I've got three questions first two has to do with marth second is just a question in general
First is, exactly
how does one chain grab marth? Does it have to do with move decay, where the first two grabs are walking chain grabs then the last two-three are dash chain grabs? Is the chain grab on marth very % specific at where you need to start the chain grab at?
Second is about using reflector to disrupt peoples horizontal recovery off the stage. DEHF does it a few times in this video, as well as the chain grab against marth(Mike Haze). Is that a legit thing to do in general? I never use it, and it seems like a good idea maybe? =s
My last question is a tech related skill that I saw in this video that some people have brought up but I've never really looked into. Using gatling combo even when your opponent shields the dash attack. I've been told that its possible to do gatling combo without hitting anything at all, its just a lot easier to do gatling combo when the dash hits.
Obviously being able to do the upsmash even if your oppnent powershields the dash attack is good for a surprise attack. How do I do it?
Also quick fourth question. I've been trying to mix up my phantasms by canceling them, and I know how to do the shortest one, but I can't get the timing down for the mid and long phantasm cancel. I know people cant explain to me how its done because its just timing, but how did you guys go about learning the timing for each cancel? =s