You are right. I would be classified as the world because I wasn't even born here. I was born in India, which gives me an advantage, the advantage being our fabled Indian smartness and how we learn things extremely quickly. Plus I am flattered you called me legendary. I only consider myself legendary in the boards when it comes to bringing hype. As a player, if I were to be legendary, I'd have to beat the Redact the Great, Dekar the humble and S.D the magnificent and my self-professed arch-rival Noxus. Also, the chances of me being in a crew battle would be very low and unlikely as pointed out by Redact in a post on the Shadowloo Showdown thread (first page). In the community's and Redact's opinion I am too underhype and cannot bring any hype (according to Redact, it was because of Noxus that my match got hype) and don't match the community's standards and am also apparently the guy that makes people not want to use the boards anymore and have them resort to Skype calls. I'm sorry to all you guys if I have bored you, annoyed you or made you not want to use the boards anymore because of my so called "hype". I hope you guys can forgive me. I only tried to make things more exciting and if you didn't like it I'm very sorry. I'll try post hype when necessary. I know I still have supporters like Dean and Dekar when it comes to hype so I'll bring hype to appease them but I'll do it when necessary.
On a lighter note, I propose that we bring PPMD or Amsah when it comes to pro players.
EDIT: Also, question to the community? Do I really bring hype? Honest answer please.