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Alabama Thread! (10/26/2016 update)

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Also, Arcanas are meant to supplement your moveset. Get ones that cover your weak points or strengthen your strong points, though some are just plain universally amazing, like Luck and Plant. Idk, go with what your Heart Aino says.
Nice pun. I hate Heart as a character, tbh. Doesn't make it better that she's Ryu.

Yeah, Flower is working really well to compliment my zone.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2009
Phenix City, AL
honestly mvc3 is a worse fighting game than smash.
i find them both fun. I'm starting to play a lot more mvc3 because i don't have a wii, and it's a great change of pace from smash. They are both considered sub par fighting games, but it's for different reasons. 1st off, both games are considered rather easy to play on a casual level. I'm honestly of the mindset that if you intend to play any game competitively, then it will take time to get accustomed and learn the skills needed to be successful at whatever you are playing. MvC3 is very dependent on execution and getting in. If you are able to get a hit in on your opponent, then you need to be able to execute a combo. This comes from repetitive practice & with practice of how the game plays on a competitive level, you learn methods of getting that first hit in with cross ups & unblockable set ups. The 8 yr old kid you are referring to Slam placed top 48 @ evo, & i have to admit, the kid can play. Sure, he made several mistakes in high pressure situations, but he had mind games that his opponents simply weren't ready for (like hitting ppl who were blocking with C and just waiting for when they felt like they could attack to hit with a late launcher). He excelled because he played with hard hitting characters & ensured kills with his combos by doing team aerial combos and DHCing with hard hitting characters. :cool:
I feel where you are coming from though slam. It is frustrating to see someone diss a game that i enjoy playing & on top of that, diss a game that they used to play aswell. It's understandable though, if it's not for you then that's cool. They are very different, Brawl is dependent on playing more defensive, making smart reads, and conditioning your opponent (or mind gaming them) to allow you to get off some damage. I will say that MvC3 has recently gotten me more interested in playing characters i like, rather than playing characters that I find easy to win with. I don't think i'm going to be using Ice climbers anymore, because it's just not fun. I like to win, but i also like to play with a character that i like~ SUPER SKRULL! I probably typed this all up because i'm putting off homework, but that's my thoughts


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
yeah i edited my comment but i think you saw the OG post, raf lol

well, actually i edited it like 5 times and kept minimizing what i had to say bc i dont want to sound like an *******.
then realized i cant say what i want to without sounding like an *******.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2007
Tuscerlooser, Alerbamer
You should have brothers who go to UA so I would have someone to practice with here :T


I mean, I've recruited a ton of casuals who are actively TRYING to get better, but being the best player on campus (that I know of) gives me 0 practice :\
Ouch :p

I'd be more competitive if people would play me :( or if I had more time :(...64! :D

but seriously i'll be up for 1v1sies when i get back in town (october)


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
the difference between brawl and pretty much every other fighting game is that knowledge of the game is what makes you win in brawl. the game makes no sense otherwise, so the only way to be good at the game is to learn the game's weird and random mechanics and all the character match ups. Like in smash, once you realize that when your opponent airdodges to the ground you get a free grab in most situations, you just got better at the game. (much better) that's not skill or creativity, that's just game knowledge. You literally can't be good at brawl without knowing that. In other fighting games, there is game knowledge, but more so you get rewarded simply for being a clever and creative person. like in mk9 if you jump punch someone who is crouch blocking, you get a free grab attempt in most situations. okay, that's good to know. but you don't have to know that in order to be good at the game.This is why skill carries over from game to game, whether its sf or gg or mk, because these games make sense. the game rewards you for using your wit and cunning and execution and provides ways for you to do it. in smash the game rewards you for exploiting dumb gimmicks and just happening to know more facts about how the game works than the opponent. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, or that smash is bad, but I am saying that makes smash less suitable for competition, by definition.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Brawl works off a different set of rules, but they are still rules to operate off of. In a traditional fighter, when they whiff a move, you know you get a free punish. Same concept. It's just as necessary to know what options can punish what mistakes (by extension what is a mistake and what is not) in a traditional fighter as it is in Brawl. Air dodging is an option. Assuming reaction is out of the question, I can airdodge their attack before I land and risk being grabbed, or I can attack and risk being hit. That is no different from a traditional fighter where I can attack with a jump in and risk being DPed out of it or I can chicken block and punish the anti-air.

