peach, fox, falco, falcon, jigglypuff
any other character is simply not viable
okay, "not viable" is a bit strong, but i do think marth/sheik are hella overrated
peach cuz she counters spacies
peach is 3rd best in the game imo cuz she can be great camping or aggressive.
falcon is just underrated. lives forever and punishes the hardest while being the 2nd fastest
fox/falco are obvious. fox in particular is god tier. falco's a bit overrated cuz you can power shield his lasers and negate his approach. w/o his approach his whole game turns wack; he's slow and therefore can't pressure or kill effectively. he might only be 3rd or 4th best
jigglypuff cuz she cant be edge guarded, has insane punishes and has the best air mobility
sheik/marth suck cuz they can't be aggressive and can't punish consistently hard enough to make up for it. you cant rely on tek skill spam with them, you have to rely on mango spacing. tek skill spam > mango spacing. if you wanna space like mango you better be like oscar and use the analog stick to jump
ganon, ICs, samus, doc suck cuz they're slow.