The good news is I should be able to play with Bowsertree during the week also now; I'll have a mountain bike which I'm keeping in my room. 4.7 miles on bike is like 15 minutes and a heck of a lot easier than a 50 minute fast walk.
I know very well how it's much more difficult to get better on your own than with competition, or to get better than your actual competition. My friend Richard is improving at an incredible rate now that he is playing with me (though I still 3 and 4 stock him with almost all characters now). I'm giving him friendly motivation to learn things he never would against other players, and he is even practicing a bit on his own now also. It's interesting how skill goes in smash: there are people who 4 stock people who 4 stock me, and I 4 stock people who 4 stock people who can in turn 4 stock some very crappy other people.
BT, expect a PM in a couple minutes on practicing during the week. :D
Edit: Tru= I didn't know you had a temp crew. If I join, just make sure I go first and not last, cause otherwise you'll win before I ever get to play