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Andross for Brawl! Starfox needs a cool enemy


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Sheesh, T-Major, way to make me look like the bad guy. :(

You're making it sound like he's Rosa Parks or something.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
how is the most iconic villain in one of Nintendo's biggest franchises not getting in "complete logic"? the main villain should logicaly have top priority after the main character. because if it wasn't for said villain, the main characters adventures wouldn't have even taken place. the games storyline could have easily progresed without the addition of a generic rival (in this case Wolf). but the game couldn't get by without a main villain.

I could argue the same point as to why Wolf deserves to get in. technincaly, he wouldn't even count as a villain (which people seem to be basing his deservedness on). he's even officialy stated to be "Fox's Rival", and from what I know, he hasn't even been a boss in the StarFox games. all he does is try and get revenge on Fox for something (to my knowledge, they [Nintendo] havn't even tolds us what that "something" is yet...), and in the end, ends up helps Fox so that he doesn't die because he want's to kill him... if anyone is the "dumb character" it's Wolf. just for being so F***ing generic...

but yeah. I don't buy your "Andross is illogical!" statement. so unless you can prove to me why Wolf is more deserving (not using popularity as a factor) then Andross, I'm sticking to my opinions.
"Dumb character" is still andross.

Wolf: great image for brawl, has a complete body, and has the appearence of a fighter

andross: not a great image for brawl, has no body, has the appearence of a monkey.

Now imagine this:

Fox vs Wolf:
cool intense fight comboing and loads of stuff


Fox vs Andross:
andross runs like a *****, and just shoots stuff from far away, never to get hit by fox...:urg:

Please enlighten me, on how andross is better than wolf.

oh yeah moveset, ok everyone says its good, but do you really think someone from nintendo is gonna be in here looking for one?..all you have here is a dream.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Think of the actual word: "Character"

Character defines one's personality. If you were to ask the general population, most would say that Wolf O'donnel has a kick*** character, and Andross was just... there?

Andross hasn't gotten nearly as much spotlight, praise, or depth as Wolf has. Even though he is the main bad guy.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Exactly Xsyven has the idea andross was in what 1...or 2 i forget cause i dont really care about him starfox games. ya ok wolf is in alot more games then andross is and well ever be. I mean i dont want to seem like a jack @$$ so i asked a couple of kids at school. They said it would be a bad idea to make him for a char...but for a finnal boss for fox chars it would be kick @$$. so then i asked them what about wolf. They said would be awsome to be able to play him as a char. sooooo i kind of agree that andross would be good...for a finnal boss for starfox chars but to take the spot that should be wolfs as a playable char not a very good idea


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
"Dumb character" is still andross.

Wolf: great image for brawl, has a complete body, and has the appearence of a fighter

andross: not a great image for brawl, has no body, has the appearence of a monkey.

Now imagine this:

Fox vs Wolf:
cool intense fight comboing and loads of stuff


Fox vs Andross:
andross runs like a *****, and just shoots stuff from far away, never to get hit by fox...:urg:

Please enlighten me, on how andross is better than wolf.

oh yeah moveset, ok everyone says its good, but do you really think someone from nintendo is gonna be in here looking for one?..all you have here is a dream.
I could only enlighten you why I think Andross is better then Wolf. You seem like you already have your mind set on who you prefer. Which is fine. But instead of bashing the idea, actually listen to it.

You say Andross has no body and that is a strike against him getting in. You must not of read the first post or any of my others that state that I want Andross in with his body before the experimentation. He does have one and it is even shown in the latest Fox game (Command). It is a fact that a form of Andross had a body. When Andross had a body, he was a scientist. I am trying to incorporate that version of him.

I think Andross would be cooler then Wolf for a variety of reasons. I disagree with you and think that Andross does have a better image for Brawl and that Wolf does not. Want to hear my points? Probably not. But I will list them anyways.

