The Hypnotist
Smash Lord
Plus moonwalking!
But seriously, wavedashing will be in.
But seriously, wavedashing will be in.
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Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by the second one being faked? That's frame by frame from the first trailer. Go check it out yourself if you like.The first one looks like a legitimete waveland from wario.
The 2nd looks hella faked, and it is.
the 3rd and fourth are the new roll, which apparantly you can do off the edge. This is a cool feature but wavedashing off an edge is still faster and better so wavedashing better ****ing stay.
Who said they were boycotting if there's no WD.You won't play SSBB if there's no Wavedash? Rofl, that is truly a pathetic excuse but whatever floats your boat. And really, I didn't know Sakurai actually got complain letters about how said scrubs found WD unfair ;].
I did. People keep saying it's ''pathetic'' or any other number of synoynms to that word and I know -exactly- when that kind of response is coming. Thing is I have the balls to stand firm in what I believe in so you can ridicule my beliefs as much as you want or suggest they have some sort of relation to my personality or life skills. If you think I'm going to react then you're about to be dissapointed.Who said they were boycotting if there's no WD.
True, but I highly doubt it. He will probably be high or mid tier like in melee but Im hoping for top!!It doesn't work like that Dylan, for all you know Captain Falcon might need WDing in Brawl, he might have the longest WD in the game. He could be terrible in the next game, he could be worse then Kirby for all you know.
I think it's new landing physics. Where the momentum of the character causes him to slide based on his traction.![]()
Now if you really don't think any of that is wavedashing then your just bullspiting yourself.
Yay for boycotting!! ROFLMAO this is still going on? Boycott fox!? can't do that, he's most likely gonna be top tier again! PPlus he's always fun.I did. People keep saying it's ''pathetic'' or any other number of synoynms to that word and I know -exactly- when that kind of response is coming. Thing is I have the balls to stand firm in what I believe in so you can ridicule my beliefs as much as you want or suggest they have some sort of relation to my personality or life skills. If you think I'm going to react then you're about to be disappointed.
I truly believe that brawl will pale in comparison to melee if the wavedash is removed. I have however after all these months, and with the way sakurai updates the site and the discussions I've had here changed my views slightly.
Before I was very pessimistic. I figured Nintendo would take out wavedashing to please scrubs since they make up the majority of the $$$. This logic is flawed because face it, its a smash bros game. They could remove jumping and itd still sell millions, no matter what people will buy this game.
Now, I am optomistic for the wavedash, I think it will be left in because it was never taken out of the PAL version of melee, there is very heavy proof that it was never a glitch and moreso a consequence of the games physics and the airdodge. Also it is a very useful technique for the advanced players and makes NO difference, in or out, to the weaker players. The only conflicts arise when weak players play vs strong players and get 4 stocked.
When that happens, the weaker player will usually blame the game, the tier list, the waveshine, anything but themselves, and thats why you have so many scrub bull**** attitudes on this forum. People get beat then go to a smashforum to whine, nothing new to me. I dont think these people affect how the game is made though, seriously. These people are bottom feeders, they are filth and they should not be allowed near multiplayer video games. They ruin the experience for gamers looking to improve with their mental roadblocks of ''honor'' and ''cheap'' and ''intentions''
And, in the case that there is no wavedash in brawl I do not still think I will boycott it.
Rather, I will boycott every character I play that needs to wavedash as part of their spacing game, or MY PERSONAL spacing game. Those characters would be mario shiek and fox.
which leaves me my other character... Captain Falcon. heck, I rarely wavedash with him as it is, when I do its usually just out of habit or to space something like a shffled nair.
So if theres no wavedashing in brawl, Ill just play falcon. he rules.
Cuz it's fun and I'm just killing some time till the next update.why are you ganging up on Dylan, he just said he wasn't boycotting, are you even listening?
However again Dylan, you don't know how Captain Falcon will play in Brawl at all. So don't jump to conclusions, he could become as bad a kirby.
