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Andross for Brawl! Starfox needs a cool enemy

Red One

Smash Rookie
Nov 2, 2006
I don't care what anyone else thinks, Andross would be an awsome, and unique character! he is WAY more recognisable then Wolf. I knew who Andross was, yet I have only played StarFox assult (which dosn't even have Andross in it) and adventure (which does have Andross, but not Wolf) Wolf, I only found out even existed, in StarFox assult. and even then he was just a cheap rip off of Fox. there for, I wouldn't want Wolf in, because he's boring.

although the chances of Andross geting in are practicaly nothing compaired to Wolf. he would still be a way more interesting character, with moves that require a lot of stratagy, and focus on confusing your opponent. which would bring new aspects to the SSB francise.

I seriously don't know why people would think Andross would be a bad character.... Look at Ice climbers... they were pretty random if you ask me. and Pit? I didn't even know Kid Icarus was a game until I saw Pit's trophy in melee. so don't act like Andross would be a strange character addition. because there are stranger *coughSnakecough*

and by the way... seeing as ALL of you, are saying Bowserlick is the "only person who thinks Andross is a good idea" .... this post proves that wrong...

:confused: Andross What the Heck?! Oh well let Smashers REIGN!!! Big or small!


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Nah wolf would be better than andross, its fact...
fact how?... because you say so? you can't say that Wolf would be better then Andross (or anyone for the matter) just because he's more popular or well known... if that were true, Mario would be top tier.... Brawl isn't out yet, and Wolf isn't even comfirmed to be in it. so you have no way of proving your "facts"

and I wasn't baseing it on who would be a better character. I was saying that Andross would be a more interesting and unique character to use then Wolf. I play super smash brothers for fun, not so I can beat everyone I play againct with the suposed "best character". if Andross does get in (which I'm not saying he will. although I do wan't him in now) and he has an intesting play style, with unique moves. I would use him just because he would be a fun character to play as, not because he's the best.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
One star rating eh? That's harse, shame on you whoever did that just because they didn't like the idea

Clones don't seem to hurt sales for the Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat series, where every other character is a Ryu/Ken and Scorpion/Sub-zero archetype respectively...
As an avid Mortal Kombat fan, I'd like to point out that all of the Ninja's are unique, and are in NO WAY clones of eachother.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2006
Sioux Falls, SD
I don't care what anyone else thinks, Andross would be an awsome, and unique character! he is WAY more recognisable then Wolf. I knew who Andross was, yet I have only played StarFox assult (which dosn't even have Andross in it) and adventure (which does have Andross, but not Wolf) Wolf, I only found out even existed, in StarFox assult. and even then he was just a cheap rip off of Fox. there for, I wouldn't want Wolf in, because he's boring.
Right, so b/c YOU were ignorant, Wolf is boring? And Andross is unique, in that he simply does not fit. A cheap rip off? Then Luigi, Falco, Roy and Marth, the ICs, G-dork and CF, and your precious Andross are all rip-offs, the latter of DK.

although the chances of Andross geting in are practicaly nothing compaired to Wolf. he would still be a way more interesting character, with moves that require a lot of stratagy, and focus on confusing your opponent. which would bring new aspects to the SSB francise.

Interesting, yes. If they are willing to claim his significance(None), change his body and grant him an entire moveset. Not happening.
I seriously don't know why people would think Andross would be a bad character.... Look at Ice climbers... they were pretty random if you ask me. and Pit? I didn't even know Kid Icarus was a game until I saw Pit's trophy in melee. so don't act like Andross would be a strange character addition. because there are stranger *coughSnakecough*
ICs and Pit were added for Retrospect. It's a shame your lovely Andross lacks that advantage. Snake was added b/c of Sakurai's friendship w/ Kojima.

and by the way... seeing as ALL of you, are saying Bowserlick is the "only person who thinks Andross is a good idea" .... this post proves that wrong...
I never thought he was alone in his delusions of Andross' suitability :p
*Chuckles* There's a present for ya.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
a wolf with a awesome ship and a crew > a giant big headed monkey with no-one
a wolf with an awsome ship and a crew = a fox with an awsome ship and a crew =/= an insane monkey scientist with various gadgets, and high level of thinking power.

there for

an insane monkey scientist with various gadgets, and high level of thinking power = new, original, interesting idea.

EDIT: {to the person above me}

you logic is EXTREMLY flawed... the fact that you would think I would be insulted by that is laughable. Wolf IS a cheap rip-off of Fox. just like Shadow is to Sonic. he was created for the sole perpose of being Fox's rival. sure he has a different personality, but so does Shadow, does that mean Shadow should be in brawl? (I bet you would love that)

"ICs and Pit were added for Retrospect."

what better form of retrospect for the StarFox series, then adding the main villian of the series, who was there from the begining (before Wolf might I add).

if you have a problem with my opinions, then you can go cry about it to your precious Wolf...


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
One star rating eh? That's harse, shame on you whoever did that just because they didn't like the idea.
I actually rated my own thread one star. Back in the day it was popular and up on the first page of the thread. In order to locate it easily I rated it one star (because every other thread had no rank or was rated 3 or more stars). It made the thread very easy to locate. Thanks though for the defense.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2006
Sioux Falls, SD
a wolf with an awsome ship and a crew = a fox with an awsome ship and a crew =/= an insane monkey scientist with various gadgets, and high level of thinking power.

there for

an insane monkey scientist with various gadgets, and high level of thinking power = new, original, interesting idea.
Except, did we ever confirm his scientist status? ;) Or a high level of thinking power... or gadgets? :| No.

EDIT: {to the person above me}

you logic is EXTREMLY flawed... the fact that you would think I would be insulted by that is laughable. Wolf IS a cheap rip-off of Fox. just like Shadow is to Sonic. he was created for the sole perpose of being Fox's rival. sure he has a different personality, but so does Shadow, does that mean Shadow should be in brawl? (I bet you would love that)

Ugh. Shadow? I don't even want Sonic you poor fool. Go over to Nsider and ask about me. :|

"ICs and Pit were added for Retrospect."

what better form of retrospect for the StarFox series, then adding the main villian of the series, who was there from the begining (before Wolf might I add).