1. Smash is a game about zany characters utilizing out of this world attacks. Not in many other games can a pink ball fight with flamboyant fire spewing racer, a 2d embodiment of minigames, and a plumber superhero. When character styles are duplicated Smash loses some of its originality and crazy appeal. Doctor Mario and Mario. That is not so crazy. You see the same moves. Wolf was made as a "dark" version of Fox. The series seems to be trying to flesh out his character and differentiate him. But he is still a wolf (which is the "evil" version of a Fox), he still commands his own small fleet of pilots (like Fox) and uses similar if not the same equipment as Fox. By putting in a character that looks like and uses the same weapons as another in the game (and they are in the same series no less) I feel that the game is becoming more stale.

An arrogant ape (banned from a planet and with the tenacity to think he could conquer a galaxy with an army he himself built) wearing jet propelled metal gloves and a belt complete with scientific experiments sounds like it has more spice then Wolf. Remember this is how I feel. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to slam my idea either. Do you see where I am getting this viewpoint?

2. Andross adds shockvalue. Captain Falcon and Ness were suprises to me in the first game. I didn't even know who they were. And they were fun to play. Jiggly Puff and Yoshi had jumps that deviated from the jump style. And in Melee we had a transformation, dual characters, and flat character. And in Brawl we will have 3rd party characters. Making the main villain from Starfox (who many people would think would be playable) as a flavorful badass with flashy attacks is a fun suprise.

People are still going to say, Hey wait a minute Andross cannot get in. He is dead and does not have a body. Let me easily rebuke these points.

1. Andross is dead. Sure he is (although he might come back, as Gannondorf and other characters have died). And as an additional factoid, this is the second time Andross died. The first time he was able to transplant his spirit onto dinosaur planet and weasel his way back into the land of the living (although only briefly).

Does it make sense that Young Link and Link could battle each other. If Link kills Young Link then Link would die himself and then he couldnt even have the battle with Young Link. A crazy time problem right there. And what about four Marios battiling each other of four fox's dualing it out. And how could an eight inch tall Kirby lift up a 2 ton giant firebreathign tortoise and body slam him after leaping thousands of feet into the sky. Smash is a game representing Nintendo characters. Andross can be in.

2. But Andross doesn't have a body. Yes he does. In Command it is shown. It even goes into the monkey's history. Nothing would have to be made up. Andross was a scientist and did have arms and legs.

Besides the Ice Climbers biggest feature was being able to dual team. That is funny because the Ice Climbers could never do that in their game and that is their main feature in Melee. So even if Andross never did have a conceptualized body (which he does) he still would have a chance to gain one.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
I could only enlighten you why I think Andross is better then Wolf. You seem like you already have your mind set on who you prefer. Which is fine. But instead of bashing the idea, actually listen to it.

You say Andross has no body and that is a strike against him getting in. You must not of read the first post or any of my others that state that I want Andross in with his body before the experimentation. He does have one and it is even shown in the latest Fox game (Command). It is a fact that a form of Andross had a body. When Andross had a body, he was a scientist. I am trying to incorporate that version of him.

I think Andross would be cooler then Wolf for a variety of reasons. I disagree with you and think that Andross does have a better image for Brawl and that Wolf does not. Want to hear my points? Probably not. But I will list them anyways.

1. Smash is a game about zany characters utilizing out of this world attacks. Not in many other games can a pink ball fight with flamboyant fire spewing racer, a 2d embodiment of minigames, and a plumber superhero. When character styles are duplicated Smash loses some of its originality and crazy appeal. Doctor Mario and Mario. That is not so crazy. You see the same moves. Wolf was made as a "dark" version of Fox. The series seems to be trying to flesh out his character and differentiate him. But he is still a wolf (which is the "evil" version of a Fox), he still commands his own small fleet of pilots (like Fox) and uses similar if not the same equipment as Fox. By putting in a character that looks like and uses the same weapons as another in the game (and they are in the same series no less) I feel that the game is becoming more stale.

