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A Demon makes up a joke thread (don't insult until you read it! ;.;)


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Yo, it's Da-D-Mon-109 again. 'sup everybody. I fell like reaching through your ears and eyes into the deep recesses of your brain, and find out a little more about you. Muhahahaha.

Just kidding. I just feel like messing around and hearing what other people have to say. Just trying to understand different perspectives.

And to do so, I feel like asking people what their .... "blank" ..... iest Pokemon is. I'll typically lead with an example of my own, but it would be fun to hear what people have to say.

I'm starting off with 3 Categories, just to see if the admins might find this bad, or if they couldn't care less, while still probing the inner-caverns of your mind.

Topic 1:Your favorite starter (and pokemon you wish was your starter).

Something nice and easy to ... start ... things off. You wake up one day, get dressed (preferably not in the usually anime stereotypical garb), walk about a couple of feet, and then save some old dude from little creatures that he should be able to fend off with a Stick. What Pokemon do you take froml the Old Dude's bag to use to save him, and end up bonding with after a few seconds? For me, way back when, that was Charmander. Fire. Lizards. Possible Dragon. Flames. And just a familiar feeling to him. I was instantly attached to the little creature. But if I could have had my pic of any pokemon to be my starter, it would undoubtebly be Riolu. We'd probably not get along so well for a while, and he'd be kicking my butt every time I messed around, but when push comes to shove, we'd get the job done right. Plus, Aura is awesome.

Topic 2:The weirdest Pokemon in existance.

This is where you get to ask, .... "why the heck did they turn THAT into a Pokemon?" This one should be funny. For me, there was a tie. "GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT BALLS OF ... Carbon ma-what-cide?" Koffing and Weezing. Global-Warming gone Bad... well.... Super Bad.... the gas is suppost to be untouchable and seethrough, and yet we have no problem Mega-Punching Weezing into dust, nor can we have any difficulty in spotting the Smoke-Screen (and everything in it). However, those two aren't tying eachother. They tie with Deoxys (my choices aren't influenced by Tiers. TIERS ARE 4 QUEERS! - Dr. Wright). A Space.... Virus...... brought to life...... and turned into an unstopable force of nature..... is someone on crack? I think so. Maybe it's all of the science I was taught in school, and I know it's weird to bring up science in Pokemon. But still, Deoxys just seems wiggity-wiggity-wack to me. He ties with Koff-Weezing.

Topic 3:Scariest Pokemon in Existance.

Fear can have many forms. Fear can have many shapes. Fear can be in any size. Fear can be anything. What Pokemon inspires pure, un-adulterated fear in you? I maybe Arachnaphobic, and I might fear the After-Life, but there is one Pokemon that scares me more than both of those combined. Two Words: Mr. Mime. Clowns are immoral. Nothing that smiles that much should be allowed to live. Anything that traps itself and other people inside of boxes should be beaten like the sexual predator it is. Screw the psychopaths, if you put them in uniform and set them lose in the enemy countries, they can become War-Heroes. I want to arrest and detain all of the Clowns, starting with you, Mimey. Oh, and your kid too. EWW... CLOWN REPRODUCTION! GROSS! OH GOD I JUST HAD A VISION! MAKE IT GO AWAY!

Topic 4: Funniest Pokemon

You see this Pokemon, nay, you hear its name whispered by some little kid on the street, and then you drop all of your bags on the ground, laughing like a moron. I'm sure everyone has one of these Pokemon, whether it's closet humor or just the simple mention of it. What Pokemon makes the best commedian? What Pokemon makes you laugh the most? For me, it's the Lickitung family. Lickililly. I can't say that name without smiling now. It fights people by nailing it with it's long as heck, sloppy, liquid covered tongue. As perverted an inuendo that was, you have to admit that something that can defeat monsters and demons by nearly eating them is pretty funny, which is probably why Yoshi is so popular.

