Chefman's right, it's kinda ridiculous. Paying $200 plus for a system that's going to be useful for about a month until Brawl comes stateside, just for one game. Not even one game, really. If Brawl's replay value lasts the lifespan of the Wii, say 4 more years, then since you're only playing the Japanese copy for a month, it's more like paying $200 for 1/48th of a game. And I realize that it's several people chipping in, so it's less per person, but that doesn't make the fact that in the end $200+ is going to a system just because we couldn't wait a month any more logical. The mentality of achieving something via a bunch of people pitching in at virtually no cost to anyone is just another means to the same rash, illogical end. Plus, say 20 people pitched in at $10 each. Do all 20 people have equal ownership of the Wii? It just gets messy, and you can't even get enough people participating to hit the point where no one's wallet is hurt. I mean, has anyone ever made any substantial amount of money going around asking people for dollars at lunch? Taxes are an example the government taking a little bit from everyone, and it comes at cost to everyone, and benefits some. This endeavor is kinda like that, except it goes to a Wii for one person (I understand everyone who donate's gets to play, but it'll inevitably kept by one person, unless you plan some unworkable scheme of trading it off every night or something) for one month for one game. So it's like the least efficient tax payment ever. And it all comes back to the fact that WE CAN WAIT FOR ONE MONTH. I feel like finding and scanning that Calvin and Hobbes comic where his dad talks about how anticipating something is just as good as recieving it. Sorry if any of this seemed to not flow, it's rather steam-of-consciousness
Anyway, I never confirmed I'd donate $10, I believe my exact words were "I might pitch in 5 or 10". I specifically put the "might" in there so that if, upon further reflection, I decided to decline, I could. So yeah, I'm not donating =/. Sorry to dissapoint, and I don't mean to offend or attack at all, but I find this whole thing rather over-zealous.