An arrogant ape (banned from a planet and with the tenacity to think he could conquer a galaxy with an army he himself built) wearing jet propelled metal gloves and a belt complete with scientific experiments sounds like it has more spice then Wolf. Remember this is how I feel. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to slam my idea either. Do you see where I am getting this viewpoint?

2. Andross adds shockvalue. Captain Falcon and Ness were suprises to me in the first game. I didn't even know who they were. And they were fun to play. Jiggly Puff and Yoshi had jumps that deviated from the jump style. And in Melee we had a transformation, dual characters, and flat character. And in Brawl we will have 3rd party characters. Making the main villain from Starfox (who many people would think would be playable) as a flavorful badass with flashy attacks is a fun suprise.

People are still going to say, Hey wait a minute Andross cannot get in. He is dead and does not have a body. Let me easily rebuke these points.

1. Andross is dead. Sure he is (although he might come back, as Gannondorf and other characters have died). And as an additional factoid, this is the second time Andross died. The first time he was able to transplant his spirit onto dinosaur planet and weasel his way back into the land of the living (although only briefly).

Does it make sense that Young Link and Link could battle each other. If Link kills Young Link then Link would die himself and then he couldnt even have the battle with Young Link. A crazy time problem right there. And what about four Marios battiling each other of four fox's dualing it out. And how could an eight inch tall Kirby lift up a 2 ton giant firebreathign tortoise and body slam him after leaping thousands of feet into the sky. Smash is a game representing Nintendo characters. Andross can be in.

2. But Andross doesn't have a body. Yes he does. In Command it is shown. It even goes into the monkey's history. Nothing would have to be made up. Andross was a scientist and did have arms and legs.

Besides the Ice Climbers biggest feature was being able to dual team. That is funny because the Ice Climbers could never do that in their game and that is their main feature in Melee. So even if Andross never did have a conceptualized body (which he does) he still would have a chance to gain one.
Can you provide a real acttual picture of this please?.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
"Dumb character" is still andross.

Wolf: great image for brawl, has a complete body, and has the appearence of a fighter

andross: not a great image for brawl, has no body, has the appearence of a monkey.

Now imagine this:

Fox vs Wolf:
cool intense fight comboing and loads of stuff


Fox vs Andross:
andross runs like a *****, and just shoots stuff from far away, never to get hit by fox...:urg:

Please enlighten me, on how andross is better than wolf.

oh yeah moveset, ok everyone says its good, but do you really think someone from nintendo is gonna be in here looking for one?..all you have here is a dream.
I'm sorry, I just have to reply to a few of these.

How do you know what Andross and Wolf would play like? For all we know, Wolf could be a projectile user, while Andross could be a highly physical fighter. There's really no way to predict what Nintendo would do. Secondly, it is just a dream. EVERY SINGLE MOVESET HERE IS A DREAM! Bowserlick's just showing that Andross COULD have a good moveset.

Thanks for contributing such a well-thought out post to this discussion.

Think of the actual word: "Character"

Character defines one's personality. If you were to ask the general population, most would say that Wolf O'donnel has a kick*** character, and Andross was just... there?

Andross hasn't gotten nearly as much spotlight, praise, or depth as Wolf has. Even though he is the main bad guy.
As good an argument as I've heard against Andross yet. I agree, Wolf is probably a deeper character. I'm not trying to argue that. I'd rather have Wolf than Andross. But, if I had my way, they'd both be in.

Exactly Xsyven has the idea andross was in what 1...or 2 i forget cause i dont really care about him starfox games. ya ok wolf is in alot more games then andross is and well ever be. I mean i dont want to seem like a jack @$$ so i asked a couple of kids at school. They said it would be a bad idea to make him for a char...but for a finnal boss for fox chars it would be kick @$$. so then i asked them what about wolf. They said would be awsome to be able to play him as a char. sooooo i kind of agree that andross would be good...for a finnal boss for starfox chars but to take the spot that should be wolfs as a playable char not a very good idea
I haven't played many Star Fox games, but I had the impression that Andross has been in more games than Wolf. He's definitely been in more than two games. He IS the main villain, after all.


