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Asylum Mafia - zomggggg who won zomggggg

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
V, detective is the most reliable way to find killers, though I agree, it's dumb to say it's the only way.
Chances of finding a scum the first night is like 33% so meh, chance is there, but not a big one.

Lythium, hypocopping means everyone says:
I investigated X and he turned up guilty/not guilty
That way the detective doesn't get revealed, but people will still know his results. In normal game this means it can be used when he dies, in this game it's to show his result immedeatly.

Deleted member

V (get at me) thinks that ohaiduhg is worried the detective might investigate ohaiduhg and then outs himself so ohaiduhg dies (given that ohaiduhg is scum.

Deleted member

In normal game this means it can be used when he dies, in this game it's to show his result immedeatly.
V would like to remind everyone that we should quicklynch someone the mooment the detective posts a guilty result.
As a matter of fact V wants nobody to start a serious wagon before most if not all people have psted the hypocop, so people might cover up the real results

*whoever is detective* : person X is guilty
...more results..
person Y: Person X is guilty

not foolproof, but at least scum might need to gamble on it.

Deleted member

That doesn't work V. Scum will know the first person to give the right answer and then him getting lynched is the detective.
True, but you could also guess what he's going to post, maybe the detective should breadcrumb his result first, I dunno.
Because we all know the detective, a correct play of hypocop could make this game so extremely easy.

Deleted member

Well the following, though very hypothetical would be hilarious:
Detective breadcrumbs the correct result.
first to pick up on it posts that, maybe one or two others do it as well
everybody else INCLUDING the actual detective just post random results, preferably not the correct one.

proceed to work with the result and the detective is untraceable.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
basic summary.

this game is 3:7 town. if we lynch wrong twice, we have the potential to lose the game. by day 3 (hell, before sunrise of day 3.

the point of this setup is to win as quickly as possible before threats such as paranoids are lynched or NK'd. On top of this the point is to let cop do the work, and as soon as a guilty is given, we take it and lynch the mafia. You guys have to understand even though we can hold on to the detective for however long we want, what if the detective gets nk'd without giving his reports? then we're stuck with nothing, as soon as he gets an guilty, we take it. Period.

I recommend we no lynch today, considering how the setup is made, lynching a townie today would put us at mylo tomorrow if mafia lynches right.

Deleted member

without giving his reports?
hypocop? I thought you proposed it.
oh a no 'ffence but screw no lynch.
also, we WANT paranoids to be NK targets.

like what the hell are you saying Heat?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
if we lose a paranoid, we also lose the threat of a paranoid late game. there are only two of them, and three of mafia, even if they all die, tehre will still be mafia available.

oif course i'm okay wit hthat, but then they have no fear of killing anyone.

You're taking that statement out of context from a sentence that had a much larger meaning V. i'm supporting cop giving out his reports via hypocop, people want us to hold on to detective, and then let him give reports much later (like day 3). what if detective doesn't live that long? what if detective dies tomorrow, and ends up not giving any reports because of it? we're not certain of that, therefore we need to give out reports as they come.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
In the best case scenario, we lynch one mafia the first day, one dies to a bomb during the first night, and the detective takes out the last on the second day.

That's not likely going to happen though so it would be best if we can keep the paranoids as long as possible to further confuse and attempt to discover the mafia.

There isn't really anything to gain from having them take out mafia early.

On the other hand, if we don't get rid of the attentive killer quickly, the paranoids will be discovered.

Deleted member

Both of you are wrong. there is no benefit of having the paranoids take out scum later rather than earlier.

if they die early (by scum trying to kill them) we have more time to find the right connections.
if they die later, scum will be more careful with nightkills.

"they have no fear of killing". he has no fear of killing as there is only one left, and we are in D3 by now really unlikely we will lose that so I don't see the problem

"to further confuse and attempt to discover the mafia." wha? having paranoids improves our chances of finding scum? I don't get this.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
let's look at worst case scenario, just like we have a detective, they have a attentive killer, they will try thei rhardest to get paranoids killed via lynch.

worst case scenario

we lose a townie
they kill a townie and find a paranoid
we out detective who has an inno
we end up lynching found paranoid
detective dies and last paranoid is found.

in this situation, there is no fear considering the last paranoid is known, they just have to act kind and team with the paranoid to gang up on other nutcases.

Deleted member

why are we looking at best/worst cases? you must look at chances.
lemme get the math up after another audiosurf ride.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Paranoids are there for scum to wonder who to kill. They now have to think on who to kill and be cautious of it.
I don't know what this discussion has to offer, it's not up to us how long paranoids live.

Why would a paranoid be good later in the game? Instead of being 2 out of 7 it would be more like 2 out of 4, which is a much bigger chance of hitting one.