SF isn't retro. ;) You seem to have missed that... So I'll reiterate. If you want to claim that, then Fox and Falco are sufficient, since they were there from the beginning, too. :|

if you have a problem with my opinions, then you can go cry about it to your precious Wolf...
It's not your opinions, it's your erroneous info you claim as fact. Learn the facts befor spamming garbage.
This is hilarious.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
This is hilarious.
ok. seeing as you seem to take pride in making an *** of yourself.... I'll take you down a peg or two.

"Except, did we ever confirm his scientist status? ;) Or a high level of thinking power... or gadgets? :| No."

yes it is comfirmed that he was a brilliant scientist before he became the head thing... infact, it's part of the StarFox story line, which you don't seem to know anything about.... he was turned into that by experiments he did on himself... do you think someone who didn't have a high level of thinking power could do that? no! . it's all here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andross#Andross. and as for the gadgets. was Fox comfirmed to have a Blaster, or reflector, or abilty to use that FoxFire thing? no. so it dosn't matter if Andross had gadgets before... you need to get your facts strait young man.

"Ugh. Shadow? I don't even want Sonic you poor fool. Go over to Nsider and ask about me. :|"

I don't wan't Sonic or Shadow either. did I say I did? no. I was just using him as an example to say that Wolf is nothing but a cheap character, added just so that Fox would have a rival (like Shadow was to sonic). Wolf is to similar to Fox, the only difference is that they are different animals (which dosn't count for much). if you can find real proof that they are different, I'll agree with you.

"SF isn't retro. ;) You seem to have missed that... So I'll reiterate. If you want to claim that, then Fox and Falco are sufficient, since they were there from the beginning, too. :|"

Fox and falco were there in the beginning. but Wolf and Krystal weren't. yet people still wan't them in. Wolf didn't come in untill StarFox 64. Krystal is only from a few games in the series ago (StarFox adventure). I don't think Krystal deserve to get into brawl, because she is a new character, and is pretty much only popular because she is Fox's girlfriend. Wolf however, is more deserving then Krystal when it comes to being a character in Brawl, because he's been around longer than Krystal, and is known for something other then geting it on with Fox. I am basing what character I, myself, would want to be added, based on how interesting they would be in terms of moves and use, which is Andross, compared to Wolf. personaly, if Andross was an option, I would wan't both Wolf, and Andross in Brawl. I don't think Wolf would be as interesting as Andross could be. but he does deserve to get in, which has to count for something. Krystal would be more interesting then Wolf, but dosn't deserve to get in as much as him. Andross is less deserving then either of them, but he could be a lot more interesting then them if worked on well enough. which is good.

"It's not your opinions, it's your erroneous info you claim as fact. Learn the facts befor spamming garbage."

when did I say that anything I was saying is "fact"!? nowhere! you just asume that I think this is fact, which is far from the truth! I'm just saying what I, me, myself, think about the characters. and if I'm not mistaken, thats an OPINION! who the hell are you to tell me "it's not your opinion", huh? some random idiot on the internet, who has nothing better to do then try and make people feel bad about them selfs, that who. it's your opinion, that Wolf is going to be in brawl (which he probably will be, but he isn't comfirmed) if it's not official, it's not "fact" which you seem to be regarding it as...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
Andross won't get in because in his "head with arms" phase, he is way too tall. Scaling him down is a no, because the main feature about that form is that it is so huge that it can engulph an arwing in its fist.

As for the scientist form, it never appeared in a Star Fox game, so that's a no.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Andross won't get in because in his "head with arms" phase, he is way too tall. Scaling him down is a no, because the main feature about that form is that it is so huge that it can engulph an arwing in its fist.

As for the scientist form, it never appeared in a Star Fox game, so that's a no.
true. but if you remember, Roy was put in Melee before his game was out, so it's not like it hasn't been done before. who knows, they might make a StarFox game, that goes through the events that hapened before StarFox 1. where you play as James McCload, Peppy, and the rest of his crew. it would show Andross before he turned into the giant head, seeing as it would fit the time line.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
true. but if you remember, Roy was put in Melee before his game was out, so it's not like it hasn't been done before. who knows, they might make a StarFox game, that goes through the events that hapened before StarFox 1. where you play as James McCload, Peppy, and the rest of his crew. it would show Andross before he turned into the giant head, seeing as it would fit the time line.
Roy was planned to be shown in that form.

Scientist Andross is not planned on ever being shown. I doubt that they would make a Star Fox game that you thought up, but if they will, my opinion bout scientist Andross will change. Until that game is made, it's not happenin'.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Roy was planned to be shown in that form.

Scientist Andross is not planned on ever being shown. I doubt that they would make a Star Fox game that you thought up, but if they will, my opinion bout scientist Andross will change. Until that game is made, it's not happenin'.
I know the chances of him gettiing in are nothing (at least not scientist Andross. Big head Andross might make an apearence) I'm just looking at it in a "what if?" situation. if there was any posability that he could get in, I think he would be an interesting character, not that he deserves to be in. If any one else from StarFox should get in, it's Wolf. even though I think he would be to much like Fox, and less interestin then Andross could be, he deserves it more then anyone else from StarFox (more then Krystal)

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Since they are using the Command Fox if Andross wasn't in it does he have a realistic shot? I haven't played Command was he in it?


