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Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2010
PJ64K and N64 controller

Just recently started playing on Galaxy Server. I'm getting used to playing Smash on a computer. One of the things that I think I'm noticing is that the joystick for CPU Smash seems to be less responsive than Console Smash (Most noticable when changing from walk to run or changing directions). Is there anything I can do to make the controller feel more responsive?

Currently running:
Project 64k 0.13
N-Rage's Direct-Input 8 V2 1.83 for Controller Plug in (Analog stick Range @ 100%, DeadZone: 0%, and without 'Real N64 Range')
Kaillera 0.9

Any tweaks, tips, or advice will be grateful.
Thanks in advance


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2010
Or 7zip.

I should probably switch over to that, since I hear it does the job just as well, if not better, than WinRAR, but I've been lazy, and gotten used to WinRAR, which supports my needs just fine. No need to fix what ain't broke, yeah?


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
iirc, and i am almost certain that i do, winrar x64 has currently the fastest compression rate out of any other program (assuming you are using rar or zip files)


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2010
iirc, and i am almost certain that i do, winrar x64 has currently the fastest compression rate out of any other program (assuming you are using rar or zip files)
Fascinating! And I rarely get corrupt files with WinRAR with .rars, but get them all the time with .zips.

I'm always hesitant whenever I download something that's zipped because there tends to be corrupt files...


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Some do. Not the online ones usually. Not many people abuse it in a tournament setting because it is easily escapable with the right button commands and some characters can mash upb right after being released which lets them get away.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
In tournaments, do you ban infinite DK's grab release?
the majority of characters can escape the release so it is not always banned. Personally, I usually find it moderately easy to escape, even with characters that have more difficulties than others.

I believe that it is only banned if it is used to stall a match.

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
After doing some cleaning of old data files on my computer my PING is to high to enter galaxy, what should I do?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
After cleaning old data, your ping got larger?

Either ping spoof using Ownasauras' new client or move closer to the server.

Your ping should definitely not be that high though.


Why are there +s next to some peoples names in the "currently active users viewing this thread" list at the bottom of the page?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Was thinking about making this a whole new thread, but it wasn't worth it.


Yesterday, i realized i'm missing an important factor to being a good player.

Basically, fluency in z-canceling correctly as a first. perhaps i could get a timing window/frame data because all i do is spam it in hopes of getting a cancel.

fluenecy in finishing combos as a second. Missing Z-Cancels totally destroys this factor, but i don't know much combos as i did before..

and finally, fluency as a player. either somedays i do really great, other days, absoulutley poor; there's no medium within me.

my question is, firstly, to have a better scheme of the z-cancel window and practice that first.

However, i would like to know how some of you stay fluent, or what your stratigie is.
i suppose it's a bit vauge of a question, but i'm sure you'll understand where i'm coming from.

I understand that i'm rusty, but i just don't want that to be an excuse.

edit: what's the best deadzone for an xbox 360 controller?


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I'm rather confused about what you mean by fluent. In the way you're using it, it's kind of like the word "proactive" in that it sounds right, but doesn't mean much (to me at least). You can't z-cancel properly? Sounds like a techskill problem. You can't finish combos? Sounds like a problem with your combo-ing. What distinguishes fluency (which I've usually heard in the sense either of being fluent in a language or else really knowing your way around something) from these?

Z-cancels have never been a problem with me; when I miss, it's because I'm not paying attention. You have, I believe, thirty frames (half a second) before you hit the ground in which to Z-cancel. The combos will come if you try them a lot. Practice, in general, is my advice for all of the problems you seem to be having.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
it's sad how i can 'combo' in a brawl game nowadays but finshing a combo in smash is such a hassle, but thanks for the explanation.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Umm soup....
If this 'realization' was brought on by playing me yesterday, then this is going a bit too far.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with your fluency.

