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Asylum Mafia - zomggggg who won zomggggg


Deleted member

Ugh, V's brain is sore from reading through 300 posts of nonsense.
and V knows you don't vote for V, but you are bringing up the question thing again for no apparent reason.


Jun 7, 2009
Lmao, just lmao.
You have done oh so much like participating in the hypocop discussion
lol, hypocopping. It's stupid. Gives scum an easier way to find detective IMO. I feel like people are putting too much emphasis on the cop.
take note of people who are inactive.
People have lives IRL. Some people are models IRL.
It's really easy to forget that I have been active, asking questions yesterday, just not later at night.
Scum can also be active.
Now that time reflects on my whole game and you call me useless.
It's just wishy-washy garbage.
Dude, get out, now I AM butthurt that you can are one to think like that.
Now I'm butthurt that you'd use that kind of grammar at me.
You're going for what seems to be an easy target for my behaviour yesterday.
No, I just think you're scum.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
No, you called me useless, not scum. I'd love to know why you think I'm useless.
Also, it's really easy to discern everything someone has done as WISHY-WASHY GARBAGE. Give me examples dude, stop stating things without bringing up any evidence of it.
Also, lame to pick on my grammar, it's not my native language.

So if people have lives IRL we can excuse them for having 7 posts in all the time we've had now? Come on, don't join if you know you can't make a bit of time for this mafia game. I'm not going to excuse anyone from inactivity.

Do you actually know how hypocopping works? It conceals the cop and his reports.


Jun 7, 2009
I agree that the ****-blocking wasn't very good for what you were trying to do, but it's nice to see he felt comfortable enough to continue his roleplaying after the pressure stopped.
Adds nothing

I really hate when people use this as an excuse.
To me it seems as if you have no ****ing clue on what to say, so instead you use this to make it seem like you have something, while in reality, you probably don't.
We're never gonna get a good lynch if you don't express your thoughts.
He said that since I was getting town reads, I'm useless. False.

Also, Vrael and Duhg bother me a lot. You can definitly have made more than 4 or 6 posts by now.

Here's a summary of Vrael's staggering 4 posts.

He confirmed.
He said he skimmed, added nothing whatsoever.
Outs suspicion towards Rei for making too many conclusions based on nothing.
Tells people we need to generate as much as discussion today as we can.
Then he leaves himself at a striking 4 posts. What a hypocrit.

Summary of Duhg;
He confirmed.
He explained what TPK stood for.
Makes a post explaining the obvious; Random voting generally results in voting a townie.
Makes a post saying "hey I did the same!"
Then tells us to first trust everyone is a townie and then pick up on suspicions. A nice view, but what if scum leaves no suspicious?
Same thing as Vrael, "baww I suck at Day 1". There has been plenty of discussion, there must be something you can add.

I wish I had 2 votes.
Vote: Vrael
FoS about as heavy as a vote: Ohaiduhg
Tries to make a case out of 4 posts. Lol.
Hypocop seems very legit to me, because town will know who is the detective, scum does not. They know who's guilty from what the cop says.
Adds Nothing
I can't bring me to read your post without responding to your first line first.
It's SCUMMY to bring up someone who has 4 posts? If you really want to cripple the game by joining in, knowing you're gonna be way more busy than the rest, you can also reason that you don't feel like reading everything. Seriously, what use are you in this game then.
If we DIDN'T bring up inactives, scum would have an amazingly easy ride + we would get stuck with idiots in lategame. Call me an *******, but we don't want to cripple ourselves with fairly inactive players.
I'm not really vulnerable for the "OH BUT I TRY TO BE AS ACTIVE AS POSSIBLE"-card. I think it's not good enough.

And wow, even Smoth didn't know who you were in this game Vrael.
Johns about inactives. This is the /dr/ deal with them.
P.S. Nice OMGUS there V, voting because he voted on you, because I don't see your reason to vote. Especially after saying "chew on this".
Just saying, ololol.
OMGUS usually takes place during RVS. People are allowed to defend themselves with a vote if they think the vote was scummy.
I currently don't want to add anything, so I thought I'd notify him of it that it does annoy me.
Adds Nothing AT ALL
Any thoughts I still have I don't feel like sharing now.
In my fair opinion, I've done plenty on Day 1, so don't you dare try to get me for not wanting to do anyone.
ATM, I feel the way my avatar looks now, so I don't think I'm going to post anymore today.
Adds nothing. In fact says he doesn't want to add anything.
No, whatever I have to add is really irrelevant at this point in the game, if it even IS something that I can add.

You may also read this as; "I have nothing I can say now"
Adds nothing and admits it.
No, I have nothing to say RIGHT NOW. I bet other people who have barely posted today should definitly be able to take a look at this and make a nice post about everything that's been discussed so far.
After that, I should be able to post again.
How today should continue? Keep discussing a few different topics and find a suitable lynch candidate, or decide if we'd rather have no lynch. But who am I to control a day :urg:
Really feels like he has the day in "control". Lol
Heat, you guys go ahead and talk, but I'm not going to do much more today. It's 11 pm, I'm going to bed soon...

