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Albuquerque Monthlies - April 19th

Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Alrighty, round robin it is!! See you all there, it's gonna be fun! I've been actually studying some more and practicing more than I have the last few months, so be prepared. We'll see how it pays off though.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Round robin.

Let's get a lot of setups, though, please. I'd be nice if Steven and I weren't the only two (Neil sometmes, too) people who brought setups. Come on, pull it together.

At least for me =( The less TVs the less likely I will be able to get all my matches done.
Nov 23, 2007
I must make one more mind game by for some reason eliminating the other. First, that bet kyle, is one hundred dollars. yes. however, I know now that i can easily give that up at any point because I have already proven my point to my mother. The job I have now makes me nearly one hundred dollars a day. so--when i will play will just have to be 'subject to change'. As for the tourneys though, I wont be able to make any unless they will be on Sunday or Wednesday. Sunday is obvioulsy out. So unless the monthleys are on a wedness day, or after 9 pm on any other given day which i know will not happen, or i no longer work for sitel(I WORK FOR TIVO ******!!! **** YEAH!!!) then I simply cant come to any of them. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Argh, that's a bummer.

Ok, so Erich will bring one set up and so will Kyle. Steven will bring one. I will bring one.

That's five TVs... I could bring two, if need be, and Neil will probably bring one.

That's 7. 8 sets would be nice. So if anyone else could bring one... that'd be lovely.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Hmm... I don't know if I will be able to compete in this tournament :( I can try but I have alot of stuff I need to get done (i.e. getting my car fixed). I will definitely be there for about an hour or 2 tho :) so maybe I can finish all of them in that time period. That means I need to 4 stock everyone!!!

Quick question tho. Can anyone give Kyle a ride home after the tournament? We live just barely on coors and paseo so its only about a 5 minute drive from Ninja Monkey. But if I leave early (which is a high probability) then he will need a ride. I will even do a $5 gas money match (its tempting huh kash???)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I accept your gas MM, but sadly I can't give him a ride. I'm leaving early myself. That's why I want lots of set ups so I can play everyone ASAP and get out of there. The least amount of matches I forfeit the better.

Also... anyone wanna spend the night at my house tonight?


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
That would be awesome thank you guys. Blah I dont know why I am up so late :( Hope for good matches tomorrow :)
Nov 23, 2007
Go to ******* bed slacker. Mother father. Oh, although my days off are going to be incredibly busy because of the way I am prostituting myself out, i can hang out with anybody(stay the night or what ever) on sunday night, and monday night, as i have monday and tuesday off. :) just send a message or text or whatnot. Peace out homies!


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
*Ahem* SHOUTOUTS!!!!

First of all thanks again Steven for the ride home. Hope you didn't have too much trouble unloading the tetris pieces (also known as TVs). And again props on giing my Ice Climbers the biggest *** kicking they have ever recieved. Next month it will be my turn to show your CF whats what :p

Sinz: You are easily the most intimidating smasher I have ever laid my eyes on. When playing you I felt like Darth Vader was choking me. Thanks again for teaching me all that stuff way back when, I never thought I would be able to keep up with you (let alone beat your shiek). Rematch next time, maybe with bunny ears and steel boxes :p

Erich: played brilliantly as always. No johns tho lol

Neil: Dude your Falco... yeah wow. Next time haha

Paul: Sorry again for killing you in the team matches, but hey, we still won :p

Davis: in the words of the famous Shang Sung: "Your soul, is MINE!" lol. Dude your doc looks like he's on ice the way you have him moving. Needless to say I was a lil intimidated by it

Z Man: You probably have the best Ness in state and your Ganon gave my shiek a really REALLY hard time lol. props

To everyone else who attended: you guys were awesome. Hopefully we'll be seeing you guys again sometime

And lastly

Chefman: in just one month you improved more than I thought any smasher could. Your mario's now faster and smarter and knows some nice combos. Keep it up, next month you'll probably be taking me out of the tourney lol.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
12/15/07 NMGC Monthly Results

1st - Sinz
2nd - Sliraobe God
3rd - Erich
4th - GoldenGlove
5th - Twin_A
6th - Kashakunaki
7th - Chefman
8th - Tw1n
9th - AJ
10th - Hack
11th - Zman
12th - Wraith
13th - DREC
14th - Mits
15th - Jacob
16th - Ofo

Pool and shoutouts coming in a bit


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sixth. I could have done better, but I'm a happy camper.

Sorry I had to rush everything guys. It was a pretty good monthly, overall.

Sinz: Meh, ya pwned me. 'Nuff said. I hate fighting Sheik.

Neil: Gar. Just... gar. I'll win our MM.

Erich: No offense, homie, but you pissed me off and set my mood at pissed off/**** for the entire day. Thanks a lot.

