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David is way too cool to be seen with you in public

  • yes

    Votes: 53 64.6%
  • Its true. I am way too cool to be seen with you in public.

    Votes: 29 35.4%

  • Total voters


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
I'd buy the game, but there would be no competitive scene.

They would for sure make a clean option though, because not everyone is going to have both versions. If I have to get the 3ds version to unlock characters and stages, imma be mad.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2006
Basically there's gonna be a new smash game and even though it's gonna be better than brawl (not difficult), it's gonna be shit compared to melee. It doesn't matter though cause everyone (except me and steve) is going to buy it.

I didn't actually watch the conference
dont worry carl, i won't be buying it either.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2010
sakurai should just make a game that we can all agree with, here's an example

Game Mechanics

64 style to the T. Why? Because Melee is just a cheap rip-off of a true game that takes REAL skill. So lets take the best out of the 2 games and throw the garbage carbon copies in the trash bin! What? 3 games?! Brawl?! Harhar, that doesn't take any thinking you silly people! IT DOESN'T HAVE HITSTUN TO HELP MAKE COMBOS, THUS COMBOS DON'T EXIST BECAUSE YOU CAN DODGE AND BE SAFE FROM ANY POSSIBLE FOLLOW-UPS AND NOPE BEFFORE YOU ASK YOU CAN'T BAIT THOSE OR FRAME TRAP THOSE OPTIONS TO CONTINUE YOUR STRING IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY CUZ HITSTUN TEH BEZTORZ LOL. SO WHY WOULD THAT BE A GOOD GAME HERPDERP.

Character Roster

3 characters take up this amazing roster!
I'll save you the trouble and name them off right now: Falco, Fox, MK.

Stage List

Who needs stages? FD and Brinstar only, truly the most balanced stages of all time.


Who needs them? Not a feature in this new smash game!!!


Only the best online for possibly the greatest game ever conceived!


Product Name

-Super Melee Brothers: Wrath of the MetaKnight

-----Yup, that looks perfect.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2010
Calgary smash comes alive during university. Dies during holidays and non-tournament times. Rinse and repeat.
TBQH it's not alive during the university hours.

yo uck that shizz Im starting up melee again after springs done DAWGGGGG
Spring? What.

dunno if you guys heard but a new smash game was announced, i think for the 3DS and wii 2
Can't you just call it the Wii-U if you're gonna say Wii 2

I was pretty disappointed overall with E3. Nothing totally jawdropping. Sony's 3D split screening is cool though.
I already own glasses that do what their 3D thing does on it's own, Oh, and a 3D TV (and 3D software for non-3D TV's since that software is free) and I can gaurantee they costed me less than Sony would charge, which is funny cause (I wasn't watching but I assume based on their original TV's) mind don't require any kind of power source, I've had them for months now, and they work JUST as well and EXACTLY the same way.

I refuse to get excited about a new smash game after what happened with brawl.

never again.

never again.
^Mucho Pointo.

Nintendo knows what they are doing.
^Dos Mucho Pointo

Soemthing Something conference.
It's funny cause I watched every conference but nintendo's. Not that I singled it out, I just worked. But I have yet to actually find a full re-cap of it like I've found multiple times of every other one.

no it's what you do when you don't wanna buy a ****ty game from a ****ty company that you don't wanna support
100% going to buy it regardless of how bad it is and whether I know that before or not.

Also do you really think Nintendo is ****ty?

You made me laugh a little


+15 Attack
Jul 10, 2009
Calgary, AB
I remember my first Calgary smashfest at Paul's last summer. Good times. Hopefully I can attend another one and play some Melee (as well as getting wrecked by everybody). =D

no it's what you do when you don't wanna buy a ****ty game from a ****ty company that you don't wanna support
The game has just been announced and you're already calling it ****ty?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2010
Bonus Bradpost~

The WiiU is really smart, will sell like hotcakes, basically costed them nothing to upgrade the console so they only developed a controller with hardware they already had, **It's the Nintendo Dreamcast people** whats not to like.

But seriously, it looks like a complete joke, but name one family you know that owns a wii (and enjoys it) that wouldn't want it.

