Thanks. I actually found a possible answer on some other site. I read that it is probably a compatibility problem between Jabos3D8 1.6 and my integrated graphics chipset.
It runs smoothly with Jabos 1.4, but that has all the annoying graphics glitches which really annoy me. Is there a version of Jabos without the graphics glitches that I can run with my computer? Is there a version between 1.6 and 1.4? I really dont understand the version history of this plugin.
Basically, there is (excluding 1.1), a different Jabo plugin for each version of Project64. Ignoring 1.7, most of the world is currently on 1.6, which is where Direct3D8 1.6 comes from. There is a 3D6 1.5, however it is incompatible with Project64k, since it is based off the 1.4 emulator. Not sure why 1.6 works, but who cares, it does!
So, you have three options if 1.6 doesn't work for you. 3D7 1.40 or 3D6 1.40 or 3D6 1.52. Just download the last few versions of PJ64, and it should have all those plugins in one form or another. And if you really can't find them, let me know, and I'll upload them, since I have every single Jabo plugin. (You can also try way outdated Jabo plugins, like 1.20b, or 1.30, etc., but expect nothing!)
No it doesn't freeze, I'm able to play fine, I'm just incapable of going back to doing anything outside of the emulator until I ctrl+alt+delete (there may be some fancy commands to switch in and out of windows that could save me, but I don't know them). I'll tweak it tonight and see if I can get it rrrrright. Thanks again.
This seems to be a common problem. The first thing I'd suggest is to set the compatibility mode of your PJ64k to XP, but don't count on that helping. Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches. However, here are a few other things to keep in mind/try out:
1) Try pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc to quickly bring up the Task Manager, bypassing the whole Ctrl+Alt+Del thing. I've found that doing this will sometimes bring unresponsive programs back to life, or at the very least, give you back control, so you can finish them off. It has the same healing properties as Ctrl+Alt+Del.
2) Pull up the Start menu and search for taskkill.exe. Create a shortcut for that, and place it in an easy to reach place, such as your quicklaunch bar. When clicked, it hunts down any "unresponsive" programs and aborts them. This is not only useful for PJ64, but for any program that's having issues.
3) Open Notepad, and type the following:
taskkill /F /IM Project64KVE.exe /T
and save it as a batch file (just name it something with a .bat extension). This will kill the process you listed when clicked.
You can actually use this, again, for stuff other than emulation. For example, I have a "Gaming taskkills" batch file, and it consists of programs that I usually leave running because they serve some purpose, but when I want to game, and want every unnecessary process closed, I use this to quickly close them all. Just hit return after each line of code, and input the above multiple times with the corresponding process name. It'll take some mucking about in the Task Manager to figure out what everything is called.
These conclude my tips of the day! Toodle-oo!