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David is way too cool to be seen with you in public

  • yes

    Votes: 53 64.6%
  • Its true. I am way too cool to be seen with you in public.

    Votes: 29 35.4%

  • Total voters


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2009
Bread: Ummm, I took physics 20, just didn't bring it to 30 cus I only cared about the theories, not the math. Not only do I not play fox, I also don't play, except in a couple weeks to get some easy cash (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

Abdo: Calgary didn't die, Alex and I just don't post often

Edit: that remidns me, Gary messaged me last night or something asking to play smash, I told him I quit but I dunno if he talked to anyone esle. Youu guys hsould oprobably try and contact him cus I think he's in calgary.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2008
Spruce Grove, Alberta

Ike is the Melee!Ganon of Brawl. Mid Tier ****.

KAGE! Link vs. Ganon matches in Melee, and Ike Dittos for Brawl.

And yeah, I'll contribute to the Ike thing. :p Since people have wised up to not using the tornado too often, they mix it up. Ike's Fair has mad priority despite it's lag and how slow it is. Beats out tornado.

... That being said, MK still violates Ikes all day long, yo. :p


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2001
Hah, he called you guys.

Jesus Brad, reading that was so confusing. Figuring out what you're trying to say has been refined down to an art I think, and it turns out most the time you try to be funny, which, from what I've seen/think, usually fails. Brandon can change his name if he wants, leave the man alone.
I wasn't actually trying to be funny, probably.

I had nothing against him changing his name, I was just trying to explain 1. MY reasoning behind the comparison 2. Why people cal him Spin-dash.

edit: oof, scott's name is cut short, and zach's is awkwardly placed. Must fix tomorrow!

edit2: holy **** i forgot sean.
I only don't like it cause I know where it's from.

Ofukno. For one thing, there's a lack of mk, gaw, and snake. Secondly, I used zzs over normal samus because samus's pose didn't really fit, and it was kinda bulky. I used toon link over link for the same reason. Plus toon link and zzs are cuter anyhow.
GaW is in melee...

brad, you should work for one of those patent making companies that profit by sueing big corporations on pointless things.

I bet you could sue nature for having trees
I could sue a lot of people for a lot of things, including you guys for internal mental imaging because of pressuring me into money matching Carl that one time for big money.


Host a tournament in September/October (oct is probs buttur tho) so BC can carpool up there and pwn you.

See you at Genesis, Nuberta
How about Melee?

Also no ones going lol.

Uhhh I use
Snake: Only recently I took him because of Ally and he has a fun playstyle.
Marth: Really simple to play
Ike: Well wtf huge sword in your face gg
Ganon: For low tiers, simply not viable to win any tournaments lol.
I was beaten to it but only because I have a life, and Ike is the new Ganon for real warriors.

i counterpicked brad's mk with ike at ADAT LOL

good times
I still feel bad for being lolzy with MK, I wouldn't have even picked him for more than maybe one match if it wasn't $20

It's actually not that bad of a matchup. Ike worst character ever? Hm.. I guess I'm gonna have to show you guys what my Ike can do!! With the warrior ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
Ike is actually beast, and with the might of a true warrior, NOTHING CAN STOP HIM.

Link can camp Ike with Zair XD

My Ike is probably the best on WC but it's still IKE AND HE SUCKS

I don't think I'll ever be Link or Ike again though. Might as well use Kirby in melee... <_<
What about Alex?

No. seriously. anybody wanna help me here?

(Alex plays Ike in brawl and kirby in melee, well used to but still has beast Ike and lololololololkirby)

BC can't make july/august because....
1. Genesis in July so that's where all the focus is.
2. 4 of our better players have moved to their home cities (really freakin far north, south, everywhere) until school starts again in September when they move back here.
3. I nearly dropped smash over summers because I'm essentially a 'rockstar' and it takes up ALL of my time.
4. Everybody works and crap or goes on vacation that time of year (like my one chance that I'm taking to Cali for Genesiez)

gg no re

September/October is even better/November at the latest or we're not coming to visit NO JOHNS ALBERTA NO JOHNS
Wanna drive me to Genesis?

