord
Oct 29, 2015
Well, realistically you weren't going to get more than 1 or 2 characters that appeal to you personally. That's just how it goes when it comes to limited DLC selection where they try to appeal to multiple different groups.
That's fair, I guess. And two of my three most-wanted characters would still be amazing!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2018
That's fair, I guess. And two of my three most-wanted characters would still be amazing!
Hey well, you know what they say:
If it looks like a wishlist, it probably isnt true.

This certainly doesnt look like one, so thats a plus!

I obviously love Banjo&Kazooie. Doom Slayer is great for me since I love Doom. Dont much care for the others, but that just makes the list more realistic to me. Artorias is.... really just completely out there.
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Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
Truth be told Artorias is a character I didn't know I wanted until now... damn.

Banjo & Kazooie my most wanted DLC

Doom Slayer reps my favorite FPS... I NEVER thought Doom would be in Smash.. never.. so that would be awesome

Artorias.. wow.. never thought I'd see Dark Souls in Smash..

The only character I'm meh about is Ryu.. I don't care much about Ninja Gaiden never did.. but its cool if he gets in, old series that certainly would be great to see in Smash.

Really hoping it's legit and it's sort of looking good
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Smash Lord
Oct 29, 2015
I guess my thing with the other three is that from what I've heard, Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls are kind of notorious for being really hard games (which aren't ones that I like to play), and I don't really care about FPS games, so even from the perspective of getting me to try a potential new game, these wouldn't really do much for me (unlike Joker and Persona 5), so it'd pretty much be up to the moveset to win me over.

Lycan Rex

Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2015
If this really our line up then I don't think I can ask sakurai for anything again. I said before that if I get banjo then I wouldn't care who the other characters are, but this will blow it out of the water for me.

Banjo: Duh.

I don't have a big attachment to ryu. I've played ninja gaiden 2 and 3. Solid games, welcome addition to the roster. Not someone I would gush over tho.

Doomguy is another character I want, but always assumed he was too much of a pipe dream. Doom is one of my favorite FPS's so he would be hype as ****.

Artorias...****ing artorias tho! Weird choice for sure. I always assumed sakurai would go for chosen undead as a ds rep. But artorias would be sooooooo much cooler. Can't stop gushing over him. Contrast to the other sword characters in this game, artorias is much more violent, and somewhat animalistic, with his sword swings. Often doing flips in the air. To get a better idea, here's his boss battle:
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Lycan Rex

Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2015
Verge: I'm the most credible smash leaker!

Best buy: Hold my beer.

Nintendo: Lol! You guys are cute.

Google: Omae wa mou shindeiru

Everyone: N A N I?!?!?

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
So if Im reading this correctly, at this point in time we know that this is quite hard to pull off, but still possible to fake. I am curious how one would hardcode random ads like he is saying (if its even possible to do within the limitations of an independent google ad), and how much faking these ads would theoretically cost. These bits of information could help us, but I dont know how we would go about this.

Edit- All of these suspected characters have/will have soemthing to play on Swotch by the end of the year, EXCEPT for Banjo.
Joker-Persona 5 Scramble
Artorias- Dark Souls Remastered
Doom Slayer- Doom Eternal
Ryu- Ninja Gaiden (NES Online)
If rumors of Rare Replay coming to Switch are true, then every character will advertise something recent and relevant. Interesting.

Edit 2- Thinking about it, I am getting more and more suspicious of Duckmeat. He is the one that stumbled upon this Theory, and is discovering more and more information about how these Google ads work. Its possible that he is just trying his best to help get to the bottom of this, but anything goes, he could be the one behind this. Has anyone on the discord questoined him/ theorized him being the man behind the hoax?
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I'm going to be cautious about this theory, as it seems odd, but it is possible that NoE slipped and got some ads ready early on. That Artorias leak from February is interesting, though I do find it odd they'd add a boss before the Chosen Undead or Solaire or whoever (haven't played Dark Souls but these two seem like the main characters? Apparently the Undead guy is the player's character).

I don't care about any of the characters aside from B-K, but they seem cool so I wouldn't mind them and would probably be interested in them honestly I feel the same for just about any character I don't particularly care about.

I just want Steve and B-K at this point. I don't expect any of the other characters in my signature (plus Porky) having a good chance of appearing, as much as I'd like them too...

In regards to Steve-related posts I missed recently, the employees who talked about him don't seem like hard disconfirms since they seem to have only given their own views/opinions, and the guys at Minecon laughed but a Switch-version dev there did like the idea so they could've laughed for whatever reason; admittedly they may hurt his chances a bit, but there's not enough evidence to disconfirm him imo. Also possible they wouldn't have known or finished negotiations or whatever at that time, but idk. Finally, I still personally think Steve would be fine as a character and the music would be fine, too, but meh we're all just putting forth our own opinions anyway so I guess none of this matters in the grand scheme of things.
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Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2018
So since I've missed quite a bit about this particular leak, can someone sum up succinctly what Banjo-Kazooie's role is in this leak? Was there an ad on Google somewhere advertising them and these other fighters? Is that the leak in general? I'm obviously not taking any leak without a grain of salt and a sideways glance, especially after the Grinch leak, but anything to keep a conversation going while we wait for E3 to roll around!
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
I don't particularly care for "harde geme git gud lol" bros on the internet but I'd gladly accept Artorias. I'll be extra glad to take him if it means vegetable benny gets steamed.