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Since they are using the Command Fox if Andross wasn't in it does he have a realistic shot? I haven't played Command was he in it?
hmmm. yes, and no.
he was in Command, but it was his ghost. he died in StarFox adventures
. that still doesn't mean he can't make an apearence. Kraid was in one of the Metriod stages, and from what I know. he died for good in one of the metriod games (I could be wrong though) the chance of him making an apearence are pretty good (maybe just in a stage as a hazard or somthing), seeing as how important he is to the series.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Since the Command Fox appeared, the chances of a scientist Andross appearing increases drastically. Andross's history before he was a giant head is explored in Command.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Since the Command Fox appeared, the chances of a scientist Andross appearing increases drastically. Andross's history before he was a giant head is explored in Command.
That is true. Maybe Bowserlicvk is actually on to something, who knows, maybe Andross will be the next Shiek?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
The next Shiek.LOL
anyway i think andross would be better off as a boss battle in single player mode or something. I have to agree with Stryks...Wolf is just too sic nasty.
And Mewtwo is actually a good character in melee. if u don't believe me look up Taj's mewtwo. He has a combo vid posted on youtube.
...yeah reppin AZ all the way.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
because you suck at drawing, and purposly tried to make him look bad.... and besides, just because someone looks cooler dosn't mean they are instantly better... *coughMewtwocough*
1) I didnt draw him it was BOWSERLICK himself
2) Still Wolf is better than andross, andross has been pwn way too many times, while star wolf is still a threath in the game...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
1) I didnt draw him it was BOWSERLICK himself
2) Still Wolf is better than andross, andross has been pwn way too many times, while star wolf is still a threath in the game...
LOL. That's too true. Andross has been pwned in every game. If they put him in Brawl he'd most likely get pwned here too. Wolf is more of a threat to Fox than Andross by far.
Wolf FTW!!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
1) I didnt draw him it was BOWSERLICK himself
2) Still Wolf is better than andross, andross has been pwn way too many times, while star wolf is still a threath in the game...
I'd much rather play as a poorly drawn monkey with unique moves, then a wolf with a mohawk who wears black eye liner, lipstick, and a gimp suit, and who would be to similar to fox... I'll tell you what. if you can post a 100% original move set for Wolf, that is in no way similar to Fox, or any other character. and give reasons why Fox and Wolf are different in the StarFox games, I will change my mind. untill then, Wolf is nothing more then a generic rival to the main protaganist. and has no potentail at all to be anything but a Fox clone.

P.S. I don't wan't to here any of this "there arn't going to be clones in Brawl". because if they start to run out of time, there will be clones... which would most likly be Wolf, unless they start putting him in the game now...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I'd much rather play as a poorly drawn monkey with unique moves, then a wolf with a mohawk who wears black eye liner, lipstick, and a gimp suit, and who would be to similar to fox... I'll tell you what. if you can post a 100% original move set for Wolf, that is in no way similar to Fox, or any other character. and give reasons why Fox and Wolf are different in the StarFox games, I will change my mind. untill then, Wolf is nothing more then a generic rival to the main protaganist. and has no potentail at all to be anything but a Fox clone.

P.S. I don't wan't to here any of this "there arn't going to be clones in Brawl". because if they start to run out of time, there will be clones... which would most likly be Wolf, unless they start putting him in the game now...
Lol gotta say it: NO CLONES IN BRAWL... how the hell we'll they run out of time, sakurai said hes ahead of schedule, and has to til 2007 to finish it (dont say: and what if they have to make the game by february 2007? dont kid urself), he said he doesnt like clones, and who does? and u say u dont want a wolf with a mohawk and... well ALMOST EVERYONE here doesnt want a fat, ugly, has been monkey with a purple cape and man boobies, cmon u say cause theyre both canine-like characters there gonna be clones, **** guess krystal would be a clone too!... cmon... they made clones in melee cause they didnt have time for original movesets, now they DO, meaning no clones, and u want a no clone moveset for wolf? hmm... well i guess u can check on the Wolf o donnell thread, I mean maybe a moveset is there im guessin...


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Lol gotta say it: NO CLONES IN BRAWL... how the hell we'll they run out of time, sakurai said hes ahead of schedule, and has to til 2007 to finish it (dont say: and what if they have to make the game by february 2007? dont kid urself), he said he doesnt like clones, and who does? and u say u dont want a wolf with a mohawk and... well ALMOST EVERYONE here doesnt want a fat, ugly, has been monkey with a purple cape and man boobies, cmon u say cause theyre both canine-like characters there gonna be clones, **** guess krystal would be a clone too!... cmon... they made clones in melee cause they didnt have time for original movesets, now they DO, meaning no clones, and u want a no clone moveset for wolf? hmm... well i guess u can check on the Wolf o donnell thread, I mean maybe a moveset is there im guessin...
you do realise that's not the only way he could look do you?..... why the hell would you think thats the only possable look they could give him? because someone drew a picture of it (poorly)? I can think of at least five more possable looks for him. one young, skinny, tall, without the cape (I admit I'm confused why he would have one) and more importantly no moobs (man + boobs = moobs). as well as other combanations...

and the fact that Wolf and Fox are similar is more then just "their both canines". their both pilots meaning they would have had similar training. their equipment would likely be different, but seeing as the only real equipment Fox uses in SSB is a blaster, that isn't that much of a change. really, the best chance he has at being original is being Luigi-fied...

I also just plain don't like Wolf's character. to me he's nothing more then a generic rival to the main protaganist. his character is cliched in many ways; intimidating look, "tough guy"attitude, says he wan't to kill the main hero, but never does when he gets the chance, to a lesser extent, an eye-patch (I find that extremly cliche for a rival) as well as many other factors. it's all personal opinion, and you have no right to tell me their wrong, like you've been doing...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Cmon like andross is any diferent, Andross main bad guy that sends his goons to do his dirty work and take over the galaxy, lol very original, I mean Wolf at least is ALIVE, the monkey had been killed, defeated and pwn so many times, and the guy cries! (shoot him in the eye on SF64 u'll see) I dont want a criyin monkey for brawl, Also bowserlick drew andross as how he looked in the SF comic, and andross was a pilot IN the comic, so u sayin he'll be a clone too cause hes a pilot? guess slippy would be a wolf clone too, and krystal and peppy, and everyone thats a pilot, lol Capt. falcon may become a clone too *gasp*, cmon man the freakin monkey had his time to shine and its gone, its wolfs turn, finally after 2 smash bros games without appearing as a playable character, hes comin in brawl, and doubt the money has any chance...


