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At Smash's Gate - The Doom Marine/Doomguy/Doom Slayer Thread


Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2018
That's funny that Color Theory is likely to be correct. If it's by complete coincidence (I'm pretty sure it is, I don't know why Sakurai would pick characters based off a certain range of colors), then that is one heck of a big coincidence.

I have to say that brown definitely fits Doom Slayer.

Cacomallow leak, Bethesda has talked to Nintendo about Smash, and my own little theory: Sakurai bringing up the FPS talk while discussing Banjo's neutral special. I had a feeling that was him experimenting with a FPS mechanic that could evolve to work with a FPS character like Doom Slayer. And also Daisy Theory because of Doomguy's pet rabbit Daisy.

It's all coming together!

EDIT 2: Guys! There's green next to Sakurai's hair!

Holy s*** it might just be happening
For your own sanity, try not to get too excited. I will say it is a bit suspicious that Sakurai has two tweets about this announcement, one in Japanese and the other in English. Which is notable since Sakurai rarely tweets out anything in English. Even when Banjo came out, his tweets about Banjo were in Japanese. It probably means nothing, but my mind can't help but wonder.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
I've compiled pinshadow pinshadow 's findings in one handy to share image.

I love Smash speculation so much. In what other game series could we deduce the identity of a newcomer through forensics



Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Took a look at the color thing and all I see is that the background of Sakurai is the exact same as the image above.

So it means nothing.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2018
Some new music from the trailer livestream
5:05 is outright bangin'

Man, this good **** is a perfect example why the Slayer needs to be in Smash.
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Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
Welp. Seems like some time of waiting, flames, and sheananigans, well get to know who's FP5 after all. And in such a short amount of time also, so just HANG A LITTLE BIT~!

And that second trailer for Eternal looks sick. I can't wait to rip and tear again and also to know what happens next after playing 2016 so much.

This is the time for hype but also remember that it could any way now. We could get a "Demon-Slaying Fighter" but not the one we want in partiy in this thread~

We could get out beloved hellish RAGING GREEN ARMORED Slayer but again, it could go either way.

Or we could someone else entirely to throw us off. Again, we don't know. O don't want to look to much into what Sakurai has in the background for colors since sometimes that doesn't amount for anything (like the yellow and purple chairs, which people thought was something alluding to either Skull Kid or Rayman and nothing happened...) despite the fact it looks like a similar time to DOOM's color scheme but I don't want to raise my hype that high.

Anyway, crossing my fingers for the best. We're so close to the truth, guys~



Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Just saw the new theories and such. I'm a huge Master Chief fan, but this seems much more like the Doom Slayer's time. I'm here to wish you guys luck on Thursday! Good luck, from a Chief and and a Genobro.


Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
Not going to get my hopes up based on this poster thing. Seems interesting though. I currently think it’s Dovahkhin or Dante but I would love for it to be Doom Slayer.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Well, since we're on the eve of FP5 being revealed, I feel it worth going over all of the stuff we have regarding Doomguy potentially getting into Smash Ultimate. Now this isn't a complete list by any means, so if there's anything I've missed, feel free to let me know and I'll update this post to reflect that.
-= Bethesda has spoken to Nintendo regarding Smash =-

This may not be considered all that important in the grand scheme of things. After all, there are plenty of companies that get along well with Nintendo such as SEGA or Suda51. But Bethesda have stood out for being particularly supporting of the Switch since it's launch. From Elder Scrolls to Wolfenstein, to Fallout and especially DOOM, they've gone above and beyond at not only getting all their biggest franchises on there, but also making sure those games run comfortably on the console (albeit at the cost of poorer visuals and a typical cap at 30 FPS). They've released all of the DOOM games on the console via the unity remakes which, while not the ideal way to experience these games (Chocolate DOOM says hi), have even been updated to better match the PC originals. Hell, they've even spared Nintendo from the disasterous Fallout 76! That alone says more about their relationship with Nintendo than anything else, really. :ultpacman:

Now of course, this doesn't mean that they're for sure getting a character in Smash, but it certainly helps. And besides, that's what the rest of this list is for!

-= Sakurai holds John Carmack in high esteem =-

Again, this isn't the biggest bit of evidence, since as the image shows Sakurai holds a lot of people in high esteem, but it's certainly worth noting that he not only mentioned Carmack (also the only internation designer he mentioned) by name, but also calls him the father of FPS's. I mean, that's a pretty big compliment coming from a guy who's made what is effectively the biggest crossover video game franchises in history. It's also worth noting that most of the Fighter Pass characters have had some sort of effect on Sakurai as both a dev, a gamer, and a person.
- Persona 5 was specifically used as the basis for the UI in the game, and Sakurai has mentioned that he really likes Persona 5.
- Dragon Quest was and still is a major phenomenon on Japanese shores, and it was no doubt a dream come true for Sakurai to use their characters for his own game.
- Fatal Fury, and by extension King of Fighters, were major inspirations for the Smash Bros series, and given Sakurai's... erm, extensive knowledge of the series, it's no stretch to say that he's a huge fan of the series.
So perhaps we may see that happen again?