Topic 5: Most Pitiable Pokemon

This Pokemon always brings a tear to your eye. Something about it is just so sad. Maybe a story about trying to catch it, then it struggling or running or such after you waste 20000 Ultra-Balls. Or simply a reminder about something sad in life. I'm sure some of you more... "sensitive"... people have a Pokemon that you pity. It could just remind you off the class nerd that everyone picks on, but no one wants to help. Or maybe just one that you feel bad for sending it out as a sacrifice in your battles, happy to know that it will do it's job for you, but sad once you see the poor thing needing healing in the center because of your brash actions. For me, that Pokemon is Phoenix the Blaziken. The "best friend" of my team, always going out of her way to help other Pokemon, sacrificing herself to support allies, but usually always the first to be defeated, whether an enemy targets her dirrectly, or hits it on accident, she is usually the first to fall, due to my own inexperience... oh Phoenix the Blaziken.... I'm so sorry....

Topic 6: Best "Team _____" Pokemon

These bozzos in weird colored suits walk up to you after a Pokemon Battle, and demand you give them your Pokemon (you impressed them by winning, so it should have been expected). You tell them to go get one of their own. They cop an attitude, thinking you are just a snot-nosed kid, and challenge you to a battle over the Pokemon. You accept, and get ready to whip the floor with them. What Pokemon do they send against you? What seems like a standard Pokemon for all of the "evil" orgonizations (that get destroyed by little kids)? I think it's the Crobat Line. Without the blood-suckers, most of the grunts of all of the teams would have to stick to using bugs until they earned their stripes, and it's kinda hard to get stuff done with Cocoons and Worms..... Zubat isn't evil itself, but he's the best for an evil "Team" to use.

Topic 7:pokemon Badass

Fastforward a bit. You have been roaming around, kicking butt so hard one of your Pokemon has to carry you around because you broke your leg. You're walking down a street, and you see a "____". You and this Pokemon cross paths with eachother, you see into the other's eye just with your perifrial vision, and as the Pokemon walks past you and behind you, you gasp for breath, realising you just survived death, that Pokemon is so "Uberly Strong". You turn around for another look at this creature, and you see someone challenging him, either another "Team", a rival trainer, or some cocky punk. The Pokemon Badass keeps walking, and as the naive trainer releases his Pokemon to attack the uber-dude, the creature does a little spin and keeps walking, as both the foolish trainer and his Pokemon are both knocked out in 1 devistating attack. Little kids who know your reputation ask you why you didn't try to defeat/catch/stop that Pokemon, and you respond how they wouldn't understand.
Okay, that scenario is kinda strange, but you get the Idea. Who is the resident Badass of Pokemon? I personally think that anyone who doesn't say Mewtwo is kinda outthere.... Mewtwo has always been that way, and while I'd question him walking down the street (we'll pretend we are at the Battle Frontier or something, and that he's wearing something that would make people not recognize him as the weapon of mass-destruction he is), I certainly wouldn't try to stop him from going down that street.

Topic 8: Least, and yet Most, likely to win a Pokemon Beauty Contest.

I was playing with my friends, talking about some of the older generations, and we felt like doing a Pokemon Contest. Some of the pokemon used ere interesting, but I somne how managed a win on the Beauty Conest with one of the strangest of Pokemon ever. WHO IN THEIR FRIGGING RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER THINK THAT A WEEZING IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN GARDEVOIR, MILOTIC, AND DELCATY! WHAT THE FREAKING HECK! But yeah, Sunnyday+Flamethrower+Sunnyday+Fireblast+Explosion seems to work very well in making people look past the Toxic Sludge and Poisonous Gas, and see deeper into the Pokemon's Heart and Soul to see what true Beauty looks like.

Topic 9: Most annoying Pokemon.

God, the results for this one should be interesting. Anyway, I was playing Pokemon Puzzle with my Dad a few days ago. I got like, 3 12x combos against him. So I had to hear my Pokemon say it's little name like 30 times.... I won, but still, I'd have rather gouged my ears out than listen to "BELL BELL! BELL BELL BELL! BELL BELL! BELL BELL BELL! BELL BELL BELL! BELL BELL BELL!". Because of that game, I officially hate Erica's Weepingbell. It needs to die.

Topic 10: Pokemon that deserves another type.