That is so true. I've mentioned it before. If he thinks he is so non-scrubby and so frikken elite at games and scrubs should not play multiplayer games blah blah "nooob noob noob".BentoBox said:. And I do find it quite hypocritical how you'd blame the loss on so-called noobs while you've urself proven that you'd make no effort whatsoever to adapt to a new metagame that SSBB would bring along
I never said itd be any more or less competitive. Just that my personal preference would be to leave the wavedash in because it would hinder my playstyle to lack it. anyway I think I explained myself pretty well in the last post. Im not doing the flame war thing anymore im sick of it.@Dylan: You are talking as if SSBB would just be SSBM v2.0; You don't know if C.F. will play the same as Hyp stated, you don't know a thing about how the game mechanics have been altered, what it is that Sakurai meant by "new feel for certain chars", yet you're ready to jump the gun that u wont play the game if it doesn't feel the same way than before? What part of new game is it that you don't understand. If they do remove WDing, its not because said scrubs whined about, Sakurai doesn't give a flying **** about what noobs think competitively. Competitive smashers are a poor portion of the whole smashing community mind you. And I do find it quite hypocritical how you'd blame the loss on so-called noobs while you've urself proven that you'd make no effort whatsoever to adapt to a new metagame that SSBB would bring along. WDing might or might not go, Crouching could open up some interesting possibilities, same goes for that WD-like movement captured in the gifs posted earlier.
*Gasp*Oh man I cant believe this said:I invite you to play SSB64 online and see how its like to get pwned without the use of any artifices. No need for tech skills, keep it raw.
You sir are spoiled.
Erm, you may have missed his not missing your point:Not really because I don't play much on kaillera myself. You totally missed my point. There's more to smash than simple tech skills. Realising that, you shouldn't be crying like you are about such a simple loss.
No, you told me to go on kaillera. You didn't realize how incredibly good I am though because you don't know me.Not really because I don't play much on kaillera myself. You totally missed my point.
Of course theres more to a game than the techniques.. theres the basics of the game itself, the rules and etc. In smash before anything the first thing you must do is hit your opponent. The better he is, the harder this will be to do. There is MUCH more to smash than the techniques, but it is the techniques that make the foundation for how the game is played at its highest competitive level which of course matters more than casual levels of play for obvious reasons.There's more to smash than simple tech skills. Realising that, you shouldn't be crying like you are about such a simple loss.
Ok, I'll kick your *** in ssb64 online right now. hows that? Then if you're in the area, stop by for melee Im nto half bad at that either. I talk smack about scrubs because I can beat em, not only in the game but outside of it discussing the game because it is just MIND BOGGLING how little 90 percent of this forum knows about smashbrothers and the intellectual game behind it.That is so true. I've mentioned it before. If he thinks he is so non-scrubby and so frikken elite at games and scrubs should not play multiplayer games blah blah "nooob noob noob".
Why the hell is he declaring that he sucks at brawl before its release and can't adapt to new things?
*searches post for word boycott*Yay for boycotting!! ROFLMAO this is still going on? Boycott fox!? can't do that, he's most likely gonna be top tier again! PPlus he's always fun.
Plus you will have to use other characters to unlock beating classic mode or the likes. Unless you go the long way of player X many VS games. depends.
Or if you are the Ultimate Boycotter(dun dun dun), you will get someone else to do it for you. It is blasphemy by your book of holy wavedashing if you play with any character whose wavedashing potential has been scrapped.
So there we have it. You're just making things up to suit your argument. Plain and simple.the post YOU quoted said:I will boycott every character I play that needs to wavedash as part of their spacing game, or MY PERSONAL spacing game. Those characters would be mario shiek and fox.
So if theres no wavedashing in brawl, I'll just play falcon. he rules.
AGAIN!! wow I love this reason... so lets just analyse itSpite. the best reason said:I seriously like some others here want to see wavedashing gone just to see the 400 pages of rants and cries from you. I'm sorry but I have to agree that will be very very funny
Who's whining, first of all? Im just listing reasons as to why it should say and mentioning why I wouldnt be able to control fox/falco/mario without it due to the technique being essential to my spacing.You know Dylan for some reason or another you are the only one who is whining about wavedashing on this board.
Right on. Except when no ones looking we eat steak, understood?but hey if wavedashing is gone and after the rants and laughter, me and you go on a hunger strike in front of Nintendo HQ. I'll start making the pickets.
lol forums own for killing time. But I saw the update awhile ago I just like arguing.why hes starting trouble with me said:Cuz it's fun and I'm just killing some time till the next update.
I am very sure that WD will be in brawl. However, the form that it takes is completely uncertain and I think that that should be a topic of discussion. Even if it is kept, will it be excactly the same as in melee, with distance and speed determined by traction? Will it be the same, or be a programmed characteristic of each character that is not dependant on the traction? Will it have the same 10 frames of lag or will that be increased or decreased? Will anybody have a wavedash like luigi's? How is the timing going to be? Will it have it's own animation?It's time to spice up this thread...
