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Arizona Brawl Power Rankings and Brawl Social Thread (Updated: November 2013)


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
From the beginning of 08 until the end of 08, I almost never made it out of pools. Then I started winning tournaments. Get off me.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Yea Me, Kira, and Kyle have the best 3 way rivalry going on right now it's entertaining.

Im going to be KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Stevo I would say has made the most improvement since ive been here. Hes still getting better and will soon be maybe top 3! With his character choices to the great hard reads and with the amount of options he has with them <3 I would say stevo and kira are the 2 favorites I love watching!


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Yummy's kirby isn't ****, this stupid kirby **** **** is pissing me off. Im going to MM him this week and show everyone.

Are you sure he said you improved the most Rob? lol no offense. I have seen you improve but not by a great margin.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
Stevo I would say has made the most improvement since ive been here. Hes still getting better and will soon be maybe top 3! With his character choices to the great hard reads and with the amount of options he has with them <3 I would say stevo and kira are the 2 favorites I love watching!
Are you sure he said you improved the most Rob? lol no offense. I have seen you improve but not by a great margin.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
agreed. shawn pay attention

about myself: i dont think ive made much progress but im glad ive made the PR my first season i got here :D ive been here 3 seasons and have been on the PR 2/3 times so im happy with that. ive only been playing for lil over a year without a wii and the game haha


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Jane i gotta give you that one. I was dead haha.

DEHF didn't have a wii and won APEX. Not having a wii doesn't mean anything if you play every weekend and i played with you a lot. Good job rob i was just thinking in terms of who beat what players.

Edit: You had a edit on your post now i understand lol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
not having a wii can mean alot you dont know how much dehf played without it plus we all are not like dehf. im not saying 100% of ppl without a wii cant do really well -_-


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
I don't think Kyle has a wii, kurtis never had a wii until now. That is the case with lots of people.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
i dont either and i still do pretty well without it. im sure i could only improve if i had it as well. i dont see how i cant improve with it


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2010
About the G&W player thing:

Something I have noticed is that the three G&W's all have so much potential but have somehjng holding us back. I'm not sure about Meow but Smiley and I both don't get to play too often. And Meow and I are both inexperienced in matchups, since we both haven't attended many tournaments.

I'm sure both Meow and Smiley will get better over time. I know that I will too. I'm not saying that that in a cocky way, but a confident way.

I am a very competitive. I ran in Cross Country and long distance Track. Cross Country is arguably one of the most competitive sports(I'm serious) . All it is is mental toughness. Sure you need to have physical strength, but in the end the winner is theperson who is the toughest mentally. Since its whoever can push themselves the most. And I feel I have very few opportunities to push myself. I mean, I hardly get to play the game and I often only play those around my skill level. To go through hose on the PR. Ive played Chris like...three times. Kira once. Ive never played Silly Kyle. K9...once when he used to use link and wasn't ranked. Yummy...once recently and last year one other time. Stevo...not too many times. GV7 a bit. Airvault never and Tommy about 3 times... Bryce ive actually played with the most. Ive played him at his place once, and he came over to my place once.

^All of that in two years of playing this game. So what I'm trying to say is that I feel I can be so much better if I was given the chance to push myself. I'm someone that always tries to reach my potential. Right now I feel like I could be on the PR. Somewhere in the lower half. That's My goal for now. Eventually I plan on being in one of the 1-5 spots.

I really don't want to come across as cocky, just confident. I also feel there are a large amount of oher players that have a lot of potential. Especially the other G&W's. Which one is the best out of us, right now I'm not sure. But if I'm given the chance to improve, Smiley and Meow are going to have to put in a lot of effort to stay up because I REALLY want it.

I'm young this on a tablet. So there might be a crapload of errors on here because of the autocorrect being stupid. It kept wanting to call Smiley smokey, and Meow Mela.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Gilbert, AZ
IMO. From my last tournament April 2010, to the UAT tournament... I think overall Kyle has improved the most. Looking at it from a competitive stand point and skill. Yes there are others who have improved but are they considered good from an OOS perspective like Kyle is? I remember playing his peach with my DDD and me barely losing. I know he would 2-3 stock me now ! Kira is also another I would mention.

I improved a very little bit it's not even noticeable lmao.. You would think I'd be god after 32000 Wifi matches.. >_> (Also that means on average I have played 30 matches each day ... omg no life).

Seriously my placings haven't gotten better in 3 years. O.o

Let's see 13. Saffy @ People Mover - April 2009

13. Saffy @ AZ Excel of Excellence - October 2009

17. Saffy (Last) @ Kamikaze short notice tournament - December 2009

Last place, and didn't make bracket @ Plethora of Plushies -.- - December 2009

13. Saffy @ Inside the Deku Tree - December 2009

and 13. Ensis @ UAT - April 2012


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2010
Sorry Bryce, I lost my phone a while back. If you want To get a hold of me message me on Facebook or on here.

what makes you say that?
Kinda what I said in the paragraph.

I know a lot of people think of it as a pathetic sport. It can be, if you don't put effort. But running in the hot AZ sun, with your lungs hurting as well as the rest of your body it can be pretty tough.

When you're running in a meet all there is is competition. All you're doing is running. There isn't too much strategy to it. You pretty much just have one thought. Run. If you want to do good, it HAS to hurt. If you beat someone its probably not because you are stronger physically, but because you are willing to run while it hurts for a whole 3.1 miles. It's pretty much a competition to see who breaks first; who can't push themselves as much as the other.

I dont know if this makes sense...its kinda like salt. You can't really describe what salt tastes like...other then salty...
you have to experience what it tastes like for you to understand it.

