Same download link as last time, or do you have a new one?
For those of us who frequent tourneys/play mostly play VBrawl (no gameplay changing hacks, except maybe no tripping if I'm not at a tourney) will it be possible to get the cloaking device taunt, without Snake staying invisible after the taunt? If he stays invisible it compromises having no gameplay changing hacks at tournies.
That's most likely possible, but it defeats the purpose of the Cloaking Device taunt. See my next comment below...
I think it's fine that he does go invisible for a short while during the taunt animation, but I think it would good if there was a version that didn't stay invisible for the vBrawlers. If this isn't possible I could try the possibilty of waiting for the cig taunt and replace the cloaking taunt with that.
Yeah, I'd just wait for the cigarette taunt to be released, and use that instead, if you want to keep Snake as vanilla as possible. While the Cloaking Device is fun, players of vBrawl and even Balanced Brawl might not want to use it for the same reason you gave.
Also, if the cig taunt finally does happen, there should be a vBrawl version of that too. I remember reading the idea of adding a hitbox onto it when he would discard it, that would also compromise the no gamplay changing thing for me.
Speaking of that, I don't think you have to worry about the cigarette having a hitbox like the box does. As it stands, we can't give Snake a visible cigarette without sacrificing one of his other articles (like the box). That means the best we can do is have Snake smoke an invisible cigarette, but still have the orange glow and smoke/dust visual effects show up. As SHeLL said, you wouldn't be able to see the cigarette unless you zoomed in, anyway.
That said, you can't really give an invisible cigarette a hitbox or trajectory. Well, you can, but not being able to see the actual cigarette pretty much ruins that idea IMO. So much for "Cig KOs". :/
The best plan for animating the Smoking taunt that I know of now is simply having Snake pull out the invisible cigarette from an ammo pouch, smoke it for a second (cue orange glow and smoke/dust), and then either make a "putting the cigarette back into the ammo pouch" animation or a "discarding/flicking away" animation. No hitbox or trajectory included.
And I noticed that with these new taunts that some of Snake's weaponry (mortar, cypher, landmine, grenade launcher) were textured, and was wondering how to change them back. I have some experience with BrawlBox.
I noticed that too. I don't know if Eternal Yoshi intended for those to be in there or not, lol.
But yeah, we'll certainly have a taunt pack with none of the specially colored equipment.
I'm sorry if I've sounded picky about these taunts myself, but I think should be vanilla versions so they can be more widely, so people don't have to worry about problems arising at tourney, or for people who just would want to play mostly vanilla brawl. You guys have done some great work in here, keep it up. <3
No problem at all, I appreciate your feedback. You made me realize that there is still going to be demand for the Smoking taunt over the Cloaking Device. Perhaps we can make two versions of the Snake Taunts pack:
Basic Pack (ideal for players of Vanilla Brawl and Balanced Brawl)
"Salute" as up taunt
"Smoking" as side taunt (invisible cigarette, no hitbox or trajectory)
"Box" as down taunt (not the moving box we hope to make, just the standard one)
Stealth Pack (hopefully adopted by Brawl-, maybe Brawl+ players)
"Salute" as up taunt
"Cloaking Device" as side taunt (Snake becomes visible when hit or grabbed, possibly more triggers)
"Moving Box" as down taunt (Hopefully, Snake will be able to move around in the box and even drop C4 or grenades silently)
Only the Salute and vanilla Box taunts are currently finished.
Any Brawl+ players here tried the Cloaking Device taunt yet? We could use your feedback regarding whether or not you think it's broken, or a good fit for Brawl+. If someone could test it out against human opponents, that would give us an idea how balanced or broken it is.