I sure as hell didn't 'cause I never played the game.
Except it is a literal blade beam... and I recognized Cross Slash... Probably because of the kanji since it doesn't appear on any of Cloud's other moves in Dissidia.
Not to mention that they forgot Nair even existed and he said Cloud uses the blunt side of the Buster Sword for dash attack when he's pushing with the edge. Hey we're all human; we make mistakes. Still, I think the idea of Limit Breaks being a passive charge and Finishing Touch being a Down Special might actually work put really well. In other fighting games, building meter lets you use EX attacks like Ryu using an EX Hadouken is different than a light, medium, and heavy Hadouken. In a way, it rewards you for playing well and makes you work for stronger combo finishers. I'm also pretty sure this mechanic is in other games like hack 'n' slash games have super modes like DMC's Devil Trigger that passively buffs you, lets you use DT-only moves, or even alters a move's property like Stinger becoming a multi-hit drill-like move instead of a one-hit dash stab or bullet time in Max Payne and Trevor's rage in Grand Theft Auto V as they're all meter dependent.
I mean, what would you prefer? A Limit Break charge for Down Special or a Limit Break that happens after you build meter by attacking allowing Cloud to setup say, Dtilt to EX Climhazzard and also having Finishing Touch as a Down Special?
Edit: Actually, isn't that how you build meter or whatever it's called in Dissidia? I know you can build meter by attacking in Final Fantasy VII, but if that's the case, then it should be a passive effect for Cloud as it's a game mechanic Final Fantasy VII has and was used a Dissidia, a fighting game which like many other fighting games, lets you build meter.