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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

  • Total voters


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Funny how RaccoonBL was right about us getting an assist trophy today.

Wasn't Bandana Dee though, thankfully.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Meta Knight doesn't have much to do with Triple Deluxe, so I wasn't expecting him today.

But still, Sakurai did say they didn't show all the AT's, so that is a bit concerning.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Inb4 Meta Knight turns into an Assist Trophy.... That would be pretty bad, though it would make him keep the reputation of being the toughest opponent of every game he's in. :bubblebobble:


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Inb4 Meta Knight turns into an Assist Trophy.... That would be pretty bad, though it would make him keep the reputation of being the toughest opponent of every game he's in. :bubblebobble:
That'll never happen.

If you are a veteran, you're either playable or not there at all.

Deleted member

Did anyone get Kirby Triple Deluxe? I did!
It's pretty good so far. I only did two worlds so far and I am enjoying the levels and atmospheres. The game has more color and life to it than Returns to Dream Land did and the areas themselves have much more pleasing aesthetics. The Kirby Smash Bros.-esque mode is also pretty damn fun on its own.
As for Bandana Dee's role in the game, he gives you food items which you can then use for yourself at any moment. He can also give you Keychains and stars if you got someone via StreetPass. He often gives you these items right before a mini-boss fight or a boss fight. The Spear ability doesn't have too many significant moves... but it's pretty weird how you can't use it in the Smash Bros. mode.
I will give my thoughts on the game as I go on. For now though, I'm enjoying it. It's pretty much cementing Bandana Dee as my 3rd most wanted newcomer, right behind Shulk and Little Mac. (and Bomberman ;-; )
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
I don't think I will. I still need Smash 4 3DS, a Wii U, Smash 4 Wii U, and Mario Kart 8 before I get Triple Deluxe. By then, I won't have enough money to even think about getting another game. (I won't be a ****** with my money. I will first work until I have a lot of spare money before getting a Wii U)


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
So been playing Triple Deluxe. It should be noted this its the first time I've used spear since I never played return to dreamland.

While it seems like there are only 3 potential special, I think Bandana Dee could borrow a few moves from some of the other Waddle Dees.

Also, I'm more interested in seeing Bandana Dee's final smash now that I'm playing Triple Deluxe. The Waddle Dee's in this game do some pretty interesting things.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Currently at World 5 myself, fantastic Kirby Experience so far. Its to bad they didn't think of making a co op mode featuring Kirby and BD (while MK is off apparently reading another book as plant life is terrorizing Dreamland...and he tried to conquer the place for being lazy >.> ) but its still really fun. Especially the Beetle power up, easily my favorite of the bunch.

Technically speaking its not like there's a rule that says vets can't be ATs, there isn't even a real standard yet on the subject. I kinda expect to see Squirtle and Ivy in Pokeball form for example, but eh, subject for another time.

The moveset I posted a few pages back basically pulled from the whole Waddle Dee playbook, as I can't see basing the entire thing off spear would work well.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
I got it at launch and it's amazing. Better than RtD imo.
Kirby Fighters is fun. Definitely worth my money just for that minigame.
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Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Yeah, I just got Triple Deluxe today myself and I'm already loving it. playing the heck out of Kirby Fighters and loving that I rediscovered my L-Button's functionality. (for a while it stopped working, but after popping in Triple Deluxe it suddenly worked fine! thank Arceus too, I was almost worried I wouldn't be able to play Smash 3DS in Summer properly because of it)

Bandana Dee, despite being a background character in this game, just helped me through the first boss. to be honest I didn't expect Flowery Woods to be.....well, mobile...... yay for Bandana! I will say though, I'll never go back to Triple D's minigame......I hate rhythm games like that one......

Can't wait to find Spear! Archer is epic and I'm loving Ninja! unfortunately I've never managed to play Return to Dreamland, but I will say I LOVE Triple Deluxe's DODGE command. Dodge you, dodge that guy, dodge the arrow, jump and dodge, plus spinning around is just fun in general so yay :)
I love how much more obvious the Sword Kirby/Link connection is now. Seriously, the Skyward Strike and the pogo blade of fun and death from Skyward Sword and Zelda II/Smash respectively? awesome! I can't help but make Link's SFX when I do the Spin Attack XD

I can tell I will play the crap outta this game till Smash 3D :)
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
I'm okay with this, I support this, Bandanna Dee is a new MAIN character. I won't be surprised if he gets in, but I won't be surprised if he doesn't.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
And just beat it. Great experience, I stand by my Beetle comment (it's SOOOOO broken, its the MK of power ups)

Its crazy how fast BD gets around. He beats Kirby everywhere lol

Deleted member

Hey guys, do you like my new icon? :)

BD is now the Rosalina of Kirby.
A character suddenly getting alot of attention.
Well, he recently got popularized by a recent game. Bandana Dee has received a lot of love (and sadly hate) after Returns to Dream Land.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
So I'm in World 2 now, and I just got Spear. I don't think I've ever had so much fun with a Kirby Power before! Spear Copter is so much fun! of course I also got to try out Archer Kirby in full and that power is pretty cool too! Legolas anyone? Now just one question: WHY ISN'T SPEAR IN KIRBY FIGHTERS?! SERIOUSLY! WHY!?

ugh, that aside, I'm wondering how the other powers I've yet to find/try out will work......hopefully they're fun too!