Anyway, it seems Bowserlick beat me to posting some defenses for Andross. So, I have two more points to underline:

1) Please stop flaming Bowserlick. He's posting perfectly reasonable and polite replies even after being repeatedly attacked. I commend him for keeping his cool for this long.

2) I understand that most of you are angry because Bowserlick would rather have Andross than Wolf. SO WHAT? That's his personal opinion. I've seen people supporting Waluigi and Daisy over Geno and Toad who have received many times less flaming. Wolf fans, calm down.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, and I apologize if I have. It just saddens me to see such a well-thought out idea being shot down so violently.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Andross??!! Dude cmon!!
And u say fox needs a cool enemy? Got one: Wolf
Wow I tough of that in like 1 sec.!
I qutoed myself from the vry 1st reply in this thread, and yet u STILL havent convinced me, always u say:

-He had a body!
he HAD a body, now hes a dead bodyless ape...

-he was banned from a planet
thats awesome how?

-he would have more originality than wolf
so far I havent seen ANYWHERE a wolf with a cybernetic eye, yet I have seen an ape as a main villain before *CoughPlanetoftheapesCough*

-He can use metal blocks as attack
Boy hes sure original, sounds just like magneto...

-they could easily use the body that appaered in command as a base!
Nah... aparoids seem WAY better that some monkey triyin to take over the world...

-Does it make sense that Young Link and Link could battle each other. If Link kills Young Link then Link would die himself and then he couldnt even have the battle with Young Link. A crazy time problem right there. And what about four Marios battiling each other of four fox's dualing it out. And how could an eight inch tall Kirby lift up a 2 ton giant firebreathign tortoise and body slam him after leaping thousands of feet into the sky. Smash is a game representing Nintendo characters. Andross can be in.
He can be, but no one wants him, also whats ur point, its SMASH, u dont have to use real life physics, like pikachu cant lift up bwser, and y link and link cant fight each other... thats just bull...

-An arrogant ape wearing jet propelled metal gloves and a belt complete with scientific experiments sounds like it has more spice then Wolf. Remember this is how I feel. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to slam my idea either. Do you see where I am getting this viewpoint?
1.- Metal gloves= mario strikers charged, rip off right there
2.- belt with scientific experiments= batmans belt, very similair so far no originality
3.- Sure its ur idea, but so far only 3 have agreed= pretty bad idea...

-Hes the main villain
Hes a fogoten villain that no one likes/no one wants him back

4 months, 36 pages, and 530 posts later and STILL andross is a bad idea...


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
How do you know what Andross and Wolf would play like? For all we know, Wolf could be a projectile user, while Andross could be a highly physical fighter. There's really no way to predict what Nintendo would do. Secondly, it is just a dream. EVERY SINGLE MOVESET HERE IS A DREAM! Bowserlick's just showing that Andross COULD have a good moveset.
Are you kidding me??...


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
"For all we know" is actually what the bolded part should be there. It's, of course, very unlikely. I'm just stressing that we don't know that Wolf is a good combo-er, specializes at close range, etc, etc.

-An arrogant ape wearing jet propelled metal gloves and a belt complete with scientific experiments sounds like it has more spice then Wolf. Remember this is how I feel. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to slam my idea either. Do you see where I am getting this viewpoint?
1.- Metal gloves= mario strikers charged, rip off right there
2.- belt with scientific experiments= batmans belt, very similair so far no originality
Kinda grasping at straws here... You can make that kind of comparison for just about anything. For instance, Bowser? Oh, he's a big spiky dinosaur. He must be a Godzilla ripoff. He breathes fire? Oh, he must be a ripoff of Ridley as well.

