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Adults who are obsessed with teenage fiction....


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2001
Link to original post: [drupal=5101]Adults who are obsessed with teenage fiction....[/drupal]

Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games... many of my Facebook friends that fall into the older bracket of 25-30 years old love this stuff. I'm trying to understand the reason behind this, but my initial reaction is emotional immaturity.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying young adult fiction can't be good, or that it can't be appreciated by grown adults. My curiosity is caused specifically by their overbearing fanaticism. They seem to have crushes on the fe/male leads just like your typical 15-year-old target demographic would. I don't want to get too much into the rights and wrongs of adult infatuation with teenagers, but it does come off as rather pathetic, if not creepy.

Despite the age of its characters, a good story is a good story; I really believe that. But it's hard to ignore the peculiar attraction some woman have to teenage fiction. It's honestly kind of gross."


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
I feel your blog needs this:

I suppose it is a tad peculiar. I can understand the under 25 year olds, but over that and it is a bit weird. I'm referring to the attraction thing, seeing as most of the characters are under 18. That lovey romantic sappiness is women's crack.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
The reason why people enjoy is because it's entertainment.

You're never to old to actually have a liking on some movie or show, which means you're never too old to say X is Y.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
tbh its simple what is socially acceptable at this point in time, and what isnt and it has a lot do do with the advent of the internet.

To me, gang behaviour is incredibly childish. It is borne from kindergarten and primary schools where people have to do favours to become friends, and people exclude others becuase thats what everyone else does. Imposing this 'I have more friends than you' as a means of superiority. Being all anti-authority starts with kids crying in the supermarket and is a sign of total imaturity, but suddenly as one gets older, it is cool to 'rebel'.

However this mentality has existed for a loooong time so its become socially acceptable, even if it is based on incredibly primative and childish motives.

Now take a look at this modern era where adults are fascinated by younger-targeted media. To me, adults have always liked this stuff. its just that it was never socially acceptable. 20 years ago Im SURE there were adults who liked cartoons and stuff, but no one could ever really talk about it with others since it was socially not normal and you would be bringing it up face-to-face with people who may judge you on it. Now with the internet, people can freely admit they like things like twilight and suddenly it becomes apparent, that a lot of people think the same, when they dont face the risk of ridicule because they can anonymous.

The moral of the story is, IMO, things like twilight attract adult women. the same things have attracted them since forever, but the desire to appear mature as a means to fit in, took over this. Now no one cares about seeming imature, because infact THAT is now the norm, and people will gladly want to be a part of it.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
Honestly, it isn't that much stranger than us liking smash bros, mario, or pokemon.
Aug 6, 2008
Its probably best to try to distinguish a threshold here of the sort of people one is talking about. For anyone who enjoys any of the pop culture you mentioned, they should not be viewed as "pathetic, creepy, strange, etc." There should not be anything wrong with indulging in: reading a book you enjoy, going to a midnight showing or book event, getting into conversations with other people about topics related to the pop culture, etc. Simple actions like these should never degrade the integrity of how one views a middle aged person.

Why should a middle aged person be exempt from activities we view for younger generations? The only actions which should really be condemned are those that are obviously destructive. If someone becomes so infatuated with an iconic figure or pop culture icon their health or others well-being is being damaged, then that is an issue. When an activity becomes obsessive, then it can start being dangerous to others and there is a problem.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2012
i'm 25 and i still love all the harry potter books.

but thats also cuz i grew up witht he first ones, having that does help as well. growing up with the start of a series like that, and wanting to see it through till the end is natural

anyway several years later and i got the final book the day it was put on shelves, and finished it within one week.

annnnnnd....I still continue to re-read em even now.

is if its meant to entertain someone, and its not hurting/effecting anyone else, nothing wrong with it at all.

EDIT: also what TL? said.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Harry Potter isn't for teenagers, it's children's literature! (Not a bad thing)

Well that's how I see it anyway since I was like 6 or 7 when the first book came out.