Bandana Dee's definitely helpful, not that I would expect anything less from him. Wishing he'd actually fight alongside me in one of these bouts, but for now I guess Spear Kirby will have to do. just Massacred Flowery Woods with Spear Kirby actually.....:)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2013
I got Triple Deluxe as well, and it really is awesome. The game feels similar to Return to Dreamland, but improved in some ways—like the addition of the dodge mechanic, and the game even feels faster paced. As for the sub-games, Kirby Fighters is fantastic, but I'm having a difficult time getting used to Dedede's Drum Dash.

In regards to our buddy Bandana Dee, he's definitely saved my butt quite a few times with his health items, but I wish I knew how he gets ahead of me all of the time.

BD is now the Rosalina of Kirby.
A character suddenly getting alot of attention.
Baby Bandana Dee for Air Ride 2?
Please no.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
XD Baby Bandana Dee......On the topic of Mario Kart Babies, what's next? Baby Yoshi? seriously though, I HATE Baby Mario........Stupid baby killed so many Yoshis when I was five!! :(

Kirby Air Ride 2 NEEDS to happen.

Maybe Bandana Dee has those Speed and Agility shoe things from Kirby Fighters? it'd make sense........or he's just that freaking awesome XD

Deleted member

XD Baby Bandana Dee......On the topic of Mario Kart Babies, what's next? Baby Yoshi?
Other than what BigAxle posted, this:

Kirby Air Ride 2 NEEDS to happen.
I would LOVE a sequel to Kirby Air Ride! I really enjoyed that game and City Trial is by far one of the best modes in any racing game. It needs to happen in a game like Mario Kart.

Maybe Bandana Dee has those Speed and Agility shoe things from Kirby Fighters? it'd make sense........or he's just that freaking awesome XD
He's just that awesome.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
We need more cute characters. I would quite enjoy both Bandana Dee and Baby Mario playable.

How about his neutral special borrow from Waddle Doo and use the beam whip? it is Sakurai favourite ability.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I think the likely hood that Bandana Dee will be in Smash is around 40%, which I think is pretty good considering. I personally want him to be in Smash, and I do think if we get another Kirby character it will be Bandana Dee. (Not to Mention King Dedede stops throwing Waddle Dees.)

What I'm interested in is if Bandana Dee would be the first Kirby representitive who doesn't have any extra hops, or if they will make him jump in the air multiple times as references to how the Helpers floated in the older Kirby games.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
GameXplain just uploaded the entire keychain collection for Triple Deluxe, and "Bandana Waddle Dee" seems to be the official name now.

Deleted member

I beat Kirby Triple Deluxe yesterday.
Overall, it's a good game and an enjoyable one at that; it was fun from beginning to end. I just hope that there will eventually be some DLC so that Meta Knight could be playable.
Where the heck is he? Why is he not in this game?

I'm also upset that I can't play Kirby Fighters online against my friends. That would have been pretty fun.
Other than that, I would recommend this game.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Some of us may have already beaten the game (I'm only on the World 2 Boss right now in case anyone cares) But I will say, the only thing I'm dissapointed about in KTD right now is the lack of online. I'd love to brawl one of you guys with my epic Sword Kirby Skills! SEYAAH!
*Cough* I've been playing Soul Calibur II lately....But one cannot deny the connections between Sword Kirby and Link anymore. not that anyone would, really. Spin Attack, Sword Beam, Skyward Strike, Cyclone Sword, etc.
Kirby is so boss he copies the second most boss Elf to ever live in almost every way. (the first most boss Elf being Legolas who is somehow still alive to this day. must be his immortality...)


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
I got to say, Parasol is looking like the best grab and throws Bandana Dee could get.

Looking at the posted movesets, people have said circus throw was a good up throw, but I think we can go further.

Grab: Parasol.

Bandana Dee switches to a parasol to grab his opponent.

Up/Foward Throw: Circus Throw

It may seem strange to have two throws be technically the same, but Circus throw in the kirby games also has an up version and a forward version. I think it fits. Besides, Game&Watch has Ball for his throws so I think it can work for Bandana Dee.

Down Throw: Parasol Twirl
What is Parasol Twirl? Imagine Parasol Dive on the ground and without horizontal distance. What is so special about it? Because it does major damage while also tossing enemies (and kirbies in kirby fighters) around. Seriously, it is the perfect down throw.

