hawaiianjiggs: that's something you can practice in training mode. as for fsmashing, i have no idea why that attack would come out upon you throwing them. perhaps you're trying to jump and c-stick forward in order to knee and you're hitting the c-stick before you jump. just get the timing down for when you can jump after a uthrow/dthrow. perhaps jump buffering could be useful for this, although i don't use it
roll/spotdodge-buffering's main use is getting out of IC's cg, which FYI doesn't work anymore (except for the backwards one which i don't know how to do.. and of course wobbling). but yeah when getting cg'd by them hold diagonal-away on the control stick and down on the c-stick to buffer a spotdodge. and they can't cg you.
roll/spotdodge-buffering's main use is getting out of IC's cg, which FYI doesn't work anymore (except for the backwards one which i don't know how to do.. and of course wobbling). but yeah when getting cg'd by them hold diagonal-away on the control stick and down on the c-stick to buffer a spotdodge. and they can't cg you.