Anyway, the whole people this age should act like ___ and do ____ is one of the most bull**** and ridiculous notions I have ever seen. It's literally a testament to society's complete and utter inability not to be unfairly judgmental about things that don't even affect them. "Everyone is entitled to do, say, and think as they please as long as it doesn't harm others, oh yeah I believe in all these freedoms and strongly advocate them. Oh wait, you play Pokémon at 20? HAHAHAHAHA WHAT A PATHETIC LOSER GROW UP. YOU PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC LOL WHAT A SNOB."

This is Teran, and I disapprove of you people.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
Harry Potter isn't for teenagers, it's children's literature! (Not a bad thing)

Well that's how I see it anyway since I was like 6 or 7 when the first book came out.

Anyway, the whole people this age should act like ___ and do ____ is one of the most bull**** and ridiculous notions I have ever seen. It's literally a testament to society's complete and utter inability not to be unfairly judgmental about things that don't even affect them. "Everyone is entitled to do, say, and think as they please as long as it doesn't harm others, oh yeah I believe in all these freedoms and strongly advocate them. Oh wait, you play Pokémon at 20? HAHAHAHAHA WHAT A PATHETIC LOSER GROW UP. YOU PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC LOL WHAT A SNOB."

This is Teran, and I disapprove of you people.
This. I'm glad the HULKSTER let that jack Teran pop in to make that post.
Aug 6, 2008
Teran, I'm not really sure if society can avoid being hypocritical. It seems ingrained for us to do that. Instead of thinking badly of it, keep trying to figure out the proper thing to do. We fail and fail, but should probably keep trying to figure out the "right" thing.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I personally love the Harry Potter books...but again I grew up with them. I have never been to interested in Twilight and while I like the Hunger Games story line, I have never sat down and read them but I have heard they are a fairly good read. I heard the movie was Twilight-izied to grab that demographic though :/

As for women around 25 years and older and liking childrens-teenage fiction, it's a matter or interests and you can't blame them for that. Immaturity may be an issue or a problematic childhood but you can't knock on them for liking what they are interested in.

However, as with everything else, when it starts to control and govern their way of life, then it should be regulated. An interest, moderate to extreme, is alright but when it should be addressed and re-evaluated if it crosses over to fanaticism. I would say fanaticism would include feeling a extreme personal connection to the characters that is borderline detrimental to your health or spending 20+ hours a day, living and breathing every possible aspect of the thing in question (i.e. Twilight).

I don't see it as often as some may believe but living in Japan, I have run across guys who carry Hatsune Miku key chains, AKB48 picture books, Japanese idol photos, etc where ever they go. And these guys happen to be 40-year old married men who work in the office. There is one guy who has a secret desk drawer dedicated to Hatsune Miku in the office. After talking to him over a glass of whiskey at a work party, he mentioned to me (in drunken state of course), he would gladly dump his wife and kids in a heart beat if it meant fooling around with Hatsune Miku.

That. Is. Fantacism. Period.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Teran, I'm not really sure if society can avoid being hypocritical. It seems ingrained for us to do that. Instead of thinking badly of it, keep trying to figure out the proper thing to do. We fail and fail, but should probably keep trying to figure out the "right" thing.
I know the proper thing to do, that is make your actions consistent with your supposed beliefs.

No, I will not accept hypocrisy, why should I feel like I'm in the wrong because other people can't ****ing keep it together? That's girlfriend logic right there "I KNOW I LOST YOUR DOG BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO SHOUT AT ME YOU SHOULD APOLOGISE BECAUSE YOU ARE IN THE WRONG"

Man I'm gonna get legdropped so hard.
Aug 6, 2008
I was thinking of something a little bit different. It seems like we can never keep all our thoughts and beliefs active at one time. By we I mean people in general. We can only think and act on one such belief at a time and occasionally we find two beliefs contradict each other. And then we realize that our actions appear hypocritical of each other.

What do you do in a situation like that? I obviously failed to uphold my beliefs in that case and I have to reevaluate them. In this instance, I feel like I just accept I was acting dumb and try to remedy it somehow.