Also, Where in alberta, cause just anywhere doesnt help us. edmonton =/= alberta.

Nah I bet Either Frio, Spindash, or Devilwillcry has a better ike than you.

No Johns Alberta? NO JOHNS BC! Go to genesis to get absolutely ***** for more money, or come to AB for a good time with people you know and have a chance. To me it's a no brainer, you guys are just dumb I guess =\.
You're stupid =]

I could get to genesis easier then everybody here.
See above.

Bread: Ummm, I took physics 20, just didn't bring it to 30 cus I only cared about the theories, not the math. Not only do I not play fox, I also don't play, except in a couple weeks to get some easy cash (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

Edit: that remidns me, Gary messaged me last night or something asking to play smash, I told him I quit but I dunno if he talked to anyone esle. Youu guys hsould oprobably try and contact him cus I think he's in calgary.
About that... apparently you can't play because you won last time. (which is a joke considering we were just gonna split the pot and be lulzy, also considering I could actually beat you now and the only reason Ksenia told you to enter was so you could beat me, which is rediculous she still has such a massive grudge against me for nothing =[ )

How about gary only ever talks to you and none of us know how to contact him (and he doesnt know how to contact us lol)

Oh, that and we dont play smash anymore.

Brawl sux.

Also: Not enough Red users.

Dude I am the definition of red.


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2009
Hey guys, it's Levi AND THIS IS IMPORTANT
My school is hosting a smash tournament with cash prizes. They had one last year as well, I won the tournament last year, and so this year I am not allowed to enter because I won already. I'm trying to be able to enter the tournament under the condition that I donate 100% of my profits to charity, and to raise awareness of the organizing kids greed; I'm trying to get people to sponsor me. All donations will be charitable. If you want to sponsor me cool beanz.

PS If I don't get to enter that means Brad will win the tournament. Who deserves money more? Charity or Brad?


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2009
Conservative slug
lol jk

edit: but yeah, I'm serious. I think it'll be fun
p.s. I already talked to bread about the idea and he says I'm being an ***. I'm not doing to as an act against bread, so w/e he'll let it blow over in a week or so.


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007
Is the tourney only for students or can I enter. If theres any melee in calgary let me know i havent played in a while and I want to.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Yorkton, SK
I think I might've liked Brawl more if I could stand anyone who played it around here. I mean, if I can't enjoy the community, why should I bother showing up or giving a ****?

Also, I almost beat someone on EC using Mewtwo. That and I got my **** handed to me by RayneX -- His Fox, my Falcon. **** was so cash. I did like, 90%, I'm wicked proud of myself.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
lol I must show that to my basketball loving friends.

I dont think i've ever met anyone over the age of 13 that I would consider a w.. wib... weabo... weeab0... **** it.

I always thought that stage of watching dragon ball Z, playing ragnarok, and reading naruto dies out by the time you hit highschool LOL

but then there's people with healthy interests in other cultures who have to deal with idiots who ignorantly categorize them into misleading stereotypes

by the way, who the HELL came up with that word? something about it makes me want to shoot something.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
lol I must show that to my basketball loving friends.

I dont think i've ever met anyone over the age of 13 that I would consider a w.. wib... weabo... weeab0... **** it.

I always thought that stage of watching dragon ball Z, playing ragnarok, and reading naruto dies out by the time you hit highschool LOL

but then there's people with healthy interests in other cultures who have to deal with idiots who ignorantly categorize them into misleading stereotypes

by the way, who the HELL came up with that word? something about it makes me want to shoot something.
And then there's all the asians in my high school who still watch dragon ball z, play ragnarok, and read naruto. And they do it comfortably.

God, my school sucks.
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