On an unrelated note, I graduate high school on Thursday.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
I think we are seeing the progression thing a different way now. I thought we were talking about who got good the fastest.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
AZ Foggle of Fun
September 1st, 2009

I got 17th/25

19 days later...

Arizona Grand Challenge
September 20th, 2009

13th out of 50... at my first regional!

AZ Excel of Excellence
October 11th, 2009

9th out of 22. Not too bad, top 10 at my 3rd tournament.

The Elite 4
November 22nd, 2009

5th out of 22

Top 5 at my 4th tourney!


Edit: Also, my Wii doesn't play Brawl right now, so I never get to practice Brawl by myself, on wifi, and rarely with people offline unless I'm at a tournament or Tucson hosts a smashfest


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
Kinda what I said in the paragraph.

I know a lot of people think of it as a pathetic sport. It can be, if you don't put effort. But running in the hot AZ sun, with your lungs hurting as well as the rest of your body it can be pretty tough.

When you're running in a meet all there is is competition. All you're doing is running. There isn't too much strategy to it. You pretty much just have one thought. Run. If you want to do good, it HAS to hurt. If you beat someone its probably not because you are stronger physically, but because you are willing to run while it hurts for a whole 3.1 miles. It's pretty much a competition to see who breaks first; who can't push themselves as much as the other.

I dont know if this makes sense...its kinda like salt. You can't really describe what salt tastes like...other then salty...
you have to experience what it tastes like for you to understand it.

On an unrelated note, I graduate high school on Thursday.
cross country a pathetic sport? haha anyone that really thinks that is ****ing ********. i would definitely like to try some cross country in the near future (i started running about 6 weeks ago).

but anyways, i understand what youre saying. its a mental thing much more than physical. but what i meant was "why is it one of the most competitive sports". like, why is it more competitive than basketball, or swimming, or tennis.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2010
^Because it's just pure competition. Also most sports are team sports, you have to work with your team well in order to do well. Unless you're a boss and can be a 1 man team. XC (cross country) is a team sport too, but it is also (and mostly) an individual sport since the team relies on individuals for the team to score well. Since its an individual sport, its pretty much you against the 90 other runners. You even compete against your own teammates!

I do love other sports, like baseball and basketball. And I know XC isn't the MOSTcompetitive sport, but its one of them.

My opinions of the people who made the most progress while I've been in the scene:

3) Ominous: Went from placing rather low in tournaments several seasons ago, to coming back out of nowhere and getting 7th at a high-profile tournament, and taking down several significant players in the process (and going even with many others).
I honestly don't agree with this. I feel like I haven't improved too much. I have, but others have a lot more. I mean my very first tourney I got last. And since then I think the lowest placing ive gotten was 13th. I mostly placed 9th in the few tourneys I went to I think. And this is my second time getting 7th in a tourney. But I guess this one was more of a high profile tournament like you said.

The significant players ive beaten...Ive never lost to Jane in a set. I beat Stevo in a set the first time I played him in pools. And also yoshiken inbrackets that one time when he was ranked.(never going to let you live that down Kurtis). Edit: And GV7 the last tourney I went too. I forgot about last tourney.

SFA Smiley

The SFA King
Jan 19, 2010
Im not competitive at all... only at this game. Even certain aspects of this game im not really competitive about. I just wanna get good fast so I can drop the game satisfied =/

But im not retiring before I become notable, ive been playing too long and come too far



Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Im not competitive at all... only at this game. Even certain aspects of this game im not really competitive about. I just wanna get good fast so I can drop the game satisfied =/

But im not retiring before I become notable, ive been playing too long and come too far

Wow that is crazy this is what im doing. This season is actually going to be last season. I might just take a big break or come back if something motivates me to play, but chris was really the only motivation i had for playing this game.

I have played for a year and half now, and if i keep playing with no motivation i will just be playing for money, and that isn't bad it's just not my thing.

I will still play PM though ^-^.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
People need to do some wrestling (the real wrestling). I would say that has to be 1 of the most competitive sports ever!!!! I did track and cross country myself for most of my life but wrestling in the few amount of years I did i would say was the hardest. great experience to explore my physical strength all around and my mental! taking all that i learned and trained so hard for and use it against another random hungry person that wants to win. Every time i stepped on to the mat every match was different because of all the different wrestlers i went against. There rarely ever is a time when you can win from the same moves so you have to explore other ways to win by reading your opponents flaws and weaknesses. Yeah a wrestling match is 1 of the fastest in any other sport but when youre in action it feels like hours! i didnt do wrestling to become known i just did it for the experience of another sport also to help my upper body. i wasnt too bad i won more than i lost but track 800m was my ****!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
hmmmm i may do a mile i havent done **** since high school 2007 haha but im running again to get back in shape least i run is 3 miles. 800!!!!!!!


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2010
Phoenix, Arizona
People need to do some wrestling (the real wrestling). I would say that has to be 1 of the most competitive sports ever!!!! I did track and cross country myself for most of my life but wrestling in the few amount of years I did i would say was the hardest. great experience to explore my physical strength all around and my mental! taking all that i learned and trained so hard for and use it against another random hungry person that wants to win. Every time i stepped on to the mat every match was different because of all the different wrestlers i went against. There rarely ever is a time when you can win from the same moves so you have to explore other ways to win by reading your opponents flaws and weaknesses. Yeah a wrestling match is 1 of the fastest in any other sport but when youre in action it feels like hours! i didnt do wrestling to become known i just did it for the experience of another sport also to help my upper body. i wasnt too bad i won more than i lost but track 800m was my ****!!!!!!!
That or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Which I just started taking classes. Such a great workout and overall just fun.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
In regards to jiu-jitsu, I'm thinking of getting into that or something similar this summer. It seems like something really enjoyable and interesting.

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