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Anime Charleston Monthlies (Brawl-Melee) - North Charleston SC - June 13th GET HYPED!


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
yeah, and golden sun sucks.
Haha. I suppose I'm forced to go cry in my corner because you went out of your way to say a game that I like is bad. I'm not used to the insults game. I calls 'em as I sees 'em.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2008
Columbia/Clemson, SC
Oh, come on, you guys. Are we about to do this again?
I can't stand it when people don't understand each other. It really bothers me. Like, seriously. But, it's whatever. I'll say my two cents and then I'm going to let this go.

Plasma, unfortunately, deciding to hold a vote if the plan was to make the decision on your own was a mistake. Regardless of TO power, even in something much more important than a tournament, like, say, a country, stuff like that isn't going to fly. People will protest, and that's what happened here. Devin got upset and hostile with you because of that, not because of MK.
Yes, the TO has complete power over their tournament, in theory. They can decide that all the TV's have to be upside down if they want. However, in actual application, they don't actually have that much power, because, if everyone disagrees with you, you will not have a tournament. People will exercise their right not to come, and you will have an empty room with a bunch of upside-down TVs. Sure, you'll have complete power, but over what?
The world leaders that everyone kinda hates did, or are doing, some of the same things that were done with this tournament. "I have complete power, so nothing you say means anything." People get fed up with that pretty quick. The best way to be an effective leader is by being as accommodating as possible while still making sure things get done.

Your age keeps getting called into this because there's a certain maturity that's lacking from the decisions that were made. Also, it seems that you truly do not understand that you did make a mistake in changing your leadership tactics. People can't afford to be dictators of a Smash tournament.

Hostility can cloud understanding, and I do think that some of the points were expressed in less-than-ideal ways. For that, I can't blame you for getting defensive. But, still.
Alright, I guess I'm done with this. I hope you guys can actually come to a reasonable conclusion.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009

i went to sleep got back up and were still making under handing comments.

Rob is fun to play vs what you talking bout yay. LASERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR REFLECTOR


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Lancaster, SC
Plasma, unfortunately, deciding to hold a vote if the plan was to make the decision on your own was a mistake. Regardless of TO power, even in something much more important than a tournament, like, say, a country, stuff like that isn't going to fly. People will protest, and that's what happened here. Devin got upset and hostile with you because of that, not because of MK.
Yes, the TO has complete power over their tournament, in theory. They can decide that all the TV's have to be upside down if they want. However, in actual application, they don't actually have that much power, because, if everyone disagrees with you, you will not have a tournament. People will exercise their right not to come, and you will have an empty room with a bunch of upside-down TVs. Sure, you'll have complete power, but over what?
The world leaders that everyone kinda hates did, or are doing, some of the same things that were done with this tournament. "I have complete power, so nothing you say means anything." People get fed up with that pretty quick. The best way to be an effective leader is by being as accommodating as possible while still making sure things get done.

Your age keeps getting called into this because there's a certain maturity that's lacking from the decisions that were made. Also, it seems that you truly do not understand that you did make a mistake in changing your leadership tactics. People can't afford to be dictators of a Smash tournament.

Hostility can cloud understanding, and I do think that some of the points were expressed in less-than-ideal ways. For that, I can't blame you for getting defensive. But, still.
Alright, I guess I'm done with this. I hope you guys can actually come to a reasonable conclusion.
quote for future reference


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009

How do you guys get your mains under your name like that?

Edit: yay told me he couldn't give me a ride yesterday can anyone give me a lift ?

Plasma Pikmin

Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2009
Summerville, SC
Plasma, unfortunately, deciding to hold a vote if the plan was to make the decision on your own was a mistake. Regardless of TO power, even in something much more important than a tournament, like, say, a country, stuff like that isn't going to fly. People will protest, and that's what happened here. Devin got upset and hostile with you because of that, not because of MK.
Yes, the TO has complete power over their tournament, in theory. They can decide that all the TV's have to be upside down if they want. However, in actual application, they don't actually have that much power, because, if everyone disagrees with you, you will not have a tournament. People will exercise their right not to come, and you will have an empty room with a bunch of upside-down TVs. Sure, you'll have complete power, but over what?
The world leaders that everyone kinda hates did, or are doing, some of the same things that were done with this tournament. "I have complete power, so nothing you say means anything." People get fed up with that pretty quick. The best way to be an effective leader is by being as accommodating as possible while still making sure things get done.

Your age keeps getting called into this because there's a certain maturity that's lacking from the decisions that were made. Also, it seems that you truly do not understand that you did make a mistake in changing your leadership tactics. People can't afford to be dictators of a Smash tournament.