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2006
Sioux Falls, SD
ok. seeing as you seem to take pride in making an *** of yourself.... I'll take you down a peg or two.

"Except, did we ever confirm his scientist status? ;) Or a high level of thinking power... or gadgets? :| No."

yes it is comfirmed that he was a brilliant scientist before he became the head thing... infact, it's part of the StarFox story line, which you don't seem to know anything about.... he was turned into that by experiments he did on himself... do you think someone who didn't have a high level of thinking power could do that? no! . it's all here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andross#Andross. and as for the gadgets. was Fox comfirmed to have a Blaster, or reflector, or abilty to use that FoxFire thing? no. so it dosn't matter if Andross had gadgets before... you need to get your facts strait young man.
Oh look, Wiki. I should go edit that to say Andross is Michael Jackson in disguise... Give me a real source. And spell straight correctly.
You are PARTIALLY correct on the gadgets part... but you can't give Andross extraneous equipment that has never been seen before.

"Ugh. Shadow? I don't even want Sonic you poor fool. Go over to Nsider and ask about me. :|"

I don't wan't Sonic or Shadow either. did I say I did? no. I was just using him as an example to say that Wolf is nothing but a cheap character, added just so that Fox would have a rival (like Shadow was to sonic). Wolf is to similar to Fox, the only difference is that they are different animals (which dosn't count for much). if you can find real proof that they are different, I'll agree with you.
Glad to oblige. Read my essay and movesets provided below.

"SF isn't retro. ;) You seem to have missed that... So I'll reiterate. If you want to claim that, then Fox and Falco are sufficient, since they were there from the beginning, too. :|"

Fox and falco were there in the beginning. but Wolf and Krystal weren't. yet people still wan't them in. Wolf didn't come in untill StarFox 64. Krystal is only from a few games in the series ago (StarFox adventure). I don't think Krystal deserve to get into brawl, because she is a new character, and is pretty much only popular because she is Fox's girlfriend. Wolf however, is more deserving then Krystal when it comes to being a character in Brawl, because he's been around longer than Krystal, and is known for something other then geting it on with Fox. I am basing what character I, myself, would want to be added, based on how interesting they would be in terms of moves and use, which is Andross, compared to Wolf. personaly, if Andross was an option, I would wan't both Wolf, and Andross in Brawl. I don't think Wolf would be as interesting as Andross could be. but he does deserve to get in, which has to count for something. Krystal would be more interesting then Wolf, but dosn't deserve to get in as much as him. Andross is less deserving then either of them, but he could be a lot more interesting then them if worked on well enough. which is good.
Krystal is more liked that Wolf... Especially by Sakurai. :| Ugh. Wolf came in the SECOND SF, period. His significance is quite outstanding... the same can be said for Krystal, but she came far later. And I go by deserving over interesting. I believe one of the movesets I'm providing will be sufficiently interesting for you.

"It's not your opinions, it's your erroneous info you claim as fact. Learn the facts befor spamming garbage."

when did I say that anything I was saying is "fact"!? nowhere! you just asume that I think this is fact, which is far from the truth! I'm just saying what I, me, myself, think about the characters. and if I'm not mistaken, thats an OPINION! who the hell are you to tell me "it's not your opinion", huh? some random idiot on the internet, who has nothing better to do then try and make people feel bad about them selfs, that who. it's your opinion, that Wolf is going to be in brawl (which he probably will be, but he isn't comfirmed) if it's not official, it's not "fact" which you seem to be regarding it as...
That does not mean I cannot try to change your opinion, nor that you can spam garbage to support your opinion. I never said Wolf WILL be in, and a personally fear for his chances... which is why I launched a campaign across 18 forums and sent a letter to NOJ... and am Wolf's main proponent on Nsider, NOE, Gamespot, IGN, Toonzone, and 1up..

Wolf O'Donnell is NOT a Fox clone.- A rant essay by YoshiRancher

I have shown movesets and evidence MANY times, always being in the right and proving that Wolf has enormous potential to be far more than a Fox clone. Still, I get the SAME argument, every time. "Wolf would be a Fox clone." My reasoning is ignored, as are my movesets. Therefore, I have decided to make a special essay, which will also be featured in my 2 favorite macros.

Let's start w/ the basics, shall we? Species: Wolf is well, a wolf, whose anatomy is more similar to that of the domesticated dog. Fox is also HIS namesake, whose anatomy is more similar to a cat, or a dog/cat hybrid.(I still say cat more than dog). There is a fundamental difference. The species. Think about this... There is ONE main species in Melee: Humans. Look at how diverse they are. We have dark magic freaks to bomb-happy elf-wannabes to crazy samurais w/ flaming swords to bounty hunters in power suits to plumbers tossing fire to ladies floating w/ a dress and gardening. Now tell me, if ONE species can do SO much and be SO different, surely TWO DIFFERENT species can be at LEAST that diverse? Heck, the only thing denied to Wolf that is found in SSBM is magic, essentially. He actually wields an energy dagger, as well.

Next, some physical differences. Wolf is 6'1'', while Fox is 5'8''. Even height can make a difference. Tall characters probably won't use the same kind of sweeps as shorter ones. Wolf weighs 165 pounds, while Fox is only 140. Weight is also a factor. This can affect fall speed, and traction, both of which, as you know, are quite the factor as far as tiers are concerned.

Wolf is possessed of a cyborg eye. To my knowledge, the eye may have enhancements over just optical funtion. Infrared or X-ray are possibilities, which could also factor into Wolf's abilities. Wolf wears an armored jerkin, while Fox wears a jumpsuit, or his flight jacket. The armor is another key difference, as Wolf might be slower, but have damage resistances.

