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Bad Idea Mafia Redux! GAME OVER!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I hate Twilight phases.
Chaco, got anything to say before you die from your gunshot wound?
Likewise, Teemo, what was the straw that broke the camel's back? His admittance to dumb play?


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
Daykill: Chacotaco
terrible ****ing play, Teemo. i dont know if it was just you being upset and reacting but in a game like this you dont take hate shots like that. especially when we still have to consider other scummy players and them being alive tomorrow. we implement a vote like type system and instead of following it to leave trails you go against it. basically, YOU KNOW BETTER then to take those kind of shots rather someone is acting anti-town or not. we would have been better off having someone else scummy shoot Chaco or telling Chaco to shoot. now we have to deal with those kind of scenarios tomorrow after we're 2-3-4 men down.

tomorrow will confirm how i'll read that play but IGMEOY

pissed. now we'll start over tomorrow doing the exact same thing we did today without a proper procedure of how we're going to get people to shoot/claim, etc.

teemo, why did you reaction shoot chaco


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Good **** Teemo.

I'm joking btw, I'm just reg town. Your impulse got the best of you though, and I felt the need to make you sweat.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2010
walking to Canada for delicious cheesecake
I'm not upset, and I'm not reacting poorly. I don't know what you think I'd be upset about, but if you want to point it out, that'd be fantastic.

It's not a "hate shot." Actually, I specifically noted earlier that I love Chaco. Why did you call it a hate shot?

You can implement a vote like type system if you want, but this game is about shooting the players that you think are scummy. I disagree with Chaco's play, and I think he's scummy. I don't like the gambit he made towards Gheb, it made no sense, and it reminded me of his behavior in Phoenix Wright mafia that made no sense before he replaced out. I also know that many other people think he is scummy, so I took the shot.

You can cuss at me and chastise me, if you want, but it wont change anything.

You have your eye on me? Do you think that I am the Godfather?


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
I'm not upset, and I'm not reacting poorly. I don't know what you think I'd be upset about, but if you want to point it out, that'd be fantastic.
you don't take kindly to anti-town stupidity. i dont either so im full aware that you get annoyed when people waste your time in mafia

It's not a "hate shot." Actually, I specifically noted earlier that I love Chaco. Why did you call it a hate shot?
see above and see chaco's reasoning.

You can implement a vote like type system if you want, but this game is about shooting the players that you think are scummy. I disagree with Chaco's play, and I think he's scummy. I don't like the gambit he made towards Gheb, it made no sense, and it reminded me of his behavior in Phoenix Wright mafia that made no sense before he replaced out. I also know that many other people think he is scummy, so I took the shot.
It's not a vote-like type system. It is a legit vote system that can do everything a regular vote system does except lynch a person. What's important is that it leaves trails that can be viewed at a later date for good information.

Also, realize that "your" disagreement of Chaco's play doesn't make it a SMART play to take matters into your own hands. If everyone took their shot based off who they find scummy then this game would probably end very fast and unfavorably for town. What pisses me off is that YOU KNOW THIS ALREADY yet you let your stubbornness get the best of you. These kind of shots ****ed town over in the last BIM and yet you decide to take the same kind of shot anyway.

You have your eye on me? Do you think that I am the Godfather?
i'm not putting the fact that you're GF out of mind. i can definitely see a Tom GF gambit followed by a mafia inheritor buss'ing you the next day as your play turns to ****. i guess i see that more in you than most people because i expected you to be smart enough to NOT put us in this very situation. if it was a number of other players id be like "o wow gay thats lame" but since u know better it irks me more than normal and makes me more suspicious of you

basically everything about that play was anti-town. did you take any kind of interest in town before you decided to take the shot?


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
interesting turn of events, i was hoping to just pressure him more but alas u dead boy


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Nope, just trying something as per usual. My intention was to discern where Gheb's interest lies via his response. However, he never got around to answering, and people started to interfere. Questions such as that in early game should not be treated with such animosity, but it was my own fault for not fully expressing what I was doing. Of course that would have given away my intent, and his answer wouldn't have been accurate. I look for what gets rises in players, and where their intent lies. What matches up and what doesn't, it's how I scumhunt.

Anyways, it was my fault. I don't blame Tom, at all. But you have to take into consideration the impulse of that shot as a GF. I could've been bomb and he could've seriously jeopardized town on D1. I'm not really sure of his intent, because that was quick even for Tom.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2010
walking to Canada for delicious cheesecake
you don't take kindly to anti-town stupidity. i dont either so im full aware that you get annoyed when people waste your time in mafia

see above and see chaco's reasoning.
I didn't think that Chaco was wasting my time. I don't know where you got that from, put you pulled it out of nowhere. I thought Chaco was scummy. I didn't shoot him because I thought he was dumb, I shot him because I thought he was scum.