If you compare a character to other things like that, anyone can be counted as unoriginal.

so far I havent seen ANYWHERE a wolf with a cybernetic eye, yet I have seen an ape as a main villain before *CoughPlanetoftheapesCough*
You shouldn't generalize so selectively. Have you seen an ape with a high-tech belt and rocket-propelled metal gloves? Alternatively, if you say you've seen an ape, I can say that I've seen a wolf. Many times.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Bowser smaller than godzilla, godzillas size= buildings.
Bowser kidnaps princess peach, while godzilla just... destroys stuff...
godzilla does not have wings and ridley uses a plasma beam which is similair, ridley leader of space pirates,godzilla for all that i know isnt leader of anything... anyway that was just dum still andross= no chance...


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
No one in Mario Strikers Charged is a crazy ape.
Batman is not a crazy ape, nor is he evil. Nor does he have metal gloves.
Andross tries to take over the world, while no one in Mario Strikers does. Neither does Batman.

My comparison made about as much sense as yours.

I'm sorry, I understand that none of you like Andross, but then leave this topic alone and let it die quietly, instead of thinking up new reasons that Andross sucks. All the good reasons against Andross have already been presented.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh for the... In strikers they have metal gloves, which he said andross should have= no originality
Batman has a belt with all sort of stuff, hes sayin adnross should too, way da go, and yes there is a crazy ape in mario strikers charged and its DK, and thaths just sad thats u gorgot about him... and we cannont let it die cause bowserlick wont freakin give up...


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Okay, I understand. Though I don't think it's fair for Bowserlick to be flamed so much, I can accept that Andross is a lost cause. In any case, I don't really want to continue this debate. Not when the Tingle thread has been revived. :p

BTW, I know what you were trying to say, but, just as both Andross and Mario Strikers characters have metal gloves, so both Godzilla and Bowser are spiky dinosaurs. The similarities end there in both cases.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Like I said before, Bowserlick is only getting flamed because he's too ignorant to accept the truth.

Andross is old, has no depth... he was 'seen' in Command with a body. Wow. So much depth. I don't think Nintendo is going to put in an old monkey with no depth of character. There's nothing to argue against that. "I WANTED HIM TO BE THE KIND BEFORE THE ACCIDENT!" They're not going to add a character that's only mentioned. The only Andross people know is the big floating head with the two big hands. Though he's a great final boss in Starfox games, he's not SSB material.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
*sigh* yet i do agree to Xsyven and yes i knw us wolf fans like to pick fights but ummmm let the thread die plz lol i mean im guessing this fight has been going on for a long time cause theres like 500+ posts and iv only been on this site for 3 days let it just die. all though i respect bowserlick <----think thats his name for his creative thinking. the chances of this actually happening is slim let it die

One more thing wolf fans (now this is comeing from probably the biggest wolf fan of them all) you guys gotta kindof respect bowserlick cause i just happend to come accros** this move set thread and he made a pritty kick @$$ move set for wolf soo ya maybe cool it down a bit even though i probably was as mad as every other wolf fan the first time i saw this.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Like I said before, Bowserlick is only getting flamed because he's too ignorant to accept the truth.

Andross is old, has no depth... he was 'seen' in Command with a body. Wow. So much depth. I don't think Nintendo is going to put in an old monkey with no depth of character. There's nothing to argue against that. "I WANTED HIM TO BE THE KIND BEFORE THE ACCIDENT!" They're not going to add a character that's only mentioned. The only Andross people know is the big floating head with the two big hands. Though he's a great final boss in Starfox games, he's not SSB material.
the only problem with that logic, is that people were flaming him since the frst post. before he started to argue... so that can only mean that Bowserlick did nothing wrong, and that every body else is to close minded to accept a character that would not only be more original, but more deserving then Wolf.

another thing is that Wolf dosn't have much depth either... really, he's just another generic rival. he hates Fox for a reason they have yet to tell us. he wan't to kill Fox, but ends up helping Fox defeat the main bad guy, and then leaves without killing him, after having 9 chances to do so... seriously... been there, done that.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Like I said before, Bowserlick is only getting flamed because he's too ignorant to accept the truth.