Next, personalities. As you probably know, Wolf is a darker sort... and his life is probably the reason, as I explain later. Fox is a mercenary, but he's, of course, the hero, and of a lighter alignment. Wolf uses trickery, cunning, illusions, relentlessness and brutality in his dialogue, and in his fights. Fox mainly relies on his speed, as his nature doesn't support trickery. Wolf, although his true species should not be, is far more clever than Fox. This is another major difference, which also factors into movesets.

I'll go to a new topic: Other clones. I get these arguments often. So, let me say the following. Ganondorf is the King of Darkness, and wields the Triforce of Power. Using dark magic, levitation, and even anatomatical transmuting, Ganondorf is a power to be feared and reckoned with. Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter who drives a hovercraft. His moves are based on his bounty hunting and fire. He is muscular, and quick, while Ganondorf is slow. They share almost nothing. Clone material? Far from it. But look how they ended up. As clones. You can't be certain where the clones will occur, now can you?

Now think about Mario and Luigi. Twins, and born only minutes from each other. Raised by the same parents the same way. Both are fire-tossing plumbers with an odd obsession for mushrooms. The are brothers, and far closer to identical. Clone material? Yes. Clones? No. Wow, once again I've proven that clones' placement is not certain.

Another example is found w/ Kirby and Jigglypuff. Both are pink puff balls, both are about the same height and weight, etc. Yet somehow they ended up w/ ENTIRELY different movesets. I rest my case.

I've recently heard a poorly constructed counter, but I'll address it here. "He'd have some moves like Fox's... OMG CLONE!" Wrong. Ness and Peach have the EXACT SAME Nair(Neutral Air), and if you think they are clones... I would advise psychiatric help, but you're beyond that... suicide's your only option.

Another rather stupid argument I get is "Wolf isn't major, he doesn't even have a backstory." You don't know how wrong you are. With help from his games and the veterans of the SF board, I have determined the following, so shut up and read.

Wolf was raised in a fairly happy environment, and lived on Corneria. Wolf was a close friend of James McCloud, the father of Fox McCloud. Eventually, Wolf and James had a dispute, and Wolf, convinced that he was right, warned James not to go through with his plan. James did, and it cost him his life. Wolf was furious, but decided to keep an eye on James' son, Fox. Fox and Wolf were FRIENDS. From what we can tell, Fox made a BIG mistake, which cost Wolf his eye, and many of his possessions other than the eye. Wolf was furious, and couldn't believe Fox would do such a thing. In the war Andross currently waged, it appears that both Fox's and Wolf's parents perished. In Androsses' next assault, Wolf joined up to support himself, and his friend, Leon, who may have also attended the Academy. Pigma was hired, and Andrew assigned by Andross. After his dogfight with Fox, Wolf realized that he could not bring himself to kill his one-time friend, and vowed to watch out for him instead. Now, getting over a vendetta, forgiving, and especially vowing protection takes IMMENSE inner strength, and I doubt that I could do the same. In SFA, Fox attacked Wolf's home base in an ill-advised mission, assuming Pigma was still with Wolf. Pigma had been kicked out long ago, and the attack simply killed many of Wolf's soldiers and vessels. Wolf was not thrilled, and attacked Fox, attempting to drive him from the system. Wolf did not succeed, however.(Dang AI, I hate it). Wolf, however, knew that something was up, and followed Fox afterward. He was right to do so. He saved Fox from certain death on a wayward mission to Corneria where Fox managed to get himself surrounded by powerful aparoids. Wolf helped Fox escape. Wolf and his team also soon after assist Fox in protecting a space station developing a program to counter the aparoids. Wolf even makes the ultimate sacrifice in the final run against the aparoid queen so Team StarFox can deliver the program. Wolf's wingmen, Leon and Panther, were willing to die right alongside him, which to me suggests a strong, intelligent, fair leader. It was not the end, however. Wolf and his team survive their diversion, and actually appear in StarFox Command. The Wolf lives on. Wolf is fiercy loyal, and protective of those he's close to. He doesn't care what the critics say, and will do anything for a cause he supports. He's confident and a good leader. In this I find a bond to Wolf through personality... and almost consider him a brother. Now THAT is a very deep story, and a dynamic character. As you can see, he's nowhere near "unimportant."

I'll address another point. This is for those of you who have read the movesets and the essay and still remain stubbornly unyielding. So you think Wolf will be a clone. So? Is that necessarily a bad thing? No. If he's a clone, guess where he'll be? Top Tier. Right along side his franchise siblings. He'll be popular, and totally awesome. So to be honest, I might PREFER Wolf as a clone.

Wolf is a dark character from an underrepresented franchise, and he BELONGS in Brawl. His appearance there would forever ensure his ultimate glory.

Wolf O'Donnell - By YoshiRancher.


Movement Speed: ****(A little slower than Marth)
Attack Speed: ****( A little slower than Falco)
Weight: ***(? Not sure. W/ armor and equipment, slightly heavier than Mario, but lighter than Link.)
Jumping: ***(~60-70% height of highest jumper)
Damage Resistance: Slight physical. He is wearing armor, and if the armor is going to slow him down, there should be a reason for wearing it.
Addendum: I will add to this later.(extra notes)
Damage: ***.5 (3.5) (Wolf is meant to be a fair amount stronger than Fox)

Advantage: Fair speed, high speed attacks, good traction, almost a fastfaller.
Disadvantage: Good traction and almost a fastfaller can be disadvantages.

A - Punch.
A,A,A - Punch, elbow, knee.
Right A - Elbow
Running A - Slide tackle.

Smash A: Punch/elbow alternation.
Smash Right - Heavy Kick.
Smash Up - Bazooka bludgeon.(Sounds stupid, but can you imagine getting beaten by a bazooka? Ouch)
Alt Smash up: Flip. Does a back flip. First hit is the first foot, which stuns and knocks up slightly. The second foot does less of both than the first, and the tail is the heavy blow, w/ significant knockback. A three-hit combo. Think of Link's if you can't picture it.
Smash Down - Tail swipe(mulitple spins depending on charge).

