nothing ever gets ****ing done in this community its ****ing bull****, seriously no wonder why matt savage quit, all we do is sit here and ****ing talk. Jason lives so ****ing far away from everyone else, dereks in hiding because of kira, and kira's constantly busy, we literally had to drag her to the ****ing fest at ches to get her to go, arthur and captain alaska are sooooo stupidly hard to contact, that just leaves me and adrian and now that im 19 we dont even have a place to ****ing smash. oh and the ****ing scrubs, seriously, this is bull****. how the hell do we ever expect our community to improve if we just sit on our *****? at least i try and being UAA kids to the tournaments, and as for the recording ****, that NEVER gets done, and when i finally do bring over my laptop, che loses the ****ing disk, this community is ****ed, derek was wise to jump ship when he did. jason always ****ing complains about oh hes quitting, oh hes so emo, blah blah blah, and he always comes anyways. make up ur ****ing mind you douche. speakling of which, everyones so ****ing negative lately, che and his debt w.e the **** he did, jason as i mentioned before, kira about how shes so insecure about herself. ALL YALL NEED TO GROW A ****ING PAIR OF BALLS AND DEAL WITH IT. im sick of nobody doing anything anymore. im sick of everyone being so negative. most of all im sick of sitting here and watching jason trying to troll everone.