Cactuar's APM 2
Since I did a match where cactuar was ****** I wasn't sure if he could put out APM like in a even match so I decided to do him vs Mango 2 (for a shot of mango rum).
It was a lot easier this time because I downloaded the video and slowed it down to 1/4 speed to make sure I saw every action clearly.
Also, even though the match lasted 3:57, I subtracted 5 seconds because those were the 5 seconds from Cactuar's deaths to the time where he could make another input.
If you don't want to read everything
Total actions: 1051
Match length: 3:52
APM = 270
Match starts 0:00
DI first hit of Falcon's Nair
DI second hit of Falcon's Nair
Walk right
dash right
Full hop
Shield roll left (2)
Move shield downwards
full hop left (2)
Fast fall Bair (2)
L cancel
walk right
DI second hit of Falcon's Nair
move shield left
Shield Grab
Back throw
dash left
dash right
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
Short hop Nair (2)
DI Falcon's first hit nair
waveshine right (5)
dash right
dash left
shffl'd Nair (4)
shine (2)
turn around in shine
turn around in shine
dash right
wavedash left (3)
DI Falcon's jab
Shield Grab
Dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
dash right
dash left
Waveshine left (5)
dash left
JC grab (2)
Full hop dair (2)
L cancel
turn around
Short hop Nair right (3)
L cancel
turn around grab (2)
DI falcon's Dair
Get up
DI falcon's Up B
get up
dash left
full hop left (2)
fast fall
double jump left (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
side step (2)
DI falcon's Dair
DI falcon's Side B
DI falcon's Uair
tech roll right (2)
walk right
full hop Bair left (3)
L cancel
walk right
dash left
full hop right (2)
DI falcon's second hit Nair
airdodge left (2)
dash left
wavedash right (3)
charged Fsmash (2)
wavedash right (3)
Full hop Fair right (3)
fast fall
L cancel
shield roll left (2)
dash right
dash attack
wavedash left (3)
DI Falcon's Uthrow
roll left
DI Falcon's Uair
DI Falcon's Knee
Time of Cactuar's first death: 44; doesn't make another input until 46
Total actions: 146
double jump
fast fall
neutral B
dash left
dash right
shffl'd Nair (4)
Full hop Bair left (3)
fast fall
dash right
wavedash left (3)
Short hop right (2)
Fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
Short hop Bair left (3)
Fast fall
L cancel
dash left
short hop double lazer (3)
dash left
dash right
wavedash right (3)
dash right
dash left
dash right
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
short hop right (2)
DI Falcon's back air
Full hop
waveland (2)
move shield right
full hop right
DI falcon's Uair
Full hop right (2)
Fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
DI first hit nair
DI second hit nair
get up
Roll right
Short hop Bair right (3)
fast fall
L cancel
1:00 minute mark
Total actions: 216
pivot (2)
dash right
dash left
shffl'd nair (4)
dash left
wavedash right (3)
pivot (2)
full hop left (2)
double jump
dash right
shffl'd Dair (4)
short hop right (2)
fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
dash right
dash left
wavedash left (3)
walk left
turn around
full hop left (2)
ledge drop
double jump right (2)
Fast falled Dair (2)
L cancel
waveshine right (5)
Dash right
Shffl'd Dair (4)
dash right
Dash left
Shffl'd Uair (4)
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Dash right
Dash left
Time of Mango's First death: 1:11
Total actions: 284
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Dash left
Dash right
Shffl'd Bair (4)
dash left
wave dash left (3)
dash left
dash right
full hop
second jump
waveland left (2)
dash right
dash left
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
dash left
dash right
dash left
turn around
dash right
wavedash right (3)
dash right
dash left
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Dair (4)
turn around waveshine left (6)
Shffl'd Dair (4)
turn around waveshine right (6)
Shffl'd Dair (4)
wave dash right (3)
dash right
dash left
dash attack
DI Falcon's Dair
tech roll left (2)
dash right
Shffl'd Dair (4)
Waveshine right (5)
turn around
wavedash left (3)
dash right
Shine (2)
double jump left (2)
turn around
Shffl'd Uair (4)
Short hop left (2)
Fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
Short hop left (2)
Fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
Time of Mango's second death: 1:27
Total actions: 390
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Dair (4)
dash right
dash left
short hop
fast fall
dash left
wavedash left (3)
shield roll right (2)
shield roll left (2)
dash left
dash right
full hop right (2)
pivot (2)
shield roll left (2)
dash left
dash right
full hop right (2)
fast fall Dair (2)
L cancel
wavedash left (3)
waveshine left (5)
dash left
dash attack
Shffl'd Bair (4)
Shine (2)
Short hop
DI first hit Nair
DI second hit Nair
tech roll left (2)
short hop right (2)
Fast falled Dair (2)
L cancel
wavedash right (3)
short hop left (2)
DI falcons Dair
DI falcons Uthrow
get up
point shield downward
shield roll right
point shield right
Full hop Bair (2)
dash left
wavedash left (3)
Dash left
dash right
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Short hop right (2)
Fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
turn around waveshine left (6)
short hop forward (2)
DI first hit nair
DI second hit Nair
double jump
Up B left up (3)
full hop left (2)
second jump
waveland (2)
full hop right (2)
fast fall
waveland right (2)
wavedash right (3)
dash left
Shffl'd Bair (4)
spot dodge (2)
