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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

  • Total voters


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Has anyone made a Snake Codec Call for Bandana Dee yet?
Gosh, I wish I could try, but I SUCK at trying to impersonate characters.
But it would probably go among the lines of Snake calling him "A ball with a blue hat" and maybe saying something like "isn't it a bit dangerous for him to be wielding a spear at his size" or something.
I dunno. :\

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Has anyone made a Snake Codec Call for Bandana Dee yet?
If there hasn't been one yet (I'd be surprised), my experience making Kid Icarus and Super Smashboards codecs would leave me a decent candidate for the job, I would say. I'd volunteer if there's demand for it.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
If there hasn't been one yet (I'd be surprised), my experience making Kid Icarus and Super Smashboards codecs would leave me a decent candidate for the job, I would say. I'd volunteer if there's demand for it.
Please do. Even though I highly (HIGHLY) doubt Solid Snake's return to Smash 4, I do think it would be interesting to see a possible Codec for him. Little easter eggs like those Codecs are always pretty interesting.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Alrighty, did a thing.
[collapse="Snake Codec - Bandana Waddle Dee"]
"Otacon, I found a... Thing... And it wants to make shish kabob!"
"Oh, that must be Bandana Waddle Dee! Or is it just Bandana Dee? Hard to tell, sometimes."
"Ah, so it's just another Waddle Dee? I've fought plenty of these things in Smash Run already. They all go down in a couple of blows. Shouldn't be a problem."
"Don't underestimate your opponent, Snake. This one's different. In a desire to make himself different from all like him, Bandana Dee has trained long and hard in the ways of combat. He can give Revolver Ocelot a run for his money in terms of putting holes in people."
"And all of this just to keep King Dedede, his master, jolly and in a good mood. I can't help but admire that kind of determination!"
"Still, you think he'd do a little bit more to make himself look different. Just wearing a bandana doesn't change a whole lot."
"I really don't think you and that bandana of yours should be one to talk, Snake."
"Urgh... ... ..."[/collapse]
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
Alrighty, did a thing.
[collapse="Snake Codec - Bandana Waddle Dee"]
"Otacon, I found a... Thing... And it wants to make shish kabob!"
"Oh, that must be Bandana Waddle Dee! Or is it just Bandana Dee? Hard to tell, sometimes."
"Ah, so it's just another Waddle Dee? I've fought plenty of these things in Smash Run already. They all go down in a couple of blows. Shouldn't be a problem."
"Don't underestimate your opponent, Snake. This one's different. In a desire to make himself different from all like it, Bandana Dee has trained long and hard in the ways of combat. He can give Revolver Ocelot a run for his money in terms of putting holes in people."
"And all of this just to keep King Dedede, his master, jolly and in a good mood. I can't help but admire that kind of determination!"
"Still, you think he'd do a little bit more to make himself look different. Just wearing a bandana doesn't change a whole lot."
"I really don't think you and that bandana of yours should be one to talk, Snake."
"Urgh... ... ..."[/collapse]
Oh my god, that's perfect.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Alrighty, did a thing.
[collapse="Snake Codec - Bandana Waddle Dee"]
"Otacon, I found a... Thing... And it wants to make shish kabob!"
"Oh, that must be Bandana Waddle Dee! Or is it just Bandana Dee? Hard to tell, sometimes."
"Ah, so it's just another Waddle Dee? I've fought plenty of these things in Smash Run already. They all go down in a couple of blows. Shouldn't be a problem."
"Don't underestimate your opponent, Snake. This one's different. In a desire to make himself different from all like it, Bandana Dee has trained long and hard in the ways of combat. He can give Revolver Ocelot a run for his money in terms of putting holes in people."
"And all of this just to keep King Dedede, his master, jolly and in a good mood. I can't help but admire that kind of determination!"
"Still, you think he'd do a little bit more to make himself look different. Just wearing a bandana doesn't change a whole lot."
"I really don't think you and that bandana of yours should be one to talk, Snake."
"Urgh... ... ..."[/collapse]
Beautiful. I don't rather know Snake very well, or Otacon, for that matter, but this seems like what they'd say from what I've seen in Brawl. Pip!
Oh my god, that's perfect.
(Note: based upon my Avatar change, I've also changed Poke-Speak words.)