Your example calls Brawl's rules and mechanics dumb gimmicks. Would you say that Reflex has less game knowledge than M2K? Would you say I have less game knowledge than Ragnarok (I can tell you right now that's a ****ing lie)? Your wrong. Flat out. It kinda pisses me off that you make a habit knocking Brawl with things that aren't substantial flaws with the game when there are substantial flaws in the game.

The damn line about providing you a chance to use your cunning and execution is completely bull**** and I won't insult your intelligence by implying that you didn't know that when you posted. The point of combat in Brawl is to bait mistakes like the air dodge example you supplied. If you airdodged at my ICs, then I've done everything I'm supposed to in taking your stock. I used my cunning and execution to take your stock. Hell, the point of any traditional fighter is to bait your opponent into committing to SOMETHING punishable (even if it's simply blocking low) and to execute the appropriate counter measure. It's baiting your opponent into a desirable position. Tell me how the two are ANY different.

T1J, believe it or not, you're one of the coolest people that posts in this thread WHEN YOU'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT BRAWL!


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
reflex CERTAINLY has less game knowledge than m2k, and i dont know about you and ragnarock, but i will tell you that he knows more about metaknight than you do. whether you are willing to admit it or not. I don't think he's that much better than you honestly, he just plays metaknight very well and probably has less bad habits. and doesn't get bracket ***** every tournament. i'd rather fight him in a tournament than you. but that's just because I hate falco (because I don't know enough about the game know how to beat him as of yet)
brawl has rules, but they don't make sense. if I tell you A=B, and B=C. then you can intuitively know that A=C.
In brawl its more like A=B, and B=C, but A doesn't equal C. This doesn't make sense. But you can still learn it and remember it, and apply it. and those are the people who get good at the game.
There is a moderate amount of thinking and baiting in Brawl but knowing the game is far more significant. you can't win if you don't know the game. its not like that for other fighters. that's my only point. the mechanics in MK9 are completely and totally different than the mechanics in BlazBlue. But skill still carries over to some extent. because the games reward individual cunning and cleverness over knowing the specific rules of the game.
i dont know how this turned into a discussion about me and how "cool" I am, or why posting something that you disagree with makes someone 'uncool' but i'm trying not to post too many tldr here because everyone will start whining.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
stating opnions as facts. sure m2k knows more about the game than reflex but DAIGO knows more than isiah or something at SF. daigo knows how to punish people out of jumps very well. that is game knowledege by your definition that has taken daigo to the top. its the same thing. you are just whining about smash because you see the gimmicks exploited more because you are int he community for it and know exactly what the gimmicks are.

and honestly lmao @ you saying that fighters reward your cunning and wit. my friends are part of SRK and go to tournaments monthly for mvc3 since it came out and they will openly admit that it is 99% memorizing and not dropping combos. they also play smash and admit smash has far more depth than some fighters. there is no "small amount of skill" required in brawl. also if game knowledge means that much to you why dont you go read all the character boards and memorize frame data then come wreck everyone. i know people who know all that sutff and suck ****hole at the game.
also to all the people who say that they play real fighting games and smash is a kiddy game then just join a ****ing oturnament and wreck everyone and make 200 dollars.
why dont any of you who claim to play such an easy and bad game do this? it would be so simple janitor. just read everything and you will make tons of money. it owuld be so simple for a SRK person to step down to our level of dumb childish non-competitveness and just wreck us for a couple of hours since they play the most godly competitve game in the world. just ****ing do it or either dont say anything because its ignorant and whiny if you are not doing that.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2007
I'm just gonna go ahead and post a wall of text here that no one's probably gonna read. After this argument blows over, I'm sure Cheap, Kola, Mc Killa, etc will bring back the flavour of the thread by trying to coordinate meeting up to play smash at someone's house. "Are you coming to pick me up?" "When are we meeting" "Is today good for ya'll? Okay, but not after 9pm." And those posts will be skipped over as well. So between the lack of cell phones and arguments about video games, this thread really doesn't have a whole lot going for it, eh?

