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Arizona Brawl Power Rankings and Brawl Social Thread (Updated: November 2013)


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Basically K9 sat on a store shelf while on the phone, broke it, and laughed about it a little, thereby inciting the staff's wrath. Well, not really, they just told us to make fun of him as punishment. ... Though I'm pretty sure they were secretly angry at us. :c I'm glad they didn't make us pay for it!

Would people in Phoenix come down to Tucson if we hosted a tournament here??
I would love to, but I probably wouldn't be able to leave in time, since I work Saturday and can basically NEVER get it off. That day is just too busy. :( Unless the tournament is starting later than usual, then maybe I'd be able to. And yeah, it'd be nice if it was on the 30th instead of the 23rd. Yoshiken and I have a Military Ball to go to!

...But uh, is it possible that I can get Blue Snake? I'm really ocd about colors.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
during what was probably the time between the side tournament and the main, i heard a crashing sound from around the corner of the construction grotto they had us set up in. It seems k9 had been sitting or leaning against a shelf where had been set some no doubt hardcore nerd mechandise and consequently snapped it in half. I turned around to see the baffled, going on hysterical, negro boy amid the result of his clumsy rampage.
A tall, spectacled employee of the place walked around in response to the noise and, upon witnessing the blunder, bore quite a disgruntled countenance.
"sorry, i didn't know..." stuttered the negro.
"didn't know what?" the man quipped rhetorically.
The man snatched the halves of his once quaint display and trudged off.
Realizing the ridiculousness of his actions, the boy began to laugh, no doubt a defense mechanism against the immense shame that was wallowing within him.
A couple of minutes later, the same man appeared before our crowd of smashers and announced, "excuse me! Smashers! One of you," he said staring at the boy in fabricated ambiguity, "broke a shelf back here!"
of the few who felt the announcement important enough to divert their attention away from their games, there was felt a foreboding angst with which he laced his words.
"so i need all of you to begin mocking him mercilessly!" he finished.
This conclusion, not entirely expected, was met with much participation.

And there were many a ragoon consumed that day.
<3 k9

NINJA EDIT: damn, anjila got it before me :p


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
man, i just realized i always call both you and tommy, "tommy." yet somehow you two never get confused. lol


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2010
Mesa, AZ
I would love to, but I probably wouldn't be able to leave in time, since I work Saturday and can basically NEVER get it off. That day is just too busy. :( Unless the tournament is starting later than usual, then maybe I'd be able to. And yeah, it'd be nice if it was on the 30th instead of the 23rd. Yoshiken and I have a Military Ball to go to!
Oh yeah, I forgot about your work schedule. It would be very difficult if not impossible to get to Tucson before 4:00 on any Saturday. 4:30 or 5:00 is definitely good for us, but anytime before that is going to be fairly difficult.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Damn, now I feel bad. I missed a chance for some killer as hell jokes.

Either way though, I really hope they aren't mad enough to stop us from hosting a regional. If they are, your neck is mine, Shawn.

Also, Pr is probably 3 times better now. Roughly.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
I think that Angela and I could make it to a Tucson tournament if it was held on the 30th! Though, if it is held on the 23rd, then we wouldn't be able to come, as I have an AFROTC event that evening.

Also, for everyone wanting to play brawl on friday, where is it going to be held? My place is not ready for people, as there is junk everywhere. Should I try to get a spot at Gamers Inn, and possibly hold a smashfest?
Hey msg me when u know whats going down on friday im down and will bring sillylenny and noctournez. I meet them yesterday and played a bit so 3!

Dark Shifter

Smash Ace
May 1, 2008
Schertz Texas
its just me for now but anyone is more than welcome to stop by.
i just sent you a text with the address and stuff. let me know when you get it.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Alright, so my schedule totally just opened up a lot this weekend, and so I can pretty much play anytime on friday AND on Saturday (well, Saturday I have an AFROTC community service event from 1:00-4:00, but anytime before or after that is cool).