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Beautiful. I don't rather know Snake very well, or Otacon, for that matter, but this seems like what they'd say from what I've seen in Brawl. Pip!
I watched MGS 1 and 2 codecs and the Brawl codecs before I did this. All you really have to know about Snake is that he's a clone of a guy named Big Boss, who also had clones of him named Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. Cue the comparison between Snake and Bandana Dee.
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
I see. Thank you. I'm not really into adult-oriented games.
Any particular reason why? Personally I usually just roll my eyes whenever a game tries too hard to be vulgar, or and/or has too much blood+gore. However, it is quite often that I go around looking at games that anyone could play, and then it turns out it is rated M, and I have no clue why even after I beat it.
Of course, being under 18 can be a pretty darn good reason too, I always hated M rated games when I was younger because I couldn't play them (funnily enough my grandparents accidently got an M rated game for my 8th birthday called Quake 2)

I haven't played any of the Metal Gear games (except Metal Gear on the NES, which really doesn't count). While at a glance Metal Gear looks like just another "super serious shooter", looking into it by watching some random clips, it seems to be rather silly and sarcastic a lot of the time (sometimes getting me to laugh) while having a focus on being stealthy. One of these days I'll play it, or watch a playthrough of it though. Right now I've only seen a playthrough of Metal Gear: Revengeance, which is a departure from the Metal Gear Solid Series, since you're playing as Raiden (Cyborg Ninja man). With it's gameplay, it reminds me a lot of the Kirby games where you just blow through a bunch of enemies, just with fewer + stronger enemies. It has the perfect blend of being "badass" and being super cheesy.

Alrighty, did a thing.
[collapse="Snake Codec - Bandana Waddle Dee"]
"Otacon, I found a... Thing... And it wants to make shish kabob!"
"Oh, that must be Bandana Waddle Dee! Or is it just Bandana Dee? Hard to tell, sometimes."
"Ah, so it's just another Waddle Dee? I've fought plenty of these things in Smash Run already. They all go down in a couple of blows. Shouldn't be a problem."
"Don't underestimate your opponent, Snake. This one's different. In a desire to make himself different from all like him, Bandana Dee has trained long and hard in the ways of combat. He can give Revolver Ocelot a run for his money in terms of putting holes in people."
"And all of this just to keep King Dedede, his master, jolly and in a good mood. I can't help but admire that kind of determination!"
"Still, you think he'd do a little bit more to make himself look different. Just wearing a bandana doesn't change a whole lot."
"I really don't think you and that bandana of yours should be one to talk, Snake."
"Urgh... ... ..."[/collapse]
Nice work man. Now we just need someone with decent voice acting, a good microphone, and a firm grasp on how their voices sound.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2014
Saw this floating around at the laugh at miiverse community, so I thought it would be nice to share.

This give me hope, but the caption should be "Newcomer" and not "Update".


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
I put together a codec call for BD a while ago.

"Colonel, what's this strange creature with a spear?"
"That's Waddle Dee, Snake."
"Waddle Dee? Aren't those the creatures King Dedede tosses around?"
"Precisely. Waddle Dees are common citizens in Dream Land. They're not much of a threat, but King Dedede has a loyal army of them ready to serve him."
"This Waddle Dee is wearing a bandana, though. Is he a rebel against King Dedede?"
"No, actually, just the opposite. The Waddle Dee you're fighting now is the captain of his army. He's also King Dedede's most loyal subject."
"Great, just my luck to fight the king's royal guard..."

