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Asylum Mafia - zomggggg who won zomggggg


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
Fair enough to me. If you have irl going on, nothing you can do. But if you are still able to give us your summary, then by all means we will accept it.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Quite frankly, I don't have a really solid lynch candidate. I'd be content with a no lynch to be perfectly honest. Before anyone's like "SCUM NO LYNCH SCUM SCUM SCUMMMMM," let me explain myself. We don't have much information other than a few hunches. It's highly likely that these hunches could be incorrect, and if we mislynch, then we lose on player that we didn't have to lose. There are benefits to lynching (more information, and maybe we even kill off a scum), but at this point in the game, I'm not sure the pros of lynching outweigh the cons.

I do have a fairly small suspicion on Guus/Gustave.

I really hate when people use this as an excuse.
To me it seems as if you have no ****ing clue on what to say, so instead you use this to make it seem like you have something, while in reality, you probably don't.
We're never gonna get a good lynch if you don't express your thoughts.
This was the beginning of the game, some people don't have much to say.

I'll come back to this post later.

Also, Vrael and Duhg bother me a lot. You can definitly have made more than 4 or 6 posts by now.

Here's a summary of Vrael's staggering 4 posts.

He confirmed.
He said he skimmed, added nothing whatsoever.
Outs suspicion towards Rei for making too many conclusions based on nothing.
Tells people we need to generate as much as discussion today as we can.
Then he leaves himself at a striking 4 posts. What a hypocrit.

Summary of Duhg;
He confirmed.
He explained what TPK stood for.
Makes a post explaining the obvious; Random voting generally results in voting a townie.
Makes a post saying "hey I did the same!"
Then tells us to first trust everyone is a townie and then pick up on suspicions. A nice view, but what if scum leaves no suspicious?
Same thing as Vrael, "baww I suck at Day 1". There has been plenty of discussion, there must be something you can add.

I wish I had 2 votes.
Vote: Vrael
FoS about as heavy as a vote: Ohaiduhg
I've replied to this before, but again I see no point in calling out people with only a few posts. What it says to me is "I have no actual claims regarding these people, but I am going to vote them based on their activity." This isn't pro-town at all. Maybe a poke vote or something, but this certainly seemed like it was a real vote.

I can't bring me to read your post without responding to your first line first.
It's SCUMMY to bring up someone who has 4 posts? If you really want to cripple the game by joining in, knowing you're gonna be way more busy than the rest, you can also reason that you don't feel like reading everything. Seriously, what use are you in this game then.
If we DIDN'T bring up inactives, scum would have an amazingly easy ride + we would get stuck with idiots in lategame. Call me an *******, but we don't want to cripple ourselves with fairly inactive players.
I'm not really vulnerable for the "OH BUT I TRY TO BE AS ACTIVE AS POSSIBLE"-card. I think it's not good enough.

And wow, even Smoth didn't know who you were in this game Vrael.
This was a post from D1, when not much was even happening. The fact that he cares so much about people not being active in the RVS and right after doesn't sit well with me.

Any thoughts I still have I don't feel like sharing now.
In my fair opinion, I've done plenty on Day 1, so don't you dare try to get me for not wanting to do anyone.
ATM, I feel the way my avatar looks now, so I don't think I'm going to post anymore today.
Withholding information doesn't help town at all. This reminds me of something:

We're never gonna get a good lynch if you don't express your thoughts.
I wholeheartedly agree. Now why don't you practice what you preach and tell us what you're thinking.

I'm not talking activity. I'm talking content, input, overall performance.

Why you? Because you were the one getting on me for not inputting anything IN THE PAST 6 HOURS, in contrast to being straight out oblivious to the fact that Vrael has 5 posts, Duhg about 8 and others with similar low numbers.
You had the chance to post things of substance, but you chose to spam and troll and mention how Vi's avatar makes him look scummy. It's one thing (imo) if people aren't on, but having a chance to contribute and blatantly not doing so is completely different.