Let me just say this first. I dont want to sound like a jerk or anything, but I am a good player. You came into the match expecting to win/go equal with me and then were surprised when you did not (yoshi on mario on DL is one of my best matchups anyway). Thats whats wrong, you just rank yourself too highly and thus are always disappointing when you do not live up to your high standards.

As you obviously state, you have zcancel and combo problems (the frames for zcancel btw is 20 frames before hitting the ground which is 1/3 of a second). This has nothing to do with fluency, it just has to do with how much you play and practice the game. Just because I have only been playing the game a year does not mean I didnt practice my *** off almost every single day. I know that sounds false, but I really did devote long hours to perfecting my tech skill (which still is not perfect by any means) in training mode. I remember one day in june where I sat in training mode from 3 PM to 7 PM just doing yoshi djc.

If you truly want to improve your zcancel (which should be your first step), go into training mode and put the time in. Then, to improve your combos, play against a lot of better players online or offline and learn from them (dont just cop out after two matches and say that you didn't want to play because you weren't much of a challenge in your present form). TBH, getting slaughtered by better players is how you improve. Yeah it sucks at first but you begin to realize they are on a better skill level than you, and you start to focus on your game rather than just trying to beat them.

For instance, 2 days ago I was playing boomfan over p2p. I had not played him in awhile, and I had gotten better recently so I thought I would put up more of a challenge. Dead wrong. Out of the 50~ matches we played, I could not win a single one (even my cf vs link on DL). I quickly realize that I was definitely not even close to being on his skill level and so I just tried to find nuisances in my game that I could improve to make me less predictable.

Dont worry about your form, and not living up to what you think you are/were. Just put the time in, play better players and learn from your mistakes. I guarantee your game will turn right around when you start thinking in the proper mindset.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Ego needs to come down a notch, kuz. You could at least couch that sentiment in less confrontative language.

Just a friendly reminder from your friendly neighborhood battlecow.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
'I am a good player'

'you rank yourself too highly'

are the two sentences that may be interpreted as little harsh. Were they? not at all. I am just stating my point bluntly in the hopes soup will improve.

Where were you battlecow when fireblaster was cursing his head off at me in the social thread. I guess he was not being too abrasive there though, since he is fireblaster.

Oh right, you did say something. Instead of calling fireblaster out, you just commented "Come on guys, what kuz did was not that bad" even though I was the one taking all the heat from 3 people.

Just a friendly reminder from...I wont go there

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm very judgemental of myself, that's all. i like to be better than my standards, but when i fail to meet that, i get discouraged and go "maybe this is my standard."

i agree with the rest of the post, but i have to sometimes spread my time i put into smash from real life and other stuff, and most of the time; real life and other stuff are what i focus on more.

i only usually play on every other weekend, until like 6 to 11pm.

edit: right now in training mode i'm practicing djc uairs with yoshi, seem to only get 2 correctly done, won't stop under i've done atleast 4-5.

edit edit: just did 3 in a row, need to stop pressing the djc so fast though.

edit edit edit: **** YEAH 5 IN A ROW!

going for 6-7 and hopefully a 0 to death.

6 done, need to finish it with either a well placed downb or a good usmash, suggestions?

..wow, i must be a quick learner, i almost do the djc uair perfectly everytime now. o.o


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Right. I understand that you do not want to have to play a ****load to get better at the game.

Unfortunately, like any other activity, growth usually depends on how much effort you put in (of course there is natural talent, but to get pro at anything you need to put the time in). If you can only play those time, and want to get better, make sure you use that time wisely (by using it to play better people and not noobs). Also, I would suggest fitting in 20 minutes a day at least to devote to training mode stuff. Even if you dont have the urge to play a certain day, 20 minutes will really help in the long run to develop that tech skill.

I am very judgmental too soup, and I didnt want to discourage you. I just wanted to make it perfectly clear that if you want to improve, you definitely need to put the time in. Asking for frame data and hypothesizing about why you are not playing that great will not help you achieve that goal.