Hostility can cloud understanding, and I do think that some of the points were expressed in less-than-ideal ways. For that, I can't blame you for getting defensive. But, still.
Alright, I guess I'm done with this. I hope you guys can actually come to a reasonable conclusion.
Thunder, thanks for being one of the only logical people hear, and I understand what you're saying. I know that they don't care about the MK banning thing, and that it had to do with me. I want to fix that though, so I'll try my best now. I know one certain person (and no, it's not you Dev) that will probably never forgive me. But I'll still try:

I understand that I did a vote before. I did overrule that though. I didn't mean to be abusing my power, I wouldn't want to do that. I didn't do the vote knowing that I would change it. I talked to a lot of different people about how the banning of MK is, and they convinced me that MK should not be banned, I was not planning on that as some of you think.

I'm sorry, though, if you think I did. I might have been abusing my powers by mistake without realizing. I realize I made a mistake in my leadership tactics, and I'll be sure to never do that again. I'll try to make my next tourney a way better experience and not the crap that happened recently. I didn't mean to be a dictator, nor do I want to be one.

I did get defensive though, like Thunder said, for that reason.

Overall though, I apologize for using my powers the way I did. But for the best of this tourney and to end any further arguements, and since you guys said you don't care about MK being banned, MK is still legal for this tournament. I'm sorry for those of you who don't agree, but for the best and from what has previously happened, MK is not banned. I will not hold a vote anymore to cause anything like to happen again.

Again, I apologize for all of what I did.

Dev, even though we got off to a bad start, I hope we can still be cool. We've been hostile to one another, you have to admit. I don't want it to be like that though. I'm sure we can be friends and cool, so can we please just start over?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2008
South Carolina
MK not being banned is a good thing. no other region has banned MK, and only rarely do you see non-MK tourneys in places like TX. Even then its just for fun. I dont think you guys should be getting stirred up over something like this, MK is not broken...

if i am lucky enough to make it to this tourney ill MM anyone me vs MK :D lol.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009
some kind of joke send me your number threw pm

LEts try to set up a ride here.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Lancaster, SC
Bolded titles are just for reference, they're in no particular order.


"... The Old Ones say, we Tournament Organizers are descendants of Hercules himself—taught never to retreat, never to surrender and that our word as TO holds sway over all things..."

"... Bold PlasmaPikmin gives testament to our bloodline. His decision is correct and final."


"... This is Majority!"
"... Majority...?"
"... This is PIKMIN'S TOURNAMENT!" *boot*


"... A thousand mains of the Ban-worthy Empire will descend upon you! Our Meta Knights will blot out the sun!"
"... Then we will fight in the gay."


"... Remember us." As simple an order as any tournament attendee could give. "Remember why we lost money on this day." For he did not wish tribute, nor song, nor monuments nor poems of MK vs. MK semi-finals onward. His wish was simple. "Remember us," he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be. May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, "Go tell the potential attendees, passerby, that here by MK's brokeness, did we fail, and so shall they."


"... Meta Knights... we put their names to the test."


"... You have many Meta Knights, Pikmin, but few players. It won't be long before they realize a MK-ban is just—more-so than your decisions. "


"... Choose your next words carefully, potential attendee. They may be your last as a MK-****-free virgin."

"... Meta and Knight?"

"... You don't main MK!? You're a madman!

"... Meta and Knight? You'll find plenty of both at Plasma Pikmin's tourney."


"... Your Shuttle Loops can finish what your Mach Tornadoes have started... or has playing the gayest character in the game robbed you of your ability to press the b-button?"

"... It would take more than a cast of thirty-eight other playable characters to rob me of my desire to press b."


"... I saw those Meta Knights disappear into the blast-zone. How can this be?"

"... We saw but a fraction of the broken that is Meta Knights gayness."

"... There can be no victory here, why do you smile?"

"... Wario-main, I've fought countless times, yet I've never met an adversary who could offer me, what we pro-MK banners call, "An Unfair Match-Up." But, now I know, with all of South Carolina's MKs gathered against us, there are plenty down there who're up to the task."


"... My vote (arm)!"

"... It's not your, anymore!"

**** SCENE

"... This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I'm am not your average character." *planks*


"... He has served the will of Sakurai for 1 1/2 years. Eyes as dark as night... teeth filed to fangs... unbeatable. The personal guard to Sakurai's legacy; the most broken character in Brawl. The deadliest fighting force in all of Final Destination... no—all stages—Meta Knight."