Like I said before though, I don't have a Wii, and so Angela and I would be going over your house (as I wasn't able to secure a spot at Gamer's Inn), or whatever house is delegated. GoVikings, you said before that you would be available tomorrow, Is that offer still good? Would more people like Slim and Noctournez be there, as you stated before? Would we be having it at your place, or somewhere else? Sorry for the questions, I just like detail ^^.

Would there be anyone that would also like to play on Saturday as well? I am in a huge mood to brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Tomorrow i have 1 friend thats free but no place. Saturday there r 2 that r free and can get a setup. Tomorrow im free whenever with 1 other


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
You guys can come over my place on Saturday! I was already thinking of eventually hosting a tourney at my place anyway, so having a few guys over for a smashfest would be a good practice run. I'm located in pretty much the smackdab center of the metropolitan area, on 27th Street & Indian School Rd in Phoenix. (PM me to get the exact address). I have three TVs and two Wiis and a lot of open space to play. :)

Would 3pm be a good time for people to arrive?

P.S. A tourney in Tucson would be amazing! And the 30th would be awesome, what better way to guarantee a fun day on my birthday than a Smash tournament?? :D

Dark Shifter

Smash Ace
May 1, 2008
Schertz Texas
thanks rob for comming today! it was great being able playing with you, even it wasn't for too long, it was still a blast!

lets smash tomorrow, well today actually lol. i get off at 4 and ill be up for playing. ill contact gamers tomorrow to see if we could go there. im sure they wont mind having us but checking never hurts. would anyone be interested in this?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Rave Remix: That sounds like an awesome idea, although I don't get off from work until 4:00, and so I wouldn't even be able to get there until 4:45-5:00.

lets smash tomorrow, well today actually lol. i get off at 4 and ill be up for playing. ill contact gamers tomorrow to see if we could go there.
So when you said that you were contacting gamers "tomorrow," did you mean today, or did you actually mean tomorrow? I am assuming you meant today, since Rave Remix already said that he was already holding a smashfest on Saturday. I would absolutely love to smash today, and it would be even more awesome if it could be held at Gamers Inn. So, my answer is Yes! Go ahead and give them a call, and if it can't happen, lets still try to play somewhere else.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
thanks rob for comming today! it was great being able playing with you, even it wasn't for too long, it was still a blast!

lets smash tomorrow, well today actually lol. i get off at 4 and ill be up for playing. ill contact gamers tomorrow to see if we could go there. im sure they wont mind having us but checking never hurts. would anyone be interested in this?
Np yo yea it was fun and nice to get more games in. Remix is tryin to hold something but i also heard tokyo is as well. So idk whats goin on today.

Dark Shifter

Smash Ace
May 1, 2008
Schertz Texas
Hey I just called gamers and they said we can hbave a smashfest there todasy. They also said they will be having an unreal tourny so they gonna put us in the back like lasst time, no b ig deal tho as we had plenty of room. They said come anytime round 2 to 4 would be great so if you guys would like to come around then, doo the whole setups thing that woulf be great Haha! I get off work at 4 sdo ill be comming around then. Who is interested is going to this? I might br a bler to provide transportation if nessasary, and if u don't live too far away :p


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2010
Mesa, AZ
WOOO! Nice job on securing a smash fest!

Angela and I were forced to take the car to the repair shop today though, so whenever that gets done with we will be down to going. I am guessing at around 2:00-3:00. Who else is coming that would be able to bring a wii and a t.v.?, because I don't want to get there first and just wait for someone to come that has a set up, haha. I want to get there when they are already set up.

Dark Shifter

Smash Ace
May 1, 2008
Schertz Texas
Dude u play lol haha whbo do u main? I'm likin ashe, chogath,fiddlesticks, yi all dem good champs haha. Add me as a friend when nun get the chance. Screen name is dark shifty

Edit: and ill be gettin there round 4 wehen I get off from work


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Haha im all support. Janna, zilean, teemo, urgot hahaha. Yea we can play after we smash at gamers inn i might head there now! Mine is carracci add me
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