Again, I dont want to sound like im harping on you, because I am not. I just want my point to hit home for you, and any other player in the same mindset (although asking for the frame data for zcancel is legitimate, because that is important info to know.)

edit to your edit: Yeah that was my biggest problem with that. Even after I had trained myself to go slower with the djc uairs, I would always get scared in matches and do them too fast. Its all muscle memory :)

Just imagine that there is a first jump, then a pause, then a second jump followed quickly after with a uair.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
'I am a good player'

'you rank yourself too highly'

are the two sentences that may be interpreted as little harsh. Were they? not at all. I am just stating my point bluntly in the hopes soup will improve.

Where were you battlecow when fireblaster was cursing his head off at me in the social thread. I guess he was not being too abrasive there though, since he is fireblaster.

Oh right, you did say something. Instead of calling fireblaster out, you just commented "Come on guys, what kuz did was not that bad" even though I was the one taking all the heat from 3 people.

Just a friendly reminder from...I wont go there
Fireblaster rages, duh. It's a running gag how much he rages. I make little jokes about how angry he gets all the time, and I've never made any bones about it.

RE the issue at hand, I took issue with the bit about your constant practice, actually; I'm sure it's true (you've improved at an amazing rate, that's for sure), but no matter how true it is, no one wants to lose a match and then be told that they lost because their opponent had a superior work ethic.

Then again, soup doesn't seem to mind it, so what am I getting mad for? No harm, no foul. It wasn't really my place to respond anyways.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
As for z2d with yoshi soup, pick your opponent to b cfalcon.

utilt --> djc uair x 4 (its tricky) --> djc dair (jump once then djc dair quickly when you are on top of him) --> zcancel --> utilt --> (pivot if necessary) usmash

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
i added a variety to that, but i got it down for the most part, the djc uair was not as tricky as getting that dair down and i forgot the utilt and just usmashed; falcon survived.

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
I have read a lot of guides on texture hacking (Including the one here) and I think I can do it, but I need a texture pack as I really do not wish to texture redo every single part of the game my self. So after doing some google I came across these...


This and all of the other updated graphics I keep coming across have all there download links broken and non functioning. I wish this or a very similar graphics back really badly, I am positive that at least one person here has the graphics pack on their computer. Can someone who has a texture pack like that one ,upload the texture pack that they are using to mega upload so that way I to can have some of toughs really cool graphics? I would really appreciate it :).


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
for Soupa, I don't really recommend that you learn how to DJC up air that quickly. It isn't as useful as Yoshi's DJC b-air, f-air, or n-air. (DJC d-air is really only useful for an up smash kill at high percents.

Also, for a djc up air and d-air combo, works vs Falcon, Link, and DK.

f-air (short hopped or djc'd), up tilt, djc up air x 2, d-air, up tilt, up smash. does 127 damage if done right.

For Fox, you can do the same combo but you can't use 2 djc up airs (just 1).


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Fox is so annoying to combo with yoshi sometimes. Even the djc fair, utilt, djc uair, reverse bair does not combo into a spike like it does all other heavies.

Fox is a really tough opponent for yoshi.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2009
Los Angeles
Fox is so annoying to combo with yoshi sometimes. Even the djc fair, utilt, djc uair, reverse bair does not combo into a spike like it does all other heavies.

Fox is a really tough opponent for yoshi.
I definitely agree with this. And is seems like Yoshi is too slow to handle with Fox's speed.
It seems like Falcon's heaviness vs Yoshi just hurts him
but Fox's seems to help him sometimes


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Fox is so annoying to combo with yoshi sometimes. Even the djc fair, utilt, djc uair, reverse bair does not combo into a spike like it does all other heavies.

Fox is a really tough opponent for yoshi.
That's because fox isn't heavy, he's actually the same weight as mario iirc.

He's a fast faller though which makes him seem heavier.

I don't know, I feel like Yoshi combos Fox pretty well overall.
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