As well as one for Pit and Palutena.
"Lady Palutena, that Waddle Dee is trying to skewer me!"
"Aww, relax, Pit! How can you let yourself get bullied by a little Waddle Dee?"
"But this one is tossing spears at me!"
"Wow, you're more of a baby than I though-..."
*Palutena stops for a moment, looking closer.*
"Oh, that Waddle Dee! Why didn't you say you were fighting him?"
"He's just wearing a bandana, what makes him so special?"
"The Waddle Dee you're fighting now is actually King Dedede's lackey."
"Lackey? This guy's not fighting for himself? I thought all rebels wore stupid things on their head."
"Nope. I've gazed into Waddle Dee's soul, which burns with a deep respect for his King."
*Palutena slying smirks at Pit.*
"Perhaps you could learn something from him, Pit."
"...I'm not wearing that stupid bandana, though."


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Alrighty, did a thing.
[collapse="Snake Codec - Bandana Waddle Dee"]
"Otacon, I found a... Thing... And it wants to make shish kabob!"
"Oh, that must be Bandana Waddle Dee! Or is it just Bandana Dee? Hard to tell, sometimes."
"Ah, so it's just another Waddle Dee? I've fought plenty of these things in Smash Run already. They all go down in a couple of blows. Shouldn't be a problem."
"Don't underestimate your opponent, Snake. This one's different. In a desire to make himself different from all like him, Bandana Dee has trained long and hard in the ways of combat. He can give Revolver Ocelot a run for his money in terms of putting holes in people."
"And all of this just to keep King Dedede, his master, jolly and in a good mood. I can't help but admire that kind of determination!"
"Still, you think he'd do a little bit more to make himself look different. Just wearing a bandana doesn't change a whole lot."
"I really don't think you and that bandana of yours should be one to talk, Snake."
"Urgh... ... ..."[/collapse]


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Any particular reason why? Personally I usually just roll my eyes whenever a game tries too hard to be vulgar, or and/or has too much blood+gore. However, it is quite often that I go around looking at games that anyone could play, and then it turns out it is rated M, and I have no clue why even after I beat it.
Of course, being under 18 can be a pretty darn good reason too, I always hated M rated games when I was younger because I couldn't play them (funnily enough my grandparents accidently got an M rated game for my 8th birthday called Quake 2)

I haven't played any of the Metal Gear games (except Metal Gear on the NES, which really doesn't count). While at a glance Metal Gear looks like just another "super serious shooter", looking into it by watching some random clips, it seems to be rather silly and sarcastic a lot of the time (sometimes getting me to laugh) while having a focus on being stealthy. One of these days I'll play it, or watch a playthrough of it though. Right now I've only seen a playthrough of Metal Gear: Revengeance, which is a departure from the Metal Gear Solid Series, since you're playing as Raiden (Cyborg Ninja man). With it's gameplay, it reminds me a lot of the Kirby games where you just blow through a bunch of enemies, just with fewer + stronger enemies. It has the perfect blend of being "badass" and being super cheesy.
I just don't like seeing blood and gore flying everywhere. One of the reasons I hate Mortal Kombat is that it's such an over-the-top game with the extreme blood and gore. Seriously, they throw simple punches and kicks that nearly anyone in real life could recreate, yet it sends a full gallon jug of blood flying out every hit.

I've watched a few things about Metal Gear Solid. I will say that if it was slightly less bloody, I could maybe get into it. it seems like a fun shooter. Even so, however, I just can't like something with such amount of blood.

One of the fuels of my "fire" towards certain adult things, I will say, comes from the extreme amount of parodies and bad fanfiction I've seen all over. A lot of Pokemon parodies have people pulling out guns and shooting someone, having Pokemon literally kill each other like a dogfight (I will not say anything of the other kind), or someone even worse and more disgusting.


