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Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
well it's one of the challenges of playing a char without a projectile, and a lackluster recovery...while your foe is using both of these things to their advantage.

Old, tried and true the best way to avoid getting gimped is to "not get hit" or more specifically dont get grabbed.

Learn to avoid projectiles. This is not that hard. Mario, for example simply cannot shoot very high, use that to your advantage. Projectiles are only a real problem if you get frustrated and stop thinking clearly... especially on hyrule.

The usual causation for getting grabbed in these situations is stopping in front of your foe, either due to spacing errors or pivots. Both of these things you can work on, the prior is technical so just learning the game (when to attack and the extent of your hit boxes)will help you master this, and for the latter you must learn to read what your foes are generally doing...if all they do is projectiles and grab--> gimp...they shouldn't have much depth to their game :p

telling them to alternate stages would also help xD


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
You can try to mix up your recoveries with minute hesitations to sweetspot the ledge better, surprising aggro doug hugs that get 'em with the WTFmagnets, and recovering close to the wall so that when they whack you you can DI off it and then doughug them, but most of the time you're just screwed.

"Don't get hit" is the best advice (got that shirt the other day btw lulz)


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I never said it's what makes them good.

as for second part i calls lies, we all watch Malva's live stream and i play boom all the time...some what, i play him enough lol.
It makes no sense to say that only malva and boom zero to death consistently. Combos are not what separates them from the rest.

It's a statement I'd expect from a YouTube comment from people who don't play smash 64 and only know the names of two top players. The same people who watch Isai videos from 2006 and comment "omg awesome combo" on a Falcon fthrow uair uair upB.

Not trying to be too much of a meanie here but your statement confuses me.


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
It's a statement I'd expect from a YouTube comment from people who don't play smash 64 and only know the names of two top players. The same people who watch Isai videos from 2006 and comment "omg awesome combo" on a Falcon fthrow uair uair upB.\
FWIW a lot of stuff that is considered ridiculously standard now was nearly revolutionary in 2006. Isai's videos alone have accelerated the metagame evolutionary process significantly.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2010
Does Falcon's Fthrow > uair > usmash from 0% work on all characters? (EDIT: If not, are there any that will work across the board?)

I'm just trying to get the hang of the technical stuff (like learning when to SH u-air) with combos and thought some generic falcon combos would be a good place to start.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
It makes no sense to say that only malva and boom zero to death consistently.
Firstly, it makes sense to say it the logic behind what i said is plausible. With that in mind Malva and Boom are the only players who consistently use 0-deaths in actual matches (and they do so more then you)...not everything they use is 0-death...but they use it more often and more effectively.

Combos are not what separates them from the rest.
good point

It's a statement I'd expect from a YouTube comment from people who don't play smash 64 and only know the names of two top players. The same people who watch Isai videos from 2006 and comment "omg awesome combo" on a Falcon fthrow uair uair upB.

Not trying to be too much of a meanie here but your statement confuses me.
I dont know why you are so confused :o

Nobody "0-deaths consistently".

This maybe why he is confused, a simple mistake in words. They are the MOST consistent then aha. maybe you guys mistake that for they always do 0-death combos every time they hit? Thats not what i meant...


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
True story, although I wouldn't say "interchangeably."

the Usmash-first way is definitely more common.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Firstly, it makes sense to say it the logic behind what i said is plausible. With that in mind Malva and Boom are the only players who consistently use 0-deaths in actual matches (and they do so more then you)...not everything they use is 0-death...but they use it more often and more effectively.
Based on my observations of videos, live stream, and playing both on console (I know it was a long time ago ;) ) and online, I disagree.

Well, u-smash -> u-air works more often and against more characters than u-air -> u-smash. Fairly often then can be used interchangeably.
At pretty much anything but the lowest percents against heavies, uair is better.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Malva and Boom are the only players who consistently use 0-deaths in actual matches
wtf? No. I disagree. Fox, Falcon, Yoshi, and Luigi are chars I 0>death with in actual matches all the time (Basically all my mains). Pretty sure I'm not alone.

