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Arkansas Smashers Chat

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
When are you guys going? I might wanna tag along. Also, Arby, sorry I'm not coming tonight. Got caught up visiting at the bible study. I'll come over tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
When are you guys going? I might wanna tag along. Also, Arby, sorry I'm not coming tonight. Got caught up visiting at the bible study. I'll come over tomorrow.
I dunno. We'll see what Seif thinks when he gets off. I'm going to sleep now, so we'll be ready to go whenever tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Speaking of Japan, downloading anime grows exceedingly frustrating. Animetake can't/won't use Fileserve, Rapidshare, or Mediafire, and Megaupload's gone, so they move to Filesonic. Now Filesonic has eliminated file sharing... These are tough times for direct download :\

Not to mention the mass purging on all of these sites. I'm starting to expect the "File deleted" page now...


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Looks like I'm maining falcon again. Thanks to arby, I learned the ins and most of the outs in the sheik-falcon match up. While going through all that nonsense I realized why I mained him in the first place. It's because of how much of a dynamic character he is. With him it is so easy to make any idea a reality.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Looks like I'm maining falcon again. Thanks to arby, I learned the ins and most of the outs in the sheik-falcon match up. While going through all that nonsense I realized why I mained him in the first place. It's because of how much of a dynamic character he is. With him it is so easy to make any idea a reality.
YEAH! Falcon was always my favorite of your characters to play against. I'll have fun making your ideas never become realities. :awesome:

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
The only one that really didn't fit to me was "Mario and Sonic at the Olympics".

Also, they should have included FF10 :)
Yeah, FF10 aka the last good Final Fantasy due to the birth of Square-Enix. And I don't like shooters, so those didn't fit me. RPG's, smash, or get out.

Call of Duty 3? Joke's on the thief...
Call of Duty 1 & 2 as well.

Looks like I'm maining falcon again. Thanks to arby, I learned the ins and most of the outs in the sheik-falcon match up. While going through all that nonsense I realized why I mained him in the first place. It's because of how much of a dynamic character he is. With him it is so easy to make any idea a reality.
I wouldn't say "easy" to make ideas reality. He's definitely fast enough to create more opportunities for success. They way I see it, he really doesn't have anywhere to go on the tier-list but up.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I wouldn't say "easy" to make ideas reality. He's definitely fast enough to create more opportunities for success. They way I see it, he really doesn't have anywhere to go on the tier-list but up.
I think he just means Falcon is an "organic" character, which is how I feel about him, Marth, and Sheik. Like once you're comfortable with them, they no longer have a moveset per se. Playing them feels natural, as they become extensions of your thought process rather than a tool to be wielded like Falco or something. I'm sure everyone has a different character or set of characters this applies to. I guess they make sense at an unconscious level?

It's funny you should say that about the tier list, because a consensus is forming in the thread that Ice Climbers are better than Falcon. Still, 8th is just a number. He's definitely capable of pulling off the big win. Or at least s2j thinks he could do it. Hax has gotten dangerously close as well. The biggest obstacles would be Mango and PP, but they could be avoided with a lucky bracket. Or a lucky/crazy win.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Hello, I am in louisiana but I live in north louisiana, do yall have tournaments?
We usually travel OOS for tournies, but there are a couple events that come around every now and then. The last, ARK IV, had some of the best players from Louisiana, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Texas.

We're all around Little Rock, so if you ever want to visit, let us know :)

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Hello, I am in louisiana but I live in north louisiana, do yall have tournaments?
I'm from Bradley, Arkansas originally so I go home from time to time. Where is the city you're from? Bradley is literally on the Louisiana line.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
My biggest criticism of Amsah (since P4) is that he is bad at using Sheik like she's a stupidly ridiculous character with a brutal punishment game.

His poking his good. His spacing is good. His combat-related stuff is all good. But Sheik should hit like a monster truck when she touches people and Amsah's driving a Prius.

"Come with me to hell." - Cervantes
That game has addictive quotes I tell you what. Also, Adam is a ***** :glare: Seif knows.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Hey, Arby. These Clannad image songs are actually really good.


This one got my choked up.

Also, are you free tomorrow night?
Good chance, though I'm only going to get around 3 hours of sleep tonight because I procrastinated and didn't do as much homework today as I should have. Still, I'm trying to hit that REM cycle so I can feel rested. I'll let you know around 6 PM after my last class.
I'm taking Sheik from you forever and ever. You will never amount to anything in Melee. ANYTHING!


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
lol what happened?

Well, do say a nice permanent farewell to dc universe, I went around to the heroes rally points and hacked their faces off. It brought me great pleasure to **** their ganking *****. The reason this farewell is permanent is because I got banned (something about terms of service, still not sure why). There's nothing like quitting a game that is just a time sink to give yourself more time for more important things like life.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
It's funny you should say that about the tier list, because a consensus is forming in the thread that Ice Climbers are better than Falcon.
I 'd place ICs above Falcon... barely. Both have a lot of potential, but ICs are gayer. I think we'd have more ICs at the top if more people wanted to play them and put real effort in to it.

ICs have to overcome Jiggs, Peach, and Ganon, and Falcon has to overcome Fox, Falco, and Shiek. Good players like Wobbles, Fly, Chu, S2J, and Hax have made these matchups winnable, but most people still struggle.

Ew, Big Bang Theory.

It's like blackface for nerds.
It's still funny :p I see what you're saying though. We don't really fit in as well in the BBT as we do in the IT Crowd :D Genshiken probably even more so

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Hey, well if you guys all go get your doctorates and PhD's then we can be them. I'll have my Doctorate in time. It's how to make the most money :D

Also, Arby -- I know that you enjoy playing other characters such as fox/falcon/falco on a higher level than your controller allows you to, however I've learned alot about the Sheik matchup since you've been forced to play her. I hope you continue to do so, as it's great practice for me since sheik is the bane of Ganon. And of course with you picking up fox/falco/falcon, I'll have all of Ganon's hard matchups in you :D

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
lol what happened?
Rusty and Seif found out that I'm legit in Soul Caliber 2. They didn't enjoy my legitness as much as I enjoyed it.

Hey, well if you guys all go get your doctorates and PhD's then we can be them. I'll have my Doctorate in time. It's how to make the most money :D

Also, Arby -- I know that you enjoy playing other characters such as fox/falcon/falco on a higher level than your controller allows you to, however I've learned alot about the Sheik matchup since you've been forced to play her. I hope you continue to do so, as it's great practice for me since sheik is the bane of Ganon. And of course with you picking up fox/falco/falcon, I'll have all of Ganon's hard matchups in you :D
As much as I hate playing his sheik I learn the most while playing against it. More so than his other characters. It doesn't brutalize me with the uber aggressiveness and tech skill that he uses for his wins against me with fox and falco. He doesn't need to think against me in those matchups so I find myself not thinking as well. With our sheik dittos I feel like I'm getting owned in a chess game over and over again. This pisses me off. :mad:
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