Bad fanfics as I call them are almost always about things like the stupid, made up "Pokemon version" of beastiality, horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE yaoi pairings between Ash and one of his male rivals (NON OF THIS IS CANON, BY THE WAY), 20 years later fics, which in and of themselves push me away instantly, and more things. Usually people just obsess with realism and make EVERYTHING in that world deadly/fatal to the other Pokemon.

Don't even get me started on Sonic and Mario and Zelda and Kirby fanfictions, either, because those are just as bad.

I have an extremely deep emotional connection to Pokemon and Kirby and Mario and Zelda. They are the practical symbols of my childhood innocence. Seeing them just destroyed infuriates and saddens me. Especially Pokemon.

See something connecting? No blood and gore flying everywhere with those five. No cussing is ever intended (Shadow's game is an exception and ignored).

I can't stand realism in video games. I can't stand blood, gore, or anything even slightly past that. I hate jiggle physics. I can't stand the constant pervert I run into online.

Those are my reasons for not liking M-rated material.

If we wish to continue this, we'll do so with a private conversation.
Saw this floating around at the laugh at miiverse community, so I thought it would be nice to share.

This give me hope, but the caption should be "Newcomer" and not "Update".
Please happen please happen please happen please happen please happen please happen
I put together a codec call for BD a while ago.

"Colonel, what's this strange creature with a spear?"
"That's Waddle Dee, Snake."
"Waddle Dee? Aren't those the creatures King Dedede tosses around?"
"Precisely. Waddle Dees are common citizens in Dream Land. They're not much of a threat, but King Dedede has a loyal army of them ready to serve him."
"This Waddle Dee is wearing a bandana, though. Is he a rebel against King Dedede?"
"No, actually, just the opposite. The Waddle Dee you're fighting now is the captain of his army. He's also King Dedede's most loyal subject."
"Great, just my luck to fight the king's royal guard..."

As well as one for Pit and Palutena.
"Lady Palutena, that Waddle Dee is trying to skewer me!"
"Aww, relax, Pit! How can you let yourself get bullied by a little Waddle Dee?"
"But this one is tossing spears at me!"
"Wow, you're more of a baby than I though-..."
*Palutena stops for a moment, looking closer.*
"Oh, that Waddle Dee! Why didn't you say you were fighting him?"
"He's just wearing a bandana, what makes him so special?"
"The Waddle Dee you're fighting now is actually King Dedede's lackey."
"Lackey? This guy's not fighting for himself? I thought all rebels wore stupid things on their head."
"Nope. I've gazed into Waddle Dee's soul, which burns with a deep respect for his King."
*Palutena slying smirks at Pit.*
"Perhaps you could learn something from him, Pit."
"...I'm not wearing that stupid bandana, though."
I love that Pit/Palutena one, it's totally perfect for them XD! However, you should have Viridi butt in with the "baby" comment and THEN have Palutena correct them both. I also think the wording here would be "captain of the guard".
Here's how I think it'd go:
Pit: "Lady Palutena, that Waddle Dee is trying to skewer me!"
Palutena: "Aww, relax, Pit! How can you let yourself get bullied by a little Waddle Dee?"
Pit: "But this one is tossing spears at me!"
Viridi: "Wow, you're more of a baby than I thought."
Palutena: "Oh, that Waddle Dee! Why didn't you say you were fighting him?"
Pit: "He's just wearing a bandana, what makes him so special?"
Palutena: "The Waddle Dee you're fighting now is actually King Dedede's captain. he commands the army for the king, kinda like how you're my captain."
Viridi: "Captain? This guy's not fighting for himself? I thought only rebels wore stupid things on their heads."
Palutena: "Nope. I've gazed into Waddle Dee's soul, which burns with a deep respect for his King. Perhaps you could learn something from him, Pit."
Pit: "...I'm not gonna start wearing a bandana, though."


