I possibly might go. The only way is of this lady who called me might hire me for my 2nd job. And i'll be off on weekend, but she have to call me by friday, if she does that then i will go and we'll ise my car if we have to. But the housing thing I don't know how i could help with that is put some money down on a hotel room.that is now possibly down the dumps rag but on a side note are you going to tipped off 2 this saturday??? give me a call asap about this we have a lack of housing and car problems.... u might be able to help. =] thanks my black brotha =]
p.s. I might have to work the day she calls, and if I do go and we have to get a hotel room, get a single room. Because it will be cheaper, but everybody will have to sleep on the floor. And will you team up with me because I doubt Mr.p will be able to go.