V, I really don't like the way you're playing. You take some things out of context to make it easier for you to argue with that post. Also, it was your idea for a hypocop, I do not believe you forgot that.

Also, I'm not sure about the no lynch. It eliminates the chance of us accidently lynching the detective/paranoids. However, it also gives about half the info on D2 if we DID lynch someone.

Deleted member

No heat proposed it first (#232) and V was the only one that reacted at first so that's why V asked again.
Guus, that is the same risk we run in a normal game to lynch a cop/doc and NOBODY ever questions if we should lynch then.
You are right about the paranoids, that is for mafia to think about, not us.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
My bad, it was indeed Heats idea.
I understand V, but in most games there's not a bomb that is essentially a mafia murderer.

Also, your last few posts made me think you stopped with roleplaying. Sadly, I was mistaken. Seriously, please stop it?

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
We can't just no lynch until we find one of the scum. By that time, given the worst case scenario, we could be down a detective and a few townies before we find something.

Our best chance is to take action and see what we get as a result.

Deleted member

stop talking about worst/best cases. really.
Why guus? you're the only one V think that is really annoyed by it.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Well, does it matter if you annoy one person or a lot? Are you doing it to see how many people you annoy? Cause right now, I know it's 1.

Can other who feel the same let it be known then as well?

Deleted member

Why is it annoying? Are V's posts confusing? Because V is V are there is nobody else that is called V or anything remotely similair to V in this game, the closest being Vrael.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Don't get pissed off at his roleplaying, get over it, and play the game how you want to play it.

wel said andy
thanks roger!

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Any thoughts I still have I don't feel like sharing now.
In my fair opinion, I've done plenty on Day 1, so don't you dare try to get me for not wanting to do anyone.
ATM, I feel the way my avatar looks now, so I don't think I'm going to post anymore today.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Why say that outloud? You're just giving people stuff to feed on.

Why would you not want to share your results? IF you're going to say that, you should at least give is a logical reason as to why you don't want to share your results.

I can assume that the reason you don't want to share them, is because you have a different view of the game than us, and that you want to kill town, not killers.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
No, whatever I have to add is really irrelevant at this point in the game, if it even IS something that I can add.

You may also read this as; "I have nothing I can say now"


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Alright Gustave, since there's nothing to say, you should have a basic gameplan of how today should go down as well.

So tell us, what should we be doing today?

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
No, I have nothing to say RIGHT NOW. I bet other people who have barely posted today should definitly be able to take a look at this and make a nice post about everything that's been discussed so far.
After that, I should be able to post again.
How today should continue? Keep discussing a few different topics and find a suitable lynch candidate, or decide if we'd rather have no lynch. But who am I to control a day :urg:


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
At this point, I'd really like to hear what other people have to say. As in, people that haven't even posted today.



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
No, I have nothing to say RIGHT NOW. I bet other people who have barely posted today should definitly be able to take a look at this and make a nice post about everything that's been discussed so far.
After that, I should be able to post again.
How today should continue? Keep discussing a few different topics and find a suitable lynch candidate, or decide if we'd rather have no lynch. But who am I to control a day :urg:
so, in reality, you're telling us to discuss more topics.

However, you're also saying that you don't want to talk anymore.

Aren't you going against your own gameplan?


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
back from class

i want to add my input on hypocopping.

i don't think we should do it necessarily the first day

instead the detective should breadcrumb it

since paranoids and nutcases would be able to catch these

rather than killers guessing which one is correct

since let's say

detective gets a killer and says so

but the rest of the town hypocops incorrectly

mafia knows who detective is even if they hypocop themselves

Deleted member

since paranoids and nutcases would be able to catch these
and so are killers. We don't even know if the detective can breadcrumb well.

and on the last thing, town should be able to make decent guesses so the actual cop shouldn't be found until D3.
I mean we're with 7 townies, people are bound to make "correct" investigations.

And I think I've already said multiple times that we need to be subtle about it.
Detective: "X is guitly"


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
well yeah i thought being subtle about it is breadcrumbing

its up to the detective to see how well he can communicate with the town while being subtle


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Well. this is what hypocopping is from my point of view. Hypocop is the idea that everyone is hypothetically the cop. Because of this, everyone will have different reports saying different things. However they'll all be in the exact same format.

So, if we all agree to it, we all say a report a bit like this.

"Cop here, checked person last night, person came up inno/guilty".

We'll never use these reports at all, infact, we'll scumhunt outside of these reports, until Detective gets outted, or dies (chances are dying would be first). When this happens, we pick up all the reports that are available and use them to out advantage.

Also, we can use mafia's reports to our advantage too. Considering they will try to make innos look guilty, and guilties look inno, we can use those mindgames to pick out guilties as well.
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