I'm gonna have to side with Chad on this one. He hit the nail on the head by saying that the lack of options you have at your disposal makes for an increasingly defensive metagame.
The gripes I have with Brawl is this: 1) The increased luck factor that is existant in this game, and 2) The decreasing amount of skill it takes to be good at this game. Bad game design choices such as tripping (The increased luck factor), multiple airdodges (decreased skill), character design (I.e. imbalance), superarmor for all grabs in the game (Although very small amounts of frames, it is still an annoyance) and the decreased effectiveness of edgeguarding also make me favor and appreciate Melee more. As I just told Sunrise, I can't say i'd feel too proud of myself if I was one of the best at Brawl. Actually, I feel a lot better with my skill in Melee than I do in Brawl (Even though i'm better at Brawl, lulz).
If it weren't for the fact that Brawl takes less skill and involves more luck, then i'd actually feel more comfortable with saying that it is a different game. It's different for sure, but in a negative way. However, things may change in the future. If by some miraculous chance someone discovers that you can control tripping, then there'd be a glimmer of hope for me. But as of right now, I heavily favor Melee over Brawl.
EDIT: That's funny coming from a Jigglypuff player. Heheh, j/k buddy >:3
theONEjanitor said:
sometimes when I play MVC2 or GG, because I play smash so often, I find myself trying to dash dance or short hop only to be reminded I'm limited in my movements. Do I get mad because I don't have these options? No. why?
because its a different game.
This is not really a good point, mainly because the development between said boring unintuitive 2D fighters and the Smash series went in completely different directions. Comparing Smash and its mechanics to a 2D fighter to support the idea that Brawl is a "different game" from Melee is illogical because they are different genres entirely, and as I said before, come from different development standpoints entirely.