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Active Player Thread: Ones who does not have Triforce can't go in


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
ok ill check it out haha

guys im sheik/peach main now hehe

i figured luc and pit are too annoying cuz of their close combat (hehe) range and damage, so i picked peach to **** them all dai

i realized that sheik really does have some trouble matchups where i can use other characters i enjoy to beat them

right now i am sheik/peach/zelda

peach for pit, luc, and whatever else i feel comfortable with
zelda for pika, dk, dedede (sheik can beat ddd too but zelda it's even easier)


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
Welcome to the Sheik boards.

Hopefully by the time you leave you won't have a need for other characters.
More hopefully I hope you don't leave.



Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2010
Austin, Texas
ok ill check it out haha

guys im sheik/peach main now hehe

i figured luc and pit are too annoying cuz of their close combat (hehe) range and damage, so i picked peach to **** them all dai

i realized that sheik really does have some trouble matchups where i can use other characters i enjoy to beat them

right now i am sheik/peach/zelda

peach for pit, luc, and whatever else i feel comfortable with
zelda for pika, dk, dedede (sheik can beat ddd too but zelda it's even easier)
I'm maining luigi right now, and I'll probably pick up Pika or Diddy too in the future.

Sheik just doesn't wow me anymore..


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
ok ill check it out haha

guys im sheik/peach main now hehe

i figured luc and pit are too annoying cuz of their close combat (hehe) range and damage, so i picked peach to **** them all dai

i realized that sheik really does have some trouble matchups where i can use other characters i enjoy to beat them

right now i am sheik/peach/zelda

peach for pit, luc, and whatever else i feel comfortable with
zelda for pika, dk, dedede (sheik can beat ddd too but zelda it's even easier)
If youre beating dededes with zelda its because they arent good. On the other hand, dk is actually one of sheiks best MUs so you SHOULD be using her for that

Tl;dr use mk and you wont need secondaries


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
'Hi I'm Kennispam. I like to use characters that I think are bad to make myself look better when I win and to have johns when I lose"


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
If youre beating dededes with zelda its because they arent good. On the other hand, dk is actually one of sheiks best MUs so you SHOULD be using her for that

Tl;dr use mk and you wont need secondaries
but what if they are good and im winning = (

u arent me son

how do u fight dk with sheik

i kinda know but

i find it mad easier with zelda


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
DK is a good matchup for sheik. Not our best by a long shot and it might not even be in our favor but its good. I've played ook a bunch and beaten him in friendlies quite a few times.

But Zelda vs D3 isnt bad at all for zelda. Its barely in D3 favor vs zelda or sheik individually but i personally think the best way to play against D3 is to swap to zelda for kills. I think its in our favor if we do that. Its still not easy by any stretch but i could see using zelda especially if the d3 give u free damage.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
imo no good player will ever lose to zelda. sheik maybe, but never zelda
Why? zelda has a few good tools that if used right good definitely beat some pretty good players. A very important point is zelda gets a humongous boost from things like powershielding. And because of her extremely powerful moves she can hurt you bad for a good prediciton i mean yea u probably couldn't beat many good players very often with zelda but u can definitely win some games. I play zelda for IC's and pika and have beaten quite a few good IC's and pikas with zelda.

Also i just finally gave myself a profile pic and i cant see it am i doing something wrong?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
ur profile pic is legit

is ook really good? id like to see these vids :) i wanna kno how to play the matchup


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Is it a jpeg?

ICs are the only char i would ever consider going zelda for. Lain had trouble getting past fsmash spam. :)
I think pika is another good reason for zelda even if u just wait til ur over 50%

Also guys help me out can you see my profile pic without like clicking on it. Like is it next to my name?

Also kenni i have no idea im bad with computers.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
I think pika is another good reason for zelda even if u just wait til ur over 50%

Also guys help me out can you see my profile pic without like clicking on it. Like is it next to my name?

Also kenni i have no idea im bad with computers.
You went through all that trouble for a lame, generic sheik picture?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Can I get some quick MU pointers for ROB in here? I swear this matchup is like 65:35.


- Heavy
- He can camp us/we can't camp him well
- He can edgeguard us easily/ we can't edgeguard him easily

I honestly don't know what advantage Sheik has over him besides speed. Chibo and t0mmy beat my *** when I played them. This is probably my least favorite MU in the game (I down b for ICs).


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
This MU can be kinda silly. When ROB camps you, he is giving you time to charge your needles. Ftilt lock doesn't work very long. Be careful when chasing ROB in the air because he can bair/nair your follow up. When ROB uses his up B he can't air dodge, use that to your advantage. Mix up your recoveries, or else you will just be fair gimped. If you are having trouble killing, Zelda isn't a bad option.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
i know this mu pretty well. Ironically i lost to a rob at the last tourney but that was a fluke lol.

Rob is another precision MU like olimar. You have to be very very careful about everything you do but i dont think its that bad honestly. Firstly at a distance charge ur needles if u see him go to laser trade a needle storm if u can 5 for 18% is a great trade. Rob has 2 ranges that he is amazing effective at. One is at the end of his tilts range like ftilt and the other is between mid and long range. One of robs strengths is hes good at ranges no other character is.