Steven: Played well, man. Played well B)

Twin_A: *sigh* I swear I will make both Nana and Pop my *****.

Kashakunaki: You're awesome *hi five*

Chefman: You are SOOOO much better than I thought you'd be. Very, VERY nice. Sorry I couldn't stick around to give you some tips.

Etc, etc, etc. I almost four stocked Zman's Ganondorf =D! I think Doc vs. Ganondorf is my favorite matchup.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Twin_A: You thought I was intimidating? Weird, I am always putting myself down cause i just think that I am not good enough but alright. Btw, that was a fun match, I hate playing defensively.
I though you had forth though =(.
Everyone else: Sorry if I seemed like I was ticked the entire tourney.

Zman: Did you even say hello to me?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Me and Kyle tied as far as sets, so Tio put us both as fourth. However, I won more games. Similar to how it had you and somebody (Neil, I tihnk) tied before I told it that you had won more games and therefore were ahead.

Btw, did anybody pick up a laptop charger? Basically a cord with a cylindrical plug at the end. It wasn't anywhere to be found at Ninja Monkey, so I figured I had already packed it away, but apparently that wasn't the case. That's the reason it may be awhile before the pool gets uploaded, cause my laptop's out of battery and I needs to charge it before it'll even turn on.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Twin_A: You thought I was intimidating? Weird, I am always putting myself down cause i just think that I am not good enough but alright. Btw, that was a fun match, I hate playing defensively.
I though you had forth though =(.
Everyone else: Sorry if I seemed like I was ticked the entire tourney.

Zman: Did you even say hello to me?
I did you just didn't hear me.

Neil: You have my copy of smash. I want it back on monday

Everyone else: Good ****. It was fun playing everyone


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
That was awesome everyone :) Wow I got 8th and didnt even play my brother, Sinz, Kash, or even Chefman!!! Sorry I had to bail early but next time I won't k :)

It was awesome playing everyone. There were alot of new faces today and that made me really happy. I hope to see everyone at more tournaments and smashfests. Plus almost everyone there today said they will attend mine and Lewis' tournament. Only sad part is I dont know if Lewis will be in attendence :( Stupid work! We shall find a way my brother. I promise you


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Hey guys, awesome monthly. Sinz, GG, Paul, and anyone else who gave me tips, thank you. It means a lot when an experienced smasher helps me out.
Dude, Kyle, you four stocked me twice... You were the only one to do that... Props I guess.
David, always good to see you man, wish you hadn't had to leave early. Both of you, I think we should form a UNM crew. Cool idea right? Haha, anyways, good tourney guys, and I will definitely be at the next get-together, whenever it is.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Oh yeah Wraith I forgot to give you your shoutout. Your DK was actually pretty darn good all things considering. You took down quite a few people lol. Its too bad you didn't stick around till the end, GoldenGlov ad AlphaBravo had DK dittos (and believe me their DKs rule lol).

I kinda like the idea of a unm crew. Or perhaps you can just join the work in progress crew that Dave and I are calling YMMSS (Your Moms My Sweet Spot). Which correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you there when I came up with that?

Fun times bro fun times


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Oh yeah Wraith I forgot to give you your shoutout. Your DK was actually pretty darn good all things considering. You took down quite a few people lol. Its too bad you didn't stick around till the end, GoldenGlov ad AlphaBravo had DK dittos (and believe me their DKs rule lol).

I kinda like the idea of a unm crew. Or perhaps you can just join the work in progress crew that Dave and I are calling YMMSS (Your Moms My Sweet Spot). Which correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you there when I came up with that?

Fun times bro fun times

EDIT: Sorry about the double post


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Los Lunas, New Mexico
Great job everyone, I was very amazed how everyone played, I saw alot a good combos, I even fought Kash's Dr.mario, he said i was very good, i lost of course but i took him down to 1 stock. LoL and kyle beat me like no other but i had fun seeing how everyone played. SOOO Kyle what did you think of my little move i pull off that day lol, where i was edge hoging you and wall jump and kick you, lol that was good. but thanks everyone for the training. Its like this, if you vs someone at a high lv, you lv up big time and learn more, so i'm hoping to fight you all again, till next time, see you all again in the next turny. I'm just so happy i didn't make last again, i know that training would pay off. Thanks


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Yeah I was there when you said "Your Mom's My Sweet Spot!" Hahahaha, good times. Yeah that'd be cool. I think it would be cool to have a UNM crew but there would only be 3 of us...
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
I'm not gonna lie: I was beating people for almost all my matches like you've never been beaten by me before, wasn't I? Some of you can attest to that, I was really surprised. Anyways, moving on to the bad part: I still got beat. By the end I was wiped out, and that 50 minute break between all the matches and the ones with Sinz and Neil made me kinda lose interest, but meh, whateva. They still beat me. I could have done much better overall I think, but next time. Next time...nevermind, that would sound like a John. Anyways, moving on...see you all soon.:cool:

I don't know if I'll do shoutouts, maybe later. *Sigh*:tired:


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Sinz: You are easily the most intimidating smasher I have ever laid my eyes on. When playing you I felt like Darth Vader was choking me. Thanks again for teaching me all that stuff way back when, I never thought I would be able to keep up with you (let alone beat your shiek). Rematch next time, maybe with bunny ears and steel boxes :p
This made me laugh so so much.