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2014
Ichigaki Town
From Chronobound's findings


Mega Man
K. Rool

Dixie Kong
Waddle Dee

"Only Kirby characters that come up are Waddle Dee and Gooey. Waddle Dee gets far more requests than any other Kirby character."
"Also, I think its important to note that Skyward Sword was the lowest selling 3D Zelda in Japan. Kirby's Return to Dream Land sold much more than it even"

He's decently popular, it seems.
Heck I don't even see a Single Mario Character or a single Zelda Character??? AND ALMOST BEAT CHROM,Zoroark and EVEN DIXIE KONG(really overrated popular character that are in 90% of the top 10 wishlists). This is madness!!! I think we seeing true purpose in the popularity of waddle dee. I can see progress by this. This simply beautiful.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
I support him! I also made by myself his icon for the roster maker (I would post it here, but...I don't know how post picture from my desktop).
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2014
In My World~
I'd like to just take a minute to thank Chandelure for everything he has done for this thread. I believe that without him, the thread wouldn't be at nearly 100 pages. Also, he created arguably, the best OP on this forum.

He also likes nearly every reply on this thread.

Thank you, Chandelure~

On a side note: I have a feeling Bandana Dee could be revealed in the August Direct...I just feel something tugging at me...

Deleted member

On a side note: I have a feeling Bandana Dee could be revealed in the August Direct...I just feel something tugging at me...
I would be surprised if Bandana Dee was revealed in August. I guess we will have to wait and see before the Direct if Sal Romano has more stuff to say.
If anything, I either expect someone who's name will be known after the Direct or some character who would be revealed on purpose. (Shulk or Chrom)

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Internet :awesome:

Thanks for your support! :D
You have to press the button "Upload a File".
Emh...Sorry, I'm a little confuded, but I don't see the "Upload a File" buttom...where is it, in "More Options"?

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I would be surprised if Bandana Dee was revealed in August. I guess we will have to wait and see before the Direct if Sal Romano has more stuff to say.
If anything, I either expect someone who's name will be known after the Direct or some character who would be revealed on purpose. (Shulk or Chrom)
This is bothering me more than it should.

Anyway, I would think that if Bandanna Dee is in, he's probably either going to be a secret character, or potentially DLC. I'd be surprised to see him revealed before the game is released.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
I would be surprised if Bandana Dee was revealed in August. I guess we will have to wait and see before the Direct if Sal Romano has more stuff to say.
If anything, I either expect someone who's name will be known after the Direct or some character who would be revealed on purpose. (Shulk or Chrom)
who's name will be known
You just had to make that pun, didn't you? What's next, Reyn Teym?

Since someone brought it up, I'm just gonna say it. I'm officially a Shulk supporter. Chuggaaconroy's LP of Xenoblade Chronicles got me into the character.

Someone please tell me the freaking Monado can reverse time.

Though I still support Bandana Dee in full.
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Deleted member

This is bothering me more than it should.

Anyway, I would think that if Bandanna Dee is in, he's probably either going to be a secret character, or potentially DLC. I'd be surprised to see him revealed before the game is released.
Because Id~Purpose is Robin's song... and I mentioned Chrom... sorry. Maybe I should have said that maybe a character who could get confirmed via a conquest?

If Bandana Dee is in, I expect him to be a secret character as well. If DLC is indeed a thing like the Gematsu leak states, then I think Bandana Dee would be an option at least.

You just had to make that pun, didn't you? What's next, Reyn Teym?

Since someone brought it up, I'm just gonna say it. I'm officially a Shulk supporter. Chuggaaconroy's LP of Xenoblade Chronicles got me into the character.

Someone please tell me the freaking Monado can reverse time.

Though I still support Bandana Dee in full.
Well, born in a world of strife, against the odds, Bandana Dee chooses to fight! Spearsome dance! (you'll find what I'm referencing soon ;)).

The Monado can't reverse time, but Shulk can have a vision which, in turn, can be used to prevent the future. Of course, Shulk discussion should be in his thread and not here.
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Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Because Id~Purpose is Robin's song... and I mentioned Chrom... sorry. Maybe I should have said that maybe a character who could get confirmed via a conquest?