Some people have strange types, understandably. We're dealing with mutant rats and lions and tigers and bears and stuff. What I don't see is why Nintendo doesn't do justice to Pokemon of the past. Some creatures deserve more up to date typings. Charizard. Fire and Flying. I understand that completely. It makes sense. But why can't they give him the Dragon Typing he deserves? Fire/Dragon isn't rigged or anything, so it wouldn't be unbalanced.... he was weak to Water, Electric, and Rock before. He'd be vunerable to Ground, Rock and Dragon now. So he wouldn't be defensively superior anymore. And come on. If he isn't a Fire Dragon, are we going to have to bring Godzilla up from the Earth to get one? Ugh.

Topic 11: Pokemon that deserves another Evolution.

Plenty of Pokemon have proven themselves kick butt enough to warrent more depth in their form. I'm submiting 2 examples for this one. Tauros is dynamite. He's been slaming people down left and right. If anyone should have a Super version of themselves, it's definitely Tauros. And I feel that going from birth to 6 tails to 9 tails is weird.... What did Vulpix look like when it only had 1 tail? What were it's powers? How strong and cute was it? I MUST NOW! NINTENDO, GIVE VULPIX A BABY!

Topic 12: Favorite Pokemon Trainer.

If you could dress up as your favorite trainer, who would you be? What would your nieche be? Gym Leader? Pokemon Breeder? Swimmer? Cue Ball? I'd personally want to be a Pokemon Ranger. They just look so cool. Or an Ace Trainer. That would be even cooler... but the trainer I would want to be most styled like is Wes, the Pokemon Snagging Hero from Pokemon Colloseum. Now there is no one cooler than he is. He's just plain epic. The Snag Machine on my arm (simply as decoration), the awesome as heck Jacket that looks like it has a cape attached to it, complete with the hoverbike he uses to go everywhere. That's style, yo.



Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Best responces go here. Please include detail, so I can put the awesomest responces here, and that they aren't just one-liners.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Topic 1:

My favorite starter: Situation's a little different, but when picking out my Pokemon to help the not-so-old dude with an errand of going to see Mr. Pokemon, I choose Cyndaquil while not paying any attention to the peeping tom that's looking right in at me and the table with Pokeballs on it. Cyndaquil is and always has been my favorite of the starters even before Gold and Silver came out. I saw an in-game screenshot of the starters in a magazine, and immediately upon seeing it I said "That will be my starter, no questions asked." And to this day, I'd still choose it over all other (current) starters without even thinking about it.

Pokemon I wish was a starter: Mine actually is a starter, but not in any of the GBA games, and that's what I'm going off of. I walk up to that table and am about grab the lone Pokeball that resides on it when suddenly Gary charges over like a maniac and attempts to push me and maul me until I back off so he can have it instead. But unlike in the games, I don't just get out of the way for him. Instead, I sock him in the face and kick him in the nuts and then beat his chest until his rib cage shatters, because I really want that **** lone Pokemon. So yeah, if you didn't guess, I choose Eevee for the Pokemon that should be a starter in the main games. To me, it just seems like it truly would be the most ideal of all Pokemon to start with, thanks to all of its eeveelutions. Plus, I was just straight-up disappointed in Yellow version when I wasn't able to choose Eevee. :(

Topic 2:

Weirdest Pokemon in existence: Mime Jr. It looks like ice cream mixed with a little kid. So basically, instead of looking like the spawn of Mr. Mime, it looks like the thing that Mr. Mime cops a feel on and the tool that Mr. Mime uses to attract said things so he can figure out where they live and cop a feel on them at a later date. That said, I don't understand the reasoning behind having a Mime Jr., because as normal logic would have it, Mr. Mime and his little pedophilic self shouldn't even end up having kids at any time in his life if that's the way he goes about it. So yeah, the idea of a carny-pedo having kids is just odd and downright creepy to me, and that makes my vote go for Mime Jr. as the weirdest Pokemon in existence.

Topic 3:

Scariest Pokemon in existence: Seeing as everyone else already said Mr. Mime (that would be my first choice...creepy ****er), I'll instead say the only Pokemon that really even partially scares me: Metapod. There's really nothing to say about it, but its face and the way it's structured scares the **** out of me.

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
Topic 1:
Mudkip. If any pokemon, I'd choose Magnemite.

Topic 2:
Castform/Dunsparce. Seriously, what the hell?

Topic 3:
Pinsir could probably rip my head off. Also Beedrill because it's a 3-foot-tall 65 pound bee!