P.S. Nice OMGUS there V, voting because he voted on you, because I don't see your reason to vote. Especially after saying "chew on this".
Just saying, ololol.
And RVS votes matter so much, as we all know. >_>

So like I said, this suspicion is pretty small. Roxy you wanted a post, and Guus is my number one suspect at this point. I'm just going to FoS: Gustave, since I really don't know if he's just being an aggressive townie or if he's scum.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Woah, that brings up something. Guus is infact right about one thing; We DON'T want to cripple ourselves late-game with lurkers who aren't giving information. With that being said though, Mafia will kill people who have the least likely chance of being connected to (i.e. lurkers). Either way, most lurkers will die early.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Vrael, your argument is basically made of me taking RVS and soon after RVS too serious.
Everything you quoted was well past post 250. There were 250 posts before what you quoted. Believe, RVS was over a long time before that. It doesn't take that long.

Picking on people with low activity;
Keeping a low profile is an extremely useful scum tactic. I've seen people ride to the endgame and winning it numerous times on other sites (Lol, Enig). I'm not going to let them slip past.

I explained yesterday after my post saying I didn't want to add nothing, I also I didn't have anything to add. And you're taking it pretty far, calling what I did trolling, since all I did was make a bit smaller posts.

There's no need to take out the post you already responded to, it just makes it seem like you want to make your post bigger. I care more about content ;)

All in all, I understand your FoS on me though.


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
okay i haven't really read anything yet

but going to start

but i can see smoth hasn't come after i voted for him.

or answer any questions.

smoth where you at?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Vrael, your argument is basically made of me taking RVS and soon after RVS too serious.
Everything you quoted was well past post 250. There were 250 posts before what you quoted. Believe, RVS was over a long time before that. It doesn't take that long.
Ah, looking back I guess so.

Picking on people with low activity;
Keeping a low profile is an extremely useful scum tactic. I've seen people ride to the endgame and winning it numerous times on other sites (Lol, Enig). I'm not going to let them slip past.
Most of the time, from my experience, when Mafia members attempt to keep a low profile, it's more of parroting, posting fluff, etc., as opposed to not posting at all. I understand your reasoning though.

I explained yesterday after my post saying I didn't want to add nothing, I also I didn't have anything to add. And you're taking it pretty far, calling what I did trolling, since all I did was make a bit smaller posts.
Some of your posts (none of which that I quoted) were completely devoid of any content whatsoever.

There's no need to take out the post you already responded to, it just makes it seem like you want to make your post bigger. I care more about content ;)
I put that in in order to make my argument more cohesive.

But yeah, my suspicions aren't strong enough to warrant a vote. I don't feel like I know enough to vote at this point in time.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
This is what I have for a post by post.

V didn't assume such things at all.

WHEN the detective finds a scum, he either outs or we just use the hypocop to vote off a scum. -1 scum
then in the night scum gets the nightkill and we lose a townie (probably the detective) -1 town
result -1 scum,-1 town.

and WHAHAHA, or only way to find sucm? please man.
and they can't make safe nightkills until the find a nutcase, and then kill that one the night after that, in which period he might even get lynched.

your post contains so much untrue stuff.
chew on this
Unvote, Vote: Ohaiduhg
Only 100% way to find scum unless you are in favor of mislynching and possibly losing a paranoid.

True, but you could also guess what he's going to post, maybe the detective should breadcrumb his result first, I dunno.
Because we all know the detective, a correct play of hypocop could make this game so extremely easy.
Mafia can pick up breadcrumbs and easily find detective. I think V wants to make the cop more recognizable.


DZLE, Heat: I'm curious to know who's looking scummy to you. Thoughts?

duhg, I don't necessarily think that V is saying that the detective is going to find scum on the first night. Even if the detective ends up investigating a townie, it's still a townie. No one in their right mind would vote for said townie, because a) there's no reason for a townie to, and b) obvious scum is obvious. Rather, if the detective finds scum, there's no reason for town not to trust the detective either, since we all know who he is.

Also, even if our detective is killed, we've still got paranoids, which leaves the odds in our favour. There's only three killers, and only one of them can sniff out the paranoids. Scum can't make a safe kill until they know who's who.

I don't necessarily think you're wrong in your assertions, but remember to think about the game in its entirety. ;)

V: Stop roleplaying. :mad: Also...

