Nice list. I especially like number 1.
But number 4 is really weak IMO.
Imagine that IC CG would be broken (which they are not). That if you land a CG you auto kill, even at 0%.
But, it requires the avarage person to practice for 1000 hours. Should it be allowed? I think not. Who is waiting for a broken teechnique that only a few people know? It would still be broken and destroy the game when used, no matter how much time has been put into learning it.
Ice Climbers can be counterpicked by stage. No matter what, every Ice Climber user that want's to do well (even Lain the SO FAR best IC User) requires a secondary for game 2/3. It is impossible to win a set against someone that knows what they are doing if u go full ICs.
It's not. The neutrals are pretty good for IC's, so at worst they have to fight one out of three matches in abad stage.