It's not a vote-like type system. It is a legit vote system that can do everything a regular vote system does except lynch a person. What's important is that it leaves trails that can be viewed at a later date for good information.
Except that it takes the "hammer responsibility" idea and maximizes it. Someone actually has to take a shot, and a fake vote system will either push unfair responsibility towards the shooter or completely absolve the shooter of responsibility.

That's not what this game is. This isn't just another game, this is BIM.

Also, realize that "your" disagreement of Chaco's play doesn't make it a SMART play to take matters into your own hands. If everyone took their shot based off who they find scummy then this game would probably end very fast and unfavorably for town. What pisses me off is that YOU KNOW THIS ALREADY yet you let your stubbornness get the best of you. These kind of shots ****ed town over in the last BIM and yet you decide to take the same kind of shot anyway.
I disagreed with Chaco's play, and so did many other players. If everyone too their shot based off of who they found scummy, other players would have also shot Chaco.

I'm sorry you're so pissed off, and I'm sorry it shows through your CAPS LOCK and your cussing. But you don't need to compare my shot to Marshy's (the one he took the very first second of the game with absolutely nothing to go off of). That's a faulty comparison.

i'm not putting the fact that you're GF out of mind. i can definitely see a Tom GF gambit followed by a mafia inheritor buss'ing you the next day as your play turns to ****. i guess i see that more in you than most people because i expected you to be smart enough to NOT put us in this very situation. if it was a number of other players id be like "o wow gay thats lame" but since u know better it irks me more than normal and makes me more suspicious of you
That makes absolutely no sense. I am 11/12 (apparently soon to be 10/11) cleared. Like Marshy in the last game, I can now coast to near end-game. Why, then, if I were the Godfather, would I ask my scummates to bus me? That's just stupid. I've always held that a gambit has to be actually worth doing, or else you should just play normally.

basically everything about that play was anti-town. did you take any kind of interest in town before you decided to take the shot?
Lol @ this question. Look at the last "vote count," and look at Chaco's play, and take a chill pill and cool off for a bit, and then get back to me.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
@teemo: so let me get this straight. you don't see anything wrong with your play in regards to taking the shot EXCEPT for the fact that you missed mafia. and no you wont be coasting till near end-game.

@chaco: what kind of merit can we get from you? the only thing i can see is you saying, "i did this silly play because..." but that doesn't change the outcome nor does the information help us for future play


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
@Omni: Exactly, the point. You have nothing to build off of this day. You are stuck back at D1 again, because of that shot.

What kind of merit you get from me is:

I'll be cleared in a while, so my opinion will be locked as town. If anything, this is ALL you have to build on tomorrow. This and Tom's shot.

Why don't you ask yourself some questions Omni instead of glaring at the obvious:

Would Tom normally take a high risk shot? Is it in his nature to do so?
What triggered Tom's shot? (Answers such as emotion are what I'm looking for.)
Do you think Tom's shot was based off of Meta as he claimed? (He based off of a D1 Bussing attempt, not even comparable to this game)


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
Yeah, I'd say that. Also, I don't plan on coasting at all, but I can.
here i'll tell you why the play was anti-town, teemo:

- chaco did not get to claim. if he claimed cop we could have tested that theory out overNight. if he claimed that he had a gun we could have let him shoot the next scummiest player and practically put him in the same position as you. it wouldnt be his choice to pull the GF gambit with the mafia inheritor as you made it your choice which is why i dislike the play from you even more

- chaco could have been a bomb and killed several important players or roles. if he claimed bomb then we could all decide if we shoot him and who would shoot him. having any random person with a gun shoot him isn't strategic in the least bit. obv there's always a chance that a bomb will do as said above but having the most amount of control around it is key.

- there were plenty of people who have yet to put any kind of information down today especially a player like mentosman. there was a lot of information we needed to garner from these guys but you ending the day prematurely means we start Day 2 with players still having no reads on them.

i know that i'm being pissy, but you're being stubborn by not acknowledging the stupidity of your own play while pointing out chaco's


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
@chaco: read my posts thoroughly. i think ive addressed all those questions. if you're saying i need to ask questions outside of those feel free to throw them out yourself.

right now im trying to figure out what exactly is going through Teemo's mind that will make me feel comfortable with him staying alive after such a horrible play


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I'd like it compiled in one easy to read concise post. Or at least selectively quoted out. I'm dead, I don't have to be compliant. This is for D2 info.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
McCloud, dont tell mafia who you trust. And give REASONS for your suspicions.
Why shouldn't he say who he thinks is town?