Could you explain what you meant by this?

I'm pretty sure Gustave already called you on this, but this is utter bull****. Mafia knows who's town, so why would they need to know who you think is town? Seriously. That doesn't even make any sort of sense at all.


Okay, that was shorter than I thought. Also, would someone be kind enough to explain the term "hypocop?"
2 out of 7 for mafia to hit paranoid.

basic summary.

this game is 3:7 town. if we lynch wrong twice, we have the potential to lose the game. by day 3 (hell, before sunrise of day 3.

the point of this setup is to win as quickly as possible before threats such as paranoids are lynched or NK'd. On top of this the point is to let cop do the work, and as soon as a guilty is given, we take it and lynch the mafia. You guys have to understand even though we can hold on to the detective for however long we want, what if the detective gets nk'd without giving his reports? then we're stuck with nothing, as soon as he gets an guilty, we take it. Period.

I recommend we no lynch today, considering how the setup is made, lynching a townie today would put us at mylo tomorrow if mafia lynches right.
If mafia lynches the right person.

At this point, I'd really like to hear what other people have to say. As in, people that haven't even posted today.

You sure like to pretend you are active.

back from class

i want to add my input on hypocopping.

i don't think we should do it necessarily the first day

instead the detective should breadcrumb it

since paranoids and nutcases would be able to catch these

rather than killers guessing which one is correct

since let's say

detective gets a killer and says so

but the rest of the town hypocops incorrectly

mafia knows who detective is even if they hypocop themselves
You are suggesting breadcrumbing too?


and so are killers. We don't even know if the detective can breadcrumb well.

and on the last thing, town should be able to make decent guesses so the actual cop shouldn't be found until D3.
I mean we're with 7 townies, people are bound to make "correct" investigations.

And I think I've already said multiple times that we need to be subtle about it.
Detective: "X is guitly"
You were the first to suggest breadcrumbing. Now you are heavily against it?

Well. this is what hypocopping is from my point of view. Hypocop is the idea that everyone is hypothetically the cop. Because of this, everyone will have different reports saying different things. However they'll all be in the exact same format.

So, if we all agree to it, we all say a report a bit like this.

"Cop here, checked person last night, person came up inno/guilty".

We'll never use these reports at all, infact, we'll scumhunt outside of these reports, until Detective gets outted, or dies (chances are dying would be first). When this happens, we pick up all the reports that are available and use them to out advantage.

Also, we can use mafia's reports to our advantage too. Considering they will try to make innos look guilty, and guilties look inno, we can use those mindgames to pick out guilties as well.
If the cop gets a guilty, do we still scumhunt outside of these reports?

after reading everything. I think it would be good to do a no lynch d1.
unvote: V

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
Hypocopping vote
Pro Hypocop: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (Heatstroke, V, Rei, Gustave, Vrael, Lythium)
Anti Hypocop: (no one)
Not voting: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
(ohaiduhg, DZLE-Falz ,rPSI ,Shadow Moth )

There is no majority, whichever has more votes when the day ends will be our gameplan for d2.
Look again, bro. I voted pro.

Also I've only been inactive because I get easily caught up in things and I'm not in the DR every second.

@Rei: I haven't come out because I haven't been checking. I didn't know you voted me until just now.

My reasons for voting V... not really any good reason I just get a bad feeling from him. Like I said, I have other suspicions that I'm still looking into. I don't feel it's necessary to share incomplete thoughts.


Jun 7, 2009
Yeah, we were only giving, say, 4 days for day1.
You have to expect some people to be a bit inactive.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
@Doug: We can gain much more from a lynch than a no lynch. No lynch might be safer, but I think on day 1 we can afford to take a bit of a risk in order to get more info.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I just realized, that it is quite true we get more info via lynch than no lynch.

Duhg brings up a good point about V's breadcrumbing. IT shows a lot of uncertainty, or perhaps trying to blend in.