So eyeliner+Sinz= intimidating eh?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Pool is forthcoming, in the meantime I'll do shoutouts

Erich - I'mma have to disagree with Kyle and say that you're the most intimidating smasher. I pretty much resigned myself to death whenever I was off the stage. Ah well, I'm glad to have brought you to three games. Also, fun team matches, especially your 2v1 raaaape.

Everett - Good matches man, glad to have brought you to three games.

Neil - Sorry, but our set was the only one in the tourney that I didn't really enjoy. Could've had something to do with the Falco v. Fox downthrow hijinx...Anyway, you've improved a ton, nice work man.

Kyle - So now you know what CF's vengance feels like...savor it

David - Nice job getting 8th despite having to forfeit several of your matches

Wraith (what's your real name, dammit!?) - Way to play the same characters as me! First CF, then DK (admittedly don't really play him in tournament or anything)...next you'll be picking up Mewtwo.

Davis - Fun games...and I still have all your stuff

Paul - Shame you didn't take all our money enter the tournament. Hope it's not like the situation was a while ago when you found smash boring because no one was improving >.>. Anyway, nice job getting destroyed by me and Erich in teams.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Yeah, my name's Ronald... But you can call me wraith if you want to, haha. Anyways, yeah. Actually I tried to pick up Mewtwo, and I picked up Marth the same time you did... I was a little weirded out by it myself. I'm like you with no technical skill!


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Oh trust me I'm savoring lol. But don't worry next time I wont lose. Kind of funny it went from you beating me badly some months ago to me throwing you around like a sack of potatos and now back to you beating me lol. Time to follow the chronological order :p
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Do you really think I'm that intimidating?!? Hehehe, thanks. That's funny, I can see where you're coming from. When I get a good day and you witness my edgeguarding, I can almost feel the dread begin to well up within my opponent!!! Hahaha, that's a laugh. Thanks Steven, you made my day.

So I'm thinkin'...that over the break sometime we should all convene and have a smash fest. I'll ask my parents if they'll let me do it at my house again, and I'll PM you all if they let me. How does that sound?

Alrighty, time for shoutouts:

Davis: I wish I didn't play you as my first match. Sorry if I put you in a bad mood, I didn't do it, I swear!! Next time, we'll play our matches after/I] I've warmed up. Anyways, good seeing you at the monthlies again.

Steven: Good job on that second match with the Fox. That was a good counter-pick as well. Good playing you again.

Kyle: *phew* man, those IC's are making me worried. I'll find a way around them, don't even worry about it. You'd better watch out next time we play!! Good job at the tourney though.

David: ...Hmmm, perhaps the Pikachu idea wasn't such a great one, eh? Still though, keep improving that Fox, and whoever else you're going to main. See you sometime soon.

Neil: Sorry I didn't give you any trouble. I lost my steam there at the end of the tourney waiting for you and Everett, but hey: it's alright. You especially had better watch out next time we meet, it won't be the same. Stay on your toes man, you have definitely had a MASSIVE growth in skill recently. Keep it up.

Everett: Same thing as Neil, except the matches were even more boring. I didn't have any steam left. The wait to play you and Neil made me...I don't know, tired, I guess. Anyways, you still beat me this time and won the tourney as well. Congrats my friend. Be prepared the next time we play in tourney though. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chefman: Good job on that doc. You've gotten a lot better, very quickly. Keep it up, you'll be a force to be reckoned with in no time!

To anyone else I did not shout out to or to those I don't know: Good job, that was a very fun tourney. Hope to see you all at the next one as well.

Alrighty, there we go!! Viola!! See you guys around.

Erich out.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Erich, Chefman mains Mario not Doc lol. And no johns lol. You play how you play and may the better man win (thats my philosophy on it. Everyone has their bad days, but try to work around that bad day and play your best. I was messing up with my IC's pretty badly but I didn't let it stop me from trying my hardest and learning from it).

Again props to everyone! You all were awesome.

Oh and Paul, thanks for cheering me on. Next time tho I want to play you lol.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Wow it feels like i havent beenon here in forever! As for smashfests I live the idea.

Quick few questions tho. 1) If mine and Lewis' tourny on the 12th happens can i use your laptop for tourny brackets GG?
2) Anyone know how to get a hold of any of the new smashers that were at the last monthly? Some of them showed great potential and it would be cool to see them at future tournies and smashfests


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'd like to know if a tournament on the 12th is or is not gonna happen so I can request the day off.