It seems like being hypocritical is unavoidable unless I had some amazing ability to evaluate all my beliefs and all the complex intricacies they will undoubtedly create. I think I'll always be hypocritical until I realize it or someone else points it out to me.

When I think about it like this, I do not think I can really condemn anyone for being hypocritical when we are all hypocritical. I just need to point out to someone with a level attitude that two things seem to contradict each other when it shows up. If someone chooses to continue acting the same way, I can't do much about it and frustration on my part doesn't do me any good.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
I agree with Teran.
The difference between adulthood and adolescence is just an imaginary line/number that was arbitrarily made. The other differences would be that most adults have jobs whereas teenagers are in elementary/high/secondary school, but I don't see why that should or would affect one's taste in video games, literature, or any form of entertainment.
I mean I understand that adults are generally less interested in video games, television, etc, but that's because adults are usually more busy than teenagers, thus they have less time to devote to these things. As for why they should prefer certain types of video games or tv shows over others simply because of their age? I have no idea.

As for the actual OP, again, the only difference between a 25 year old and a teenager is the out of school and with a job vs in school, probably high school. Perhaps the fact that a 25 year old has been in more relationships (and relationships that are more serious) will cause them to stop the fanaticism with things like Twilight, but as for Harry Potter (and Hunger Games? I have no idea what that is) there shouldn't really be a difference.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
It's kind of funny because this website is comprised of late adolescents/adults who play a children's fighter.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I was thinking of something a little bit different. It seems like we can never keep all our thoughts and beliefs active at one time. By we I mean people in general. We can only think and act on one such belief at a time and occasionally we find two beliefs contradict each other. And then we realize that our actions appear hypocritical of each other.

What do you do in a situation like that? I obviously failed to uphold my beliefs in that case and I have to reevaluate them. In this instance, I feel like I just accept I was acting dumb and try to remedy it somehow.

It seems like being hypocritical is unavoidable unless I had some amazing ability to evaluate all my beliefs and all the complex intricacies they will undoubtedly create. I think I'll always be hypocritical until I realize it or someone else points it out to me.

When I think about it like this, I do not think I can really condemn anyone for being hypocritical when we are all hypocritical. I just need to point out to someone with a level attitude that two things seem to contradict each other when it shows up. If someone chooses to continue acting the same way, I can't do much about it and frustration on my part doesn't do me any good.
Constantly evolving is cool, but constantly saying one thing and doing the opposite (which is EXACTLY the case when it comes to age bracket expectations) is stupid, amazingly prevalent, avoidable to anyone with a brain, and should stop.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
As stupid as Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, etc are, I feel like no one on this website should still be judging people since we're on a website dedicated to a children's fighter game that as of late has been designed to be anti-competitive

I mean as stupid as things like Twilight are, I never felt like I had the right to complain to a fan in their face (or at least when I'm being serious and not just trolling people) because I still like to watch stuff like cartoons like Regular Show, even though I should've started watching stuff like the news and soap operas and MTV ages ago according to what society dictates what people in their adulthood and nearing adulthood dictates

It really sucks on how cartoons are still worse than Twilight still. I've been called out by people like my parents based on the stuff I watch when apparently its still ok to be open about Twilight love and get a pat on the back for it



Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Now about the hunger games, the only thing I find a little cheesy was just the Romance scenes.
Other than that, the movie was incredible. I don't see why people would bash on the movie like it was twilight.

I mean really, the book was intense, as well as the movie. I have the right to like something and You have the right to say whatever about it.

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
Now about the hunger games, the only thing I find a little cheesy was just the Romance scenes.
Other than that, the movie was incredible. I don't see why people would bash on the movie like it was twilight.

I mean really, the book was intense, as well as the movie. I have the right to like something and You have the right to say whatever about it.
Because it's oddly similar to Battle Royale...


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Harry Potter isn't for teenagers, it's children's literature! (Not a bad thing)

Well that's how I see it anyway since I was like 6 or 7 when the first book came out.

