While I'd like to agree with you, I'm also aware that people can be particular with what they buy, myself included. I love Smash to death but I never bought Bayonetta or Corrin as dlc last game. Fact is, some of us out there only buy the dlc we're excited for. Not all of us need to have every character, especially those of us who avoid online play. True, I will probably be getting Joker even though I've never played any of his games, but that's only due to having a pretty cool aesthetic and a few friends that know him well and convinced me of his potential move set. As it stands, I'm going to fully analyze each revealed character to decide whether or not I would want them. The only way and I mean ONLY way I buy the fighter pass would be to show my overwhelming support should they ever announce Banjo-Kazooie. Is that the best way for Nintendo to notice anything? Probably not but it's all I got lol. Anyway, the only reason I brought this up is because I've lost count of all the users out there who just assume everyone who loves Smash will buy anything they release. It's simply untrue.