turn around waveshine right (6)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
2 minute mark
Total actions: 543
Shine (2)
short hop
full hop left (2)
fast fall
DI Falcon's Uair
double jump right (2)
Side B (2)
ledge drop
double jump
ledge drop
double jump
waveland (2)
short hop left (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
dash right
pivot (2)
dash attack
dash left
wavedash right (3)
charged Fsmash (2)
turn around
short hop right (2)
fast fall
L cancel
shield roll right (2)
full hop right (2)
double jump
fast fall
waveland right (2)
DI second hit of falcon's Nair
double jump
Up B left up diagonally (3)
Time of Cactuar's second death: 2:16; doesn't make another input until 2:17
Total actions: 601
fast fall
full hop
second jump left (2)
fast fall
short hop right (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
Shffl'd Bair (4)
dash right
wavedash left (3)
short hop right (2)
Fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
shine (2)
Full hop Nair (2)
L cancel
full hop left (2)
Fast Falled Bair (2)
L cancel
dash left
turn around
Wavedash right (3)
turn around
wavedash right (3)
full hop right (2)
ledge drop
double jump left (2)
dash left
Full hop right (2)
fast fall
DI falcon's Uair
Shield roll left (2)
dash attack right (2)
shield roll left (2)
dash left
turn around
turn around wavedash (4)
point shield left
Full hop right (2)
Fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
Wavedash right (3)
turn around
dash right
wavedash right (3)
turn around
full hop right (2)
ledge drop
double jump left (2)
fast falled Uair (2)
L cancel
dash left
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
short hop right (2)
waveland left (2)
Fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
dash right
dash left
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
wavedash left (3)
dash right
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
shine (2)
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L Cancel
wavedash right (3)
turn around
full hop left (2)
ledge drop
double jump right (2)
waveland right (2)
full hop left (2)
Fast Fall Nair (2)
DI falcon's get up attack
get up
DI falcon's Uthrow
dash left
dash right
full hop right (2)
second jump
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
shield roll left (2)
dash left
dash right
short hop right (2)
Fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
dash left
full hop double lazer (3)
turn around
wavedash left (3)
full hop left (2)
ledge get up
short hop right (2)
double jump
fast fall
L cancel
wave dash left (3)
shffl'd Bair (4)
Time of Mango's third death: 2:58
Total Actions: 795
Shffl'd Uair (4)
Dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
dash right
Shffl'd Bair (4)
dash left
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
wavedash right (3)
dash left
DI falcon's Dthrow
tech roll left (2)
DI falcon's Fthrow
get up
full hop right (2)
fast falled Dair (2)
L cancel
Shine (2)
short hop
DI falcon's first hit nair
DI falcon's second hit nair
roll left
spot dodge (2)
dash left
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
wavedash left (3)
short hop
DI falcon's Uair
tech roll left (2)
shield roll right (2)
dash left
JC grab (2)
dash right
dash left
JC grab (2)
dash right
wavedash right (3)
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
waveshine left (5)
full hop right (2)
Fast fall Bair (2)
L cancel
wavedash right (3)
waveshine right (5)
dash attack left (2)
shield roll left (2)
short hop right (2)
Fast falled Nair (2)
L cancel
waveshine left (5)
pivot (2)
wavedash right (3)
turn around
dash left
dash right
dash attack
short hop left (2)
waveland left (2)
Full hop Bair left (3)
L cancel
dash left
dash left
dash right
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
waveshine left (5)
dash left
shffl'd nair (4)
short hop right (2)
double jump Nair (2)
fast fall
L cancel
waveshine left (5)
dash left
dash right
dash left
dash right
shield roll left (2)
shield grab
utilt (2)
full hop
double jump
L cancel
Shine (2)
short hop
turn around
short hop left (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
shield roll left (2)
wavedash right (3)
turn around
dash right
dash left
short hop
DI Falcon's bair
get up
shield roll left (2)
DI falcon's Uthrow
get up
DI falcon's Uair
shine (2)
double jump left (2)
side B (2)
DI falcon's Bair
Time of Cactuar's third death: 3:46-3:48
Total actions: 1011
fast fall
short hop right (2)
fast fall nair (2)
l cancel
Dash left
wavedash left (3)
turn around
full hop left (2)
ledge drop
double right (2)
fast fall Dair (2)
L cancel
waveshine right (5)
dash right
shffl'd nair (4)
wave dash right (3)
dash right
dash left
shffl'd nair (4)
Mango's fourth death/end of match: 3:57
Total actions: 1051
Full hop: 39
Short hops: 77
double jump: 22
nair: 45
Dair: 18
fair: 2
uair: 11
bair: 31
shine: 27
wavedash: 42
dash: 134
L cancel: 40
shield: 68
techs: 6
shield roll: 15
jab: 7
usmash: 4
dsmash: 1
fsmash: 3
Up B: 3
Side B: 3
Neutral B: 5
Uthrow: 10
Fthrow: 2
taunts: 0
Even though Mango is better than scar and the match was very even, Cactuar's APM didn't drop by as many as I thought it would.
Although in the match it's self there is sort of an outlier that helped Cactus out. From Mango's first death to his second (16 second long interval)
Cactuar made 106 inputs. 
What really made his APM rise was the reverse waveshines and Shffl'd Dairs. He did like 3 in a row which is 30 inputs by its self.
Maybe one day I'll learn how to move around like that.