Back Throw: Backthrust.
Ok, back to spear I know. But, Spear is the only one with a behind attack that just works for a back throw.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I beat Kirby Triple Deluxe yesterday.
Overall, it's a good game and an enjoyable one at that; it was fun from beginning to end. I just hope that there will eventually be some DLC so that Meta Knight could be playable.
Where the heck is he? Why is he not in this game?

I'm also upset that I can't play Kirby Fighters online against my friends. That would have been pretty fun.
Other than that, I would recommend this game.
He's at the book store to pick up "How to be even more Broken" by Super Turbo Akuma and Ivan Ooze"

Maybe Sakurai realized that she wanted the Dee
A winner is you.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Bandanna Dee Moveset:


Weight: 79 (Metaknight, Pikachu)
Jumps: 2

Falling Speed: 1.22 (Luigi)
Air Speed: 0.893 (Falco)
Dash Speed: 1.37 (Squirtle)
Gravity: 0.065 (R.O.B.)

(Jab): BD swings his spear horizontally. (4%)
(Jab Combo): BD repeatedly stabs his spear forward dealing damage until the button is released. (Infx1%)
(F-Tilt): BD extends his arm and stabs with his spear. Has decent hitstun. (7%)
(D-Tilt): BD pokes is spear forward close to the ground. (5%)
(U-Tilt): BD quickly stabs his spear upwards. (5%)

(F-Smash): BD takes out a parasol and twirls it forwards hitting multiple times. Low knockback. (8x2%)
(D-Smash): BD does a Parasol Twirl like in the Kirby Games. It is similar to Pikachu's D-Smash. (4x3%)
(Up-Smash): BD pokes an unopened Parasol upwards and pops it open. High knockback. (13%)

(Nair): BD twirls his spear similar to Pit's Nair. (4x2%)
(Bair): BD swings his spear backwards, has decent knockback. (7%)
(Fair): BD does a full overhead swing of his spear. At the tip it hits a meteor smash. (9%, 13% Sweet Spot)
(Uair): BD stabs his spear upwards multiple times with nice stun, but little knockback. (3x3%)
(Dair): BD smashes into the ground with a Megaton Punch. This creates a small shock-wave where he lands. (14%, 4% for shockwave)

Grab is the Circus throw from the Kirby games.
(Pummel): BD slightly tosses the enemy up a bit. (2%)
(F-Throw): BD bounces the enemy slightly and bounces them forward. (9%)
(U-Throw): BD forcefully opens the parasol. High knockback. (12%)
(B-Throw): BD bounces the enemy slightly and bounces them backward. (9%)
(D-Throw): BD twirls his parasol, hitting multiple times and sending the enemy downwards. (6x2%)

(Neutral Special: Spear Throw)
Bandanna Dee throws a spear in an arc. The longer you hold it, the farther it goes. It can be used in air. (9%)

(Forward Special: Shotzo)
Bandanna Dee holds out a Shotzo. The Shotzo has to fire 3 shots each time it is used before BD puts it back. The shots can be aimed up, forward, or at a 45 degree angle. (4% per shot)

(Up Special: Spear Copter)
Bandana Dee charges up and then starts to twirl his spear very fast above his head. He begins to float in mid-air. The longer BD charges the Spear Copter the longer he is in the air. At minimum it is 2.5 seconds and at max it is 4.5 seconds. Bandanna Dee goes into a helpless state after it is used. The spear can also deal minor damage. (2%)

(Down Special: Parasol)
When used on the ground, Bandanna Dee shields himself in a single direction with his Parasol. The Parasol deflects (not reflects) all projectiles, similar to powershielding. The controls are similar to that of the Cracker-Launcher item from Brawl. You can aim it higher or lower, but you can also walk left and right while using it. You can also turn around by double tapping left or right.

It can also be used in the air, but instead it allows you to float. This greatly reduces your falling speed and increases your air speed. Bandanna Dee can act out of this.

Final Smash: Waddle Dee Tank

Bandanna Waddle Dee summons a massive Waddle Dee tank from the Kirby's Return to Dreamland Mini-Game. It is similar to the Landmaster controls as it can damage people as you run into them, but it can attack. The Waddle Dee can fire homing missiles on the enemies.


Deleted member

I was thinking about something...
Wouldn't the amount of Kid Icarus content weaken the "modesty" argument? Sakurai worked on Kid Icarus: Uprising after all and look at the content its getting:
-Pit is getting an overhaul
-Numerous weapons from that game are items
-The game is getting a massive stage on the Wii U version and a stage on the 3DS version
-Palutena is pretty much a shoo-in as a newcomer with all things considered
Honestly, I say that his modesty shall be damned and that he has a slight bias.

A Spear Throw special is a must since he needs a projectile attack.
Spear Copter must also be his up special.

Maybe Sakurai realized that she wanted the Dee
You win a trophy.
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