I'll be buying it, and quite frankly I am excited simply because they use Alterior player information, I have always loved games that did that, I know every one of my friends hate it, but I think it makes for great party games (look for Chase Mii if you don't know what I mean)

Castrate me now, but I am the one person in the world who liked Red Steel. Not because it was a good game, but because of the mode where it tells you secrets and not everyone gets to know, I'm sorry but that is awesome for people who actually get into casual gaming. (at the REALLY WANNA WIN level)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2010
Bonus Bradpost~

The WiiU is really smart, will sell like hotcakes, basically costed them nothing to upgrade the console so they only developed a controller with hardware they already had, **It's the Nintendo Dreamcast people** whats not to like.

But seriously, it looks like a complete joke, but name one family you know that owns a wii (and enjoys it) that wouldn't want it.

I'll be buying it, and quite frankly I am excited simply because they use Alterior player information, I have always loved games that did that, I know every one of my friends hate it, but I think it makes for great party games (look for Chase Mii if you don't know what I mean)

Castrate me now, but I am the one person in the world who liked Red Steel. Not because it was a good game, but because of the mode where it tells you secrets and not everyone gets to know, I'm sorry but that is awesome for people who actually get into casual gaming. (at the REALLY WANNA WIN level)
Redsteel ****ing sucked. You borrowed it from me for like 2 years. You don't have the burden of knowing who paid for this crap


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2010
I actually owned red steel too, Believe it or not. Just something happened to it.

edit: When I owned it I played the entire campaign and unlocked everything in multiplayer etc. I played EVERYTHING to that game. Trust me, I know how bad it was better than you did.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2005
you know what else sucked? metroid prime 3

I tried to finish it last week after not playing it for 4 years and I actually got angry playing it. How could they ruin such a good series!

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Yo tyler, you going to alberta beatdown? We still need that MM
maybe, i really don't smash much anymore, usually just when victor or david or someone invites me over to play a bit but i've honestly only played like 3-4 times in the past year and all those times have been in the past few months =/ but if i go we can MM fer sure

Which is why you're still getting said ****ty game from said ****ty company right? Only pirated.
no, the last nintendo game i got/played was pokemon almost two years ago


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Edmonton, AB
maybe, i really don't smash much anymore, usually just when victor or david or someone invites me over to play a bit but i've honestly only played like 3-4 times in the past year and all those times have been in the past few months =/ but if i go we can MM fer sure
For someone who watches so many videos and leaves so many comments why wouldn't you play?

THIS IS SOME HIGH STAKES STUFF, there is no "if I go." You are going. Battle of the century. Be there.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2001
Edmonton AB CA
I'm more surprised to hear of new smash than stoked. But yeah, like Steve said, never again. I will try before I buy this time.

Also to answer your question Eric, I work 5 days a week 9-5, and I determine what two days in a week I get off. Typically I take Wednesdays and Saturdays off. Next week I have Tuesday and Friday though. I have to decide by Wednesday what days in the next week I want off.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2010
Sidenote: If I'm not mistaken, One WiiU controller per console was mentioned that means one of three things for the new smash.

A: It will NOT involve the controller at all and they will either make a new game thats basically brawl with new characters and maybe a couple updates.

B: It will NOT involve the controller at all and Sakurai will go back to a little blurb he once said in an interview beside miyamoto "Miyamoto told me he wants the new console to be good for very serious gamers, therefore if we make another smash game it will be designed for the competitive players" and HOPEFULLY that means more melee-eske.

or C: It will be an entire gimmick using the WiiU controller and everything will be based on single player/online or stupid invisible modes or 3D levels or something.

edit: All I know is the intro will have more sexuality and music


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
yea metroid prime 3 does suck.
I have that trilogy disk or whatever, and I cannot get myself to play the third one really.

I wonder if Sakurai will make a new Dojo posts thing.
So glad I will not be checking it twice a day like I did for brawl.

I doubt there will be any reason NOT to switch from brawl to Smash 4 though, so I guess anyone who likes brawl can get excited. I mean, what is the worst thing that could happen? One character dominates tournament play? random chance to trip while playing? Make defensive play so strong that timing someone out is a great strategy? Dumb the controls down and make timing less of an issue?