Jump - Standard.
Double jump - Front tuck or backflip, depending on which way he's headed.
A - Punch
Forward A - elbow
Back A - tail bludgeon
Up A - Kick up.(Not like Fox's, does a flip in place to hit w/ both feet)
Down A - Tail trip. (Like Yoshi's, but not as powerful.)
B - Slug thrower. Charge move. More bullets as charge increases. If the max charge(7 secs) is reached, Wolf's hands will glow until you unleash it. The machinegun w/ be a gattling gun when fully charged, which means energized bullets. (standard do 1% per hit, energized... 3%?) Energized also have a much more significant knockback.
Up B - Missile launcher. Similair to PK thunder, you can control the trajectory. Strike yourself w/ the missile to become a flaming projectile. You can detonate the missle w/ B. The missile explodes on contact, or on attempt to block/reflect.
Alt Up B - Jet pack. Wolf himself becomes a projectile, and has temporary movement freedom. The flames are severely devastating.
Down B - Trickery. This is one of my best. Wolf counters a hit for 1.5 times the damage. The target, if close enough, is stunned(As if their shield was broken) for a time based on how far Wolf would have been sent flying by the countered blow. Stun time cannot exceed 6 seconds, and the stunned recovers upon being struck. The move blocks projectiles, but does not reflect them. Wolf stays in the countering position for ~1.5 seconds, after which there is a ~.5 sec lag time. If grabbed while in countering mode, the grab is broken and both characters slightly knocked back. Neither takes damage nor is stunned. Can be used on recovering(getting back to stage) characters. Will interrupt the recovery and knock downward at a medium rate, depending on damage. The target can still use another recovery move. Also, recovery grabs are broken, and the grabber is knocked down at twice the normal rate.
Alt Down B: Pulse Mine. Wolf sets a mine. Any character walking near it is stunned by the pulse, and then nailed by the explosion. Wolf cannot place more than 3 mines at any time. If he attempts another, there is an 85% chance of him successfully placing it, but the oldest of the 4 current mines despawns, and there is a 15% chance of Wolf bending over/crouching to place the mine, realizing he doesn't have one, and looking silly. This will cause about 1.5 secs of vulnerability.
Smash B - Homing Launcher. Just holding the control stick sends a homing shell after the nearest opponent. A smash to the control stick sends a powerful non-guided shell.
Alt side B - Grenade. Aimed like Yoshi's egg. Explodes on contact w/ character, or rolls along ground if no contact is achieved. Can be detonated w/ B. Cannot be picked up, and does not cook.
Neutral: Standard kick. Like Link's.
Back air: Tail Strike(Like Mewtwo's, but stronger.)
Alt Back air: Double back kick.
Foward air: Kicks in an arc foward, then hits w/ tail as second strike while spinning... Similair to Link's, but not as strong and different knockback.
Down air: Stomp(spike).
Up air: Spin kick. Does a flip. Feet and tail will have damaging effect.

Grab - Just reaches out and grabs... medium-long range. Can grab someone behind using tail(if in range.) Wolf will automatically grab a person behind if grab is used and no ppl are in front.
A - Knee to guts or elbow to face... 3% dmg.
Right - Tosses up a little, catches on knee w/ breaking force, smacks off w/ elbow and kicks foward.
Up - Tosses straight up, then nails w/ a zooker shell. Target is stunned until AFTER the shell hits, no reflecting/blocks/evading ;)
Back - Tosses them over him, stuns w/ a tail thwack, then gives them a hefty kick to the rear.
Down - Shoves grabee into ground face down, and somersaults across his/her back, starting at the head and going all the way down, crushing the spine. Wolf then slides the person away w/ his tail to avoid recovery hits.

Air: Like the sidestep, but in air.
Sidestep - Creates 4-5 Wolves, but all are wraith-like and intangible. The real, colored Wolf is not among them, and comes back after the dodge.
Roll - Illusionary. Disappears, and can string up to 3 rolls(Slides, actually) in a row w/o having to reappear.

From fall into defensive - Handspring or roll, depending on DI.
Attack from hanging - Wolf tornado. Like Fox's dair, only w/ more knockback and horizontal.
Attack from lying face down - Does a flip, clearing legs over head, and damaging/knocking back anyone hit by legs. Does a tail hit after returning to a standing position to clear any "Clever" opportunists.
Attack from lying face up - Propeller kick.(Like CF)
Ground to Roll - Illusionary slide/ roll to standing.

Kirby Outfit - Grey ears, one violet eye, and the cyborg eye. Maybe the unruly center patch of white b/w ears?

Arena- Sargasso Hideout. Moving elevators, machinegun turrets, wandering robots, and henchmen.

Taunt - 1) Leans on knee opposite of direction originally facing and says" I'll take care of everything."
2) Wags finger warningly...and says "Don't mess w/ me."
3) After dealing damage, says "What's the matter? You done already?".

Shield - Standard, but violet(Like his eye)

Symbol - Probably the StarFox emblem. In the next SSB, more SW ppl should be added, and SW will have its own emblem. I'm well aware that Wolf isn't a part of SF, but I'm not going to give him his very own symbol when there are (hopefully) 3 others w/ the SF emblem.