dude looks dope

Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
The rabbit hole only sinks further: Turns out someone "leaked" Artorias back in February, and just like the first Piranha Plant leak it went completely unnoticed


View attachment 218933

This is literally the first time I've ever heard of anyone mentioning Artorias before Google Theory. Well, if it's true we'll know in a month since they claim he's the next DLC
I can’t think of a good reason to make Anor Londo his stage since he’s fought in the Royal Woods (in the past) and his companion Sif is fought at his grave in the Darkroot Garden.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I can’t think of a good reason to make Anor Londo his stage since he’s fought in the Royal Woods (in the past) and his companion Sif is fought at his grave in the Darkroot Garden.
Could be possible the 4chan post is just talking out of their ass and got lucky.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I mean as long as I get Banjo & Kazooie I could care less who the other DLC are. It could be a bunch of Fire Emblem characters and as long as Banjo & Kazooie was the outlier, I'd be satisfied. I mean sure I'd be kind of disappointed that only one cartoony platformer mascot character got in while everyone else is a hardcore humanoid human warrior of some sort, especially since want a diverse plethora of styles and characters, but if it had to be only one, I'd rather it be the one freaking pair of characters I've been wanting for a life time now. I'll take what I can get!
Same here. I wasn't really fond of a lot of the newcomers in the base game, but two of my most wanted characters I've waited 17 years for K. Rool and Ridley made it and I didn't really care less about who else would have made in the base game after seeing those two. Of course, I would have enjoyed to have seen Banjo & Kazooie in the base game, but I wasn't dying or ******** that they didn't make the cut for base. Hopefully they are in the Season Pass because if they are, I can call it a day for this Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
So since I've missed quite a bit about this particular leak, can someone sum up succinctly what Banjo-Kazooie's role is in this leak? Was there an ad on Google somewhere advertising them and these other fighters? Is that the leak in general? I'm obviously not taking any leak without a grain of salt and a sideways glance, especially after the Grinch leak, but anything to keep a conversation going while we wait for E3 to roll around!

Banjo is one of five characters that displays a SSB:Ultimate DLC advertisement when you search a european based google site as an anonymous user (logged out). Hundreds of characters were checked, and only five (including Joker) displays the ad.

Theory is that someone in Nintendo set the advertisements and the search terms they're linked to too early.

That's how I understand.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Not willing to go all in just yet, but it seems more concrete than the Grinch leak imo.
People thought the Grinch leak was pretty concrete. There was so many fights over that one because of how convincing it was. I think we should all be cautious over these things from now on.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
People thought the Grinch leak was pretty concrete. There was so many fights over that one because of how convincing it was. I think we should all be cautious over these things from now on.
We can say this. But a lot of people around here were treating 5chan leaks as gospel and think Tansuit can never tell a lie. No one are saints here.

Nameless Kot

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2018
I can’t think of a good reason to make Anor Londo his stage since he’s fought in the Royal Woods (in the past) and his companion Sif is fought at his grave in the Darkroot Garden.
Well to be fair, Anor Londo is the most recognized/famous area of the Dark Souls series thanks to the lore, difficulty in some parts (damned archers) and the most beautiful chest of all.
About the characters, my most wanted Banjo Kazooie is in if this is true so hell yeah. Artorias is someone I hadn't think about before but I love it, he is one of the best fights in the 3 games, lorewise his story is very bad ass and sad and as other people had said he has an animalistic fighting style, only uses his left arm because the other one is broken and he is corrupted by the abyss which can lead to interesting mechanics. Also he is inspired by Guts from Berserk so is like having Guts in smash bros woah, I am all in for it.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
People thought the Grinch leak was pretty concrete. There was so many fights over that one because of how convincing it was. I think we should all be cautious over these things from now on.
I think above anything the Grinch just showed us why we should never go all in on a leak and that people can fake these things. But it shouldn't be used to outright write off every single weird leak that comes along.

Even credible images can be faked (Rayman, Grinch), so if we're going to outright **** on every little theory that comes along then we may as well stop speculating period. This stuff's fun, even if it ends up being fake in the end. Nobody believes it to 100% anyway.

Mr. Stagg

Ay ugly! Gimme back my friggen sister!
Oct 3, 2008
I think above anything the Grinch just showed us why we should never go all in on a leak and that people can fake these things. But it shouldn't be used to outright write off every single weird leak that comes along.

Even credible images can be faked (Rayman, Grinch), so if we're going to outright **** on every little theory that comes along then we may as well stop speculating period. This stuff's fun, even if it ends up being fake in the end. Nobody believes it to 100% anyway.
You can't deny that this one has some "teeth" to it. For it to be consistent in it's results shows that there is something to this one, plus it deals with AD's, an integral part of all businesses. Text Leaks and Picture leaks seem small time compared to the supposed money behind this one. One thing I want to know is when these ad results were put out there. Until we get some hard proof this was just faked results, this monster seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
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