If Bandana Dee is in, I expect him to be a secret character as well. If DLC is indeed a thing like the Gematsu leak states, then I think Bandana Dee would be an option at least.

Well, born in a world of strife, against the odds, Bandana Dee chooses to fight! Spearsome dance! (you'll find what I'm referencing soon ;)).

The Monado can't reverse time, but Shulk can have a vision which, in turn, can be used to prevent the future. Of course, Shulk discussion should be in his thread and not here.
Yeah, sorry about going off topic, but you kinda brought it up and I needed to make my Shulk support official.

Something I've been wondering and yes this is on topic, will the secret characters not revealed until you unlock them get in-game trailers for after you unlock them? I'm rather curious. Every newcomer so far and the veteran Charizard has gotten a trailer, it'd be a shame if the secret newcomers were left out on the fun.

Just something I'm curious about. if Bandana gets in and is a secret unlockable, will he even get a trailer?
While I know the CG ones wouldn't be at HD, I know they'd still look pretty good in GameCube graphics. (3DS)


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I'd like to just take a minute to thank Chandelure for everything he has done for this thread. I believe that without him, the thread wouldn't be at nearly 100 pages. Also, he created arguably, the best OP on this forum.

He also likes nearly every reply on this thread.

Thank you, Chandelure~

On a side note: I have a feeling Bandana Dee could be revealed in the August Direct...I just feel something tugging at me...
Thank you :D

That would be awesome.
Emh...Sorry, I'm a little confuded, but I don't see the "Upload a File" buttom...where is it, in "More Options"?
Captura de pantalla (33).png



May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Why Bandana Dee?

Sakurai's criteria for selecting characters [Excerpt from GDC 2008]:

Bandana Dee is a character that fits all of those four points.
For starters, even though he may not be a character brought up frequently he is relevant enough to not be obscure, but under the radar enough so as to be surprising. He is a character people will want to play as. Whether that be because of his playstyle or character, he has a charm that will make him an attractive character. Not only that, but he comes with the ability to bring something different from a gameplay perspective that no other character on the roster can do. Fight using a spear. There will be people who will bring up random characters from Fire Emblem, or try to lump Krystal into the conversation; but Bandana Dee really is the only character who really has a fleshed out spear moveset that Sakurai can work with.​

3. The character must fit into the style of Super Smash Bros.

The character obviously has to be able to fit into the framework of how smash works, obviously Pac-Man and L Block would not work. (My examples, not his.)
Oh Snake, no wonder you aren't returning.​


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
3. The character must fit into the style of Super Smash Bros.

The character obviously has to be able to fit into the framework of how smash works, obviously Pac-Man and L Block would not work. (My examples, not his.)
The character obviously has to be able to fit into the framework of how smash works, obviously Pac-Man and L Block would not work. (My examples, not his.)
obviously Pac-Man and L Block would not work. (My examples, not his.)
Pac-Man would not work.

Shiny Porygon

Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2014
Assuming there will be a Nintendo Direct in August (Or even this month at least), then I think it would make sense to show Kirby & The Rainbow Curse and then immediately after Iwata says "Speaking of Kirby, we have a new trailer to show you. Please, take a look."

And then Meta Knight gets announced alongside Bandana Dee in the new trailer. I feel that's the best way they could implement it.

That being said...

What are your ideas for a trailer?
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Assuming there will be a Nintendo Direct in August (Or even this month at least), then I think it would make sense to show Kirby & The Rainbow Curse and then immediately after Iwata says "Speaking of Kirby, we have a new trailer to show you. Please, take a look."

And then Meta Knight gets announced alongside Bandana Dee in the new trailer. I feel that's the best way they could implement it.

That being said...

What are your ideas for a trailer?
The only thing I know is that Bandana Dee needs to save King Dedede XD
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