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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

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May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
I'm starting to wonder about Marx now. Magolor is pretty much a summary of previous bosses in Kirby, but with a little more influence from Marx, because well, Marx is the only one where he has a story other than "TAKE OVER THE WORLD", and because Kirby Superstar was one of the favorites of the Kirby franchise.

Now I dont know enough about the more recent kirbys so I'm not sure how big of cameos Magolor is making in comparison to Marx. I'm a little worried that Marx will be phased out a bit overtime with his cameos.

It would be awesome if we could have both. Afterall, they are such different characters that they don't clash with each other's themes. Theme-wise I like Magolor more, Though, I have an easier time imagining that I'd main Bandana Dee because of his long-range, quick poking melee attacks. I'd just have to play them to know if they both got in the game.
The only reason I chose Marx over Magalor is because of personal opinion and Super Star (Ultra) being really popular.
If I was doing my own Bias, it would've been Galacta Knight. XD


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Magalor is more popular than Bandana Dee within the Kirby Fanbase? That's news to me.

Now that the leak is gone, the lack of Meta Knight and any new Kirby stage could possibly lead to a great trailer. Now to wait and watch.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
There's always :halberd:. TT-TT
I'm so happy about this, because the Harlberd's return means Gourmet Race, 02 Theme, King Dedede's Theme, Meta Knight's Revenge and more excellent music.

I really hope for Another Dimension, C-R-O-W-N-E-D, Under My Control, etc.

It's so sad that I will not be able to have Triple Deluxe music in my Smash, because I will have the Wii U version.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
The only reason I chose Marx over Magalor is because of personal opinion and Super Star (Ultra) being really popular.
If I was doing my own Bias, it would've been Galacta Knight. XD
Yeah, biasing can do a lot to someone. Though Kirby's Adventure (not the remake), is what biased me a lot. So sometimes I feel that when I say I like Meta Knight, I don't feel like I can accurately describe why Meta Knight is my favorite Nintendo character.
Though really, I wouldn't care if Marx got in, he does mean a lot to a lot of people because of Superstar just being an awesome game. Marx just doesn't have anything interesting about him for me (aside from being the one that started the whole Black Hole business. also, Nightmare was doing the teleporting business before Marx)

I'm just gonna say, I haven't seen a SINGLE person want magalor in smash. Bandana Dee is one of the most popular picks, behind mewtwo, ridley, shulk, and sceptile
I saw a Magolor thread a loooong time ago before the Bandana Dee thread ever showed up. However, you need an active person to maintain a thread. Kudos to Chandelure and several others for keeping this thread alive.

...There's a Magalor Support Thread, but NO MARX SUPPORT THREAD?
Something needs to be done here.
:4greninja:'d before I even finished typing. Looks like you have some work to do. :bubblebobble:

I'm so happy about this, because the Harlberd's return means Gourmet Race, 02 Theme, King Dedede's Theme, Meta Knight's Revenge and more excellent music.

I really hope for Another Dimension, C-R-O-W-N-E-D, Under My Control, etc.

It's so sad that I will not be able to have Triple Deluxe music in my Smash, because I will have the Wii U version.
1stChubasa's playthrough of Kirby's Return to Dreamland is currently my favorite "let's play" of all time right now. Kirby's Return to Dreamland is just so fun to watch. I will be so happy to hear music from that game. I'm already happy seeing Kirby's new final smash.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
There is a Magalor Support Thread?!?!?! *prepares ultimate flaming device* :p
Well no need for that, it's already pretty inactive. Besides, there's room for both Bandana Dee and Magolor in Smash. They're probably friends in the games now anyways (Magolor is at least friends with Kirby, would make sense if he was friends with the others that helped kirby to defeat him).


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
Well no need for that, it's already pretty inactive. Besides, there's room for both Bandana Dee and Magolor in Smash. They're probably friends in the games now anyways (Magolor is at least friends with Kirby, would make sense if he was friends with the others that helped kirby to defeat him).
why would kirby be friends with he guy who tried to destroy popstar??? js...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
Magalor is more popular than Bandana Dee within the Kirby Fanbase? That's news to me.

Now that the leak is gone, the lack of Meta Knight and any new Kirby stage could possibly lead to a great trailer. Now to wait and watch.
It helps that Magolor was a villain/Marx 2.0 with Marx being one of the most popular characters in Kirby. Plus, it isn't like no one cares about Bandana Dee considering that he is very popular. Guess it's one of those heroes vs. villains thing lol.
I'm still hoping we're getting the Lor Starcutter as a stage though.

why would kirby be friends with he guy who tried to destroy popstar??? js...
Kirby is a bit naive and extremely forgiving. I wouldn't be surprise if Meta Knight and even King Dedede/BD still have their doubts about Magolor.