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I'm already loving these responces. I look back after sleeping, and I'm in tears laughing so hard. Mr Mime is so messed up. Him and all of his kin. :p And then there are bugs. No one seems to like bugs. I can understand Misty a little more now. :p

When should I post new questions? I already have a couple ready.



Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I'm already loving these responces. I look back after sleeping, and I'm in tears laughing so hard. Mr Mime is so messed up. Him and all of his kin. :p And then there are bugs. No one seems to like bugs. I can understand Misty a little more now. :p

When should I post new questions? I already have a couple ready.

I like bugs...just not Metapod. XD My favorite bug is probably Masquerain, followed by Pinsir. And both of them are at least in my top ten as well.

Just...not Metapod. x_x


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
1) My favorite starter is probably Bulbasaur, because I would NEVER pick it in R/B/Y. I would always pick Squirtle, which means that my rival would have Bulbasaur, and I was always envious of his Pokemon >.>
Plus Venusaur is just B.A.

2) Honestly I think Remoraid is pretty weird. How the hell does the fish evolve into Octillery, and why does it relate to Mantine/Mantyke? Does this mean juvenile Octillery have Mantine fetishes? These questions are odd. Honestly, I think Gorebyss is odd as well. It's a pink dolphin but GOD **** it sucks your innards out through it's straw mouth o.0

3) Steelix. Seeing that thing in a cave would make me shoot liquid and juices from all the orifices of my body.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Favorite starter... hmmm.... Charmander, Chimchar, or Magby. Lucario may be my favorite Pokemon ATM, but Riolu just doesn't feel like starter material. Maybe because he doesn't have three forms.

Weirdest Pokemon? Oh, come on. Does anyone not remember Luvdisc? It's the most random Pokemon in existence. It's like someone was just drawing random things in their office, starts to draw a heart, then their boss came by and they immediately flip is sideways and draw eyes and a mouth. "Keep up the good work!" They sigh and start drawing more random shapes. The boss comes back and Masquerain is born.

Scariest? Banette, Glalie, and the Lake Trio. While the first two are obvious, if you touch the Lake Trio, something is removed from you. Except Uxie. You look into it's eyes and... well, it won't matter, seeing as you won't remember anything.

EDIT: Absol too. If you see it, you know something terrible is about to happen.

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
I'm pretty sure Gorebyss is a sea horse...
For wierdest I forgot to mention Carnivine. And Mawile.
For scariest, I think a big flock of Fearow coming at you would be a nightmare. I mean seriously, look at its name. And I think I'd **** my pants if I ever saw Giratina-O.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Topic 1:Your favorite starter (and pokemon you wish was your starter).

My favorite starter? That's an easy one, Totadile. Nothing says you've got a pair like picking a caveman alligator as your pet.

As for the Pokemon I wish was my starter, that'd be Croagunk. Toxicroak is the (Sludge) bomb.

Topic 2:The weirdest Pokemon in existance.


I don't need to say anything else.

Topic 3:Scariest Pokemon in Existance.

Swalot. I'm deathly afraid of being swallowed whole. No joke. It's like a vore fetish, only in reverse.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Updated thread. I love this so much. Umbreon, Killjoy, please don't break this thread yet. This is awesomeness. And people that answer, would you mind if I quoted the best of your responces? Just so peoples can see them, and then get a good laugh, or teardrop, or whatever emotional responce that should be cognisent with the topic?

Topics 4 and 5 are ready.



Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Quote away, man.

Topic 4: Funniest Pokemon

The funniest Pokemon is Machamp. Why? Because he wears underpants.

Topic 5: Most Pitiable Pokemon


Charizard got NOTHING in DPP, except an ***-****ing by Stealth Rocks. Way to go, Gamefreak.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
1a. Charmander because it's awesome and it'll evolve into Charizard, one of my fave pokemon.
1b. Bagon, same reason as Charmander but replace Charizard with Salamence.

2. Rotom appliances. I findit strange that appliances can be pokemon whether they are possessed or not.

3. The ghosts in the Pokemon Tower that you can't fight against until you get the Silph Scope. Yes, I know they aren't pokemon but they'll eventually be pokemon.

4. Chatot. I find the sound it makes funny.

5. idk. Probably Cubone because of the whole Team Rocket killing it's mother story.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Quote away, man.

