I haven't done much looking into reaction time science.
but isn't the 'humanbenckmark' test twitch reaction, not decision based?
Wouldn't reacting to a missed LC be a decision based reaction?
i guess if your options were 'continue hold shield' or 'do OOS' then it could be considered twitch.
but usually there are more options than that.
I'm not sure though.
Mind explaining?
So the biggest difference in reactions is expectation. If you're brain expects what's coming AND knows what to do once it recieves the signal, it has an easier time preparing for the reactive task, and thus can start and complete it faster without needing to analyze the situation.
What's important to note here is even if there are decisions to be made (such as how to punish.) your brain can make them in advance, or prep for fewer more likely options, and it allows you to react more easily.
On the other side of things, if you do not have proper expectation, then you either are going in Surprised, or unplanned. Unplanned is when you get hit with something that while you were not %100 prepped for it, it is close enough to what you prepped for that your brain needs to make a confirmation or adjustment. I would put this akin to being grabbed instead of hit in a combo, You can usually react and DI the throw correctly, but it's not what you were initially expecting.
Then finally surprised is when you get hit by something you were not expecting, which is where we have the slowest reaction time. this is due to us having to make an assessment and decision all after we've reacted, so it takes us a bit longer to decide on the right option, and then do it, as opposed to just do the option we know is going to be right.
So to bring this back, humanbenchmark is twitch based for sure, but the more you are learn the micro-situations of a matchup, the less each microsituation becomes a decision based reaction and more a twitch based reaction. Once you've decided upon your adaptation, even if that decision is to try to punish something on reaction, the faster you can get to doing it once the time is correct, and the less you have to take that time to decide on the right option.
Once you're brain is prepared for what you have to do and has proper expectation for what to watch for and how you want to react, it becomes a twitch based reaction.