If it is still of continued interest to you lads, I made a
height measurement list a week or two back. It includes (where available) a character's canon height, their base stance height in smash (with both feet on the ground), and their peak height (with both feet on the ground) in smash. I also included some measurements for DLC character contemplation, and Banjo was a fun one to think about due to the lack of data.
Something we can make note of, though it is no longer '
canon' (and character sizes in DKR are already odd), is that Banjo is roughly the same height as
Krunch. Krunch, one of the racers in Diddy Kong Racing, is a Kremling from King K. Rool's army. But, in particular, he is a member of the
Kritter sub-species of Kremlings. Kritters are eye level with D.K. (when quadrupedal) in most of their canonical appearances, and with Banjo's height comparison to a Kritter, this makes him comparable to Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong is usually seen to be around Six Feet (when quadrupedal)...which would make Banjo to be around six feet tall. Within Smash Bros, D.K.'s default stance is roughly
2.0 Smash Cubes (20 small blocks on the training map). If Banjo was made with this information in mind, he would be somewhere between Captain Falcon (1.8) and Donkey Kong (2.0). Diddy, Meanwhile, is around
1.2 Smash Cubes in his default stance.
However, this is all coming from Banjo's appearance in Diddy Kong Racing, and can no longer be taken as truth. It's also worth noting that Krunch's design is not the same as other Kritters. This could be due to DKR's art style, or indicative that Krunch is not fully grown.
But, within Banjo's own series? Scale gets...weird. You'll have Banjo stacked up against humanoids like the Gruntilda Clanmembers or Captain Blackeye, both of whom are larger than Banjo, but then you'll run into Humba Wumba who is...also bigger than Banjo, but is then made smaller in
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts N' Bolts. This all brings up the wonderful questions of: "
Is Banjo Bear-sized and everyone else is a giant?" or "
Is everyone else normal and Banjo is the world's smallest bear?"