I'm actually genuinely surprised that SleepyK hasn't shown up yet. Usually the first time Janitor posts anything, he swoops in on the mighty troll winds. When was the last time you came to Alabama, brah? Anyway. What was I talking about? I don't even remember. Making a wall of text, blah blah blah. Arguments among friends aren't usually the most productive ones, especially since nothing is being accomplished here. Unless of course there are no friendships at stake here, which is kinda often the case in communities like these. So stuff, yeah. I hope you guys don't end up killing each other while I'm in Japan for the next four months, which by the way, I'm leaving tomorrow, so yeah, see ya later. Dunno how much I'll be checking in, but I suppose I could once or twice. Anyway, so, yeah.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
the difference between brawl and pretty much every other fighting game is that knowledge of the game is what makes you win in brawl. the game makes no sense otherwise, so the only way to be good at the game is to learn the game's weird and random mechanics and all the character match ups. Like in smash, once you realize that when your opponent airdodges to the ground you get a free grab in most situations, you just got better at the game. (much better) that's not skill or creativity, that's just game knowledge. You literally can't be good at brawl without knowing that. In other fighting games, there is game knowledge, but more so you get rewarded simply for being a clever and creative person. like in mk9 if you jump punch someone who is crouch blocking, you get a free grab attempt in most situations. okay, that's good to know. but you don't have to know that in order to be good at the game.This is why skill carries over from game to game, whether its sf or gg or mk, because these games make sense. the game rewards you for using your wit and cunning and execution and provides ways for you to do it. in smash the game rewards you for exploiting dumb gimmicks and just happening to know more facts about how the game works than the opponent. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, or that smash is bad, but I am saying that makes smash less suitable for competition, by definition.
I don't understand how knowledge of the game makes a person win more often in Brawl than in any other game, outside of the fact that pressing buttons without knowing what they do will get you killed much more quickly in Smash than other fighting games.

Basic knowledge is important in any fighter. If you don't know that the only reasonable way to deal with One-Tailed Kyuubi in GNT4 is to stop blocking at the end of his normal BnB blockstring, you're going to get manhandled by BBBA all day. If you don't know the mechanics behind, say, Berserker Slash in MvC3, you're going to get manhandled by it all day. It's the same concept as not knowing how to deal with the space animal Reflectors in Melee and Diddy Kong's bananas in Brawl. In competitive play, some characters have tactics that are incorporated into a large part of their gameplay, and that's fine.

Interestingly enough, it is rarely creativity that wins people individual games in any fighting game. More often than not, it's rote memory and tagging your opponent with something that allows you to do great damage with a combination of button presses that you've practiced a million times in Training Mode, and that is skill, for certain. General spacing and a lucky poke at the right time has far more sway on average than reading someone's mind and using the slight invincibility on your Dragon Punch to stuff their crouching short for the fifth time. General spacing and a lucky read on someone's spotdodge has far more sway on average than reading someone's mind and using the slight invincibility on your Dolphin Slash to stuff their jab/grab for the fifth time.

You can totally be good at Brawl without being able to call airdodges. In fact, I almost never airdodge in someone's space or spotdodge in general (which is a flaw that I should correct, honestly), but it is that fact that players like M2K and Kismet see and exploit better than an obvious airdodge would allow them to. Diddy Kong is a perfect example--He can make another character's shielding and ground game completely worthless without ever having to think much about it. His bananas negate your normal defensive game (and, quite often, your normal offensive game), and so it allows him to stop a great deal of the game with little but that.

I'd like for you to tell me some good examples of where cleverness and creativity regularly trumps general game knowledge, because I'm at a loss for it. I would argue that it's more commonplace in the Smash series than most fighting games, even.

reflex CERTAINLY has less game knowledge than m2k, and i dont know about you and ragnarock, but i will tell you that he knows more about metaknight than you do. whether you are willing to admit it or not. I don't think he's that much better than you honestly, he just plays metaknight very well and probably has less bad habits. and doesn't get bracket ***** every tournament. i'd rather fight him in a tournament than you. but that's just because I hate falco (because I don't know enough about the game know how to beat him as of yet)
brawl has rules, but they don't make sense. if I tell you A=B, and B=C. then you can intuitively know that A=C.
In brawl its more like A=B, and B=C, but A doesn't equal C. This doesn't make sense. But you can still learn it and remember it, and apply it. and those are the people who get good at the game.
There is a moderate amount of thinking and baiting in Brawl but knowing the game is far more significant. you can't win if you don't know the game. its not like that for other fighters. that's my only point. the mechanics in MK9 are completely and totally different than the mechanics in BlazBlue. But skill still carries over to some extent. because the games reward individual cunning and cleverness over knowing the specific rules of the game.
i dont know how this turned into a discussion about me and how "cool" I am, or why posting something that you disagree with makes someone 'uncool' but i'm trying not to post too many tldr here because everyone will start whining.
I think I know more about the game than Mew2King, and even if that ends up being incorrect, I'm pretty sure that it's comparable at worst. He just plays a broken character, and so his constantly beating people is mistaken for general knowledge. :glare:

I don't understand your analogy for A=B, B=C, but A does not equal C. Can you give me an example of it, please?

