Interview with Umbreon - Written by
[collapse=The Interview]
At a local sandwich shop in Maryland, I was enjoying a drink when a seemingly random figure sat down across from me. I noted the "Prof." tag labeled on his jacket and smiled. I took out my laptop and got right to it.
Riddle: Okay can you tell us a bit about yourself? Name, age, location, etc.
Umbreon: My name is Max. I'm 24 and I'm from the East Coast
Riddle: How did you find Smashboards?
Umbreon: Mew2king told me about it. Just something friends share I guess. From there I made an account and got flamed every day for posting stupid ****.
Riddle: What brought you to the PokeCenter specifically?
Umbreon: I liked Pokemon and have for a long time now, so when I first went there, I saw people posting bad things. And there was this hurt deep inside. It was maddening! I had to correct them! The pain was unreal. Sometimes when I think back, I remember someone said that Miltank was better than Blisset and I cry myself to sleep.
Riddle: Haha, so on to more specific Pokemon related questions. It might be obvious, but it has to be asked: what is your favorite Pokemon?
Umbreon: Metagross. Enough said.
I frowned.
Umbreon: Umbreon is more of a personal reflection of who I am, so I am Umbreon. But Metgross is my favorite.
Riddle: What is your favorite Generation in terms of games / Pokemon / competitive metagame? Take that as three separate questions.
Umbreon: Generation II: 200+ turns. No **** ups, so few people understand what it's really like. Newer pokemon is: "It's okay I can sacrifice this because I still have this Pokemon." Generation II doesn't let you waste resources. You let Snorlax get to +2/+2? You're ****ed.
Riddle: It's definitely a different game now. I've always liked Generation II.
Umbreon: Generation II is like the opposite of Generation V.
I frowned again upon the mention of the new Generation,
Umbreon: Generation II is coordinated and calculated. Even reading Generation V for me is like slamming my **** in an oven.
Riddle: What about your favorite in-game and designed Pokemon per Generation?
Umbreon: Gold / Silver / Crystal was the ****. As was Umbreon and Skarmory. Many of my favorite Pokemon were top tier during Generation II. I ended up with a top tier team purely thorugh my own personal playtesting with favorites.
Riddle: What is your favorite team type and why?
Umbreon: Either Dark or Ground, and I haven't decided why. But probably Dark. Dark-types are forced to play to their strengths, but are always effective when used correctly. Although at the moment, I wouldn't suggest Dark-type to anyone playing to win. "Used correctly" is too difficult of a qualifier in the more recent games since they are so chaotic.
Riddle: What's your favorite team style, like stall, heavy offense, balanced, etc.?
Umbreon: For which Generation?
Riddle: Uhh, Generation IV.
Umbreon: In Generation IV, I like a mix of bulky offense which sides towards more offense.
Riddle: If you had to pick a team style to be the most effective, which would you pick?
Umbreon: I only use a minimal amount of bulk to counter common strategies. Hmm. Maniaclyrasist, a friend of mine, told me that he makes teams by picking the #1 lead, #1-4 of the most used Pokemon, and Suicune. That's the most effective thing I can think of.
Riddle: What makes a good Pokemon battler?
Umbreon: Pokemon is a game based on imperfect information. Of course, if a player had perfect information, that player would always win. The best strategy is to eliminate as much of that imperfect information as possible. Continuously put the opponent into positions that force a loss. A major part of why I don't use stealth rock is because I want my opponents to switch and show me their Pokemon so I can prepare some kind of trap situation. Stealth Rock kills switching and reduces my knowledge of the opponent for the mid-game.
Riddle: Which is more important, the team or the battler? Why?
Umbreon: The team, sadly. Newer games offer fewer turns for the opponent to respond. Even if the opponent is a poor one, you must still deal with whatever they do. If you want an open example of this, use Choice Band Garchomp vs. any UnderUsed player. Even with things like Froslass that were once in UU, the match is already horribly one-sided. The only redeeming part of this argument is that everyone in Generation IV plays broken ****. So it's less obvious and has a lesser impact.There are many more examples: How many teams use Heatran as the "glue" of the team? How many Tyranitar run Babiri Berry solely for Scizor? The game is definitely more team dependent than player depenedent.