*Fox a little less

*probably not going to respond, and I apologize my posts have been (substance wise) spammy as of late. Promise my post quality will go up. Just let me get some rest.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
One theory could be that console player spend most of their time in training mode since they don't have people to play everytime they want. So they have better techskill and combo ability. I don't know, just throwing out something.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
BS? Or maybe YOU just can't z>death? Sounds like it to me.

Just throwing that out there

Falcon on Kirby falls under Falcon against fastfaller on Dreamland right?
What about Falcon ditto on Sector Z- still doesn't count right?

Don't tell me- Yoshi doesn't count and neither does Hyrule. Oh wait, I see a shield poke- doesn't count.
Pretty sure this was the first match we played that session btw. Sheer must be reaching god status right.

I would go outside of my channel's vids for better examples, but then you'd say I was cherry picking the internet and it wouldn't count.

Frogles has z>deathed me with Ness on Hyrule very convincingly and Nintendude likewise with other chars.

Just throwing that out there.

LOTO, he's an average online smasher fellow right? Pretty sure you've played him. I played him a few weeks ago and he zero>deaths like a beast with Falcon and even Fox (OMG!). He must be Isai status.

You can't z>death and you wanna be in A tier? wow bro, you better step up your game. You're in the backroom too? Guess they REALLY need a moderator ;)

Just throwing that out there.

(guess I did respond =P)


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
It's like Suri thinks I'm lying for some social gain. If he doesn't believe me that's fine. and lol about turning everything into console vs online. I'm so tired of it.

ugg I hate this negativity...

Sangoku you don't suck. <3 You shine like a beast =D


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
BS? Or maybe YOU just can't z>death? Sounds like it to me.

Just throwing that out there

Falcon on Kirby falls under Falcon against fastfaller on Dreamland right?
What about Falcon ditto on Sector Z- still doesn't count right?

Don't tell me- Yoshi doesn't count and neither does Hyrule. Oh wait, I see a shield poke- doesn't count.
Pretty sure this was the first match we played that session btw. Sheer must be reaching god status right.

Now...You are missing my point here. I never said you cannot 0-death. I said Malva and Boom are more consistent at this then anyone else (and to me it's to a point thats obviously more noticeable). I dont know why you tried to say this is not the case, then got offended when i called that BS.

Giving me examples of combo videos / games where you've done some nice combos isn't going to prove to me that what i said above is wrong...and i dont see why it would.

Unless you ARE in fact saying you DO consistently do more 0-deaths then those two players, if thats the case i simple do not understand how you came to this conclusion.

Let me state again I'm also not saying Malva and Boom are as good as they are just being of combos...or anything of that nature...nor am i saying they 0-death all the time.

And I know I'm not that good at combos actually. I would be comparing you to boom and malva, as i said.

I would go outside of my channel's vids for better examples, but then you'd say I was cherry picking the internet and it wouldn't count.

Frogles has z>deathed me with Ness on Hyrule very convincingly and Nintendude likewise with other chars.

Just throwing that out there.
These players can combo, you are right!

LOTO, he's an average online smasher fellow right? Pretty sure you've played him. I played him a few weeks ago and he zero>deaths like a beast with Falcon and even Fox (OMG!). He must be Isai status.
He must be! Wait why?

You can't z>death and you wanna be in A tier? wow bro, you better step up your game. You're in the backroom too? Guess they REALLY need a moderator ;)

Just throwing that out there.

(guess I did respond =P)

Also love the song in that combo video!


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Surri, you said that only Malva and boom could consistently 02D. Lots and lots of people (pretty much anyone remotely good who doesn't use samus lol) can 02D pretty consistently.


Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2011

first of all nice board there ;)
maybe im just blind but i couldnt find any thread which explains all the things like DJC etc.



Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2011
ok thx for the answers ;)
1 more question. i tried diffrent servers from the serverlist here in the board and the only one that works is Galaxy but i got a 144 ping there. prolly cuz im from germany.
is there any server which is still online ?
the master list seems to be down
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