I think i'm going to stick on that read I did

vote: V

btw Duhg, when you unvote, you just unvote, you don't say unvote: person"


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
ohaiduhg — 2 (V, HeatStroke)
DZLE-Falz — 0
Gustave — 1
V — 2
(Shadow Moth, DZLE-Falz)
rPSI — 0
Vrael — 0
Lythium — 0
Shadow Moth — 2
(Gustave, -Rei-)
HeatStroke — 0
-Rei- — 0

6 votes are needed to lynch.

I have allowed Junglefever to take care of vote count when I am unavailable.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
I wondered why other people got a "read" of V, so I decided to reread his posts. What he said made me think it was worthy of a write-up.

Frown, why is mafia not allowed to privately communicate during the day phase? that is a quite uncommon rule.
One of V's first post; He's pointing out to Frown Mafia can't communicate during the day. An uncommon rule yes, but not something town should care about. Later in the day this gets changed so mafia CAN indeed talk to each other. Noted.

FoS: everyone except rPSI

I'd love to know why you did this. Only rPSI because he was the only one not voting? What was the reasoning behind finding everyone suspicious, except the one not posting?

Should the glorious V roleplay instead, I heard he can put up quite a masquerade.
Oh, not THAT's interesting. Seems like hinting towards more than just roleplaying.

V would like to meet this Andy.
Gustave, still want V to kickstart this game?
I don't get why you did this as soon as you thought of it? Seems like you want to stretch out the RVS as long as possible.

V sometimes gets in a pointless argument about something trivial.
And depending on what playstyle I pick I either look scummy or lazy by D2.
Thanks for the heads-up, but you know it's your own fault. Arguing about trivial things is a good way to stall. If you do look like scum, there's nothing I can do about it.

Heat, think about what answering yes or no would imply for my role, and just "he's a nutcase yes/no".
(This is where Roxy asked the question if he knew who was Detective)
This is a blatant lie, both nutcases and paranoids know who it is. Not very eager to answer a question.

V just wanted to point out that it was a pointless question and would leave the questioner with not actual information.
Sure, would be the case if you just answered yes, but the fact you made such a point of it reveals A LOT more than the question itself.

During the questioning he stopped roleplaying all of a sudden. Then after Roxy posts that I've ****-blocked him, he immedeatly continues roleplaying.

and then V had a thought
So I passed or what because I will think about what a question to me implies, especially if it is such a super dumb question.

on the other had, I failed seeing your intention of wanting to know how I would respond
I'm not entirely sure what this means, but the last about not seeing the intention of wanting to know how you would react;
V, that is one of the main ways to find scum. Asking questions and analyzing reactions.

Lythium, some things:

-you try to make town win, not survive, putting your survival first is typical mafia behaviour
if she believes she's town she has EVERY right to fight for her survival. If you are town, it's critical to not get lynched. Town will not win if townies get lynched. I don't see this as a read at all.
(This is not saying Lythium is town)

you just got majorly mindgamed by those first 3 posts. it was about time someone picked on the rPSI thing though. way to pay attention people.

V picked him at random, this was V's way of a random vote (you can't vote everyone except one person)
Okay, exactly WHY did you try to mindgame town? It only creates confusion. Don't give me "to confuse mafia", you confuse town. There are more townies than scum.
Again, you picked rPSI because you wanted to vote everyone. Why everyone BUT rPSI?

V thinks ohaiduhg doesn't want to die because the detective investigated him. And since when is voting for someone who tries to bring flawed logic into the game bad?
The cop hasn't had any investigations derp.
V said the cop should out as soon as he gets a guilty, but then Duhg makes a very legit point:
So, you consider losing our only way to find killers coming to an advantage? Not to mention NKs before detective finds a killer, and then if attentive killer is still alive they can make safe NKs.
If the attentive killer is still alive, they have about all the safe kills they want.

Then the part where V first suggests a breadcrumb, other people say that it's not that good an idea, then Rei suggest it and V is heavily against it. Trying to get in favor of other people much?

hypocop? I thought you proposed it.
oh a no 'ffence but screw no lynch.
also, we WANT paranoids to be NK targets.
You quote his post out of context, right after he starts that part of the sentence with IF. IF.
As much as you'd love paranoids to be NK targets, it doesn't work like that. You have to take out the attentive killer first.
Why screw no-lynch? I guess because a townie dead is better than none...?

you are also aware that if you're the only one not working with the plan/system you look scummy? not a threat, just noting it.
If you're not with us, you're one of them. Though you don't know people's allignment unless you're scum. Still sounds like a threat.