Riddle: What is your favorite Umbreon set in Gen. IV?
Umbreon: Umbreon is non-viable in Generation IV, but if you're making me pick one, I'll say the Curse set, except the 200 Attack EV go into Defense so he can set up on a locked Scizor. It's stolen directly from Articanus but it works.
Riddle: Okay. And finally, courtesy of UltiMario: Give 3 reasons why Gen. V is bull****.
Umbreon: How lame. Uhh. (1) Evolution stone: Chansey > Blissey, Rhydon in Sandstorm comes in as a +1/+2 and already has good Attack and HP stats. Porygon2 walls ****ing Life Orb Groudon. Why. Dusclops didn't need an evolution and now he REALLY doesn't need one. (2) Tail Glow Manaphy. (3) Nattorei or whatever that **** is, is almost strictly better than Forretress, the choice physical wall of
Ubers. Stall is dead. Like, 100% dead. Oh, and the Pokemon look ********. So even if the mechanics sucked, at least they could make cool Pokemon, but no. They just look bad. Oh how about Mischevious Heart? That's pretty stupid. Inconsistent is pretty stupid too. Ononokusu with base 147 Attack isn't helping. I will openly admit that I haven't played Generation V, and seeing it on paper, I have no desire to play it at all.
I looked up after writing everything down and prepared to ask my next question, but Umbreon cut me off.
Umbreon: I'm not done. Gen. V is too stupid to answer everything in just 10 minutes. How about the male trainer. The DPPt male trainer sprite looked pretty gay and everyone hated it, so how did they fix it? They added a hat, and everyone still hated it. So for BW they took his **** away too. I also like the Water-type starter's evolution line and how much they don't look related at all. Just ask anoher question. Oh yeah and they screwed up on Rotom's typing. Good job Nintendo, Overheat really needed STAB. Having half of the new Pokemon with a BST of 540+ is ******** too. That's okay because most of the new Pokemon say "CHOICE ME." in their base stats somewhere. Not that it matters when Porygon2 can still wall them.
Mow made a suicidal gesture, so I proceeded with the next question.
Riddle: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Umbreon: Oh hey, let's take a Pokemon everyone likes: Scizor, and give it Technician! Wow, this is really gay...what happens if we give something that's already gay Technician? Oh hey Breloom.
Riddle: I thought the suicide gesture meant you were done, haha.
Umbreon: Oh hey Fire/Ghost-type that has a minor name change every 3 weeks. Base 140 Special Attack? Why not. I'll teach you to have Pokemon on your team under 262 Speed.
Umbreon: Anyway, in 5 years I expect to be old, filthy rich, married, and somehow more bitter.
Riddle: Where do you see the United States in 20 years?
Umbreon: The US will probably have a lower standard of living than some of the countries now with explosive growth rates such as China and India. Otherwise I expect it to be in the North and Western hemispheres.
Riddle: What are your musical tastes like?
Umbreon copied the following links:,,
Umbreon: Usually no vocals or the vocals are submissive to the background music. Most of my activities tend to take up a lot of time for one reason or another so I like seamless or environmental music.
Riddle: If you could have dinner with any 3 people from the past or present who would you pick?
Umbreon: If past, Andrew Jackson 3 times. If present, probably my woman, Mew2king, or by myself. M2k because I used to raid his kitchen and make huge *** bowls of Fruity Pebbles. I mean like, those big *** salad bowls. And using a full box of cereal. So good haha.
Riddle: That sounds delicious.
Umbreon: It makes you sick as ****.
Riddle: And for the real grand finale. Do you love Wave?
Umbreon stared blankly at me.
Umbreon: What the **** is a Wave.
Riddle: Annoying1357 changed his name to Wave. He wants to know if you love him.
Umbreon: Wow, what a ludicrously gay approach. Both to name changing and just as an approach. I guess if he brushes his teeth I'll **** his mouth, or make his Pokemon faint. That's as close as he's getting.
Riddle: Thanks for the interview Umbreon!
Umbreon: Mow. Don't get hit by a bus.
Riddle: I will attempt to avoid that fate.
On the ride home, I pulled out my laptop and sent Terywj a PM. He was going to edit the entire damn thing anyway. Might as well send to him now.[/collapse]
There may be some correcting errors but whatever.