Topic 4: Funniest Pokemon

The funniest Pokemon is Machamp. Why? Because he wears underpants..
This seriously made me lol.

Topic 4:

My Funniest Pokemon: so i herd u liek mudkipz? Spheal. Not only does it just look horribly dumb and bloated, but my friend once made me breed him one for trade and nickname it PudinTater. Next time I saw him, we battled and the first thing he sent out was that **** PudinTater, which was now a lvl 100 Walrein. It destroyed half my team. And because of that, I giggle every time I see Spheal because I'm reminded of fatass PudinTater and his amazing sweeping skillz.

Topic 5:

My Most Pitiable Pokemon: Farfetch'd. Need I say more?

Oh, and quote away. I have nothing to hide. :cool:

EDIT: My word...fatass isn't blocked? o_O


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
ALso the female Machamp is topless...

But looks like a man so it's way too freaky.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
4. The funniest Pokemon? Clearly Jynx. Everytime it shows it's face, I just want to start screaming racist things about it. I always give it a "black gurrrrl" name like Shaniqua, Ba'Tiffany, or La'taniana'bo'vanashrianiqualiqualiquanice. Everything Jynx does it just priceless....yes, it's true.

5) The most pitable Pokemon to me is Articuno. Although in R/B I got ALL the way to his ugly little bird face and tried to throw a Poke Ball, only to get the "Oops, your box is full. xD" message. I didn't save.
That, and the face that it's such a horrid ledgendary type Dx Stealth Rock FTL.


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
I'll play your little game. >.>

Topic 1:Your favorite starter (and pokemon you wish was your starter).

. I had to actually fight between this AND Pichu, but Piplup was it in the end. This thing is amazing. Just look at it in the first few episodes on the actual anime. This thing didn't take help when it needed, because it was arrogant. Now at some point you could have called that ********, but this thing was taking it like a man. He knows he's awesome, nothing else needed to know. It might be hard to get along with it (pokaymon is sariouz bizniz) but in the end to have a power house like that it'd be worth it.

Topic 2:The weirdest Pokemon in existance.

I'll say.. Geodude.
Just why? It's a rock. Seriously. You put arms on a rock and said "OOHP, HE'S DONE!" I was never really a geodude fan. I used him as a hm slave once though, and his moveset is pretty good. But honestly. A rock. That's just weird.
I would NOT be able to look at that seriously any time soon.

Topic 3:Scariest Pokemon in Existance.

Spiritomb. For those who've played Mystery Dungeon: EOT&D, did you get that feeling that you were in an Excorcist movie when encountering him? Seriously, he even yells "WE ARE THE ONES WHO DWELL WITHIN". This pokemon would be bat-**** scary. I would run home screaming if I were to ever meet one. Oh wow..

Topic 4: Funniest Pokemon

Purugly. How can something so gorgeous turn so hideous? I kind of laughed the first time I saw it, since I knew it was the evolution of the oh so cute Glameow. I didn't get it. It was some kind of rude joke to cats.

Topic 5: Most Pitiable Pokemon

..Heh. Bidoof. I've let this thing die so many times, and that usually goes against my pokemorals (again, serious business). I usually never let my Pokemon die unless it's a big battle.. but Bidoof has sacraficed itself so much as an hm slave just so I could hyper potion gastradon.
Forgive me dude. It's just not cool of me.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
Where spelling doesn't count for anything.
1. favorite started would have to be Cyndaquil i mean It's cute and then it evolves in to a B.A. Typhlosion. And i would so want a bagon as a starter salemance is awesome.

2. Weirdest is Definitely probopass i mean come on huge nose and a mustache it should be able to learn fly i mean that mustache could carry it

3. The scariest would have to be Muk it just comes at u as a blob and no matter what u did it wouldn't stop then it could just like fold it's self over you and like kill u

4. funniest is dunsparce all that needs to be said

5. it has to be abra it can't do anything but teleport from place to place and it is the worst thing to catch without the right pokemon


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Topic 1:Your favorite starter (and pokemon you wish was your starter).

Favorite Starter goes to Chimchar, not even close. Back in the day it was Charmander, but infernape kicks charizards ***.