You were supposed to leave an hour and a half ago, why are you still here?
(serious) question.
Why should not being tired be a point?

Now I understand the feelings against him. From what I read, he didn't add much since page 20, just explain some things, answer some questions and make chit-chat posts.
I'm fine with lynching V.
Vote: V


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
Serious Emphasis on that first post guys.

Why would V care if mafia could talk during the day or not unless it hindered him? Huge scumslip imo. Town wouldnt care about that, and town want's to win... so


Because that person isnt town.


Deleted member

fine, lynch me because I want consistency.
the rest of your case doesn't make sense Guus.
Quote 2, V has already explained to ivrc Heat, that was his version of RVS.
quote 3, the bolded part IS roleplaying. it is a pun and reference to V for Vendetta. but apparently V can't make clever jokes here.
Quote 4, V did not. and he can't See how you twisted his words to make that serious question sounds like V wanted to stretch out RVS
Quote 5 was a reply to rPSI and it isn't about stalling at all. Like V can block the entire discussion on his own.
Quote 6,7 and 8 were to Roxy/Heat, and ou miserably misunderstood them. try to read them from Roxy's perspective.
Quote 9, ARE YOU BLIND? putting your survival BEFORE town win is like the biggest scumtell ever.
Quote 10, DUDE, it is a RANDOM vote. RANDOM. you didn't ask a single person why Vote X during RVS. I mean come on.
Quote 11 and 12. in a situation where we only had townies, a cop and mafia, would you let the cop out is he had a guilty?
Quote 13: partially yes, it's called the essence of a post.
also "You have to take out the attentive killer first."
WUT? since when can't paranoids do their jobs if the attentive killer is around. first off
during N1 the have nothing, and during N2 they have 1 safe kill AT BEST.
and yes, we need information and V want A lynch over no-lynch, not a town lynch.
Quote 14: hypocop doesn't work if half the people aren't working along, you know that.
Quote 15: you said "I'm gone now", then someone else "but guus..." and promptly your were "yes?..."
Only seems like a way for people to leave you alone for a while but you couldn't resist posting again when people called you.
you said THREE times you were gonna leave before you actually left btw.

The ONLY legit argument is the first post.
then just lynch me for it already.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
"fine lynch me"

"Then just lynch me for it already"

Joking or not, this isn't something a town sided ally would say.

You'd only say this if you were scum, (because it's scummy)
or if you are mad.

Either way. A big scumslip is a big scumslip, whatever way you look at it.


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
ohaiduhg — 2 (V, HeatStroke)
DZLE-Falz — 0
Gustave — 0

V — 5
(Shadow Moth, DZLE-Falz, Gustave, rPSI, Vrael)
rPSI — 0
Vrael — 0
Lythium — 0
Shadow Moth — 1
( -Rei-)
HeatStroke — 0
-Rei- — 0

6 votes are needed to lynch.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
"fine lynch me"

"Then just lynch me for it already"

Joking or not, this isn't something a town sided ally would say.
Vi seems like he doesn't even care about the game anymore. If he had presented evidence, I'd consider no lynching, but he's practically given up.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on you, V. I hate being the one to hammer, but let's end this day already. We need results, so I say we move forward.

vote: V


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
Day 2

As the sun rises, the inmates feel an unusual stench and turn their heads toward Roxy's bed. To their shock, the poor man's head has been severed from his body.

Roxy, the
nutcase has been killed.

Day 2 starts now and ends Wednesday 6PM EST.

Current setup:

2 nutcases
2 paranoids
1 detective
2 killers
1 attentive killer


Jun 7, 2009
lol, I've had my evidence laid out since yesterDay. I've had no reason to stop suspecting him.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I'd like to know the thoughts of everyone who voted for Vi. Actually no I want everyone's thoughts. How should we progress from here, what do you think of what happened, what do we need to do in the long run to ensure a town victory.

I'll leave you guys with this while I go answer this myself.
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