So, if we've seen Pikachu air dodge...
We've just seen Mario air dodge in the bowser final picture...
And we even saw Wario freakin wavedash...
Not to mention they aren't building this game from scratch, they are building it from the Melee engine.
And if the devlopers really didn't like wavedashing they would have taken it out of the PAL version just like they took out or modified other things.
I mean you can even think of it this way. If there was no wavedsahing Crouch Canceling would be broken.
with all of this then we know that...
It is very safe to assume wavedashing will be in Brawl!
Is there anyone who still seriously doubts wavedashing being in Brawl because of crawling or the devlopers thought it was cheap or whatever? Does anyone honestly deny everything that I just said as being true?
Come on people, just for the sake of Brawl, I can honestly assure you that wavedashing will be in brawl.
I would like to hear direct feeedback, questions, comments and all from my little rant. Feel free to quote and respond.
Don't most attacks knock you upwards a little anyway? At somewhat high %, most of the time even when I or my opponent CCs, I or he goes up, even if one of us hits the ground quickly. Also, WDing can be removed by keeping the character in the "airdodge" mode, similar to what happens when you airdodge against a wall or something. That would preserve the character's sliding.If you didn't slide at all when you CCed then you could just CC forever at outrageously high percentages.
Ok when looking at the one where Wario is Wavelanding, has anyone given any thought on just exactly where he is landing when he 1st hits the ground?
Im gonna end this right here@Dylan: If anything you're the only one acting like a tough guy and bragging about internet skills and spitting all that noob crap. I never said you suked I simply was saying that the ppl there don't need amazing tech skills to get you down, and you yourself are a proof of that. L2read. Certainly your "game" did evolve from 64 to GC, losing WD doesn't necesarily mean it'd degrade. Again, pathetic excuse.
ps. you're an idiot.
Wow you must be seriously tired of that argument if you take your time to write a post like that.Im gonna end this right here
BentoBox - you sure can have your opinions about how Dylan does and says whatever, i myself have had arguements with Dylan and i have gotten upset to the point that you have gotten, its frustrating when ppl don't see what you have to say eye to eye huh, well how about u take what he says/said and instead of taking it into perspective and see it through his view instead of clouding your own judgement with your perspective
there is alwasy 2 or more sides to the story
Dylan - again you have yet another arguement with the "Wavedashing in Brawl concept" let it be, im getting sick and tired of seeing this arguement in a lot of threads now, don't know where i keep seeing it pop up but when ever someone brings up "i hope they take out WD in Brawl" there you are to defend it, ppl have opinions, let them express it without you jumping down their throats and forcing your persectives on others just to prove that WD is vital to MELEE.... WD was and still is in Melee, so enjoy it as you can play Melee for now and til you ever get bored of it if you ever do get bored of it Brawl may/may not have WD, we don't know, updates are coming everyday, and til i either see an update stating that WD is in and its under techniques than im gonna sit back and either wait for the update, or wait til i get the game and test it out for myself.... we all know (at least i do) how u feel bout what WD does for Melee, but let the arguement die here and now im begging you, im just tired of seeing your name involved in arguements revolving around WD.... if you're competitive in Melee meaning you go to tournaments and can place decent or even at that, if you place anywhere in a tournament means that you understand how WD has to be used and how its effective, but WD isn' t the only tech you need to know (ive said this b4, im not repeating my arguement) im in the tournament scene in NY and i can honestly say i back your opinions to a certain degree, WD is a good tech to learn, its vital to tournament play in MELEE.... but we don't know anything bout Brawl, so please im asking you nicely let the arguement die and let it be done with
So what you want is basically one button that will act like a wavedash button? That would be possible now that you can change the controlls the way you like it.I would make my wavedash button X:D
Urgh, these posts by new members who haven't read most of the thread never cease. Just because YOU don't like the way it looks doesn't make it a viable reason to remove it. It's a d*mn video game, if you don't like the way it looks, don't use it.Ok, I haven't read through 32 pages of this thread, but I for one hope wavedashing is NOT in Brawl. Sure it makes for some very complex strategies, but I just think it is an unnatural movement that turns the game into a sort of precision twitch-fest. I think it would seem absurd if there was a button for "slide your character back and forth along the ground", which is essentially what a wavedash is. It's a glitch that results in a completely unnatural, unrealistic movement which to me detracts from the game. I'm sure there are ways to incorporate good strategy into the game without having to resort to twitch-reflex button combinations that result in the characters defying the laws of physics.
I vote NO on wavedashing.