this game is absolutely insane, we have claimed multiple alleged protectives (commuter, hider, jailer, vic's vanillize and turbo protect), and double alignment confirmers (IC and masons), multiple investigatives (tracker and parity cop), etc.
needless to say either scum have some amazing arsenal of tools to navigate this cluster**** or lots of scum claiming in the shared lanes
bessie is 100% a bingo, no ****ing doubt in my mind at this point, literally willing to stake my life on it. if bessie flips town off with my head immediately after Im that ****ing confident, I mean look at this ****:
Just because YOU have never seen this variation of the role doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. I can maybe see your suspicion, but I am very suspicious that you called me a liar and voted for me instead of looking it up. Or asking me a question. Or asking the thread in general if anyone else was familiar with this role.
Edit: Actually I think I’m not going to answer this just to annoy FrozenFlame.
I didn’t receive result that will tell me Makakandra’s alignment. Again, you are scum reading me because YOU don’t understand how the role works.
Ok so 1.) she literally is skimming so hard she didn't see me correct myself about me pushing her for her claimed role title and power not lining up due to my own misconception about the role
2.) blatantly anti town behavior witholding info you literally have ZERO reason to withold having already claimed,
just to annoy me
3.) she literally STILL DOES NOT GET WHY ITS SUSS AF FOR HER TO NOT HAVE ALREADY TOLD US WHAT HER RESULT WAS FROM N1 EVEN IF IT ISN'T AN EXPLICIT TOWN/SCUM RESULT. I was literally saying that since she went the "turn parity cop into novice cop" route, she has no reason to not tell us what her result was for mala so we can get the cypher to translate the result as a "town" result
bessie is so ****ing obvscum and the fact we haven't shot her yet is absolutely astounding to me
Ryu's claim seems just like a WAY more powerful version of my claim. Also, and I can't ****ing believe that no one has called him on this, his described role is NOTHING like what a traditional Hider does:
Normal version
Normal version of the Hider is one of the simplest: the Hider, when they use their ability, cannot be killed by actions targeted at them; however, if their target dies as a result of an active killing action (e.g. a
factional kill or
Vigilante shot), the Hider will also die.
Weak Hider is the original form of the Hider. This modified role is the most common version of this role (to the extent that many people will just say "Hider" to mean the role that has been standardised as "Weak Hider". A Weak role will die upon targeting a
scum player, in addition to the other aspects of their role.
Some moderators treat kills performed on a Hider's target as being copied onto the Hider, rather than having the Hider's death trigger off the death of the hidee. This would change the result if, e.g., a Doctor was targeting the hidee directly (the variant Hider would die in that situation, whereas a Normal Hider would survive).
Some moderators cause hiding to apply to things other than kills. This commonly happens defensively; instead of being
Bulletproof against direct actions while hiding, the Hider would be treated as a
Commuter for direct actions. When treating actions as being copied (as in the previous variation), actions other than kills might also be copied; so the Doctor would now protect both targets, but a
Cop would (perhaps unexpectedly) get two results. Note that this variant can lead to action resolution issues.
Other roles that can make their owner immune to nightkills include
Bulletproof and
Commuter. Meanwhile, the other aspect of the role – dying if the target dies, – has been seen as a modifier in its own right,
literally NONE of this tracks to this alleged "totem" mechanic he is describing. What he's describing is just basically a one-shot self protect. He wasn't even specific about if he loses the totem if he deploys it and is not targeted by a lethal action which is a MASSIVELY important piece of information. If he gets to keep the totem upon deployment so long as he actually isn't targeted by a lethal night action, then his role is BROKEN. Literally what meaningful choice is there to deploying if so? He could and should literally deploy the totem every night until he gets hit, and in that scenario, why even design the role that way at all? Just make him a one shot bulletproof and be done with it? His claim literally makes no sense and I agree it very much seems to occupy a similar power space to mine.
#HBC | Red Ryu
you need to clarify this asap because your role does not match your claimed archetype NOR does it even make sense mechanically given what your alleged role seems to be designed to do. And if your totem is just a passive 1 shot bulletproof then your claim of "town hider" is complete bull****
unfortunately Ryu has the gun and I'm obviously not going to be able to convince him to shoot himself, nor bessie if its scum!Ryu and scum!bessie but if he ends up shooting me yall know exactly where the **** to look because these two have absolutely garbage claims
UP literally disappearing after I explained my meta read on him after he EXPLICITLY asked me to explain it is so ****ing suss I don't even have words to describe it. Triss replacing in and tripping up the claim and not being entirely forthcoming about what the slot can do just make me want to yeet the slot that much harder
Daykilling/yeeting anyone outside of these three is absolute ****ing madness, tho I can kind of understand the appeal of getting an instant check on the claimed masons, but doing that literally gives up the very tempo we earned last night
#HBC | FrozeηFlame
Does your protection protect against day kills? Lynches?
no, lethal night actions only
#HBC | FrozeηFlame
What is your opinion of Fonti and Bessie's powers now that the mass claim is done?
bessie is 100% lying, guarantee you she is not a cop in any way shape or form. too powerful in a game with this many claimed protectives, and a tracker, AND an IC/masons
fonti's I can see being real given the known existence of a tracker and your claimed self watch
Frozen seems to be the only one whose role name is the same as their flavor name (sans Tracker for obvious reasons), so fake claim?
this was speedreading mistake on my part, I opened my role PM to make sure I was transcribing my ability and character name and flavor correctly and misread the heading to my PM. It says Wraith, the Interdimensional Skirmisher, Town Commuter. I assumed that since my role was described in the "Abilities" section of my role PM that there was no archetype to pull from the and that only the ability name was relevant, totally get why my claim reads suss to you tho because of that
Ryu's is powerful as heck, ye gods.
Commuter seems pretty simple, it's phasing from MTG. You don't exist while commuted.
This. Ryu's claimed role is WAY more powerful than my claim, honestly shocked that people are more suss of my claim than his
I’m really wondering why Red Ryu has no reaction to frozen flame’s claim and if he’s not going to shoot frozen because it would reveal his role is real and doom red Ryu. But I have little doubt one of them is scum
my guess is he's hesitating to move because he knows he'll catch crazy heat if he shots someone who is town and he knows I would flip town if he shot me. if it's scum!bessie and scum!ryu then it makes even more sense that he would hesitate to shoot her right away AND hesitate to shoot me despite our claim's trying to occupy the same space essentially
Thinking about how hard Frozen pushed Bessie over Laser, it might be better to just shoot Bessie, since that's a good look for Frozen, and then yeet Trisscar if Bessie flips scum.
I think we should just see how things go in the night, day vig bessie, and lynch based off the result.
bessie flip tells us SO ****ING MUCH about the defectors to the laser wagon and I guaran ****ing tee you its a goddamn bingo
Also, Frozen did push Wam yesterDay. I can't remember if this was pre his claim.
But I imagine that Wam, as Town Jailkeeper, would be high priority to get rid of because he can protect the Innocent Child. LaserGuy mentioned Wam is always in tricky positions on Day 1, so the opportunity to get rid of him as Jailkeeper would be more tempting.
I did push Wam but it was 100% pre claim. granted, I didn't come off him post claim because jailer seemed broken in a game with an IC and claimed masons, and still kind of does, but given our indication of a likely roleblocker out there and the emergent scumminess of other slots I haven't been pushing wam for awhile. The fact that I didn't jump on the laser wagon and infact actively tried to derail it should tell you that I'm not scum trying to pick off the roles that are a big threat to scum night activity