after reading all of this i have to say...
having mk banned won't help our community. as my ***** darklink said, i heard this through kira, having mk around keeps everyone in check. i interpret this as yes hes the best, get over it, become better because mk makes everyone better. most of the techniques you/every9one haas learend is to just fight sagainst mk. hell look at falco, no one started camping as much with falco until dehf beat tyrant by just camping and falco's metagame sky rocketed after that. having mk around isn't a problem in our state either, me, darklink, jard, meronight, .... uh........ k9. we use mk lol 5 with only 2 real mains laughable at banning him. get better scrub, yes you firefoxmage, im calling you out. get more rep in the scene before you start throwing out such nonsence garbagge about something you know nowthing about. go gtest your stuff, w/e havning mk banned is not a good thing.
tldr; im awesome
edit: if you think that i only win because of metaknkght, then you are more noob than i relized. i have no regrets with what i said. i could apologize later if i feel like it.