I want to talk just no more today. I've been posting here all day.
Adds nothing
Was it wrong of me to pressure people with low post counts, which very often leads to being less contribution?
Vrael, don't slip down. :/
vote: Shadow Moth
Where have you been, what's your stance, have bothered reading everything?
Conforms/Adds nothing.
Later it will cost us much, much more to get them lynched. We don't an unlimited amount of them.
I'm not getting a read on him enough to want him lynched, but if tomorrow no one has bothered to vote for inactives, I have no other choice but go for the play of the day. I'm not going for a No Lynch.
WHAT? YOU CALLED ME OUT ON THIS BEFORE. And you call people hypocrites. Here, in cased you forgot:
I really hate when people use this as an excuse.
To me it seems as if you have no ****ing clue on what to say, so instead you use this to make it seem like you have something, while in reality, you probably don't.
We're never gonna get a good lynch if you don't express your thoughts.
I really don't like Guus.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Are we really gonna let coasters like Moth and Duhg and Lythium get away with it, make a small post and then repeat?
I really don't see how I'm coasting, at this point. There are people that have been far less active and made far less substantial posts than me. True, I don't reply to every single post like you do, but seriously, get real.

And what's wrong with short posts?


Jun 7, 2009
Do you actually know how hypocopping works? It conceals the cop and his reports.
It's works just as well as letting the cop announce his results later on in Day 3 or whatever and Mafia doesn't have a clue by Day 2. Whereas if you guessed wrong, the Mafia would already know that your not the cop.
If he doesn't get a scum read then he might as well not bread crumb or push a case. As simple as that.

Deleted member

rPSI, you are aware Hypocopping is to when an early unforeseen death of the cop happens we still have his results?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Sticking with V on that point about hypocopping. :|

Also, rpsi, you seem to be arguing against gustave quite strongly, as if it was legitimate hate, however you aren't adding either.

Also, note that he admits his inactivity at certain times, and doesn't act like he's being active all the time, it's obvious he isn't.

Lythium I remember you asking me a question, but i forgot what it was, i'll respond to it in my next post.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
That's true :| Scratch what I said.

man i have this really cool look for being mod + avvie, but god dammit i can't do it.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
****, i lied, i'm responding in my next to next post.

Right now, I'd probably say Vi is having outlandish responses to my questions. Just emotionally speaking, not rationally.

Gustave while active, is very light with his help, his two cases are both people with minimal conversation.

Rpsi is starting to get in the same boat as Gustave.

So those three seem like pretty scummy people. But their conversation is too intertwined, I'm sure if one of these is mafia, one of them is not, and I'm looking in the wrong direction.


Jun 7, 2009
So those three seem like pretty scummy people. But their conversation is too intertwined, I'm sure if one of these is mafia, one of them is not, and I'm looking in the wrong direction.
Icky reasoning is icky.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
It makes a bit of sense. Why would mafia continuously talk to each other throughout the day when they can talk at night?

WHile that just adds some WIFOM and such. Well, yeah. :|


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
****, i lied, i'm responding in my next to next post.

Right now, I'd probably say Vi is having outlandish responses to my questions. Just emotionally speaking, not rationally.

Gustave while active, is very light with his help, his two cases are both people with minimal conversation.

Rpsi is starting to get in the same boat as Gustave.

So those three seem like pretty scummy people. But their conversation is too intertwined, I'm sure if one of these is mafia, one of them is not, and I'm looking in the wrong direction.
What about Smoth? He hasn't really said anything too substantial unless I missed something.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
What about you? You haven't really said anything substantial either.

Long story short, I can sympathize for newbies, as well as lurkers. Granted they can still be mafia. I'd rather not attack people who are straight up not saying anything.

With that being said..

Smoth, Vrael, Lythium. I have an assignment for all three of you.

Me and Rei were talking about PBP's earlier. (post by posts). I would like you all to do one, just one, on your scum claim.

You don't have to do every post, but just the posts that are scummy.

also, please either link us to the post, or quote the post in your PBP to make it easier for the reader. You have until later tonight *11pm my time, five hours from now*

That being said, this game is fast paced, and we're running short on time, this isn't the time for us to be lollygagging, we need to lynch someone if we're going to do it, or no lynch if we're going to do it.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Hypocopping vote
Pro Hypocop: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (Heatstroke, V, Rei, Gustave, Vrael, Lythium)
Anti Hypocop: (no one)
Not voting: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
(ohaiduhg, DZLE-Falz ,rPSI ,Shadow Moth )

There is no majority, whichever has more votes when the day ends will be our gameplan for d2.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
you do realize when you wake up, you have about 3-4 hours worth of study time?

a PBP on anyone that you feel is scummy.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
I have untill 6 or 7 PM my time, I'm not sure if I can bring up the time. I've had vacation the past 2 weeks, but this weekend it's time get my schoolwork done.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to give a good summary of the day, does that seem fair to you?
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