double post my thread my rules
so I watched those vids scabe, holy **** I love izaw, he out played that snake by so much yet he had to work really hard due to snakes gayness. (btw is that really europes best snake? I reckon on a good day I could give him a run for his money)
from playing you scabe and watching those matchs I think the best way to play the matchup is kinda like this
step 1. use controlled projectile spam to out camp snake and pressure him (his nades wont work or will backfire and he'll start taking damage and be forced to approach you) - this is someone you can already do quite well scabe
step 2. often once the snake (even I do this sometimes) loses in a camp fest against the link he'll be confused/pissed and rush the approach at you, take advantage of this as long as you can be constantly pushing him back out with projeciles and once he gets closer, zair, zair is really important and can keep you out of tilt range and really pressure the snake and make him start making mistakes that you can punish (with a smash punish when your ready for the kill) - this is something you need to do abit more (the zair part anyway)
step 3. once snake gets in close you should really make good use of jab cancelling and your **** stepdodge, if his damage is high enough just try to hit him out and repeat steps 1 and 2.
step 4. once you get him off the stage this is your chance to really damage him, and this is VERY important because snake doenst die for a long time, he is very vunrable on the cypher (izaw took good advantage of this with bairs, ZAIRS!!! and bombs for when snake was above) you need to do what I call "ground juggleing" and I can show you this in a little more detail but basically you pressure him down to the ground with bombs, empty jumps and faked attacks (sometime you follow through with the attacks to catch him off guard) and then once he lands, thats your opening to attack him. - if you get him off stage at a lowish percent you should be able to gimp him, this is important and we'll go over this in person
step 5. tell him he's **** for losing to the 3rd worst charater in the game with the second best charater.
ALSO - when your damage is high try to stay in the middle to force him to try to kill you vertically, which link is very good at surviving.
ALSO - Snakes really depend on their **** stage control, you can see against izaw, in the first match for example, the snake makes a comeback because izaw let snake get his stage control back and then got ****ed for it, you should be constantly taking away snakes ability to stage control the entire match, its a big focus point, and link does it well him his awesome projectile game plus zair
anyways, thats how I feel, if toby was to come in here, and watch those vids and give you some advice (he is technically an ACT'er - refer to OP -) then that would be awesome, wouldnt it tobes?
also scabe I hate you, WHEN WILL THIS ****ING PINK **** GO AWAY!!!!!
edit - nevermind I fixed it