I am not happy with my life right now, and I feel things won't be changing. I feel very empty inside, and for some reason I feel extremely alone even when I am surrounded by people at school, and at home. I just feel alone, and sad no matter how much I try to cheer myself up. I have almost nothing to look forward to, and have a lot of trouble just finding the motivation to get up in the morning. Compared to many people at my school my my above average grades just seem like nothing, and I have nothing that I feel separates me from being useless. I think I am more of a burden to my family, and I'm just dead weight. I'm sure people won't miss me that much at school if I wasn't there. The only thing I feel that I sorta want to try to go towards is to study to work something in Forensic Pathology, or something in Law. . . . . .
Hye things could be worse, that taco I ate today could have been poisoned.