Claps - Crosses arms and is turned away. Does not applaud.
Victory pose 1 - Dual machine gun... fires in a frenzy. "Victory is MINE!"
Victory pose 2 - Evil chuckle while tossing a grenade b/w hands
Victory pose 3 - Hands on hips or crosses arms and says "Ha, is that all you got?"
SypheDeath's moveset:
Wolf O'Donnell (Lord O'Donnell)

Movement Speed: 4
Weight: 3
Jumping: 3
Damage: 3.5
Height: 3.7
Fall Speed: 4

Standard Moves
A - Punch/Single dagger slash
A+ - Punch, punch, move forward kick, punch rapdily
High forward tilt - High Elbow
Straight foward tilt - Elbow
Downward forward tilt - Low Kick
Down tilt - Tail Sweep
Up tilt - Knee Kick

Special Moves
Smash B - Wolf Crescent(on ground, he slide kick upwards; in air, goes downward then rises higher and kicks)
Up B - Wolf Leap
Down B - Energy Daggers or Smart Bomb
B - Charge blaster
Brawl Move- Wolfen Barrage/Assault

Smash Attacks
Smash - Heavy Punch
Up Smash - Uppercut(ducks and jump uppercut)
Smash Down - Spin kick

Grab - Grab
A - Knee
Forward - Hold, sidekick throw
Up - High Toss Multi-shot
Back - Back grab, tail smack, speed kick
Down - Face smasher, half-charge blast (shoves opponent into ground face down, then shoots a half charged shot at the opponent)

Neutral - Standard kick
Back air - Double back kick
Foward air - Drop kick
Down air - Drill kick
Up air - Spin kick

Roll front - Rolls forward
Roll back - Turns back
From fall into defensive - Handspring/Roll
Attack from hanging - Wolf Flip (flip kick to edge)
Attack from lying face down - Wolfen Tornado (spins legs around and gets up quickly)
Attack from lying face up - Propeller kick
Ground to Roll - Stage roll

The movesets of GuilWolf and YoshiRancher'st started my prototype, a hybrid of both of them. Thank you both. The finished version, however, is a cleaner and more readable version of the first one. Also, this version is less "cloned" compared to the first. Things that can be changed if major similarites are found: A/B moves of all types.

Wolf is a "Quasi-evil" character. He seems dark at first glance, but there is more there. Him saving Fox and helping the team in SFA gave his personality more ... "dynamicness". Wolf keeps only a few close friends, does not care what the critics say, and is willing to do anything for what he believes in. "Anything" can be limited; I've not seen him on a killing rampage yet. People say he's an evil mercenary, murderer, etc. Where'd you get that from? Show me. No example has ever been provided that he does those things. Wolf is confident, clever, a good leader, and protective of the few he's close to. His personality almost exactly matches mine (I'm not quite an evil mercenary, or w/e). Also, I've identified w/ this personality again. Another character that finds fraternity w/ Wolf in terms of personality is Magneto. For that, I'm also enthralled with him. Wolf would not be anything like a Fox clone, as Star Fox Assualt opened up many Wolf possibilities for moves. Wolf would add to both the Star Fox Characters, and to the Villains(although I don't consider him a villain). SSBM was VERY short on both of those categories. Wolf is the ideal addition for Star Fox, he deserves a spot.

Here’s Giftednsoccer’s move set Wolf. His A- attacks are similar but I put a lot of emphasis on his special and grab attacks


Size ***
Weight **
Power ****
Speed ****
Jump ****


A Button - Punch right

A Button (second)- punch left

A (while dashing)- Knockback

Left or Right + A- Wolfen Kick

Up + A- Flip Kick

Down + A- Wolf Tail

Smash Left or Right + A- Wolfen Uppercut

Smash Up+ A - Flip Kick

Smash Down+ A- Sweep Kick

A Button (in air)- Flying Punch

Forward+ A (in air)- Falling Kick

Backward+ A (in air)- Back kick

Up+ A (in air)- Wolfen Flip

Down+ A (in air)- Drill Kick


Z or (R + A)- Grab

A or Z (while holding)- Punch

Forward (while holding)- Rapid Fire- Opponent is thrown forward and hit with a burst of blaster shots.

Backward (while holding)- Bombing- Opponent is thrown backwards and explodes in air

Up (while holding)- Anti-Aircraft- Opponent is thrown up and met with a rocket

Down (while holding)- Hit and Run- Slams the target down and dashes to the side only to detonate a bomb planted on the target


B- Blind Fire- Slides back, throws a smoke-screen forward, and follows through with quick shots from his blaster (not able to chain like Fox and Falco's blaster but smoke screen has a disabling effect )

Left or Right + B- Rocket Launcher- Homes in on targets faster than Samus's but does less damage

Up + B- Arial Alliance- Cuts to a very quick animation of a plane swooping down, catching wolf and carrying him a short distance in the direction designated.

Down + B- Sniper Shot- Temporarily braces wolf to the ground (until button is released or until Wolf receives 20% damage.) During this time Wolf is granted the power to lock onto any target not obstructed by an obstacle. Crosshairs lock around a target to signify lock on. Crosshairs can be toggled between opponents with the C-stick. Wolf is allowed to continue firing until he is moved from the location. Attack does light to medium damage depending on how close the target is hit.

Ultimate Attack- Allied Assault- Signals Leon and Panther who appear in their Wolfens and move across the arena in opposite directions showering the arena with laser fire.

Guilwolf proposed this set on another thread:
"I really don't care WHAT moves he has as long as they arn't a Fox/Falcon rip-off. This is the first time Wolf himself may ever be playable, let along have MOVES.. he should at least do different things. I think he should fight with both a Blaster and some sort of energy weapon.. a dagger or energy sword.. ontop of that I think I'd like his moves to focus more on physical contact rather than long distance/stealthy moves like Fox and Falcon.. so maybe alot of combo kicks and punches.. moves that, when excuted, will actually cause the oponint to be knocked into the air and have Wolf auto leap up to finish the move by kicking them back down to the ground.. something like that.

Wolf O'Donnel
Medium Weight/Speed
Double Jump

Standard Moves:
A - Wolf Punch (Stand Punch, rapid tapping will allow rapid punching)
B - Blaster (Like Falcon's, causes the victim to flinch, hold it down to charge it for a stronger blast. Slash with his Energy Dagger.)
L/R - Energy Shield that will focus only in the direction that Wolf is facing plus above him. It will last much longer than the standard shield and protect against stronger attacks but leaves his back completely open for attacks.
L/R - Standard Grab

Special Moves:
B + Left/Right - Wolf Charge. (Doubles Wolf's speed and will let him Auto-attack anyone he rushes past with his claws or fists.)
B + Up - Wolf Leap. (A strong leap attack that works alot like his Wolf Charge. He'll auto-attack anyone he passes. This allows him perform a single jump that equals two normal jumps.)
B + Down - Weapon Switch. (Causes Wolf to exchange his blaster for a Energy Dagger that can shock another character when touched with it.)