I would say that the "general rules" that people should follow is interchangeable in just about any fighting game, the Smash series included. People question the legitimacy of certain fighting games mostly because not all the "general rules" line up with their favorite game or style of gameplay.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
I'm just gonna go ahead and post a wall of text here that no one's probably gonna read. After this argument blows over, I'm sure Cheap, Kola, Mc Killa, etc will bring back the flavour of the thread by trying to coordinate meeting up to play smash at someone's house. "Are you coming to pick me up?" "When are we meeting" "Is today good for ya'll? Okay, but not after 9pm." And those posts will be skipped over as well. So between the lack of cell phones and arguments about video games, this thread really doesn't have a whole lot going for it, eh?

I'm actually genuinely surprised that SleepyK hasn't shown up yet. Usually the first time Janitor posts anything, he swoops in on the mighty troll winds. When was the last time you came to Alabama, brah? Anyway. What was I talking about? I don't even remember. Making a wall of text, blah blah blah. Arguments among friends aren't usually the most productive ones, especially since nothing is being accomplished here. Unless of course there are no friendships at stake here, which is kinda often the case in communities like these. So stuff, yeah. I hope you guys don't end up killing each other while I'm in Japan for the next four months, which by the way, I'm leaving tomorrow, so yeah, see ya later. Dunno how much I'll be checking in, but I suppose I could once or twice. Anyway, so, yeah.
lol@ mighty winds of troll.
honestly i really really regret the way i post on here.
i just talk to people like dogs on the internet and totally pray everytime i see them that they have not taken any offense to me on here.
it seems to kinda work but i think thats just cuz the smash people are really nice and are nicer to me than i deserve from the way i talk on here :/

ut just for the record. i agree with reflex he kinda said what i was trying to about game knowledge having the same impact on every competitve game more or less and also about creativity coming into play more in smash than mostly any fighter and the fact that we have all been brainwashed by the melee trolls about brawl!... oh wait he didnt say that...


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2009
fuccccccc brawl!!!!!!!

the difference between brawl and pretty much every other fighting game is that knowledge of the game is what makes you win in brawl. the game makes no sense otherwise, so the only way to be good at the game is to learn the game's weird and random mechanics and all the character match ups. Like in smash, once you realize that when your opponent airdodges to the ground you get a free grab in most situations, you just got better at the game. (much better) that's not skill or creativity, that's just game knowledge. You literally can't be good at brawl without knowing that. In other fighting games, there is game knowledge, but more so you get rewarded simply for being a clever and creative person. like in mk9 if you jump punch someone who is crouch blocking, you get a free grab attempt in most situations. okay, that's good to know. but you don't have to know that in order to be good at the game.This is why skill carries over from game to game, whether its sf or gg or mk, because these games make sense. the game rewards you for using your wit and cunning and execution and provides ways for you to do it. in smash the game rewards you for exploiting dumb gimmicks and just happening to know more facts about how the game works than the opponent. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, or that smash is bad, but I am saying that makes smash less suitable for competition, by definition.
kevin i totally agree bruh! simple answer just quit brawl! its stupid and damn sure was a waste of my time, and the other hundreds that left this ****ty game i feel you bruh! srk all day! srk peopkle hate brawl cause like you said and other fighters require knowledge but the fact of you being rewarded for out smarting your opponent! if you ever want to come on a real good scene let me know like church we invite you to come!


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2009
Dont get me wrong. Most of the combos in the game are easy, but ppl still drop combos if they aren't practiced.
raf you my dog but not really okay try do a dante combo like pr BALROG or a reset with ammy
or a 22 hit combo wit chun li! modok the list goes on !