Anyway, the whole people this age should act like ___ and do ____ is one of the most bull**** and ridiculous notions I have ever seen. It's literally a testament to society's complete and utter inability not to be unfairly judgmental about things that don't even affect them. "Everyone is entitled to do, say, and think as they please as long as it doesn't harm others, oh yeah I believe in all these freedoms and strongly advocate them. Oh wait, you play Pokémon at 20? HAHAHAHAHA WHAT A PATHETIC LOSER GROW UP. YOU PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC LOL WHAT A SNOB."

This is Teran, and I disapprove of you people.
God this is a beautiful post. Teran with that logic.

As stupid as Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, etc are, I feel like no one on this website should still be judging people since we're on a website dedicated to a children's fighter game that as of late has been designed to be anti-competitive

I mean as stupid as things like Twilight are, I never felt like I had the right to complain to a fan in their face (or at least when I'm being serious and not just trolling people) because I still like to watch stuff like cartoons like Regular Show, even though I should've started watching stuff like the news and soap operas and MTV ages ago according to what society dictates what people in their adulthood and nearing adulthood dictates

It really sucks on how cartoons are still worse than Twilight still. I've been called out by people like my parents based on the stuff I watch when apparently its still ok to be open about Twilight love and get a pat on the back for it
The reason you don't have a right to complain to Twilight etc. fans to their face isn't because you like this or that, it's because they have a right to like whatever they like without somebody telling them they're wrong for liking it. You speak like Twilight and the others being stupid is an objective thing when it is so clearly not.

Yes, it's hilarious fun to bash on Twilight and ridicule the crying and the sparkling vampires. Yes, it's hilarious fun to bash on the crazy, insane fans of Twilight who shove it in people's faces and literally attack others over differences in opinion. No, Twilight is not excellently written nor are the movies works of art. But I know perfectly logical, sane people who like Twilight, and they're allowed to like it because it's entertainment.

Maybe you're not trying to say anything about objectivity in this matter, but it sounds like it to me. Also, I think that saying that liking Twilight gets you a "pat on the back" is completely wrong. Did you miss the part where the series has become a joke to basically anyone who isn't a fan?

Because it's oddly similar to Battle Royale...
If we're going to start attacking popular things for their lack of creativity, I don't think Hunger Games is where we need to be starting.

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
I wasn't attacking anything, he mentioned Hunger Games and I mentioned a common argument against a lot of there "Oh it's so original" comments. Read context before you reply.

How is his post even remotely "beautiful"? Isn't that kind of obvious? This isn't about some 20 year old playing pokemon, this is about people that obsess over things clearly not targeted to their age group. Sorry to say, young adult literature is targeted toward young adults.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I wasn't attacking anything, he mentioned Hunger Games and I mentioned a common argument against a lot of there "Oh it's so original" comments. Read context before you reply.
I read through the entire thread, no context was missed, even though nothing about the context implies that it's a common argument and not yours, honestly. I also wasn't speaking directly to you (I did say "we"), necessarily, as I've seen these remarks in other places, and "attacking" wasn't meant in a vicious way.

I was pretty much just saying that if anybody has a problem with a lack of originality in movies/boooks/etc., this isn't at all the first instance, as at least movies are rife with unoriginality these days.

How is his post even remotely "beautiful"? Isn't that kind of obvious? This isn't about some 20 year old playing pokemon, this is about people that obsess over things clearly not targeted to their age group. Sorry to say, young adult literature is targeted toward young adults.
I think it's beautiful, if you don't then honestly I don't really care, I was speaking to him, not you. And a lot of the reason I decided that it was "beautiful" was because of the last line.

I've got news for you, Pokémon is directed at children. It's the same basic premise. As Teran put it, "It's literally a testament to society's complete and utter inability not to be unfairly judgmental about things that don't even affect them."

Just the fact that somebody else is actually saying that is nice, because it's something I think on a regular basis.

I honestly don't see why you're nitpicking at my opinion of someone else's post lol. If you don't like it, respond to him.


