I'll try to explain Ness' matchups as best as I can... from hardest to easiest...
Vs. Peach:
Her range beats Ness' speed, all that Ness can do against her is chain his fair (which is only possible when he can predict her DI). Peach has easy edgeguarding. All Ness can do to a recovering peach is pk thunder juggle her. The only way that I can see Ness getting in any of his kill moves in this matchup are:
1. The Peach is somehow of the stage without her float or dj. That makes her f-smash bait.
2. She is above Ness at high damage = djc uair (easiest to do, but the situation hardly happens and her dair can prevent this I think.... not sure)
3. She misses an L-cancel when she shffls, again it doesn't happen but leads to a b-throw or bair....
Overall Ness can combo Peach (in the form of his djc'ed aerials), but as usual it's just not good enough... Peach gays him too easily. Interestingly since Ness should never be pressing down, her d-smash isn't that bad for him and a turnip spamming peach < a defensive Ness but an offensive peach is just >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than any Ness.... If peach plays the offensive it's an insta-win. Rating for Ness 1. If he knows the matchup enough he can get over it though...
Vs. Shiek:
Ness has to sh over Needles, is cg to 30 %, is comboed easily, gets edgeguarded easily... There's nothing he can do... He's faster than her, but she is the hardest character for him ti combo. He just has d-throw to nair or fair chains, and stuff involving his running attack. That's it... Needles eat thunder. Considering most other characters he does pretty good, but it's still terrible. He can easily edgeguard her, but that should never ever happen since the shiek will have to take enough damage... Rating: 1 or 2 at best.
Vs. Marth:
Ness can combo Marth too, but Marth combos much better. I, personally have a hard time edgeguarding him, but I heard from other Ness players it's not supposed to be hard. Ness combos with dthrow, fair (which comes faster than Marths fair but has less range...) Really this is ****. The only good thing going for Ness is that he has his running attack (which leads to a grab) a situational use of pk fire (which prevents grounded approaches) and the occasional fair (which isn't that useful in this matchup). Ness cannot do anything about a Marth that approaches in the air (unless he's good at aiming pk fire... not possible...) Rating: It's fine as a three.
Vs. Fox:
Fox is easier than Marth, Sheik, and Peach only because he doesn't punish Ness' weaknesses as much as the others. Fair prevents aerial approach from Fox (most of the time), and if a Fox is ever grabbed by Ness = dead Fox. Unfortunately Fox is near impossible to grab. Fox also has uthrow to uair and usmash against Ness. Ness has no approach in this situation and is destroyed by an offensive Fox (if ever does get Fox on the defensive then he does win). The reason many Ness players think Ness and Fox is even is because there are situations where Fox gets ***** by Ness. Those situations, however, are almost never encountered by a Fox. They both **** each other's recoveries btw (Fox with shinespiking, Ness with F-smash preventing sweetspots). Rating: 3.
Vs. Falco:
Falco is like Fox except he has a harder time killing Ness (no usmash killing), Ness combos him better and easier, an even worse recovery than Fox, doesn't have shinespike, and combos Ness better. Ness has a harder time preventing Falco's aerial approach. Falco can laser Ness for edgegaurd, but against good Nesses it really isn't helpful, and dair... Really out of all his high tier matches this is the closest to being even. At best a 6, at worst a 7. I don't understand why. Again Ness has situations where he ***** Falco, but those are rare yet again... Rating 3 or 4, someone explain to me why it's a one... The reason that this is a one right now is probably because:
Noob Ness = Noob Falco
Good Falco >>>> Good Ness
Excellent Falco > Excellent Ness
This is due to Ness' weird learning curve. When you start to get technical he actually gets much worse (compared to other characters), but with more experience becomes deadly.
Vs. Game and Watch: Really it all boils down to the fact that he CG Ness with his dthrow and his fair > Ness' fair. They both edgegaurd each other pretty well. It's definetely not as hard as the top tiers so 4.
Other Matchups I disagree with but will explain more later:
Ness vs. Jigglypuff: It's not as bad as people make it out to be. 3 or 4 for Ness.
Ness vs. Luigi: They both **** each other. Even.
Ness vs. Pichu: Pichu is harder for Ness than Mewtwo vs. Ness but isn't as hard as a 6. I'd put him at a seven or eight for Ness...
Ness doesn't have a problem with Link, or Y. Link except for projectile spamming. They're to easily combo'ed or outranged respectively.
Ness has **** combo's against Roy. I'm not sure what Roy can do against Ness, but it definetely is an easy matchup for Ness.
Look at my last post for more info.
Ignore everything I said about matchups in the Ness super guide. I'm changing that very soon.
Mood4Food: Please try to put more thought about your Ness related posts (as well as all or your matchup posts). You hardly explain anything at all... You really don't seem well versed at all...
Phanna: Ignore the Ness board, hardly anybody there is intelligent....
To people who doubt Ness' matchups in lower tiers, surprsingly enough, the lower tiers aren't good at punishing Ness' faults. The only low tiers that give him lots of trouble are G&W, Young Link, Luigi, and Link. Ness is like Shiek in low tier tournaments.