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
as a disclaimer: if you are not interested in this conversation please just skip the post and talk about something else rather than ***** and moan about it.

stating opnions as facts. sure m2k knows more about the game than reflex but DAIGO knows more than isiah or something at SF. daigo knows how to punish people out of jumps very well. that is game knowledege by your definition that has taken daigo to the top. its the same thing. you are just whining about smash because you see the gimmicks exploited more because you are int he community for it and know exactly what the gimmicks are.

and honestly lmao @ you saying that fighters reward your cunning and wit. my friends are part of SRK and go to tournaments monthly for mvc3 since it came out and they will openly admit that it is 99% memorizing and not dropping combos. they also play smash and admit smash has far more depth than some fighters. there is no "small amount of skill" required in brawl. also if game knowledge means that much to you why dont you go read all the character boards and memorize frame data then come wreck everyone. i know people who know all that sutff and suck ****hole at the game.
also to all the people who say that they play real fighting games and smash is a kiddy game then just join a ****ing oturnament and wreck everyone and make 200 dollars.
why dont any of you who claim to play such an easy and bad game do this? it would be so simple janitor. just read everything and you will make tons of money. it owuld be so simple for a SRK person to step down to our level of dumb childish non-competitveness and just wreck us for a couple of hours since they play the most godly competitve game in the world. just ****ing do it or either dont say anything because its ignorant and whiny if you are not doing that.
take daigo and air. both top ryu players. I highly doubt daigo knows much more about street fighter than air does. but daigo has a more winning record against top players, because he's just smarter and more clever.
your friends don't win national tournaments. I'm not talking about casual or mid level play. We all suck at this level, no matter what game it is.
I don't mean "frame data" when I say "game knowledge". I mean knowing everything thats possible to do in the game, knowing how the stages work, and knowing all the intricacies of the matchups. what works on certain characters in what situations. I don't believe you know anyone "who knows all that stuff" that isn't winning tournaments. It's not possible to know all that stuff without having a **** load of tournament experience with good players.

Basic knowledge is important in any fighter. If you don't know that the only reasonable way to deal with One-Tailed Kyuubi in GNT4 is to stop blocking at the end of his normal BnB blockstring, you're going to get manhandled by BBBA all day. If you don't know the mechanics behind, say, Berserker Slash in MvC3, you're going to get manhandled by it all day. It's the same concept as not knowing how to deal with the space animal Reflectors in Melee and Diddy Kong's bananas in Brawl. In competitive play, some characters have tactics that are incorporated into a large part of their gameplay, and that's fine.
I dont know anything about GNT4, but as mentioned there are obviously aspects of other games that require knowledge of the game. But in general, they are easy to quickly learn because they make sense. and they rarely, in and of themselves make you a better player just by knowing them. in brawl, its the opposite, I'd say. if you take a group of scrubby casual players who are about even in skill, and tell one of them than they can cancel their shield into a grab. I would bet money that player would begin winning much more than the others. I don't think there are very many simple facets of knowlege like that in other games that instantly make you a better player.

You can totally be good at Brawl without being able to call airdodges. In fact, I almost never airdodge in someone's space or spotdodge in general (which is a flaw that I should correct, honestly), but it is that fact that players like M2K and Kismet see and exploit better than an obvious airdodge would allow them to. Diddy Kong is a perfect example--He can make another character's shielding and ground game completely worthless without ever having to think much about it. His bananas negate your normal defensive game (and, quite often, your normal offensive game), and so it allows him to stop a great deal of the game with little but that.
I apologize but I don't think I understand the point you're trying to make in this particular paragraph. Punishing falling opponents (whether they're airdodging or not) with grabs is like one of the central aspects of this game. Just knowing that you can do that, I think is necessary to competing at a high level. But again, I may not have gotten your point.
I'd like for you to tell me some good examples of where cleverness and creativity regularly trumps general game knowledge, because I'm at a loss for it. I would argue that it's more commonplace in the Smash series than most fighting games, even.
I don't really see it. I don't want to seem like I'm saying game knowledge is not important in other games, bc it is, its just not "what makes you good". games like MK9 and SF4 are heavy with hi-low mixups and whiff/block punishes. These games force you to be clever and unpredictable because there's nothing that always works in all situations. in brawl, you can pick Wario and run away the whole time against most characters on many stages. if you know the range of your character's moves, and have good execution, you can literally just jump around until you see an opening. it works every time. this will only fail if YOU **** up, or if you decide to do something less safe for some reason. (depending on the matchup). this isn't creativity. this is just knowing that you can do something with your character. (which isn't bad, i want to reiterate. i'm just differentiating brawl from other games)
I think I know more about the game than Mew2King, and even if that ends up being incorrect, I'm pretty sure that it's comparable at worst. He just plays a broken character, and so his constantly beating people is mistaken for general knowledge. :glare:
I'll go ahead an admit I could have jumped the gun on this. I just assumed because M2K definitely was one of the most knowledgeable melee players that he put the same amount of effort into learning brawl. Metaknight's stupid and fudges up debates about Brawl's competitiveness.
I don't understand your analogy for A=B, B=C, but A does not equal C. Can you give me an example of it, please?
in fighting games, grab beats block, block beats attack, and depending on the game, either attack beats grab or grabs can be tech'd if you're expecting them. That's all good, makes sense, right? In brawl, block beats attack, grab beats block. grab beats attack? what? grabs can't be tech'd? what? okay. that doesn't make sense, but now I know it, and will apply it to my gameplay. again, i'm not saying that this makes brawl bad. I'm just saying this doesn't make sense. There are some examples of weird things in other games like this but i think there are far more in brawl. in fact I kind of think thats about about 90% of the game.