Andross is old, has no depth... he was 'seen' in Command with a body. Wow. So much depth. I don't think Nintendo is going to put in an old monkey with no depth of character. There's nothing to argue against that. "I WANTED HIM TO BE THE KIND BEFORE THE ACCIDENT!" They're not going to add a character that's only mentioned. The only Andross people know is the big floating head with the two big hands. Though he's a great final boss in Starfox games, he's not SSB material.

Andross does have depth. I would argue more so then Wolf. Wolf merely is mad at Fox for a past incident. Andross was a brilliant scientist working to improve the planet of Corneria. He was in love with Fox's mother. He became deranged, implanted a bomb to kill of Fox's dad and accidently killed the mother. Fox's dad was sent on a mission to test one of Andross's experiments and was attacked by Pigma. Andross was then banned form the planet. But even under all that madness he still wants to help the planet of Corneria. He used his methods of planet restoration to turn Venom, a truely uninhabitant world, into a place where people could live. He then sent out his army to capture Corneria in order to improve it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
ok honestly this is what continues the fight THIS ^ ok you talk about people being to closed minded but look at you your no better and eather am i cause i shouldnt be typing this but thats just the type of ignorit ***** i am but really your no better. i wasnt talking to bowserlick he just happend to post the same time i was.

Hey what do you know someone who actually knows the history about the game yay instead of just flaming stupid things with no back up...not that i agree with him though


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Andross does have depth. I would argue more so then Wolf. Wolf merely is mad at Fox for a past incident. Andross was a brilliant scientist working to improve the planet of Corneria. He was in love with Fox's mother. He became deranged, implanted a bomb to kill of Fox's dad and accidently killed the mother. Fox's dad was sent on a mission to test one of Andross's experiments and was attacked by Pigma. Andross was then banned form the planet. But even under all that madness he still wants to help the planet of Corneria. He used his methods of planet restoration to turn Venom, a truely uninhabitant world, into a place where people could live. He then sent out his army to capture Corneria in order to improve it.
Where does it say that?


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2006
Palm Bay, FL
Its from the Star Fox comic that has nothing to do with the game series. I really doubt the makers of Brawl are going to use a character from a comic into the game. There goes Andross's depth I guess.

As far as the game goes, Andross was a mad scientist who formed an army thay attacked the Lylat system and turned himself into a giant head with hands so Fox could shoot him in the face with an arwing. Thats about as deep as it gets.

He's a pretty uncreative and generic. The only unique thing about him is that he supersizes his face so you can shoot him in the eyes. He really wasnt even that hard. I would have prefered a villan that was a pilot that you had to dogfight with rather than a stationary target.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Exactly. Sakurai isn't going to go as deep as the crappy Nintendo Power comics.

Like I said before... he's a great final boss for Starfox, but not a great player for SSBB.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Its from the Star Fox comic that has nothing to do with the game series. I really doubt the makers of Brawl are going to use a character from a comic into the game. There goes Andross's depth I guess.

As far as the game goes, Andross was a mad scientist who formed an army thay attacked the Lylat system and turned himself into a giant head with hands so Fox could shoot him in the face with an arwing. Thats about as deep as it gets.

He's a pretty uncreative and generic. The only unique thing about him is that he supersizes his face so you can shoot him in the eyes. He really wasnt even that hard. I would have prefered a villan that was a pilot that you had to dogfight with rather than a stationary target.