And pokemon that belongs a starter... gastly. reason:

Natch- Lucas use's Gengar at the end of his posts. sometimes. i havent done it in awhile but i will start doing it again!
the reason- Sonic traded Lucas a Haunter. when haunter is traded, he evolves to gengar

Topic 2:The weirdest Pokemon in existance.

Dunsparce. I dont really know what exactly it is, I dont understand what is Serene about it (Serene Grace- WTF?). It is a land snake pokemon, but it has wings and a stinger on its ***- neither of which are traits that are generally seen on a land snake. Then, look at its movepool- its almost as varied as Octillery! Roost, EQ, Solarbeam, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Gyro Ball, Ancient Power, Shadow Ball, Water Pulse? thats ABSURD. this thing apparently can control every element around- but still has some ****ty stats. I dont understand this weird POS pokemon.

Topic 3:Scariest Pokemon in Existance.

Tyranitar. We have seen and read about dragons since we were little kids, so pokemon like salamence lose their shock value- however, a gigantic mountian mother****er pokemon that is coated in armor and is powerful as **** is pretty scary.

In the past, endgame has almost always featured Ttar as a highly tiered pokemon- his ability to break walls and "rock" sweepers gives him a nice niche. In the current metagame, he is a BEAST- there are a total of 2 pokemon that are basically perfect counters, but barring those 2, this Godzilla-esque poke can easily wipe a team after a DD or 2.

Topic 4: Funniest Pokemon

Breloom, as it gets OHKOed by my Dugtrio. only time Breloom is worth anything, is as it is trapped, and about to die from a x4SE Aerial Ace. **** Breloom.

Topic 5: Most Pitiable Pokemon

Phione. you got ****ed by Manaphy- it totally outclasses Phione, and gets all the better moves. sorry Phione, you got screwed :( Ill still use you on a NU team, though.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I updated the thread with two more questions. My life has gotten a little more hectic right now, but I'll still be trying to check in every now and then. And once I reach question 10, I'll begin quoting.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2006
Oudenbosch, The Netherlands
Topic 6: Best "Team _____" Pokemon

The Zubat line. Really, Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, they all have half their grunts standing everywhere with a Zubat, or Golbat.

Topic 7:pokemon Badass

*insert random uber name* Yeah, like all of them. Imagine a Groudon running around in the situation you described. Or Dialga. Or Palkia. Or Giratina. The list goes on.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Topic 6 - I would say any poison or dark pokemon evolution line. They just seem like the best choices for an evil organization.

Topic 7 - Mewtwo. Seriously.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Topic 6:

Best "Team ____" Pokemon: I would probably have to say the Murkrow evolution line. I don't know if any team ever used it, but I don't care. The **** thing creeps evil from its feathers, and it makes me think of the Wicked Witch of the West because of its hat. Which then makes me think of flying monkeys, and...well, I think you get it. The thing fits for any evil organization, even if they were too lame to use it.

Topic 7:

Pokemon Badass: Absol. Imagine your scenario, and then make the Pokemon that walks by an Absol. Whether you fight it or not, you're still ****ed, because next thing you know you may get hit by a bus or something. That scares me more than seeing a Mewtwo or anything else, because it didn't even fight you and you still lost. That's how badass Absol is.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Most pitiable - I like to think of a poor little newly hatched Cleffa out in the freezing hail, endeavoring to survive with it's focus sash, when along comes mean old Salmence and Draco-meteors it.

I find it pitiable that Cleffa wins of course.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I have returned, and updated the thread. I might not just stick with the basic Pokemon question. I'll probably ask about items and stuff too, just to hear thoughts.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
4. The funniest Pokemon? Clearly Jynx. Everytime it shows it's face, I just want to start screaming racist things about it. I always give it a "black gurrrrl" name like Shaniqua, Ba'Tiffany, or La'taniana'bo'vanashrianiqualiqualiquanice. Everything Jynx does it just priceless....yes, it's true.

Topic 1:Your favorite starter (and pokemon you wish was your starter).

Charmander, my first starter :)

Topic 2:The weirdest Pokemon in existance.

Weezing I guess....

Topic 3:Scariest Pokemon in Existance.

Mr. Mime

Topic 7:pokemon Badass


Topic 11: Pokemon that deserves another Evolution.


-:bowser:Bowser King
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