I would say that the "general rules" that people should follow is interchangeable in just about any fighting game, the Smash series included. People question the legitimacy of certain fighting games mostly because not all the "general rules" line up with their favorite game or style of gameplay.
I think the common thread among all games, video or otherwise, that people consider competitive is either that A. it allows a significant amount of knowledge, creativity and cleverness and rewards you for it, and B. there is a significant paper-rock-scissors (or the general idea of "there being a possible counter for everything you do") aspect in the rules and mechanics of the game. Even a game like poker which has a huge element of luck involved still is a very legit competitive game because it meets these standards. I feel like most of the major competitive fighting games today (the one that people play in tournaments the most) meet these standards more than any Smash game. but apparently there are those that disagree.

I like brawl. I love brawl honestly. I think it's more fun than any other fighting game. I feel myself challenged by it. I don't mind gaining knowledge in order become better at it. Perhaps down the road I will see that my theory is wrong, but so far it seems to be working out.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
as a disclaimer: if you are not interested in this conversation please just skip the post and talk about something else rather than ***** and moan about it.

take daigo and air. both top ryu players. I highly doubt daigo knows much more about street fighter than air does. but daigo has a more winning record against top players, because he's just smarter and more clever.
your friends don't win national tournaments. I'm not talking about casual or mid level play. We all suck at this level, no matter what game it is.
I don't mean "frame data" when I say "game knowledge". I mean knowing everything thats possible to do in the game, knowing how the stages work, and knowing all the intricacies of the matchups. what works on certain characters in what situations. I don't believe you know anyone "who knows all that stuff" that isn't winning tournaments. It's not possible to know all that stuff without having a **** load of tournament experience with good players.

I dont know anything about GNT4, but as mentioned there are obviously aspects of other games that require knowledge of the game. But in general, they are easy to quickly learn because they make sense. and they rarely, in and of themselves make you a better player just by knowing them. in brawl, its the opposite, I'd say. if you take a group of scrubby casual players who are about even in skill, and tell one of them than they can cancel their shield into a grab. I would bet money that player would begin winning much more than the others. I don't think there are very many simple facets of knowlege like that in other games that instantly make you a better player.

sooo theeeennn
what the ****ing **** is your definition of game knowledge then? lol
do you mean experiance, game knowledge, celverness, and skill???
then yeah ok cool then all you need is game knowledge. lol

teach a SF player how to pres down to forward punch and they will start beating their scrubby friends at the game....................
same thing goes for smash......

aloha, please come beat everybody in brawl then if you play a real game and we play a kiddy game then you should be able to beat us all now. so please take my money. seriously though i really want everyone who talks **** about brawl to win a tournament so i can at least have some peace of mind when i read the garbage they spew out.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
I think by game knowledge he means what to do in a situation. Like if Peach is in the air floating do you want to attack her or go away?

Same thing goes for A=B, B=C, but A=/=C like chain grabbing with D3. It works on Diddy, but not on Metaknight. That's saying D-throw to D-throw is a combo, but in this same situation at the very same percentage but with a different character it's not.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
So? Combos work on different characters in traditional fighters. Some are too small for combos to work, or they occasionally have strange falling mechanics.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
slam you crazy i love you.
i'm drunk tho so I'm not going to respond to anything seriously right now.
i like barlwww lets just play and get good at it. it's all good man.
i jus twant to learn how to play the game you know


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
With preregistration up for Apex and stuff, I was kind of wondering if anyone here thought about registering early.


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
I wish there was more "I'm sure I'm going"

Then the awesome idea of Reflex Carpool could happen. :o
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