Actually, I would probably get it if they added Ivan Ooze.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2010
umm... brad, there is a new console.
When did I make you think I thought otherwise? I'm pretty sure I said WiiU a couple times in most of my recent posts.

yea metroid prime 3 does suck.
I have that trilogy disk or whatever, and I cannot get myself to play the third one really.
Thats apparently super rare now.


>implying timing someone out isn't a great strategy in melee

Brawl reminds me of MvC3 tournaments where people get beat up during a match for timing out.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
The WiiU is really smart, will sell like hotcakes, basically costed them nothing to upgrade the console so they only developed a controller with hardware they already had, **It's the Nintendo Dreamcast people** whats not to like.
They developed more than just a controller...

Do you have a link to this Sakurai-Miyamoto-competitive interview btw?


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
yea metroid prime 3 does suck.
I have that trilogy disk or whatever, and I cannot get myself to play the third one really.

I wonder if Sakurai will make a new Dojo posts thing.
So glad I will not be checking it twice a day like I did for brawl.

I doubt there will be any reason NOT to switch from brawl to Smash 4 though, so I guess anyone who likes brawl can get excited. I mean, what is the worst thing that could happen? One character dominates tournament play? random chance to trip while playing? Make defensive play so strong that timing someone out is a great strategy? Dumb the controls down and make timing less of an issue?

Actually, I would probably get it if they added Ivan Ooze.
Really? I thought 3 kicked *** and the 2nd one sucked the worse.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2005
the second one was definitely gimmicky with the light and dark worlds but it really stayed true to the adventure aspect of the first one. It was basically prime 1 but with more cheese.

Prime 3 has awesome controls but they added a terrible plot and made it halo prime 3.

Lex Jewthor

Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2009
I dunno, Prime 1 had a lot of the areas open up quickly and then you travelled between them a lot. Prime 2 was like, more linear in that you went to the wastes then the bog then the sanctuary.

Prime 1 the primary restriction was based on your abilities. There was only one real situation of 'plot based' blocking with the artifacts. Aside from that, if there were any obstacles, you could overcome them by getting more powerful yourself.

In Prime 2 you need the way to areas unlocked IIRC through the story. While it did have those ability barriers, of course, it wasn't as immersive as it was in prime 1.

Lex Jewthor

Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2009
I haven't played Prime 3 yet, mostly because the location my Wii is in doesn't allows sensor bar usage very easily. Small room and all that jazz.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2010
B: It will NOT involve the controller at all and Sakurai will go back to a little blurb he once said in an interview beside miyamoto "Miyamoto told me he wants the new console to be good for very serious gamers, therefore if we make another smash game it will be designed for the competitive players" and HOPEFULLY that means more melee-eske.
is that an exact quote cus it sounds like you jumped to a conclusion. Either way I'm not buying it lol.

>implying timing someone out isn't a great strategy in melee:awesome:
Jiggly puff is stupid and most melee players aren't gay enough to do **** like that, whereas brawl is full of ******s who don't play captain falcon


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2005
Alex is completely right. Metroid prime was about you just get dropped on an effing planet and you can do whatever you want and explore. Prime 2 less so but still cool. I felt uneasy every time I had to travel to the dark world so if a game can make that kind of mood then it's a good one. Prime 3 it was a god damn space army mission with objectives where you have to do everything in a given order.

I think the fundamental flaw in prime 3 is that instead of giving you a few tools and letting you decide how to use them, they tell you you need a tool but then in order to get that tool you need other tools until it's "metroid prime 3: grocery list" and you're in safeway.

edit: whoa damn is no longer censored


Smash Ace
May 30, 2010
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
is that an exact quote cus it sounds like you jumped to a conclusion. Either way I'm not buying it lol.

Jiggly puff is stupid and most melee players aren't gay enough to do **** like that, whereas brawl is full of ******s who don't play captain falcon

God Mike's Puff is annoying to fight

Until I go Fox then it becomes funner/easy

Still waiting on IB + Diakonos vs Carl + Dan 4 Marths (I think IB and Diakonos would win)

I'm sorta with Steve on the new smash game. But did he actually say the next one would be more competitive? Also, if no GC controller support, me = sad panda/will not buy

Project M is going to become Brawl competitive anyways sooner or later
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