any more post about koopa kids? Discussion will be moving on tomorrow to the next match.
I'll bet atm their player base is pretty small. Perhaps it should get the "possible rediscussion needed" tag. Actually, one sec and I'll add those things I wanted to say lol.
Edit :
Some things I had thought of concerning Bowser Jr.
To me it feels like Koopaling is kind of just an annoys you but not super special at any particluar thing, (No offense meant to Bowser Jr players. I may be missing something too.) aside maybe kill power, but that's really just his smashes.
His side B seems to be very important. It alone could probably cover distance fast enough to make Din's Fire out of the question in most cases. Of course if we can snipe him before he hits us. Protip: Aim any Din's fires vs clown car you actually use slightly up. That way you might be able to hit him even if he jumps. That said like usual using Din's isn't the best idea.
Apparently if he hits you with the car it leads into UAir for days, and the spinout can KO. (Though, that is very unsafe on shield.)
His projectile (Cannon) is imo might just be a worse projectile than Din's. In this MU for it to get any distance he'd have to make it very clear that he's using it, thus making it easy for us to use Nayru there. IDK how often Dowser Jrs use cannon though. Alternatively if you catch him charging to close you may be able to FW him.
His little walking bomb can be reflected. <<<<<<<<<<<
His bomb is ours. Just be careful not to leave youself open to an easy punish for openly using Nayru's. In some cases (Mostly when you're too close.) just dodging it seems to be better.
His up B makes him invincible for roughly half the way up. I think he becomes vulnerable just as he can attack with his deadly hammer. So, it may not be easy to snipe him with aa DAir if he's right below the edge, as he could just sweet-spot it while invincible.
Still, his recovery is limited, and if he's below the edge he'll have to use up B. You can either try to snip his ledge snap with a Dtilt or you could try and ledge trump him, as a ledge trump > BAir appears to be possible when I was testing.
His Ftilt and Dash attack have incredibly low endlag. I believe if he spaces it well on shield he can easily avoid a grab from us. IDK if Koopalings use Dtilt or Utilt, but both seem slightly less useful, but Utilt at least still seems alright.
His smashes kill. At as early as 60%. *tear* But they're slow too. (All of them are varyingly easily punishable on block.) his Fsmash has impressive range going past the drill visual, and angling it down causes it to be able to snipe Zelda if she's on the edge. Keep that in mind. (Already mentioned, but bringing ti up anyways.) His Usmash has good vertical range, but appears to be hard to land if the opponent is grounded. Of course Zelda is tall, so he could still probably hit her.
I need to look into it more, but there may be a way to CONSISTENTLY escape his Fsmash before the final hit by DI or trying to go TOWARD him, (Since the multi-hit portion is literally ONE hit-box that has an inward angle.) added with our skinny frame. I'm not sure without actually doing testing though.
He has a bigger frame (especially his clown car of course) so landing some moves should be comparatively easier. Of cousre, it should be noted that hitting his car will do less damage to him (And thus less KB) while hitting
him will do increased damage (And more KB) this may cause a feeling of inconsistent KB.
My conclusion when I look at it is that Bowser Jr doesn't hold any special advantages against her, but, neither does she really. (Is it mean that I say it's because she's Zelda? LOL.) I'll give it
5:5 unless some little trick for either character comes up that would have an impact on the MU, this seems safe.