Feb 6, 2009
It's kind of funny because this website is comprised of late adolescents/adults who play a children's fighter.
I know you're in the business of saying ridiculous things (From what i've gathered from tokyo it's a pretty lucrative industry) but this post is especially bad.

As stupid as Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, etc are, I feel like no one on this website should still be judging people since we're on a website dedicated to a children's fighter game that as of late has been designed to be anti-competitive
Oh fuelbi, why u always proving my point.

I know the proper thing to do, that is make your actions consistent with your supposed beliefs.

No, I will not accept hypocrisy, why should I feel like I'm in the wrong because other people can't ****ing keep it together? That's girlfriend logic right there "I KNOW I LOST YOUR DOG BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO SHOUT AT ME YOU SHOULD APOLOGISE BECAUSE YOU ARE IN THE WRONG"

Man I'm gonna get legdropped so hard.
but you're 20 and play pokemon.

You probably don't even know what a legdrop feels like, pffffft.


The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
We are talking about obsessions not about someone playing a game outside of their age group. I was asking you to explain why I think his post is common sense and how it doesn't apply to what the OP was even asking.


Feb 6, 2009
Don't imply about the implications of my post I can do that just fine by myself thank you.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I was asking you to explain why I think his post is common sense and how it doesn't apply to what the OP was even asking.
...What? I think you mixed up some words here.

Anyway, responding to what I think you're trying to ask...no idea why you're asking me about his post instead of...you know, him, but either way, people are complaining because these things are outside of their age group, not because they're obsessions. I think actual obsessions are pretty widely regarded to be bad.

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
Don't imply about the implications of my post I can do that just fine by myself thank you.
I'm not even talking about you, three words, read, think, understand.

Yes, which was the question the OP was asking! He wasnt asking how people think of classical music listeners or older people playing Pokemon. Obviously he has all the right to explain his opinion on stereotypes, but doing so in a topic that has nothing to do with them makes no sense to me, and I wanted to know why it was beautiful to you.

Also, yes. If an adult is obsessed with Pokemon I assume there is probably something missing in their life.


Feb 6, 2009
Whoever you're implying for i'm sure they're capable of doing it themselves.

Except a couple people, but i won't name names.

Tokyo is a beautiful city.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Whoever you're implying for i'm sure they're capable of doing it themselves.

Except a couple people, but i won't name names.
He's talking about Teran, so yes, he is.


Feb 6, 2009
No I think the keyword here is adults.

Unless you think children being obsessed with children's entertainment is just as frightening.

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
No I think the keyword here is adults.

Unless you think children being obsessed with children's entertainment is just as frightening.
No, because this topic became about stereotyping, or that's at least what Teran pulled out of it when i don't think the OP was trying to do at all.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I meant the original poster wasn't asking about anyone's opinion on general stereotypes and more on adults obsessed with teenage fiction.
The thing that you were saying that made him think you were talking about him (talking about 20 year olds playing Pokémon) was something that was from Teran.

Yes, which was the question the OP was asking! He wasnt asking how people think of classical music listeners or older people playing Pokemon. Obviously he has all the right to explain his opinion on stereotypes, but doing so in a topic that has nothing to do with them makes no sense to me, and I wanted to know why it was beautiful to you.

Also, yes. If an adult is obsessed with Pokemon I assume there is probably something missing in their life.
The OP closed off with:

Despite the age of its characters, a good story is a good story; I really believe that. But it's hard to ignore the peculiar attraction some woman have to teenage fiction. It's honestly kind of gross."
It's talking about a peculiar attraction to things intended for younger audiences. People's definition of "obsessions" and "peculiar attractions" vary from person to person, and I'm sure there are people who I'm sure would classify me under that even though it's not close to a real obsession. But because it's intended for a younger age group, people get all uppity about it.

I don't know why you're convinced Teran's post has nothing to do with the topic, but honestly I'm tired of trying to speak for somebody else's post in response to another person's post, and I'm still not clear why you're asking me to interpret, so frankly, I'm done trying.
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