First, congrats on winning Brawl. Second, $400?! Ouch! But hey, I would definitely pay that much for Brawl. Also, I was originally going to give you $10 but I think now (after learning of the steep price you paid) I will be giving a bit more than that, to help ease the pain. Not sure right now how much. When we head over to your house this weekend I will be giving you $10 at first and then I'll give you more later on (seeing as how all I have right now is $10, lol).
Also, if we have a monthly I think it should be invite only. Why? Simply this, if we were to treat it like a normal monthly and ninjamonkey were to advertise it imagine how many people would show up! With that in mind and the fact that we will only ONE setup for Brawl the monthly would potentially end up sucking. So, I believe that the monthly (just this once) should be invite only. We can just hold it at someone's house. And by invite I mean people who took competitive melee seriously. Or personal friends. But we want to keep the people attending in check to ensure a fun tournament. Seriously, no one wants to wait 2+ hours between each of their matches.
BTW Davis, I cannot wait until this weekend,lol. Seriously, I'm honored that you chose me to be one of the six people to invite to your Brawl smashfest. I'm very surprised, however, that ANYONE thinks I'm still best in state considering how poorly I placed at the NM smash invite. Regardless, thank you Davis and I look forward to playing with you this weekend.