-= The CacoMallow Post =-

Ahh yes, the Post that will seemingly never die. This is easily one of the best bits of evidence for Doomguy coming to Smash, assuming it's real of course, which seems pretty likely for the following reasons:
- In spite of the couple of recreations we've seen, we've not yet had one that accurately recreates the hat we see in the image and video. More specifically, we've yet to see one that has the inner mouth section of the hat encircle the Mii's Face in the same way.
- Nobody has come forward to take credit for this post with evidence that they made it and everything. The closest we've ever got was a claim by someone on Discord that they knew who made it, which never went anywhere.
- No insiders or leakers have gone against it per se. The closest we've gotten is them saying that whatever these costumes are for, it has nothing to do with FP5. Speaking of insiders and/or leakers...

-= Speculation =-

Okay, Fatmanonice Fatmanonice isn't an insider or a leaker per se, but he does have sources who have provided legitimate information in the past. According to him, all of his sources seem to be in general agreement that FP5 will be a western character, specifically from Bethesda. Who that fighter is, however, is wildly different between them. It's speculated by Fatman that it's Dovakin from Skyrim, but there's nothing concrete at the moment. But nevertheless, it's near-universally agreed that it's a character from Bethesda, which is pretty good for Doomguy's chances.
Right. Like I've repeated god knows how many times for the past month, my contacts don't fully agree with me. None of my contacts have hard guesses for 5 now and most can't decide how 6 is going to play out. The only things that my four contacts agree with me on currently:

-5 will more than likely be Western
-5 and 6 will likely both be in the next Direct

That's literally it. Characters 7-11 are pretty much entirely my own speculation and theorycraft. To map things out even further:

Contacts' predictions for 5:

1. Bethesda (siding with Fallout for some reason)

2. Bethesda (no hard guess)

3. Bethesda (agrees with my theorycraft on Dragonborn but isn't hard invested)

4. Masterchief (no idea how they concluded this but Smash isn't their forte anyways)
-= The Green Pixels Thing =-



And here we have the most recent addition: For those who are having a hard time telling what this is supposed to be, in the image for FP5's presentation, people noticed that Sakurai's right elbow has some conspicuous brown pixels left over on his body, which has been assumed to be left over from the background used in the video itself from which this image was taken from when it was cut out. After some further analysis, they noticed that there were green pixels around his hair as well, but not just any shade of green, it's the exact same shades of army green that Doomguy's armor has.

Now I've heard this being compared to back during the Grinch Rumor, when people thought that the official banner had cut out Isaac because there were allegedly green pixels where there would've been Isaac's green sprout. What it actually was was that 4chan caused artifacting on the image when it was uploaded, resulting in those green pixels. In this instance, these colors are from a nice, clean image and are readily visible. It's also worth noting that this same kind of thing can be seen when looking at the thumbnails for Hero's and Banjo's presentations, allowing us to see parts of the background from where those images of Sakurai were cut out.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
The stars are just aligning with us

Oh by the way

I looked at his shoulder area of the announcement for 16th

There’s a grey dark grey color on his shoulders probably the pants or boots of the character

By the way his 3 it’s probably sharing three something about the character or in the update or that’s how many characters are left

Oh and one more remind these pixels do help but determine who the character is from these pixels (only shows green is involved with the character)

It’s not different to figuring out big foot and Loch Ness photos
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Deleted member

You guys are getting my hopes up...
I will try not to think about it too much to save myself disappointment, but I would love to see Doom Slayer be the next character even after when the leakers denied him.

Personally I think it will be Arle, but I'll still cheer him on, Doom Bros.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
You guys are getting my hopes up...
I will try not to think about it too much to save myself disappointment, but I would love to see Doom Slayer be the next character even after when the leakers denied him.

Personally I think it will be Arle, but I'll still cheer him on, Doom Bros.
Agreed while possible they were wrong all along or paid hush money or whatever

It’s still possible it’s anybody else

Though I can’t wait to see the excuse they have if it does end up being doom guy


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2019
I've compiled pinshadow pinshadow 's findings in one handy to share image.