And metakirby is right, replacing "think is town" is the same as trust is... rather ridiculous.

What's wrong with acting on impulse? It gives us so much more info than all this thought out stuff
... Not generally.

Teemo... why?

Chaco made a mistake, but not necessarily a scummy one.

Dear God people, PLEASE don't just shoot teemo tomorrow, I hope the rest of us are smart enough to not do that.

@Teemo, perhaps, but the problem is that we only have a limited information to work off of, sudden kills really hurt the ability to gain info.

You were too impulsive, it hurts town. Due to how powerful mislynches are, and how we don't even have till lylo to figure it out as long as the GF is alive, an impulse kill is probably worse here.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
Would Tom normally take a high risk shot? Is it in his nature to do so?
What triggered Tom's shot? (Answers such as emotion are what I'm looking for.)
Do you think Tom's shot was based off of Meta as he claimed? (He based off of a D1 Bussing attempt, not even comparable to this game)
1.) who knows if tom would normally take that high risk shot. this is his first BIM, however, i dont think its in his nature per meta to make such a hasty and crucial decision without gathering enough information

2.) who knows. he says he just thought you were being scummy. i say that's bs because if everyone was shooting on the basis of being scummy then more people besides yourself would have been shot i.e. Overswarm, Gheb, Ronike

3.) who knows. i can't determine that at all at this point and it's only wifom for me to eat.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
and by his first BIM, i mean his first BIM as supposed town since he was mafia with me in the last game


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2010
@teemo: whatevs. you're on something tonight. you know how mafia wins this game because we were mafia last game. you know that as town we need to take calculated, strategic risks as opposed to you feeling your gut. you also know the lack of information always hurts town more than it helps in any situation.

so you wont mind if the rest of us do the same thing as you toMorrow, right?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
@adum: I dunno why you said mislynches are powerful. The ratio in this game is redonkulous.
But that disappears quickly, especially considering that if we don't kill the godfather and the inheritor by lylo we've pretty much lost. If we don't kill either of them by a day before lylo, we've lost. And that's assuming bombs don't get shot at the wrong time.

So, forgive for being conservative about mislynches.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Alright, I don't have a huge problem with Teemo's shot, but I think he should have made Chaco claim first. It is definitely not comparable to Marshy's quickshot on D1 of the original BIM which was made without any info at all (although it is a bit closer to Kevin's on D2.) I'm gonna reread before D2 starts, but as it stands I'm beginning to think Ronike's the play tomorrow. His lurkish, say little to nothing style reminds me way to much of his play in Scum wars (he was scum there), and vastly contracts what I've seen of Ronike town (Just check the original BIM).


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
Knowing Tom outside of this game, it falls in line with some of his more impulsive behaviors, but I do think we have a problem here, as he definitely can be godfather. In fact, I find the defensiveness of his "why, you think I'm godfather?" to be rather scummy.

Don't shoot him tomorrow.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Yeah, I'd say that. Also, I don't plan on coasting at all, but I can.
To suggest that you can POSSIBLY "coast to the end" in this game when anyone at all can end your rampage with the flick of a wrist is absolutely laughable and terrible. Something about your posts really, REALLY screams "I am the Godfather, but you don't have the balls to do anything". And yeah, the more passive members might just believe you, but I'm on to you.
I hate this elitist attitude with a passion. There are members of games that NEVER get voted early in the game because of their legacy/legendary status, and it's cost me a game because I didn't pursue the person (SSB Mafia See: ChibiCat) so that's no longer going to happen.

Nobody can coast. In fact, everybody needs to be more on edge than ever.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
This IS moving fast!

Regarding Teemo:

I agree with you that Mafia will win this game on their strategic and mathematical abilities, and I will add that town will lose this game if they do not cooperate. I should re-iterate that a single ******** quickshot could completely ruin the game for town. Shoot a bomb? Four town deaths are on you.
It looks as though there was a miscommunication between Tom/EE, considering this quote was stated earlier. Could you elaborate on why there was a miscommunication here? Kat says there had to have been a miscommunication otherwise why would they actively go against the beliefs they laid down earlier in the game? So whoever did shoot, could the other part of the hydra comment on whether they agree or disagree with the action?

I don't know if I could really see the Godfather doing this. Waiting for Chaco's flip.
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