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
Trailer Speculation:
Kirby is on Halberd Fighting Jigglypuff. These two are quite similar, so the two together would be great. Meta Knight ambushes kirby, and jiggly is pushed away. Kirby jumps on top of his star, and tries to fly away, only to be trailed by Meta Knight. The two have a small mid-air clash, and end up in "Another Dimension", and a spear is thrown right between them. They look over to the ledge by where it was thrown, and helicopter sounds are heard. Only to see Bandana Dee fly up, with his splash page shown. King DDD also enters the fray, and when they are all in a stance to fight each other, there is a disgruntled chuckling. They look over to see Magalor in his King Form. It then shows the in game fight, where Another Dimension is a stage, and King Magalor is a stage hazard. New kirby stage, another confirmed vet, new challenger, perfect way to include magalor. but wait... then we have no competitive kirby stage... Oh well... :/


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Trailer Speculation:
Kirby is on Halberd Fighting Jigglypuff. These two are quite similar, so the two together would be great. Meta Knight ambushes kirby, and jiggly is pushed away. Kirby jumps on top of his star, and tries to fly away, only to be trailed by Meta Knight. The two have a small mid-air clash, and end up in "Another Dimension", and a spear is thrown right between them. They look over to the ledge by where it was thrown, and helicopter sounds are heard. Only to see Bandana Dee fly up, with his splash page shown. King DDD also enters the fray, and when they are all in a stance to fight each other, there is a disgruntled chuckling. They look over to see Magalor in his King Form. It then shows the in game fight, where Another Dimension is a stage, and King Magalor is a stage hazard. New kirby stage, another confirmed vet, new challenger, perfect way to include magalor. but wait... then we have no competitive kirby stage... Oh well... :/
I'd be okay with this. Afterall, it gives them time to decide whether or not to truly make Magolor something special for the Kirby Series, since we really don't have enough games since Return to Dreamland yet. :bubblebobble:
Yeah we do have a competitive Kirby stage. the final destination version of the stage. :troll:


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Sakurai make a Final Destination version of the stage like he said in the Direct?
ya, but its not the same as the OG stage. Any stage can now be competitive, but the special stages are the competitive stages without having to use the FD option...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2013
Whoa, that's great news for the dee ^-^ The fact that Fire Emblem has 4 reps while Kirby has 3 and the other big nintendo franchises most likely 5+ doesnt seem right. With the removal of the Waddle Dee Toss (getting rid of the loyal minions of DDD to Gordos who are pretty irrelevant to DDD compared to Waddle Dee), lack of Kirby stage, no FE spear user, lack of MK, Knuckle Joe AT, High probability of MaskD3 for final smash, no other character as important and recurring as BD in the Kirby series, no Gematsu, and bandana dee's popularity. I think the odds are in BD's favor now. Fingers crossed! :D
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Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
Whoa, that's great news for the dee ^-^ The fact that Fire Emblem has 4 reps while Kirby has 3 and the other big nintendo franchises most likely 5+ doesnt seem right. With the removal of the Waddle Dee Toss (getting rid of the loyal minions of DDD to Gordos who are pretty irrelevant to DDD compared to Waddle Dee), lack of Kirby stage, no FE spear user, lack of MK, Knuckle Joe AT, High probability of MaskD3 for final smash, no other character as important and recurring as BD, no Gematsu, and bandana dee's popularity. I think the odds are in BD's favor now. Fingers crossed! :D
Watch Waddle Dee be confirmed, and shulk Deconfirmed xD I would love that, my happiest day ever. *starts popcorn machine just in case*


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
You kid right? :p There were bombs and laser beams shot all over the stage, definitely NOT a competitive stage. UNLESS, they add an option to get rid of stage hazards...
That's one thing that baffles me, why didn't they have the option to remove stage hazards before? It's not like it would require a lot of programing to make something not activate. The only reason I see them not doing it, is that people might bicker whether or not to have stage hazards on or off, but that's a pretty poor excuse not to do it.


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
That's one thing that baffles me, why didn't they have the option to remove stage hazards before? It's not like it would require a lot of programing to make something not activate. The only reason I see them not doing it, is that people might bicker whether or not to have stage hazards on or off, but that's a pretty poor excuse not to do it.
people bicker about items, people bicker about stages, people will argue. Doesnt have any influence I would hope


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Marx Support Thread is DONE!
I did it. =w=
Are you proud of me?
You should be.
Well that was fast. Though I have a feeling that if Marx was added, his boss form would be his final smash transformation, and you'd play as his normal form. This would be more accurate to his appearance in Superstar, and would make people freak out about him even more when he gets the Final smash, then he ends it off with a black hole or the massive laser (Palutena has a black hole, and Samus [and maybe lucario] have huge lasers so which it is I don't care).
He can still do what he does in his boss form, just weaker versions.