"... He did what he was trained to do, what he was bred to do, what he was born to do—play the TO card!"


"... I see I was wrong to expect the majority's commitment to at least match out own."

"... Doesn't it?"
"... You there, who is your main?"

"... Meta Knight."

"... And you, sir, who is your main?"

"... Meta Knight."

"... MK?"
"... And you?"

"... MK, as well, sire."


"... Not Meta Knight!!"

"... You see, my dear Pikmin, I have brought more players than you did."


"... My heart is broken for your loss."

"... Heart? I have filled my heart with hate. I'm going full MK from here on out."

"... Good."


"... But I am a broken character. I can make you rich beyond all measure. I will make you the M2K of SC Smash. You will carry my battle standard to the heart of every tournament you attend. Your Marth/Snake/Wario/Falco rivals will kneel at your feet if you will but press the b-button."

"... You are broken as you are ban-worthy, O king of kings. Such an offer only a pro-ban player would refuse. But the, uh, the idea of pressing the b-button, it's- You see, slaughtering all these scrubby, crutch mains of yours has, uh, well it's left a nasty cramp in my right thumb, so pounding the b-button will be hard for me."


"... You potential attendees take pride in your logic. I suggest you employ it through this vote. Consider this your chance to let me know what you think!"

15min later—

"... j/k — Picture it reduced to ash at my whim! Consider the fate of your women!"

"... don't have a joke for this one, sorry."


"... I am not here to represent the majority; their actions speak louder than my words ever could. I am here for all those voices which cannot be heard: tournament directors, organizers and officials! - three hundred potential attendess will fail against Meta Knight for our rights, and for the very principles this TO card was built upon. We are at war, gentlemen. We must counter pick MK and press the b-button as quickly and we can—send the entire MK-army turbo controllers, now! Send them for brokeness. Send them for gay and campy. Send them for infinite dimensional capes. But most importantly, send them for TO POWER!"


"... In the end, a TO's true strength is the attendee next to him. So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you. Do not forget today's lesson."

"... Respect and honor?"

"... Respect and honor."


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009
Devin idk if you notice but plasma deff said sorry. But you continue to ramble just stop


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
yeah, and golden sun sucks.
I like Golden Sun. And I think Rayku's a pretty cool guy too.

Atleast in NC, their rules are set in stone from day one.

Bill might not run the most organized tournaments in the world, but he sticks with his ****, and that is far more preferable than things like this.
Criokarp, use irony attack!


Bill attempted to ban MK a week before his tournament too. Much to the social backlash of the entrants.


Other than the two points above, I don't have anything particularly worthwhile to put forth in this argument / conversation. I "might" be there, as I do have Saturday off. It all depends on whether or not I can contain my blind rage for the horrible cesspool of a town it's being held in.

edit: Ban Charleston.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
So... yea

I do accept the apology, although i still go with my reasoning as to why he deserves the ban. Albeit, my main has legitimate reasons to give any Mk a run, and MOST Mks dont even care about the Sonic matchup... it bodes well for me.

But.. .for everyone with a bad recovery or "Your too slow!" it pity you being put out by Mk... and to that, i say
"C'mon, step it up!" like me :)

Plasma Pikmin

Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2009
Summerville, SC
Thanks for accepting my apology. Hopefully, no hard feelings. :)

Area6, if you still need a ride, maybe you can ask Criosphinx. Not sure where he lives, but give it a try.

EDIT: People, please start telling me who you're teaming with and what your team name is.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009
im leaving to go back to my home town Bronx NY on the week of the 22nd i had a bus ticket but my brother is coming to pick me up.


I may come back i may not depends on if the auto tech school in ny accepts me or not


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Lancaster, SC
You don't have a ride to your own tournamet?

And picture is nasty, I can see his ****ing bottom teeth in his brain juice.


GOD ****!


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009
Plasma by head count he doesn't mean your riding with him.

If dev grabs me up im coming. And yay is deff going.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009
And Btw snap take that ****ing pic down. ****'s bout to make me throw up and i can't stop looking at it

Plasma Pikmin

Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2009
Summerville, SC
I have a ride to the tournament, I thought Jman was talking about people who Dev was driving here.

Look at the attendees thing on the first page, that has all the people that are going.

BRIGHT said he had to go to New York on my AiB Page.


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
haha. i know adam i know.
Heh you'd of been perma banned had a mod seen that. Not to mention kack views these threads. The kid is 12. Let people go to 4chan and **** if they wanna see that kinda stuff.
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