Smash Attacks:
A + Left/Right - Wolf Rage. (Causes Wolf to go into a frenzy and attack the nearest foe. He'll start by knocking them into the air, then leaping up and kicking them back down into the ground in extremely rapid succession. Deals more damage the closer the foe is to Wolf when the attack is used.)
A + Up - Sneak Attack. (Wolf uses either his Dagger or Blaster to unleash several above head attacks in quick succession. Blaster will attack enemies farther above him but do less damage, where-as the Energy Dagger will attack enemies who are almost directly ontop of him but deals out more damage)
A + Down - Melee Storm. (Causes Wolf to stand in spot and attack in a feral rage with both fist and feet. Anyone nearby can be hit. The attack is strong, but leaves wolf standing in place for a second or so)"
This moveset is by GanonFanboy:
"Aha, late night motivation after exam studying has lead to... WOLF! I've taken a big liberty here, since it's unclear as to Star Wolf's fate after the whole Aparoid affair, I've decided that he's alive but he's got a nifty cybernetic claw (henceforth the claw used in electrified claw or cyborg claw moves) and a cyborg eye that can shoot a laserbeam.


Movement Speed: Average
Attack Speed: Average-fast
Weight: Medium
Jumping: Average-good
Damage Resistance: Average
Damage: Average-high

Advantage: Close combat against tanks, all-around duels, medium-close distance combat, preventing running away
Disadvantage: Speedier fighters, distance fighters, huge melees,

A - Slash with claw
A,A,A - Slash, slash, kick
Right A - Slashes with electrified claw
Running A - Spinning slash
Up A - Stabs upward with electrified claw
Down A - Stomps down hard with boot
Back A - Spins and swipes with electrified claw

Smash A:
Smash Right - Charged electrified slash
Smash Up - Charged electrified stab upwards
Smash Down - Charged stomp

B - Wolf charges his electrified claw (short charge time) and then releases a short-ranged beam of energy
Up B - Jetpack boosts upwards
Down B - Wolf pulls one out one of three weapons
- Firebomb grenade (Throws like Link’s bomb, bigger radius but weaker)
- Bio-pistol (Three shots then dissapears, if shot the enemy's controls are scrambled. Short range, slow rate of fire)
- Gravity Bomb (Throw like a projectile, sticks to a surface and draws enemies towards it)
Smash B - Wolf gets a small boost from jetpack, rushes forward and deliver a powerful blow with the electrified claw

Jump - Jumos
Double jump - Jumps again
Dodge - Leans to the side
A - Slashes with electrified claw
Back A - Kicks back
Up A - Overhead kick
Down A - Kick downwards
B - N/A
Up B - Jetpack boosts upwards
Down B - Pulls out one of three weapons...

Grab - Grabs with cyborg claw
A - Shocks
Right - Shocks and then blasts with laser from cyborg eye
Up - Throws upwards
Back - Tosses backwards, turns around, leaps onto the enemy and slashes with electrified claw
Down - Throws into the ground

Sidestep - Leans to the side
Roll - Rolls

From fall into defensive - Spins and lands on feet
Attack from hanging - Flips up to the platform with a sweeping kick
Attack from lying down - Launches *very* short range laser from eye as he gets up (AoE)
Ground to Roll - Leaps

Kirby Outfit - Kirby gets a cyborg eye and arm, as well as some silver fur

Arena - Andross. Located in the center of venom, the arena is a series of many floating debris such as rocks, destroyed ships and hunks of metal. Every now and then Andross and his hands will appear. His hands become platforms, but beware for they may close up on you. Andross might also stir up the debris or spit some random junk at the characters.

Taunt - Howls

Shield - Standard force field

Symbol - Star Fox symbol???

Claps - Yes

I hope he's different enough from Fox, that was my main goal here "


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
dude...i think he's plenty different from fox. Wolf is awesome and your movesets have only strengthned my resolve that wolf should be in brawl.
Wolf FTW!


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
yoshiherder, thanks for the move set. I've asked for a Wolf moveset on here more then once. and no one had shown me one. and the ones I've seen up untill now have all been luigi-fied movesets of Fox. this one is good, and original. and because of that, I now think Wolf would be a nice addition to Brawl. see? if some one would have just posted this the first time I asked, this whole agrument could have been avoided.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Now...i guess i can see what you are saying about originality T-major. Don't misunderstand me, i am a big wolf fan and i really hope he is put in brawl. but i do think andross would be more original. I still think andross should be put in as a boss fight or something in 1-player mode.
just my opinion...


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2006
Sioux Falls, SD
Andross would indeed be more original... but there are popularity, eligibility, and work amount questions... And due to said questions, Andross, though highly original, ends up an inferior choice.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Andross would indeed be more original... but there are popularity, eligibility, and work amount questions... And due to said questions, Andross, though highly original, ends up an inferior choice.
I know he dosn't have a chnace as a playable character. I was skepticle about him when I first was the thread. but then I read the move set Bowserlick made. and I instantly went "wow! this is pretty good. he wouldn't be so bad after all", they most likely would put Andross in as a boss. or maybe just as a hazard in one of trhe stages (that outer space level would fit nicely). I didn't wan't Wolf, because; a) I didn't know anything about him, or his history. or why he was Fox's rival. and b) every moveset I've seen has been a nothing more then a Luigified Fox move set. but you posted some history about him, as well as a good move set, so now my views on Wolf have changed for the better. and I would love to see him in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Yes...another smasher has been convinced that wolf should be in Brawl. This makes me so happy...so happy.
Wolf FTW!
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