Personally I'd appreciate Marx more as a stage boss. Good luck with your support thread though! Make sure you keep it maintained!


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2014
lil note on it being a common idea that magolor got sort of mind controlled by the power of the crown. So it's not entirely out of the question that magolor isn't really that much of a bad guy as he seems. Popular kirby bosses have a thing with being made into good guys, dedede and meta (does bandana count as a boss?) are prime examples.

Magolor is possible to be in a future kirby game i think, He's make a good mirror kirby user or even just any other copy ability that can be seen as magic. And them adding magolor with moves that reference more of the copy abilitys magical moves opens him up to a wide array of movesets. Magolor is a possibility, Dee is more likely. but magolor is possible.


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
lil note on it being a common idea that magolor got sort of mind controlled by the power of the crown. So it's not entirely out of the question that magolor isn't really that much of a bad guy as he seems.
well he said the reason he talked to kirby the whole time, was so he would do his dirty work. So was this all a lie? But why would he purposely show up RIGHT when the crown is free for the taking? I dunno man, too much adds up...


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Magolor is possible to be in a future kirby game i think, He's make a good mirror kirby user or even just any other copy ability that can be seen as magic. And them adding magolor with moves that reference more of the copy abilitys magical moves opens him up to a wide array of movesets. Magolor is a possibility, Dee is more likely. but magolor is possible.
I could see Magolor doing those things. Though he is such a blank slate that it could be anything. Even whatever they would go with, could always change. Afterall, Meta Knight never seems to hold the same moveset in the Kirby games either. Though I have a feeling it'll do something similar to Bandana Dee where they make a new ability for Magolor (and Kirby can use it as well). We'll have to wait and see.
Also, I don't think anyone is saying that Magolor is more likely than Bandana Dee. Bandana Dee has been getting pushed pretty hard to being a main Kirby character.

well he said the reason he talked to kirby the whole time, was so he would do his dirty work. So was this all a lie? But why would he purposely show up RIGHT when the crown is free for the taking? I dunno man, too much adds up...
Well he probably changed his tune after he got beat up.... Too lazy to look it up now, but didn't Magolor have a description about how he changed his ways and wanted to be friends with kirby the dream collection or something?


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2014
well he said the reason he talked to kirby the whole time, was so he would do his dirty work. So was this all a lie? But why would he purposely show up RIGHT when the crown is free for the taking? I dunno man, too much adds up...
i dont wanna derail this to much since this is the bandana thread. I'm just sayin what i know, i know its a commom theory that he got mind controlled, by the crown wiggling like as though it is alive, to his soul look looking a lot like he is being possesed by the likes of dark matter or zero with how the eye looks.

also in the kirby special edition, i'll take this from the wiki "Magolor also appears in the credits, escorting Kirby across the screen as the credits roll underneath. As the credits finish rolling, Magolor returns to the Lor Starcutter and bids Kirby farewell before flying away."

mago is def not 100% confirmed to be a bad guy, and has a status that makes him elegible to appear in future games. So him appearing in smash isnt to far-fetched. He has potential to stick around, both from design (its cute) and potential for being a mage.

edit: some more info showing its possible for him to pop up as a good guy:
Strangely, in Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition, Magolor remembers what Kirby did to him but doesn't seem particularly disturbed by it. In fact, he builds Kirby an entire theme park to make up for his evil actions. This gives further credence to the theory that Magolor was corrupted by the power of the Master Crown (although exactly when this occurred is harder to determine): however, it's also possible that Magolor had finally grown remorseful for his actions, which may be evidenced by Magolor Soul's pause description describing him as "a sad shell", suggesting that he no longer wished to fight Kirby.
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Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2014
I could see Magolor doing those things. Though he is such a blank slate that it could be anything. Even whatever they would go with, could always change. Afterall, Meta Knight never seems to hold the same moveset in the Kirby games either. Though I have a feeling it'll do something similar to Bandana Dee where they make a new ability for Magolor (and Kirby can use it as well). We'll have to wait and see.
Also, I don't think anyone is saying that Magolor is more likely than Bandana Dee. Bandana Dee has been getting pushed pretty hard to being a main Kirby character.
Yeah bandana def has the higher chances! Only way magolor is getting in instead is if sakurai believes he can make a more interesting movepool for magolor. But since Bandana uses a spear and there are no spear users i'm sure sakurai can design a good moveset around Bandana to make him a lot of fun and unique. Magolor can always come in ssb5, if he does end up sticking around like bandana has, we shall see!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Probably, sakurai could make an unpredicteble moveset tho as he have done before.
He will most likley use the parasol, Dspecial Fspecial or grab would be my guees.
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