And thanks for the apology, but yes, you did put me in a bad mood and it was your fault. Everything that came out of your mouth was totally negative and a bunch of crap.

On that note... I think it was Kyle... yeah. Thanks again for that compliment about the Doc and ice thing. I've been working on that for awhile now. =D

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Okay guys, sorry I was so busy in one final ALL ****ING WEEK. There was this literal 4-6 page contemporary analysis of political philosophy described in Plato's Republic in any topic of choice (but I never study for finals). And, to think teachers were actually correct in describing procrastination, my printer's ink cartridge failed on Thursday night. ;)

First of all, before I go into shoutouts, the monthly was awesome as usual, but it was unusual in the fact that 'twas the first time I actually won money at NMGC. Not to be a braggart, but $ makes you feel good :p
Oh, and as for the last half of the tourney where I was "ready to drop dead from a heart attack," quoted Kyle, it was because I knew on the RR results that I was 1st at the time and matches got more intense since then. The height of my "heart attack" was when the luigi hollered out my name during my falco barely one stocking Kyle's popo on FoD.


Everett First of all, It was I who first described how your emo eyeliner made you so intimidating. Seriously, darth vader was choking smashers in his childhood, that's where the Colorado Cutthroat Console Tournament was coined. As for the matches, yours was extremely disappointed. In my mind, I owned your sheik, plain and simple. As for your falcon, your reaction time is stunning - coupled with a shocking amount of smarts for C.F., no wonder you were intimidating. Those $20 are mine :ohwell:

Steven I don't blame you for hating our matches. Next time, only play CF. I really do think we have the best matches when it's falco vs CF, not some weird secondaries like my marth or your fox who are involved with chaingrabbing too much ;) Oh, and the team matches afterwards seemed really interesting, I never got to be a part of it. Fill me in later.

Erich You have described me as becoming amazingly better for the last three monthlies. I doubt it that much, but thank you. On the third match, I believe you attempted a ledgehopped dair on my last stock which missed. I was speechless after the comeback, I wasn't sure if I should say thank you or if I should say you should have pressed a shoulder button for an instant $20.

Paul JOIN THE TOURNAMENT. Our space animal matches own. I don't care if your feeling the blues on one day, that doesn't mean you can be motivated enough to win. As for my style, my beginning was truly impressive. Thanks for commenting on the grab game, my platform work, and the rolling predictability with Sinz.

Kyle Our matches were pretty intense. I forgot, did you counter FD, because I know I banned Dream Land. On the FoD match on my last stock, I know I had just killed your Nana at low percent, but my falco was at high percent while your Popo was ready for some wavesmashing. Then AJ comes screaming my name and I suffer from cardiovascular failure from a video game. Funny. That just goes to show how intense our matches are :)

Davis MONEY MATCH FOO!!! Davis, I'm wondering why you never pick falco against me in tourney matches. The ditto always comes closer, whereas your doc is easily comboed (I suicided then three stocked you on dream land first match :)) Fill me in on the chefman match too, I've never seen a good doc vs mario match myself.

David Sorry you couldn't stay for long. Congratulations on being in the power rankings as well.

Zman I returned your game. Be happy. And I'm sorry, apparently a small corner stain was on my copy. Good matches, I still believe that your captain falcon is better than your roy because he has more combo potential and is less predictable (regardless of the shffl abuse). As for your roy, the matches proved how broken fsmash is for roy, seeing as how almost every kill for you was an fsmash. Just work on the general stuff for roy, especially to apply original combos.

Mitsurento It was an honor to meet you, I really am happy to have a flashback to New Mexico's origins of smash. Great falco for your time as well. Seemed a lot like bombsoldier. Good matches also, the lead just switched left to right on the pokemon stadium match until I got used to your playing style. Try and make it to the New Year monthly if you can :)

AJ I'm sorry for not knowing you went to Sandia. The luigi match also bugged me. I didn't know it would end up me being second place. I think I was being too technical, and the newcomer randomness mindgame set in, and I lost :mad:

Chefman Congratulations for being the first in a new section :) I don't remember our matches, but I think you caped a lot. Try and mix up the edgeguarding a bit, because the caping/fsmashing was predictable.

Wraith I'll try not to be amused by you naming yourself Ronald instead of Ron. I like your DK, it has a very different likeness compared to Steven's or Paul's. The problem was the stage, it made you become too easily comboed and it emphasized DK's sluggishness. If you get chaingrabbing down, you'll do better than Steven too.

Sliraobe God Who the **** are you?

Everybody else Great monthly and great money.

So, I think the next monthly should NOT be the last MELEE monthly, it should just be referred to as the NEW YEAR'S MONTHLY , which should have something special going on.
Like my new sig?
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