That is not true. In Command Andross's past history is explored and lines up for the most part with the comic storyline. He is also the centerpoint of almost all events in the Starfox Universe.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2006
Palm Bay, FL
I just cant see them making a brawl character that was never really constructed for a game. The "scientist" andross was never a real live character. It's true that he was once a big name in the series but it looks like he's going to be phased out where another villan *cough* Wolf *cough* is still around.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
That is not true. In Command Andross's past history is explored and lines up for the most part with the comic storyline. He is also the centerpoint of almost all events in the Starfox Universe.
you do realise that command was the crappiest starfox game ever and im a starfox fan. Also you also do know that each of starfoxs games had a diff. director right and the director for command had NO idea what the background of starfox was i mean right when you start the game the story line SUCKS.

Also no wolfs not a villan


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
22 Acacia Avenue
=P. My god. This debate is still going on? Any way..... Krystal>Wolf>Andross>Mr.Scientist Andross.

Wolf should be the "villian" character. They have both appered in 5 games (INCLUDING STARFOX 2!!!!)

I have a B movelist for Wolf also.

>B:Knife(he weges it inside his enemy and you rapidly tap B to do more damage)
^B:Knife upper(like Marth and Roys ^B)
Down B:Grenade

Super Smash: Wolf says "This is our territory!" and calls the Star Wolf team to attack. They say respective qoutes "Annoying bird, i am the great Leon!" Etc.

I have a bad feeling someones going to get mad at me....


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
you do realise that command was the crappiest starfox game ever and im a starfox fan. Also you also do know that each of starfoxs games had a diff. director right and the director for command had NO idea what the background of starfox was i mean right when you start the game the story line SUCKS.

Also no wolfs not a villan
Yes. But people were telling me that Andross never had a body and had no depth. Well his history is explored in that game and it is part of the franchise. People wanted proof so I gave it to them.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
=P. My god. This debate is still going on? Any way..... Krystal>Wolf>Andross>Mr.Scientist Andross.

Sorry i have to modify that just a tad Wolf>krystal>Andross>Mr.scientist Andross

ya that looks better:laugh:


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Wolf supporters, shut up!! Bowserlick even spcificaly said that he would want Andross, OR WOLF in Brawl! technicaly, he agrees with you that Wolf should be in, so stop complaining! he just perfers Andross more because he would be more open concept, and original. just like C. Falcon was. thats his opinion! say it with me, o-pin-yon! the last three pages he's only been trying to explain why HE likes the idea of Andross as a character more, not why you should. but yet you still insult him, and call him an idiot because he has different likes and dislikes then all of you! which just makes you look like complete jerks!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Wolf supporters, shut up!! Bowserlick even spcificaly said that he would want Andross, OR WOLF in Brawl! technicaly, he agrees with you that Wolf should be in, so stop complaining! he just perfers Andross more because he would be more open concept, and original. just like C. Falcon was. thats his opinion! say it with me, o-pin-yon! the last three pages he's only been trying to explain why HE likes the idea of Andross as a character more, not why you should. but yet you still insult him, and call him an idiot because he has different likes and dislikes then all of you! which just makes you look like complete jerks!
you do realise that half the people arent going to listen to you right cause iv already tried this is just going to start the fight up again. also half of them probably dont care cause they dont even know who you or i are so ya..


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
22 Acacia Avenue
Wolf supporters, shut up!! Bowserlick even spcificaly said that he would want Andross, OR WOLF in Brawl! technicaly, he agrees with you that Wolf should be in, so stop complaining! he just perfers Andross more because he would be more open concept, and original. just like C. Falcon was. thats his opinion! say it with me, o-pin-yon! the last three pages he's only been trying to explain why HE likes the idea of Andross as a character more, not why you should. but yet you still insult him, and call him an idiot because he has different likes and dislikes then all of you! which just makes you look like complete jerks!
=P. Who said all the Wolf supporters are making fun of him? Im not. I like his creativity but I dont like the idea of being a sceintific monkey. Everyones not insulting him so take a chill-pill dude.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
ya you just pritty came in and posted a post that you should KNOW will start up the fight again so good job
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