I love Smash speculation so much. In what other game series could we deduce the identity of a newcomer through forensics

View attachment 257340
Uhhh... I don't know, bro.
I like Doomguy to be in Smash, but this theory is pretty ridiculous.
All I see is weird made up colored lines, lmao.
If the guy seeing these findings provided whatever he used so everyone can corroborate, then I could change the "ridiculous" theory to a "unlikely but interesting" theory.


Smash Cadet
Dec 8, 2019
Uhhh... I don't know, bro.
I like Doomguy to be in Smash, but this theory is pretty ridiculous.
All I see is weird made up colored lines, lmao.
If the guy seeing these findings provided whatever he used so everyone can corroborate, then I could change the "ridiculous" theory to a "unlikely but interesting" theory.
its just zooming into the thumbnails, you could zoom in and find brown on his right arm for example. Could still be stupid though


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
You guys are getting my hopes up...
I will try not to think about it too much to save myself disappointment, but I would love to see Doom Slayer be the next character even after when the leakers denied him.

Personally I think it will be Arle, but I'll still cheer him on, Doom Bros.
Arle would be such a letdown for everyone but with the way this fighter pass has went, I would not be surprised.

Although Dante has a lot going for him when you consider this tweet: https://twitter.com/DevilMayCry/sta...-reveal-to-take-place-on-january-16th.497724/
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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Uhhh... I don't know, bro.
I like Doomguy to be in Smash, but this theory is pretty ridiculous.
All I see is weird made up colored lines, lmao.
If the guy seeing these findings provided whatever he used so everyone can corroborate, then I could change the "ridiculous" theory to a "unlikely but interesting" theory.
Well, the basis of this theory comes from this:

A simple zoom in will show that the crop job on Sakurai for the thumbnail was rather sloppy. He's standing in front of something brown, with hints of dark green near the top of his head

He's always sitting in front of the character poster in his presentations so it's not too far of a reach to assume that perhaps this is also the case, and dark brown and green well...

Is this an out there theory? Yeah
Is it a reach? I honestly don't think so

It's no more outlandish then things like Daisy theory and analyzing the meaning of Sakurai holding up three fingers anyway
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
We getting closer lads

Hopefully this is are moment

And why was this zippo hurt us if I may ask?

Oh by the way did you check around sakurais elbow of the photo (the one making the 3)

I think I found more green
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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
According to Sasparilla, Zippo's info seems to corroborate with his, and in case you forgot, Sasparilla's list of disconfirmed characters included Doomguy.
View attachment 257702
If I'm honest, the fact that Fighter 5 hasn't leaked at ALL and all of the back and forth and guessing of who it ISN'T just leads me to throw out the deconfirm list, no one knows for sure who it is

I have to say I'm flattered to be name dropped in PG's new vid


Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2018
According to Sasparilla, Zippo's info seems to corroborate with his, and in case you forgot, Sasparilla's list of disconfirmed characters included Doomguy.
View attachment 257702
Right, but Sarasaland could be wrong. So this Zippo thing really doesn't hurt Doomguy anymore than Sabrina's initial deconfirm.
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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
If I'm honest, the fact that Fighter 5 hasn't leaked at ALL and all of the back and forth and guessing of who it ISN'T just leads me to throw out the deconfirm list, no one knows for sure who it is
Right, but Sarasaland could be wrong. So this Zippo thing really doesn't hurt Doomguy anymore than Sabrina's initial deconfirm.
I know what you mean. It really seems as though no insiders have a clear idea as to who it is, and they may have been caught up in a misinformation campaign to hide who FP5 really is. It could go some way to explaining why Fatman and Sasparilla's ideas as to who FP5 are seem so wildly different. If he's so well known that Nintendo is willing to C&D him, then I wouldn't put it past them to try and fake him out by finding his sources and leaking misinformation to them. Fatman, meanwhile, isn't really well known for leaks, so they'd have less a reason to pay attention to him and do stuff like that.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
If CacoMallow turns out to be real, then Ken will forever be known as the god of Smash.
Keep this in mind for CacoMallow

The OG Ken Leak had people baffled and confused, but no one could really disprove it and eventually it faded away until suddenly it got confirmed

And now with CacoMallow: It had people baffled and confused, but no one could really disprove it and eventually it faded away and.... Huh, ain't that familiar? I'd say history is bound to repeat itself


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
Hey all. Popping over from the Geno thread to wish you luck tomorrow. I feel that Doom Slayer has a good shot at being number 5 and I'm hoping you get your guy. I think he'd be really fun


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Good luck for tomorrow indeed, I'm happy to see everyone between the Geno and Doomslayer threads pulling for one another


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2007
I would be very surprised if Doomguy got announced at this point. All I'm hoping for right now is not to be a Mii costume and a hint at the fighters beyond FP5.
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