Stay out of these ranges and it becomes easier. Get in close. Robs spotdodge is pretty incredible however u should be able to stuff it with properly timed jabs. Ftilt only hits rob a few times however once hes in our tilt lock its real hard for him to not get hit with some follow up in the air. All of robs aerial options are really slow u can bait air dodges or attack while hes in the air and read him for alot of damage. Also watch out for nairs robs love to mix these up and fall with them and what not. Just be careful.

Not only is zelda and option zelda is a GREAT option infact this was what i decided was the secret to the MU. This Mu is waaaaay harder if u let rob live til 200% every stock cause gimping rob can be difficult simply cause we gotta hit him like 6 times in a row and watch out for nairs the whole time. Rob CANNOT escape zeldas upsmash like no matter what cause his base is so big. Zelda has actually a decent MU against rob so why not use her u can make rob die at 100% or close.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Orlando, FL
I don't mean to interject, and I'm perfectly fine with waiting until the Rob discussion is over with...but...

Peach...if there's one matchup I detest...it's Peach. How the hell do I fight Peach?

I can't tilt lock her...
She wins in the air...
She's hardly grounded...
She floats over needles...
She destroys our recovery...

Soooo, any pointers? I'd love the help. I get close each time against Peach, but I just can't seem to win. :\


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
sounds like we got quite a few matchups lined up to discuss lol. Peach is hard cause shes not like any other character in the game. She CAN be edge guarded but its hard and u have to be careful. I'll go more in detail later we should do rob then kirby in the MU thread i think.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
I do think rob is good against sheik, but that hasnt stopped me from ****** every rob in my region XD spacing aerials should be your #1 priority


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
Rob can be juggled really well with uair, which helps a lot for racking damage. If you're like me and don't use zelda for anything ever your safest kill move is probably nair. Weakhit nair is also a great punish for ROB's spotdodge. This is a MU that I play like link lol. Shield dash forward to stop his projectiles and punish when u get within range. ROB's F-air is pretty broken so remember not to follow things up if he is facing toward you. Our Frame 2 jab works wonders close range. IF they try to get smart and fool around with Bair and its spacing ability, just needle him until he gets close again. Grounded gyro eats up all of Sheik's needles tho so don't bother thowing them if thats inbetween the two of you.

As for Peach... yeah I was playing Ankoku's Peach last night and he gave a pretty good summary of the MU. "At first I didn't know the match up so I was getting *****, but later on I realized that all I had to do was an attack, any attack and it would trade hits at the worst... lol this matchup up is so unbalanced"

The exact quote was something similar to that but cut me a break It was like 1 in the morning x.x


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Orlando, FL
As for Peach... yeah I was playing Ankoku's Peach last night and he gave a pretty good summary of the MU. "At first I didn't know the match up so I was getting *****, but later on I realized that all I had to do was an attack, any attack and it would trade hits at the worst... lol this matchup up is so unbalanced"

That's pretty much how I see it. Peach at the worst trades with us. We just well...lose.

Judo, do you mind sending me a PM with any info/advice? I'd appreciate it as I regularly fight Peaches. :\


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
That's pretty much how I see it. Peach at the worst trades with us. We just well...lose.

Judo, do you mind sending me a PM with any info/advice? I'd appreciate it as I regularly fight Peaches. :\
yea ill try and help although i dont know the MU that well i was just trying to learn it like 3 weeks ago but i think i figured out alot.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
Against Peach, you have to play very safe, or else you will eat a lot of damage. Needle camp and avoid Peach's dair at low %s. Peach has trouble killing us if you can avoid her kill move (up smash). You can gimp peach by needling her float, then fair her away. Also, you can simply switch to Zelda and up smash whenever she floats a little too close to you. Definitely keep an eye on the face of the turnips, or else you can easily lose a stock to a stitch face.

One more thing, be very careful about Peach's up air string. They hurt a lot.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
haha its not allowed at a lot of tournaments but yeah its really good for sheik

i call it


cuz her tether *****

for sheik vs peach

its 45:55 for us but its like the funnest matchup in the game LOl cuz sheik can **** sometimes if u can use ur utilts/uair well

peach is floating?



Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
ok ill check it out haha

guys im sheik/peach main now hehe

i figured luc and pit are too annoying cuz of their close combat (hehe) range and damage, so i picked peach to **** them all dai

i realized that sheik really does have some trouble matchups where i can use other characters i enjoy to beat them

right now i am sheik/peach/zelda

peach for pit, luc, and whatever else i feel comfortable with
zelda for pika, dk, dedede (sheik can beat ddd too but zelda it's even easier)
hehe I'm not sure about Pit
but Peach is not so good to play against Lucario

better than Sheik
but still silly.

btw, I'm having trouble with DDD as Sheik, is spaced bair safe on block? Or can it get grabbed?
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